[ 0*10 he p<»rai il\ disbanded and has not since re- Sea Girt. In command of Capt. "W. C. iliis kind of work, for ill game j Harllee. Harllee has offered to fur¬ caught nn le-* than seven men napping, j organized. The future of the association .Cap». i rn\ is now a matter of speculation. The nish free of cliarge tents, cots, mattresses, \\ fh a man on fir.'t change blankets. f^r teams at the position enough to keep hlrr lose to the league schedules were not arranged. but etc., camping RICE j a LANDRY WINS COLLEGE BASE BALL to C. JL range for few days previous to the the all the universities managed I M. PLANK TELLS base often nearly EDDIE hag. and as a ftolen puis- scores meet ear-h other as usual. The complaint match for preliminary practice. The runner in a position from which he .Marine also will furnish targets the run that decides h grime the pitcher Harvard makes against the game is not lorps lead understood at other universities. A very markers an