图书在版编目(CIP)数据 迪士尼英文原版. 加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头 / 美 国迪士尼公司著. — 上海:华东理工大学出版社, 2017.5 (迪士尼丛书) ISBN 978-7-5628-4952-0 Ⅰ.①迪… Ⅱ.①美… Ⅲ.①英语-语言读物 ②长篇 小说-美国-现代 Ⅳ.①H319.4:I 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2017)第047946号 迪士尼英文原版 加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 著 者 美国迪士尼公司 项目统筹 戎 炜 责任编辑 朱静梅 芮建芬 责任营销 曹 磊 装帧设计 肖祥德 出版发行 华东理工大学出版社有限公司 地址:上海市梅陇路130号,200237 电话:(021)64250306(营销部) (021)34202391(编辑室) 传真:(021)64252707 网址:www.ecustpress.cn 印 刷 杭州日报报业集团盛元印务有限公司 开 本 787mm×1092mm 1/32 印 张 6.875 字 数 137千字 版 次 2017年5月第1版 印 次 2017年5月第1次 书 号 ISBN 978-7-5628-4952-0 定 价 29.80元 联系我们 电子邮箱:
[email protected] 官方微博:e.weibo.com/ecustpress 天猫旗舰店:http://hdlgdxcbs.tmall.com Copyright © 2017 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 “There be something on the seas that even the most staunch① and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. ...” From his spot high in the crow’s nest, a pirate trained his spyglass on the horizon. Nothing. No sign of any ship besides his own and the two they traveled with. The Caribbean Sea was calm, the bright sun sparkling off the ocean waves. Everything was peaceful. So why did he have such a strong sense of foreboding? He lifted his spyglass again. This time he could see a smudge on the horizon. It might be a ship ① staunch adj. 坚强的,坚定的 1 sailing toward them. Worse, it might be an East India Trading Company ship. The pirate knew what would happen if they were taken by Company agents.