Architectural Survey at Chichen Itza
ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY AT CHICHEN ITZA George F. Andrews University of Oregon 1 z SITE: CHICHEN ITZA NUMBER; 16Qd(9):l DATE: 1991 BACKGROUND Although Chichen Itza is assumed to have been seen by the Spanish conquistadores as early as 1528 and several of its buildings were described by Bishop Landa (1566), its history as far as architecture is concerned properly begins with Stephens' and Catherwood's visit to the site in 1842. They were followed by Charnay (1860, 1882), LePlongeon (1879, etc.), Maudslay (1889-1902, 1906, 1910), Breton (1900-1904), and E. Seler (t^iT ). Commencing in the early 19205, the Carnegie Institution of Washington initiated a series of excavation and restoration projects at the site which involved a large number of individuals, including Jean Chariot, S.G. Morley, Earl Morris, Karl Ruppert, P.S. Martin, Gustav Stromsvik, J.R. Bolles, R.T. Smith, Oliver Ricketson, H.E.D. Pollock, J.E.S. Thompson, George Vaillant, and R. Wauchop. Overlapping with the work of this group were a number of restoration projects carried out under the auspices of INAH, Mexico. More recent studies have been carried out by Thompson (1945), Ruppert (1952), Tozzer (1957), Cohodas (1978), Lincoln (1986) and others. I first visited the site in 1960 but the bulk of my architectural data was recorded in 1973, 1981, and 1983. Because the present report is concerned primarily with the architecture at Chichen Itza, the references cited above do not include the names of those who have focussed their attention on the art, ceramics, "Toltec" and/or "Itza" historical relationships, and other areas of specialization.
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