Midnite Software Gazette 7 (Spring 1982), V1.0
IVIION I TE SOFT\NARE GAZETTE EDITORS: J1.N'I & Ellen S"tr-a.srna Issue # 7 :::;PF-: I t--iG·~=:2 P.O. Box 647 P a.wn.,.,e IL 62558 :217/625-7494 Published loy CENTRAL ILLINOIS PET U:=:ER:=; GROUP ATUG D i sl.< Exch.=-.n·=.1e: ~/o ~im Old+ield ~/o Bren~ Anderson C:en~'-'t-·y 6:35 t·1.~.J":· Ie 21210 S. R,.=-.n~ou M~. Zion IL 62549 1 I L 61 :=:66 21 7 /:=:64-'532~3 217........<:=::93-4577 Issue #8 THE MIDNITE SOF"IWARS GI\ZE'rl'E Sprinq 1'182 *******~******************************************~*** i************************** Tile Midnite Software Gazette is published quarterly by the Central Illinois pet Users Group, & pald for by donations & ads from readers. If your envelope says "0 left" in the front lower-left corner, your "subscription" has run out. Ta qet tuture issues, send up to 4 triple-stamped self-addressed envelopes, labeled with desired issue nwnbers, or U.S. funds for same, to CIPUG, 635 Maple, Mt. Zion IL 62549 (217/864-5320). Our only program exchange is through ATUG, the ASM!TED user qroup, c/o Brent Anderson, 200 S. Century, Rantoul IL 61866 (217/893-4577). The editors, Jim & Ellen Strasma, may be reached at P.O. Box 647, pawnee IL 62558 (21.7/625-7494). CBM, PET & VIC are trademarks of Conunodore Business Machines, Inc. ****~.**~************************************************************************* CIPUG contributors for this issue are Brent Anderson (BA) , Mark Niqgemann (~~), John O'Hare (JOH) , Jim Oldfield (JO) , Michael Phillips (MP) , Jim (JS) & Ellen (ES) Strasma, & Monty Throneberg (MT).
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