Defeating Encrypted and Deniable File Systems: TrueCrypt v5.1a and the Case of the Tattling OS and Applications Alexei Czeskis∗ David J. St. Hilaire∗ Karl Koscher∗ Steven D. Gribble∗ Tadayoshi Kohno∗ † Abstract rations, a typical configuration might be as follows: Al- ice creates a regular (non-deniable) encrypted file system We examine the security requirements for creating a on her , protected by some she knows. Deniable (DFS), and the efficacy with which Inside that encrypted file system, she has the option to the TrueCrypt disk- software meets those re- also create a deniable file system, protected by a second quirements. We find that the operating password. TrueCrypt refers to these inner, deniable file system itself, , and all systems as hidden volumes. These hidden volumes are compromise the deniability of a TrueCrypt DFS. While claimed to be deniable since, unless she reveals that sec- staged in the context of TrueCrypt, our research high- ond password to an adversary, it should be impossible lights several fundamental challenges to the creation and for that adversary to determine whether Alice’s regular use of any DFS: even when the file system may be deni- encrypted file system contains an encrypted hidden vol- able in the pure, mathematical sense, we find that the en- ume or not. vironment surrounding that file system can undermine its deniability, as well as its contents. We hypothesize some We examine both the security requirements for cre- extensions of our discoveries to regular (non-deniable) ating a DFS, and how well TrueCrypt’s solution meets encrypted file systems. Finally, we suggest approaches those requirements. Our results show that deniability, for overcoming these challenges on modern operating even under a very weak model, is fundamentally chal- systems like Windows. We analyzed TrueCrypt version lenging. The natural processes of the Windows operating 5.1a (latest available version during the writing of the pa- system, as well as applications like Microsoft Word or per); Truecrypt v6 introduces new features, including the Google Desktop, can leak significant information outside ability to create deniable operating systems, which we of the deniable . For example, lists of recently have not studied. changed documents, audit logs of recent file actions, and data saved by application programs can all serve to in- 1 Introduction hibit deniability. As our results suggest, any DFS will A deniable file system (DFS) is one where the existence not only have to encrypt and hide data — as file systems of a portion of the file system can be hidden from view. like TrueCrypt do — but must also erase any traces of This is different from an encrypted file system, where that data left by the through normal op- files and directories are visible yet unintelligible. In a eration. DFS, the very existence of certain files and directories The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec- cannot be ascertained by the attacker. tion 2 discusses relevant threat models for deniable file Deniable File Systems are receiving increasing atten- systems. Section 3 describes the TrueCrypt approach in tion both in popular media and in academia due to the more detail. Section 4 describes our principal informa- current political environment in which personal tion leakage attack vectors against deniable file systems, are being searched, sometimes even seized, at interna- which we experimentally evaluate in the context of True- tional border crossings. In response, the EFF (Electronic Crypt hidden volumes. We propose potential defensive Frontier Foundation) and CNET have published guides directions in Section 5, as well as discuss the potential on securely crossing the border with your laptop [3, 5]. applicability of our results to non-deniable (regular) en- Both guides recommend, as one of the most secure op- crypted file systems. We summarize some related works tions, using a DFS to hide the existence of data. The sug- in Section 6, and then close in Section 7. gested tool is an open-source disk- Addendum and Document History. We analyzed the package called TrueCrypt, hence we use it as the focus most current version of TrueCrypt available at the writ- of our case study. ing of the paper, version 5.1a. We shared a draft of 1 The TrueCrypt package for in- our paper with the TrueCrypt development team in May cludes the ability to make a portion of the disk deniable. 2008. TrueCrypt version 6.0 was released in July 2008. While TrueCrypt allows for a large number of configu- We have not analyzed version 6.0, but observe that True- ∗Dept. of Science and Engineering, Univ. of Washington. Crypt v6.0 does take new steps to improve TrueCrypt’s †BT. deniability properties (e.g., via the creation of deniable 1 operating systems, which we also recommend in Sec-

1 tion 5). We suggest that the breadth of our results for be able to deny their existence. If the secret police are TrueCrypt v5.1a highlight the challenges to creating de- able to obtain disk snapshots at close enough intervals, niable file systems. Given these potential challenges, we the existence of any deniable files will be obvious, since encourage the users not to blindly trust the deniability seemingly random bytes on the hard drive will change. of such systems. Rather, we encourage further research Still, we would like any DFS to provide as much security evaluating the deniability of such systems, as well as re- as possible along the continuum of increasingly severe search on new yet light-weight methods for improving threat models. deniability. In this paper, we examine attacks against a DFS un- der the most restrictive threat model: one-time access. 2 Threat Model Clearly, a successful attack under this threat model im- Alice is a human-rights worker, and keeps sensitive in- plies a successful attack under the less restrictive threat formation on her computer. The data is encrypted, but models. she is concerned that the secret police will seize her com- puter and, noticing that part of the disk is encrypted, 3 TrueCrypt threaten her — or worse — for the . She needs to TrueCrypt is a free application that pro- protect her data in such a way that it is deniable: there vides on-the-fly-encryption for Microsoft Windows.2 must be nothing that would indicate to the secret police TrueCrypt has the ability to create deniable hidden that there are hidden files on her computer. If she denies volumes. These TrueCrypt hidden volumes are option- the existence of certain files, and the police later discover ally – hence deniably – placed inside non-hidden, regular the existence of those files on her computer, she could be encrypted volumes. vulnerable to severe punishment. Outer (Non-Hidden, Regular) Encrypted Volumes. A Encrypted file systems such as Microsoft’s BitLocker regular (non-hidden) TrueCrypt encrypted volume can be will not suffice; encryption does not hide the existence stored (in encrypted form) as a file on top of a regular of data, it only makes the data unintelligible without the file system. For example, a TrueCrypt encrypted vol- key. This is precisely the sort of scenario that requires a ume could be stored as the file :\TCContainer. Al- DFS. ternately, a TrueCrypt encrypted volume could occupy However, it is exactly these restrictive security re- a dedicated partition on a disk. In either case, the en- quirements that make a DFS difficult to implement. crypted volume is referred to as a TrueCrypt container. Breaking the security of a DFS does not require de- To decrypt a TrueCrypt container, the user must provide crypting the data; it only requires proving that (or in the password and keyfiles (if there were any) that were some cases simply providing strong evidence that) the used when creating the volume. We do not describe the encrypted data exists. details of the TrueCrypt encryption and decryption algo- There are several threat models against which a DFS rithms since we (largely) treat TrueCrypt as a black box. could potentially be secure: Hidden Volumes. TrueCrypt provides a DFS through • One-Time Access. The attacker has a single snap- a feature known as a hidden volume. A hidden volume shot of the . An example would be when is a TrueCrypt volume stored inside the container of a the secret police seize Alice’s computer. regular, non-hidden TrueCrypt volume. A hidden vol- ume requires its own password, and — if the hidden • Intermittent Access. The attacker has several snap- volume’s password is not supplied (or supplied incor- shots of the disk image, taken at different times. An rectly) — the hidden volume’s data will appear as ran- example would be border guards who make a copy dom data. Since free space in a regular (outer) TrueCrypt of Alice’s hard drive every time she enters or leaves volume is, according to the documentation, filled with the country. random data, this provides to an at- tacker under the one-time access threat model. Namely, • Regular Access. The attacker has many snapshots of such an attacker, even if given access to the password the disk image, taken in short intervals. An exam- for the outer encrypted volume, should not be able to de- ple would be if the secret police break into Alice’s termine whether the random data at the end of the outer apartment every day when she is away, and make a encrypted volume is really just random data, or whether copy of the disk each time. it corresponds to an encrypted hidden volume. The True-

Clearly there is a point where the adversary is so pow- 2The current version of TrueCrypt (version 5.1a) also provides erful that even a DFS won’t protect Alice. If Alice is and OS X implementations, but neither of these implementa- tions support deniable file systems, and hence we do not consider these working on files in the deniable portion of her computer implementations in this paper. Prior to a recent rewrite, older ver- when the secret police break down her door, she will not sions of Linux TrueCrypt supported hidden volumes.

2 Crypt documentation concludes that a person with a hid- hidden volumes as a case study. These classes all share den volume could therefore convincingly deny the hid- the following traits: the information is leaked out about den volume’s existence.3 the hidden volumes and the files contained therein af- Interface to Windows. The TrueCrypt application ex- ter the hidden volume is mounted, and the information poses several options to users wanting to mount a regular is not securely destroyed after the hidden volume is un- or hidden volume, including: mount type (whether the mounted. volume should be mounted as a fixed file system or a re- In more detail, the three classes of information leakage movable file system), writability (read-only or not), and that we consider are: mount point (e.g., E:). • Through the Operating System. Modern operating TrueCrypt also exposes sufficient information to the systems are complex, with many unexpected and Windows operating system to allow Windows to mount unintuitive behaviors. Operating systems are not and interact with the contents of TrueCrypt volumes (af- designed with the goal of preserving the deniability ter the relevant or other credentials are en- of deniable file systems. Therefore, the natural exe- tered). We return to specifics of this exposed information cution of an operating system may leak information later. about the existence of a deniable file system, even if Information Leakage from Below. The TrueCrypt doc- the deniable file system is cryptographically secure. umentation already includes some recommendations and caveats for the use of hidden volumes.4 The princi- • Through a Primary Application. A deniable file sys- pal recommendations are to be cautious about the media tem does not exist in isolation. Rather, people cre- on top of which a TrueCrypt hidden volume is stored. ate deniable file systems in order to hide content that Namely, suppose a TrueCrypt volume (and its associ- they are currently using and plan to use in the future. ated outer volume) are stored on a USB stick. Then In order to use those files, these people must run wear leveling (a physical property of how data is some- an application (like Microsoft Word, Adobe Photo- times stored on USB sticks) could reveal information Shop, and so on). These applications, which are not about the existence of the hidden volume. The True- designed to preserve deniability, may leak informa- Crypt documentation similarly advises against storing a tion about the existence of those files. TrueCrypt container on top of a journaling file system. • Through a Non-Primary Application. Many com- We stress that these existing recommendations focus on puters often run non-primary applications, or appli- being cautious about the media underlying a TrueCrypt cations that (at first glance) appear to be unrelated container. Our research focuses on information leakage to the files stored on a hidden volume. For example, from above — i.e., information that might leak out about many users run applications like Google Desktop a TrueCrypt hidden volume when the hidden volume is and anti-virus software that might interact poorly mounted and the operating system and applications are with the deniability of a hidden volume. interacting with the hidden files. The TrueCrypt documentation also rightly observes We present experiments showing that the above infor- that an adversary with greater than one-time access (i.e., mation leakage classes are not hypothetical. Our results intermittent or regular access) to the TrueCrypt container highlight the subtleties and challenges to building deni- could discover the existence of a TrueCrypt hidden vol- able file systems. ume; for example, by analyzing the differences between 4.1 Example Leakage Through the OS: Shortcuts multiple snapshots of a TrueCrypt container. Our analy- ses therefore focus on the weaker case in which the ad- The TrueCrypt documentation observes that information versary is only given one-time access to the system. about TrueCrypt is stored in the Windows Registry.5 This information reveals the fact that a person used True- 4 Information Leakage from Above Crypt on his or her machine, and the locations at which We evaluate three general classes of information leakage TrueCrypt volumes were mounted (e.g., E:). But this vectors against deniable file systems using TrueCrypt’s information does not reveal the container’s file name, lo- cation, size, nor the type of volume that was mounted. 3We have not verified that the free space at the end of a regular True- Hence, the Windows registry does not appear to directly Crypt volume is in fact filled with random data. Such an analysis would compromise the deniability of a TrueCrypt hidden vol- be orthogonal to our principle focus of studying TrueCrypt’s black-box ume. interaction with the operating system and surrounding applications. A failure to fill the free space with random data would, however, allow We do not consider the Windows registry further, but for a simple attack against the deniability of the hidden volume. instead turn to another artifact of the Windows operating 4 hidden-volume-precautions. 5

3 system: shortcuts.6 A shortcut, or .lnk file, is a link to numbers in the relevant .lnk files to the volume serial another file. For example, the shortcut C:\shortcut. numbers for all the volumes that Alice mounted and, if lnk might link to the file D:\realfile.doc; double- there is discrepancy, he knows that there exists or existed clicking on C:\shortcut.lnk would cause Microsoft a file system that Alice is not disclosing. Word to open D:\realfile.doc. These links provides While the above scenario is described in real-time; that a convenient way to access files and folders. is, happening while Alice is in the presence of the cus- Shortcuts can be created in multiple ways, in- toms agent, the customs agent could collect similar evi- cluding by users and by programs. Perhaps sur- dence by simply cloning Alice’s hard drive and, either at prisingly, Windows automatically creates shortcuts to that time or later, asking her to supply all her passwords. files as they are used, and in Vista these short- We view the above scenario as plausible given the cur- cuts are stored in a folder called Recent Items that rent political environment [3, 5, 8], and even more likely is located in C:\User\UserName\AppData\Roaming\ in other countries. Even if such a scenario were unlikely, Microsoft\Windows\. For example, if a user recently we view the potential for such a scenario — coupled with opened the files E:\File1.doc and E:\File2.doc, the well-known fact that users have difficultly following shortcuts to these two files would be in the Recent security protocols — to be sufficiently risky to advocate Items directory. A wealth of information can be ob- not trusting in the deniability of TrueCrypt hidden vol- tained from a .lnk file, including the real file’s file name, umes. location, attributes, length, access time, creation time, 4.2 Example Leakage Through the Primary Appli- modification time, volume type, and volume serial num- cation: Word Auto Saves ber of the file system on which the real files are stored [4]. Suppose Alice stores the file BadStuff.doc on a hid- In order to dampen data loss in the case of a crash, many den volume, edits that document while on a plane, and applications use backup or recovery files. When edit- then closes Word and unmounts the hidden volume be- ing a file, the application will create a local copy of the fore passing through customs. If the customs officer file and record in it all changes made to the original file. inspects the Alice’s disk, he or she will quickly dis- When the application successfully closes and saves all cover that Alice was editing this file — which alone modifications, the backup file is removed. It makes sense might be significantly compromising information for Al- that these applications store backup files locally in case ice. Worse, even if the file had an innocuous name like an external volume is prematurely unmounted (such as GoodStuff.doc, the customs officer can exploit the vol- removing a USB stick before it finishes syncing, or an ume serial number field in the .lnk file in the Recent emergency power-off). For example, Microsoft Word Items directory to garner significant evidence that Alice 20077 by default creates auto-recover files in C:\Users\ was using a hidden volume. UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\. As additional setup for the latter, recall that in the U.S. The consequence of this auto-recover mechanism is it is a crime to lie to a federal law enforcement officer [3]. that a file that was originally stored in a hidden volume This means that if Alice chooses to answer a custom has now been copied to the local hard disk. Although agent’s question about whether she has a TrueCrypt hid- Word removes the backup file after the user closes the den volume, Alice must answer truthfully. Suppose first primary file, Word does not invoke secure delete. We that a customs agent asks if Alice uses TrueCrypt. The were repeatedly able to recover previously edited files only answer Alice can supply is “yes,” since evidence that were stored on the hidden volume by running a sim- of TrueCrypt’s usage is stored in the Windows registry ple, free tool. (and cannot be safely or reliably deleted, according to Specifically, we first ran /w:c:\8 to clean the TrueCrypt documentation). Next, suppose that the up any dirty free space. We then mounted a hid- customs agent asks Alice to identify and mount all the den TrueCrypt volume on which we had previously TrueCrypt volumes on her machine, as well as all her stored seven copies of the Declaration of Indepen- other mountable file systems and USB sticks, and that dence of the United States of America titled as variants she does so except for the hidden volume. of OverthrowGovernment.doc. We then opened and The critical observation here is that each of these edited these files with Microsoft Word, saved the changes mounted volumes has a unique volume serial number. to the original files, exited Word, and unmounted the hid- While this volume serial number is not available in the den volume — all things an ordinary user might be rea- registry, it is available to applications after the volumes sonably expected to do while using a TrueCrypt volume. are mounted and is also stored in the shortcut .lnk files. The customs agent can now compare the volume serial 7Word 2007 (12.0.6311.5000) SP1 MSO (12.0.6213.1000) Part of Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007. 6Our experiments were with Windows Vista Business edition with 8A Windows command that writes 0x00, 0xFF, and then random Service Pack 1, though our results apply more broadly. data to all free space blocks on a disk.

4 Without rebooting, we ran a simple, free data recov- ers to include and exclude from indexing. However, ery tool.9 The number of files we recovered and their Google Desktop claims that all fixed drives will be in- quality was not consistent on every experiment, since the dexed by default. As a user opens documents, modifies free space on the C: drive can be changed at any mo- them, and saves them, Google Desktop caches snapshots ment. Nevertheless, we were able to fully recover most of the files and stores them for later viewing. Google of the documents in their entirety from the Word auto- Desktop provides not only the latest cached version of a recovery folder. After a fresh experiment that included file but also multiple versions of a file cached at different a reboot after the hidden volume was unmounted, half times. These cached files could provide an attacker with of the files were still recoverable. We hypothesize that not only the current state of a document but also a view we could have recovered even more data if we had per- of its evolution over time. formed more sophisticated techniques such as examining In our tests we created a Word document called the individual file blocks on disk. OverthrowGovernment.doc in a TrueCrypt hidden vol- Furthermore, in cases when an application is prema- ume and added sections of the Declaration of Indepen- turely terminated — for example, during a crash or by dence to the document. With Google Desktop installed11 a kill command — the auto-recover file will persist on and running, we edited and saved the document numer- the local disk in clear view and will be recovered by ous times. After unmounting the TrueCrypt hidden vol- Microsoft Word without the TrueCrypt volume being ume, we were easily able to recover a number of snap- mounted. This means that just pulling the power on one’s shots of our file by merely searching for any word con- computer at the sight of authorities will not safeguard a tained in the file. We were able to repeat these results file if it was open or in the process of being edited. irrespective of the volume’s mount point (any drive letter While Microsoft Word presents users with the ability F, G, H, L) or mount type (normal/fixed and removable to prevent auto-saves from occurring through the pref- medium). See Figure 1. erences dialog, other applications may not. An attacker Thus, to protect oneself, the user cannot rely on only can use information gleamed from these files — as well tweaking TrueCrypt’s settings, but rather must under- as other information leakage from the primary applica- stand the dangers presented by the non-primary appli- tion — to not only infer that a hidden volume exists, but cation itself. In the case of Google Desktop, one of also recover some of its contents. two choices could be made to prevent Google Desktop from leaking file contents out of TrueCrypt volumes. The 4.3 Example Leakage Through A Non-Primary Ap- user can either forgo the features of Google Desktop En- plication: Google Desktop hanced Search, forcing it into a limited mode of opera- Non-primary applications may also access the files tion, or the user can make the conscious choice to either stored on a hidden volume. For example, desktop shut down Google Desktop or pause its indexing when- search applications are becoming more prevalent, allow- ever using a TrueCrypt volume. This burden of needing ing users to quickly navigate their . However, to understand exactly how a non-primary application in- in addition to merely indexing the files on a computer teracts with a TrueCrypt volume underscores the difficul- to aid in searching for files, at least one desktop search ties of implementing and using a DFS. application — Google Desktop10 — includes an addi- While non-primary applications such as Google Desk- tional feature that presents problems for a DFS. This fea- top may allow the user to pause its actions at arbitrary ture is the ability to view previous states of websites and points, other non-primary applications may not provide files such as Microsoft Word documents. According to the user with this capability even if the user understands Google, the purpose of this caching feature is to recover the dangers posed by the application. In addition, ma- accidentally deleted files or to simply view an old ver- licious applications, like botnets or viruses, could obvi- sion of a file or web page. The default installation of ously compromise the deniability of a hidden volume in Google Desktop does not provide for the indexing or ways that the user cannot predict nor prevent. caching of files; however, this basic mode of operation limits Google Desktop’s ability to assist the user. When 5 Future Directions installing Google Desktop, the user merely needs to se- 5.1 Defensive Directions lect the “Enhanced Search” option to enable both the in- dexing and caching of certain files types. It may be possible to address each of the above- To protect privacy and to optimize searched areas, the mentioned information leakage vectors in isolation. For user is provided with the ability to choose which fold- example, to counter the Windows shortcut-based attack, TrueCrypt may consider using the same serial number 9; DataRecovery 2.4.2. for all volumes, serial numbers that are a function of the 10; we evaluated version 5.7.0805.16405-en-pb. 11Default install with Enhanced Search enabled.

5 Figure 1: Information leakage through Google Desktop. The TrueCrypt hidden volume has been unmounted, and yet we can recover numerous snapshots of the hidden file’s contents.

mount point, random serial numbers each time, or some formation from a hidden volume.12 Robust applications combination of the above. Other ad hoc approaches may should accept the fact that they cannot store temporary also be successful at addressing this particular informa- files and either alert the user that a feature is not available tion leakage channel. (like auto-recovery) or silently fail (like saving a shortcut However, such ad hoc approaches do not solve the fun- to a recent document). Less robust applications may not damental problem: the operating system and applications work under this new restriction. However, the fact that can leak significant information about the existence of, applications no longer work tells the user that applica- and the files stored within, a hidden volume. We have tion will leak potentially private information. The user identified three broad classes of information leakage vec- can then weigh the risks and benefits of using the appli- tors, with concrete examples for each class. However, cation in an unprotected manner, and manually allow the we are sure that other examples likely exist, waiting to application to work outside the protection scheme. be discovered. The problem is therefore much more fun- While this does not provide 100% protection, it may damental, and addressing it will require rethinking and work well enough to stop typical information leaks. For reevaluating how to build a true DFS in the context of example, a process may leak information about a hidden modern operating systems and applications. volume to another process via IPC or a network connec- To create a DFS, it seems inevitable that the operat- tion, and that second process may write this information ing system (and perhaps the underlying hardware) must to a non-hidden volume. However, we hypothesize that assist in the deniability. New operating system architec- these situations are rare in practice, and that this mini- tures like HiStar [10] could help ensure that information malist information flow approach will substantially im- about a DFS does not leak to other portions of a sys- prove the deniability of hidden volumes; users must still tem. However, the strong information flow guarantees avoid being lulled into a false sense of additional security afforded by such architectures may be overkill to prevent greater than what is actually afforded. the most typical information leaks. Moreover, these ar- Another possible direction would be to create a “True- chitectures require significant changes to the operating Crypt Boot Loader” that, upon entering one password, system. decrypted the disk one way and booted the OS. And, An approach that may work well with existing operat- upon entering a different password, decrypted the deni- ing systems is to install a file system filter that disallows 12It may also be desirable to mark certain applications, such as a process any write access to a non-hidden volume (or Google Desktop, as never being allowed to read a hidden volume, lest the registry, under Windows) once that process reads in- they be permanently tainted with knowledge of the forbidden data.

6 able portion of the disk and booted the OS in the deniable in which computers are searched at international borders partition. (Addendum: such a boot loader is now imple- and the broad media discussions about the advantages of mented in TrueCrypt v6.0.) deniable file systems like TrueCrypt’s, e.g., [3, 5, 8]. We leave other specific directions as open problems. On the other hand, even if a DFS is secure, it might not be a good solution to Alice’s secret-police problem. 5.2 Reflections to Regular Disk Encryption Just as an attacker would not be able to prove the exis- Reflecting on the second and third classes of information tence of secret data under such a secure DFS, the same leakage (Sections 4.2 and 4.3), we stress that they also attacker wouldn’t be able to prove the non-existence of seem applicable to regular (non-deniable) disk encryp- deniable data. If the secret police continue to demand tion systems in which only a subset of all the user’s en- that Alice disclose the password to such a deniable file tire disks are encrypted and in which a user does not deny system, there is no way for her to prove that her configu- the existence of the encrypted regions but does refuse to ration doesn’t have such a volume. Deniability cuts both divulge the passwords. ways, and sometimes that’s not a benefit. In our future work, we would like to investigate ex- References actly how well these attack vectors apply to regular en- [1] R. Anderson, R. Needham, and A. Shamir. The steganographic crypted disks and volumes. We also wish to explore file system. In Information Hiding, 1998. methods for limiting information leakage in situations [2] M. Blaze. A cryptographic file system for UNIX. In CCS, 1993. when whole disk encryption is not used (for example: [3] J. Granick. EFF answers your questions about border when using an encrypted USB drive or virtual disk with searches. a non-encrypted system disk). In summary with regard border-search-answers, 2008. to disk encryption, in situations where there is a need to [4] J. Hager. The Windows shortcut file format. protect the privacy of individual files, the safest strategy appears to be to encrypt the full disk with tools like PGP Shortcut_File_Format.pdf, 2003. Whole Disk Encryption. [5] D. McCullagh. Security guide to customs-proofing your laptop. 6 Related Works 3-9892897-38.html, 2008. We mention significant related work in-line above, but [6] A. D. McDonald and M. G. Kuhn. StegFS: A stegano- recall here the long history of steganographic and de- graphic file system for Linux. In Information Hiding, 1999. niable file systems beginning with the work of Ander- son et al. [1], and followed by both academic publica- [7] B. Oler and I. E. Fray. Deniable file system: Application of deniable storage to protection of private keys. In In- tions [6, 7] as well as non-academic but widely circu- ternational Conference on Computer Information Systems lated applications (include TrueCrypt); see also [9]. A and Industrial Management Applications (CISIM), 2007. related thread of research, though not targeting deniabil- [8] B. Schneier. “Taking your laptop into the US? Be sure to ity, is focused on encrypted file systems, again includ- hide all your data first”. , 15 May 2008. ing both published research such Blaze’s encrypted file [9] B. Schneier. Deniable file system. http: system for Unix [2], commercial systems such as PGP // Whole Disk Encryption and BitLocker, and open source deniable_file_s.html, 2006. systems, including TrueCrypt. There are large bodies of [10] N. Zeldovich, S. Boyd-Wickizer, E. Kohler, and research focused on information leakage in other con- D. Mazieres.` Making information flow explicit in HiStar. texts. In OSDI, 2006. 7 Conclusion We demonstrate three broad classes of information leak- age vectors against the deniability of a TrueCrypt hid- den volume: leakage from the operating system; leak- age from the primary application; and leakage from non- primary applications. We believe that our work under- scores a new direction for the design and analysis of de- niable file systems — a direction that must include pro- visions for protecting against information leakage from the external environment that interacts with the deniable file system while the file system is mounted. Addressing these issues is both timely and impor- tant, as evidenced by the current political environment