July/August 2019 Werner Herzog Interview with a legend David Harewood | Alex Scott | The South Bank Show CREATE MAXIMUM IMPACT WITH MUSIC A collection of epic music composed, recorded and produced specifically for film trailers and broadcast programming, from stirring emotional drama to apocalyptic action. AVAILABLE FOR LICENCE AT AUDIONETWORK.COM/DISCOVER/MAXIMUMIMPACT FIND OUT MORE: Rebecca Hodges
[email protected] (0)207 566 1441 1012-RTS ADVERTS-MAX_IMPACT-V2.indd 1 25/06/2019 09:31 Journal of The Royal Television Society July/August 2019 l Volume 56/7 From the CEO We have just enjoyed We had a full house as some of televi- creative icon, Werner Herzog. His new two outstanding sion’s most successful storytellers BBC Arena film, focusing on his rela- national RTS events, shared their approaches to their craft. tionship with Bruce Chatwin, is some- the RTS Student Tele- I am very grateful to the event’s joint thing to look forward to this autumn. vision Awards and a organisers, Directors Cut Productions, Don’t miss Simon Shaps’s incisive live South Bank Show Sky Arts and Premier. review of a new book that analyses the special devoted to the I am thrilled that Alex Scott found the recent battle to own Sky, and Stewart art of screenwriting. Many thanks to time to write this edition’s Our Friend Purvis’s account of how the politics of all of you who worked hard to make column. The Women’s World Cup Brexit are challenging news broadcast- these happen. Congratulations to all really did capture and hold the pub- ers and what impartiality means in a the nominees and winners of the lic’s imagination: England’s semi-final fragmenting political landscape.