The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee Nationhood, national identity and democracy © Commonwealth of Australia 2021 ISBN 978-1-76093-181-0 (Printed Version) ISBN 978-1-76093-181-0 (HTML Version) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Australia License. The details of this licence are available on the Creative Commons website: Printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Department of the Senate, Parliament House, Canberra. Members Chair Senator the Hon Kim Carr ALP, VIC Deputy Chair Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson (from 3 February 2021) LP, VIC Members Senator Anthony Chisholm ALP, QLD Senator Nita Green ALP, QLD Senator Paul Scarr (from 3 February 2021) LP, QLD Senator Lidia Thorpe (from 6 October 2020) AG, VIC Discharged Members Senator Claire Chandler (to 3 February 2021) LP, TAS Senator Nick McKim (to 6 October 2020) AG, TAS Senator Amanda Stoker (to 3 February 2021) LP, QLD Secretariat Sophie Dunstone, Committee Secretary Emma Banyer, Principal Research Officer Antony Paul, Senior Research Officer Sofia Moffett, Research Officer Sara Lailey, Research Officer Brooke Gay, Administrative Officer Suite S1.61 Telephone: (02) 6277 3560 Parliament House Fax: (02) 6277 5794 CANBERRA ACT 2600 Email:
[email protected] iii Contents Members ............................................................................................................................................. iii List of Recommendations ................................................................................................................