Eighth International Conference on Mars (2014) 1258.pdf Rocknest, Bradbury Plateau, and Kimberly: Iron Cemented Sediments Observed in Gale Crater with ChemCam. D. L. Blaney1, R.C Wiens2, S. Maurice3, S.M. Clegg2, R.B. Anderson4, L.C. Kah5 , S. Le Mouélic6, A. Ollila7, N. Bridges8, , G. Berger3, J.C. Bridges10, A. Cousin2, B. Clark11, M.D. Dyar12, P.L. King13, N. Lanza2, N. Mangold6, P.-Y. Meslin3, H. Newsom7, S. Schröder3, S. Rowland14, J. Johnson8, L. Edgar15, O. Forni3, M. Schmidt16 , W. Goetz17, K. Stack18, D. Sumner19, M. Fisk20, M.B. Maden21, R. Tokar9 and the MSL Science Team.
[email protected], JPL/Caltech, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 264-527, Pasadena, Caltech, 2Los LANL3 U. Paul Sabatier; UPS-OMP; IRAP; CNRS; IRAP;.4USGS, Flagstaff,5U. Tennessee, 6U. Nantes, 7U. New Mexi- co,8APL Johns Hopkins U., 9PSI, 10U. of Leicester,12Mount Holyoke College,13Australia National U., 14U. of Ha- waii,15U. Arizona, 16Brock U.,17Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung,18Caltech,1 U. C. Davis,.20Oregon State U.,21U. Copenhagen. Introduction: The Curiosity Rover has been ex- other facies (Gillespie Lake and Sheepbed) exposed ploring the sedimentary deposits in the informally within Yellowknife Bay [10]. named region of the Bradbury Rise, Gale crater, since Detailed examination of RMI images suggest that August 2012. Previous locations with iron-rich rocks Rocknest samples consist of fine-grained sedimentary (Link and Rocknest) have been identified via Chem- rocks. Rock surface textures range from rough to Cam and APXS data sets [1,2,3,4]. Williams et al. [1] smooth, can be pitted or grooved, and show various found that a ChemCam observation in the Link con- degrees of wind erosion.