British Puppeteers In Coup Against Trump Exposed by Barbara Boyd,
[email protected] tasked to engineer popular support. January 14, 2019 The Integrity Initiative claims it focuses on Russian hybrid disinformation warfare, a form of irregular PART I: warfare they claim Russia is conducting. Its own pur- loined internal papers, however, expose the Initiative, THE BRITISH ROLE IN THE COUP AGAINST rather than Putin, as the master propagandists, target- THE PRESIDENT IS NOW EXPOSED. WILL ing and smearing those considered “subversives,” like YOU ACT NOW TO SAVE THE NATION? British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, U.S. Sena- tor Bernie Sanders, other anti-war figures, and Donald Understanding the ferocity of the attacks on Don- Trump. ald Trump and our Constitution may seem to be a head The liberated documents show that Sir Andrew scratcher. Is it really just due to Barack Obama and Wood and Pablo Miller, Sergei Skripal’s MI6 handler, Hillary partisans at the top levels of the Justice Depart- who are both players in Christopher Steele’s Orbis ment, conspiring with a bunch of know-nothing, hot- Business Intelligence, also have significant relation- headed, politically correct millennials and sour Deep ships to the Initiative. Skripal and his daughter were State apparatchiks in the news media—the meme fa- poisoned in Salisbury, England, in one of 2018’s more vored by Fox News? If so, why isn’t the President being infamous intelligence hoaxes targeting Russia. Steele, more effectively defended? Is the Deep State simply of course, wrote