"Congo" and Apartheid
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PRO VERITATE IAN THOMPSON The problem of power and the problem of guflt H. M. MATTER Die .Kongo' en apartheid J. P. FEDDEMA Notting Hill, .Black Power" en die Christen in die rewolusferydperlf INKLUStEWE DENKE By dia Hoofpg^ntaor *i Niwiblad gtragtttrver Registered *t ttt» Pgjt Gffiw •( • N*w*papor Vohmz VIII No. 5 / Jaargang VIII Nr .5 15 September 1969 PRO EDITORIAL VIRITATE EDITOR- De. B. Engeihrrehi. EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: CHRISTEUKE MAANDBLAD VIR SUIDEUKE AFRIKA Btthop B. B Bmrneii; ike Re*. $ de Grwekj: the Rr*. CHRISTIAN MONTHLY FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA 4. W. HaMgaarn; the Rt*. £ E. Mmhmkmne; the Rev. J E Moulder: the Rev. C. / R Suude iChmrmani; Prof. Dr. A. van Selms. IN • * * IN HIERD1E LITGAWE... ADMINISTRATION/ Mr. Un Thompson eonduJe* hh Mn* left Thompwn duit vf reeti t*rt*t of three erticlet on the vert drie ertilelt oo* die Wereld- CORRESPONDENCE WCC London consultation on reed ven Kerhe w Lo^denie lon- CIRCULATION MANACER: recitm by pointing out thet the iulteiie oo.* reiiiirne ef deur Dr. W. B. it VllUers. challenge of the 20th century rt deerop te wfi del die 70ite whether the churches will iden eeu dlt fc» ko voo« die uitdeging All letterJ to the editor and tify themielwei with the power- btel of hulte hulle *el vereentef- administration to: P.O. Box leu In th#*f ftruggle for * iuit w)g met die megtelotet In huile JIHS. Itriiamfontein, Johannes end humane form of llf* worthy . t> r- i y|f menilttnetd en regver- burg. of humen being* P. 4 dicjheld In 'M meftiveerdige iemtlowii<| Bl# 4 SUBSCRIPTION Subscription payable in lr» the Congo the word "rece" 1* Die woord ^rei" It In die Kongo advance. e totally iniiqnificent concept. n toteel onbelengrile begrip. te teyt Dr. H W. Matter of Hell*- dr. H. M, Mitltr, ven Hclle- Land and sea mail: Rl <I0/- or vootiluit. HolUrd. P. 6 voettlim, Nederlend. Bt. 6 $1.40) - Africa; RIJO (151- or $2,101 ~- Overseas; 1716- Unitcd Kingdom. Evtroch from *L>r interesting re U;MreU#ll ult die bolengweUeru Air mall. R2 HI or %2&Q, — port of tht Director of the Chrit- de ver^leg ven die direfcteur ven Attic*. R3.50 III.17 A or lien Inttitute to the recent en* die Chriitttto Inttttovt tydertf OOt — Overseas; 12 — nwol generel meeting of the In- die olgemene (Oervergtder'ng tiled Kingdom. *trhito of Cep* Tom eppeer on • en die Uttituut wet onlengt in Chei/urkS and postal orders lo Peg* B. KeeptteJ gehe« tu rwreyn op BL he madr payable to Pro Krri- laie iPiyj Ud^ P.O. Box S1I3S. Bmamfontein,2 Johtmncjbur* I. t. JCeet convert to oer Pre< IJ.KieleH i -tt'qm reeoWi rW tho%ghH of e Dtfttfe *#ft dftl «eiegt., en V M%de^> tho»F»fjl—i on loler—oo ••ooq LofteSe teeieog •## vefdrotgtee*^ PLEASE NOTE eW«iogU*L P. 9 The ediional staff of Pro \ mtetr ttate hemith thai they are mot respanmHe for Drt- J. P. Fe44*m+ feM am e* D-i JL P rVddoroi beoordeel rf* opinions and standpoints vJWrJv tettMe-4 of tU Leedee WCC WereleVeftd *on Cer*. t* le^ appear in <my article of this reckm coeWte+io* «pe;>*i» oW^e> e-MrWte«<e> oe# ratei*** monthly other than those in tram tke rWwpoWt of t V BUd *eft«:t dW cte^^gw^t *«e dV- the editorial and editorial Pe-or mmvnmm *„ If V««l Po-e be^gw^ •. II statements lo * teco*d eH^e B*« feflJ- h Vl t«Ht e't*el M Bee bsecht conc'vdei hrt e«iLufon Enejifbeecta if »eerdtrieg ef *#e PRO VFJUTATE appears on •f Or F ioene^UT^ b^cfc "1*- -% Wei w« dr F. Bin hhi the 15th of every month. donof DtftlotT (;*deV*e fleet- Ja«Wof D^-Wn-. *. *\ Ug|. fc 14 tPnee per untte copy tOcl 15 Scpi ember iMi) PRO V1-R1TATE EDITORIAL Jr*1 the Command of the Supreme Jftuthorttu According to recent newspaper reports, the su communists m Moscow has cast its eyes upon every preme command ol the communists in Moscow has thing going under the name of church and religious now given instruction that the Afrikaans, English organisation in South Africa. That is precisely why irvi Roman Catholic churches and other religious it is so undersirabie that any specific church or orga organisations in our country should be infiltrated nisation should react to It individually. It is quite in order "to create a front of subversion''. This in* possible, of course, that, in spite of the assurance of struction of the communists has, according to the truth, the report is not based on any truth at all, but report, already been conveyed to subversive ele that it coutd only be a new ploy in the tactics ol ments in Sou In Africa, In lad, the assurance is given suspicion-mongering which hag been applied for that the security police have confirmed that this is years in our country. In such a climate of suspicion- so and that they ore thoroughly conscious oi this eowing it is understandable, therefore, that churches subversive plot. The communists' plan, die report and organisations should regard any reaction on continues, is to white-ant the churches from inside their part as a dangerous risk, i.e. that they may so that they may become opponents ol the govern thereby attract unwanted attention to themselves ment and of the traditional way ol hie in South and fall under suspicion. For even though there woe Africa. Under the cloak d religion, social and other no suggestion in the report that specific churches reforms must be enforced which will be to the ad or organisations would offer shelter and hospitality vantage of communism. The communists allege that lo the infiltrating subversive elements enough has they bare already enlisted the cooperation of nume been said in the past for certain churches and orga rous churches and religious organisations in other nisations to refrain from opening their mouths now. countries as regards certain social and other pro blems, thus the report. In r^3e tim report should En fad be ~~^ it m only be nVplnrwd that such a painful situation has What struck: one about this report is that some has been created in our country over the years. For newspapers gave it a lot oi prominence by placing whoever speaks up now can simply not be sure that it on their Iron! pages, whilst others made no men his utterance will not be interpreted by an unholy tion ol it whatsoever, Newspapers can, of course, susptdon-mongenng demon like the exculpatory "Is sometimes get rid ol wild and irresponsible state- it perhaps F" of the disciples after fesus' announce ments and one is inclined lo be extremely sceptical ment that one a- them would betray Him has to be with regard to this report, especially since it did not interpreted, i.e. impficity as an admission of guift appear in newspapers which are more or less above by everyone who put the question. suspicion as regards their sense of honesty and re sponsibility. Whether, however, the report be true or not, it was broadcast as a revelation of tacts, And In other words, in a climate which is pregnant its Irulh was ostensibly confirmed by an appeal to wilh suspicion-mongering it Is difficult and also the knowledge the security police have of it. undesirable for a particular church or organisation to say anything whatsoever, despite the fact that It is, ol course, difficult, if not quite undesirable there may be some truth in the report, and despite lor churches and religious organisations lo react to the fact that il contains no direct reference to a par it — especially individually and on their own. For ticular church or organisation and that it does not obviously, no particular church or organisation is mention the churches themselves, bul speaks of libelled in this report. It deals with the infiltration of elements infiltrating from outside. For whatever be churches and organisations from outside, with sub said, it could lead to such a church or organisation versive agents intent on "whits-anting", with foreign landing in a situation in which it does not want lo elements looking for a cloak under which lo hide. be. Churches and organisations cannot themselves be held responsible far this. Even though the truth of Yet it is almost unthinkable that the Church the report were to stand beyond aU doubt, churches should say nothing at all about this matter. Indivi dual derxHiiinations will probably be wise to keep and organisations can merely regard it as a warning 7 to bean their guard. silent, but can the Church as a whole also do this It is lamentable, in situations such as these, that the It was also not staled that a specific (unnamed) Afrikaans", "English" and "Roman" Churches can* church or organisation had been chosen for the not sometimes speak unanimously. In this particu execution of this evil plot. The report rather create* lar situation, the one cannot speak without the other the impression that the supreme command of the without running the enormous risk indicated above. 2 PRO VFR1TATE 15 September I«9 The newspaper report m question compels the critically to accompany the government on its way church as church, however, to give at least a four with the Word of God, This criticism can become fold assurance, so radical that its witness to a particular govern ment may contain a call upon it to convert itself First, as regards the Church itself.