ISSN 0891-608X


Johannes Mann, special representative Human rights activists in Spain to UN Secretary-General Javier Perez associated with Support Committee de Cuellar for the , is activities for the in that region this month in an ef­ undertook a letter-writing campaign fort to end the apparent stalemate in in September-November 1989 in an the peace process. effort to find large numbers of Sahrawis who have disappeared since Mann, a Swiss citizen, will visit the start of the war between Morocco, the occupied territory and and the Polisario Front. the free territory of the Western Sahara, and will undoubtedly confer Postcards with pictures of those who with other interested parties to the have disappeared and the dates of conflict as has been done in the their disappearance were mailed to past. Spanish and Moroccan authorities. In an attempt reminiscent of Amnesty In­ Efforts to move forward on the refer­ ternational actions, other support endum of the Sahrawis are seen as groups throughout the world were necessary. With the completion of asked to join in the effort to gain the process of independence for information about those who have Namibia, the Western Sahara remains disappeared. one of the few areas on the docket of the 4th Committee of the UN. Below is a copy of part of the cards sent: UN Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar is working closely with OAU Chairman Hosni Mubarek of Egypt to bring a resolution to the conflict. DESAPARECIDOS SAHARAUIS

FEBRUARY 27, 1976 - FEBRUARY 27, 1990




A pilot program with solar power in the in Christiane Perregaux, author of in March 1987 led Genevan technician­ L'Ecole sahraouie: De la caravane a engineer Max Schneider and the Swiss la guerre de liberation, noted in an Support Committee for the Sahrawi interview in August in Algeria that People to undertake a larger project: the Swiss Support Committee was lighting for 25 kindergartens and as created in 1976 and that it has two many dispensaries throughout the branches, one German, the other refugee camps. French. The francophone branch is made up of individuals who contact The project included three aspects: the press, humanitarian groups and 1. Capturing solar energy with the Swiss Confederation. The German­ solar panels, speaking group is made up of several 2. Stocking the energy, associations for assistance: Terre 3. Redistribution of the energy. des Hommes, Entraide ouvriere, etc. She noted that a number of political A 7 1/2 ton container full of light­ parties have also established poli­ ing materials for use with solar cies with regard to the conflict in power left Geneva in July and arrived Western Sahara. in the camps in the beginning of September. Schneider and two members Perregaux's book resulted from her of the Swiss Support Group went to research of several years and her the camps at the same time for the several stays in the camps. installation.

Financing of the project is being undertaken by several sources. First of these is the favorable price for the materials due to the project's being within the framework of "North­ South" transfer of technology. The Swedish Red Cross had already sup­ plied about half the cost of the project in September. The European Community, through a non-governmental Belgian organization, has also been asked for funds. The SPSC LETTER is published about four times a year at 217 E. Lehr An important aspect of the project Avenue, Ada, Ohio 45810, USA. has been its learning dimension. During the pilot project Schneider A donation of $5 is requested yearly had instructed three Sahrawi elec­ to cover costs of publication and tricians in solar energy. The work mailing. of formation will continue during the construction of the solar network for Some past issues of the LETTER are the kindergartens and dispensaries. available. Write the above address The Swiss engineer had also studied for information concerning the the actual terrain before designing availabili ty of volumes and numbers. the current project. The SPSC LETTER is in its 10th volume PEACE FOR THE SAHRAWI PEOPLE IN 1990 of publication. PEACE PROCESS FOR WESTERN SAHARA efforts to annex the Western Sahara, CONTINUES DESPITE DIFFICULTIES: the explanation for this stance has WILL 1990 BRING THE REFERENDUM? been "long-term ties with Morocco" (in the same breath one can state An Editorial that the same sort of long-term ties also existed with Tunis and Algiers); "East-West balance" (a concept that As the winds of change touch every seems to be outmoded); links with a continent in this new decade of the "more democratic government"(Morocco) 90's, the question arises as to as opposed as to a less democratic whether the Sahrawis of Western government (Algeria?)? (As a side Sahara will also benefit from this note one must note that Amnesty In­ new spirit of democracy and coopera­ ternational has issued a report that tion growing throughout the world is harshly critical of Morocco's and existing between former enemies. human rights record. The 28-page document asserts that the government In Europe we see the reunification of of King Hassan II has systematically Germany in the offing; multi-party tortured hundreds of prisoners and elections in the Soviet Union and killed others during long periods of throughout Eastern Europe; the with­ detention.) drawal of Soviet forces in Czechoslo­ vakia; the abandonment of the long­ Since the war began between Morocco term parties/leaders by some nations and the Polisario Front in 1975, this in Eastern Europe; disarmament talks writer can recall the numerous between the U.S. and the Soviet Union explanations given her in writing or that might mean major reductions in orally in meetings with u.S. military spending for both nations. officials concerning the need to strengthen Morocco so that North In South Africa it appears that Africa would not be dominated by a apartheid is waning; the ANC is no state with strong ties to the Soviet longer persona (association) non Union. The world that that kind of grata; Nelson Mandela is free. explanation belonged to is apparently Namibia becomes independent in March. dead now, if it even existed in 1975 .

In North Africa Algeria has held This long preface is given to under­ multi-party elections; it is streng­ score the longstanding need for the thening long-term ties with the West; u.S . to rethink its North African it is expected that the economy will policy, if it really has one, in become more of a mixed economy than terms of the political realities previously foreseen. which truly exist. It is in the long-term and short-term interests of In Nicaragua the Sandinistas sup­ the U.S., it appears to this writer, ported a multi-party free election. to urge Morocco to fully cooperate It appears there will be an orderly with UN/OAU initiatives for a fair transfer of power. referendum, to withhold all delivery of arms to Morocco and to put a "Strategic interests" explanations moratorium on arms sales to Morocco that have dominated u.S. foreign until the question of Western Sahara policy apologia in the past seem to is resolved; and to vote with the have little or no reference to majority of the UN General Assembly current events . on the Western Sahara issue.

In the past when u.S. officials have The U.S. has not been in the fore­ explained support of Morocco in its front of movements for popular democracy in Africa since the days of Senator John Kennedy who called for A: For a long time there wasn't a self-determination for the Algerians. Sahrawi representative in Geneva any The u.S. has followed the lead of more. Today it's become indispen­ European, Asian, North American and sable since the UN and the OAU have South American nations----very launched the peace process, agreed to slowly, and in the view of some in principle by Morocco and the Poli­ observers, rather grudgingly, and sario Front. In addition, the repre­ often only at the behest of outrage sentative for the UN for the peace by ordinary u.S. citizens who believe plan is in Geneva and it is necessary in the American dream of personal to maintain contact with him. This liberty, self-determination, the peace process has raised much hope rights of peoples and equality before which continues with the Sahrawis. the law. Further, since Morocco has repre­ sentation in Geneva, it is necessary In the case of Western Sahara, the that the special representative of U.S. should finally abandon its the UN also find a Sahrawi spokes­ outdated policy of tacit (and actual person in the same city. (At the military) support of Morocco and time of the interview, the special become the advocate for a negotiated representative for the UN was M. settlement of an on-going, troubling Hector Gros Espiel. It is now conflict which ought to be resolved Johannes Manz, also a Swiss citizen.) to help that region lessen its economic difficulties, achieve It is from Geneva that the UN Mission stability, and develop a plausible left in October 1987, and Switzerland "Greater Maghreb." By taking this had offered the airplane which action the u.S. could earn credi­ carried members of that Mission to bility among the non-aligned nations, Mor occo, Algeria, Western Sahara and the nations of the "South," and the Mauritania to study the situation. nations of the African continent . It might even make those nations in Q: Can you recall for us what has Central America looking at us been done to try to find a political fearfully, relax a bit, and ease, if solution to this conflict which has only slightly, the deficit at home. gone on since 1976? (Actually, 1975)

A.L. A: There was the exploratory mission of the UN of October 1987, which I just mentioned. On August 30, 1988, there was acceptance in principle to the (UN/OAU ed.) peace plan by the SAHRAWI REPRESENTATIVE IN GENEVA TO two parties to the conflict, Morocco WORK WITH UN AND EUROPEAN AUTHORITIES and the Polisario Front. At the beginning of this year (1989 ed.), there was a second visit of the region by the special representative Salek Seghair, Polisario Representa­ of the UN, M. H. Gros Espiel, with a tive to the UN in Geneva, has been delegation from the UN; a visit which located in Geneva for over a year. had as its purpose providing members In an interview with M. Seghair, of that Mission with a personal ap­ Nouvelles Sahraouies questioned the preciation of the situation and of purposes of that presence. means of surmounting the obstacles which still exist for applying the Q: Why Sahrawi representation in peace plan. There have been a second Geneva? and a third meeting between UN, OAU and the two parties to the conflict visitor's visa to the representative to discuss these obstacles. Two of the Polisario Front to Switzer­ questions which have been resolved land. There have also been fruitful are the following: who will have the contacts with federal members of right to vote and the formulation of parliament which have resulted in a the question which will be: Do you visit to the refugee camps and the want independence or integration with occupied territory in March 1989, Morocco? Despite these steps for­ which in turn led to an committed ward, there exist other obstacles to awareness of the Sahrawi cause in peace, however; notably that of the Swiss Parliament and in Swiss direct negotiations which has not yet political parties 'of nearly every been taken seriously by Morocco, tendency. For example, the Swiss along with all other things tied to Socialist Party supports direct the Moroccan presence in the terri­ negotiations (between Morocco and the tory, i.e., presence of the Moroccan Polisario Front) along with the army, administration and colonists Radical Party ... (in the occupied Western Sahara. ed.) These are huge obstacles to holding a On the other hand, the humanitarian referendum under the conditions set organizations which support the forth by the UN Secretary-General Sahrawi refugees, Terres des Hommes during the period of his visit to the Suisses, OSEO, MCP, and still others, region. cities and communes such as Geneva, Meyrin, Chene-Bourg, find contact and Q: In the media, there appears to be information along with organization great discretion regarding the stub­ of trips into the camps facilitated born struggle of the Sahrawi people by the presence of a Sahrawi repre- for its independence. There is, I sentative in Geneva ...... believe, a lot for the Polisario representative in Switzerland to do? Translated from Nouvelles Sahraouies, No. 54, December 1989, pp. 12-13. A: The purpose of Sahrawi represen­ tation in Geneva is not only for a presence near the UN, but also to establish coherent and on-going con­ tacts with Swiss authorities, and po­ litical and humanitarian organiza­ NEW WAVE OF SAHRAWIS HELD IN MOROCCO tions. Within this framework, the AND IN OCCUPIED WESTERN SAHARA government as well as the political parties have appreciated the presence of a representative of the Polisario Front in the manner of all the Euro­ Sahrawis imprisoned since the begin­ pean countries. Some contacts and ning of 1989 are the following: ties have already been established with the DFAE, which led to a meeting January 1989: between M. Jacobi of the DFAE and M. Bachir Mustapha Sayed, Secretary-of­ Azafati Mohamed Yehdih was living in State for Foreign Affairs of the an inn in Casablanca along with some SADR , as well as to an increase in of his compatriots who, with him, had Swiss humanitarian assistance to the been deported to that Moroccan city. Sahrawi refugees as well as to a Two policemen presented themselves at promise to support by all means the their place of residence and led peace plan of the UN. Azafati Mohamed Yehdih away with them to an unknown destination. No word Switzerland has already delivered a on Azafati Mohamed Yehdih since that time. Louh Serrah, deported to Sidi­ Slimane; Mohamed Fadel, called Naana, May 1989: deported to Tetouan; and Mint Serrakh; all three are reported as A certain Laroussi, who had returned disappeared; their families have from Fez, the place of his deporta­ had no news of them. tion, to visit his relatives in El Aiun (occupied territories), was Additional names continue to enlarge arrested at the entrance to El Aiun. the already lengthy list of deten­ tions which followed the visit of the July 1989: UN Technical Mission on November 20, 1987. In this regard the following Mejad Heida Ahmed, deported to incarcerations are noted: Brahim Tangiers, was arrested as soon as he Abderrahmane Boukina, 23 years old, returned to the family home in El student at El Aiun, Boulevard of the Aiun where he had been returned Mosque (formerly Diar Elcabildo); following a mental illness. The Mohamed Ould Mohamed Nagem Ould accusation against him is of having Cheiguer, 21 years old, maried in El written "Long live the Polisario Aiun and residing in Smara, was in­ Front" on walls of the occupied carcerated following a failed attempt capital. to join the liberated territory from Smara. Soueilem, Ould Loud, Heida, all three sons of Noumriya, were arrested For two years Hassena Ould Eskena, following being accused of attempt­ has disappeared from Casablanca where ing to go the free territory of he was living. His spouse, Legreina Western Sahara from Enhamid El­ Mint Hassena, residing in Smara, has Ghozlan. had no news.

September 1989: Brahim Ould Mohamed Bechir Ould Sbaa, Electro-technician and former worker Salek Khadad Youssef, employee in the at Bou Craa, has been among the neighborhood of Smara, was incar­ disappeared since 1981. Recent news cerated, and following his imprison­ reports are that he is detained in ment, two other women and one man Kenitra. (Lebeihi Khatri Abdallahi, 28 years old, worker at Bou Craa, living in Zemla at El Aiun; Saadi Selama Ould Houssein Ould Ehniya, unemployed, residing at Colomina Bieja Aiun; SAHRAWI CHILDREN IN OCCUPIED Minetou Mint Elmeslem Ould Sidi TERRITORY FOLLOW PATTERN OF INTIFADA Hamad, 24 years old, living at AND SOWETO YOUTH PROTESTS Colomina Verdes, Rue Casablanca, No. 40, El Aiun) were also imprisoned. Reports from Polisario authorities in October 1989: November 1989 note the arrest and torture of young Sahrawis under the Brahim Abdellahi Keziza, 21 years of age of 14 in Dakhla and El Aiun. age, residing at Colomina Verdes, was deported to Nador; Abdallahi Maati In Dakhla, one child was arrested Ahmed Labeid Breika, was deported to and tortured, according to reports. Meknes. Both are reported as disap­ Following his admissions under peared. torture, other youngsters were ****** arrested and imprisoned for a week. The crimes for which the children Major Carlos Wilson, a free-lance were accused were the following: set­ writer, was awarded Bryant Spann ting fire to the Hospital Center, Memorial Prize form the Eugene V. March 3, in Dakhla, breaking windows Debs Foundation at a ceremony at the in the room, El Farah, a meeting Hulman Civic University Center in place for the local occupation Terre Haute, Indiana, November 4, authorities, tearing up pictures of 1989. Wilson's prize was for his King Hassan II and the Moroccan article, "America's Secret African flag, and destroying posters and some War," that appeared in On the Issues, furniture in the office of the head in 1989. of the "National Promotion Club" -in protest at the continued occupation by Moroccan authorities of the Western Sahara. FREED MOROCCAN PRISONERS REQUEST REPATRIATION TO MOROCCO AND FAMILIES The eight Dakhlachildren held were: Samba Mahmoud, Ahmed Baba Fdeil, The 200 Moroccan prisoners of war who Attigou Mohamed Berray, Zein Mohamed were released by Sahrawi authorities M'Bareck, Abdelfettah Mohamed on June 17, 1989, but were forbidden Abdellahi, Ould Lernherig Ould Taleb entry to their own nation by King Ournar, Abeidou Ould M'Heini Ould Hassan II, according to reports, have Souedatt. written European Heads of State requesting their intervention with *** Moroccan authorities so that these men, some of whom have been in prison In El Aiun 50 children attacked the for over 10 years, might finally be "festivities" held by Moroccan reunited with their families. officials to celebrate the Moroccan Green March of 1975. The Moroccan prisoners have also written to His Holiness, Pope John *** Paul II, requesting his assistance. other children have lost their lives Red Cross authorities were prepared to mines planted to prevent Sahrawi to assist with the repatriation last residents from leaving the occupied June, but on the day the men were to territory to go to the free terri­ leave Sahrawi territory, it was re­ tory of the Western Sahara. Re­ ported that Moroccan officials re­ cently Sid'Ahmed Ould Sidi Omar died fused to accept the men. in the neighborhood of Hassi Bouguefa, in the region of Aousserd, following the explosion of one of these mines. SADR AUTHORITIES AT DECEMBER OAU MEET

A Sahrawi delegation led by Mohamed Sidati, Minister for Foreign Affairs INFORMATION ON THE SADR IN US NEWS and member of the Polisario Front, took part in the deliberations of the Steering Committee of the OAU Decem­ Anne Lippert, editor of SPSC LETTER, ber 7 - 8, 1989. This 18th session was interviewed on Voice of America concentrated mainly on the economic on October 12, 1989 and January 26, problems confronting Africa. The 1990 concerning events in Western committee consists of 27 member Sahara. states and is currently presided by Egypt. SADR GOVERNMENT COMMENTS ON STATUS OF SPD CONGRESS MEETS IN BREMEN AND PEACE PROCESS, NEGOTIATIONS WITH KING CALLS FOR ACTION ON SAHARAN CONFLICT HASSAN OF MOROCCO: PROGRESS FOR 19907 At the close of the working meetings of the Congress of the SPD held in Bremen November 11 and 12, 1989, members of the Congress adopted a In a communique following the Novem­ resolution on the Western Sahara ber 4, 1989 meeting of the SADR gov­ conflict: ernment under the chairmanship of SADR President Mohamed Abdelaziz, Noting with concern the impasse to SADR authorities reviewed the current which the international peace plan on sta tus of the Sahrawi people's the Western Sahara has fallen prey struggle "for self-determination and and the reassumption of armed combat independence of their country and following this impasse, sovereignty over the entire SADR territory, defined according to Congratulating the international internationally recognized fron­ unanimity recently realized in the tiers." Fourth Commission of the 44th General Meeting of the UN General Assembly on Signaled in their discussion were Western Sahara, recent military successes by Poli sario forces in September and The SPD reaffirms its unconditional October (Guelta Zemmour and Hausa), support of the just cause of the and the international consensus of Sahrawi people and launches an urgent the 4th Committee of the UN General appeal to the two parties to the As sembly, which called for the conflict (Morocco and the Polisario continuation of direct dialogue Front) to take up again as soon as between Sahrawis and Moroccans and possible direct negotiations between removal of obstacles hindering the the two parties so as to permit the efforts of the UN Secretary General success of the Mission of the UN and the Chairman of the OAU. Secretary-General and the Acting Chairman of the OAU who are trying to In the communique, SADR officials ac­ find a peaceful solution to this cused Morocco, current chair of the fratricidal conflict. Arab Maghreb Union, of placing hurdles in the way of an integrated Requests the government of the Maghreb and of seeking to acquire Federal Republic of Germany to uphold financial support to continue the war more concretely and efficaciously the in Western Sahara. SADR officials international peace plan on Western also expressed appreciation to the Sahara and to increase its humani­ people and government of Algeria for tarian assistance to the Sahrawi their support and firm stance of refugees. solidarity with the Sahrawi people, a nd to UN Secretary General Javier Per ez de Cuellar for his sincere and positive quest for peace in the world, particularly in Namibia and Wes tern Sahara.

PEACE PEACE FOR THE SAHRAWI PEOPLE OF WESTERN SAHARA IN 1990 PEACE PEACE PUBLICATION UPDATE ON THE LIBERATION STRUGGLE OF THE SAHRAWI PEOPLE .. 1989 "Sahrawi Women's Role in the Western Sahara Struggle," Carlos Wilson, pax et libertas, Volume 54, Number 2, June 1989, pp. 6-7. "Western Sahara: A Foreign Policy Success Waiting to Happen," Yahia Zoubir and Carlos Wilson, TransAfrica Forum, Volume 6, Numbers 3 and 4, Wilson, who has visited the Western Spring-Summer 1989, pp. 27-39. Sahara and the Sahrawi refugee camps writes about how Sahrawi women have played an important role in the Zoubir and Wilson do a masterly job refugee camps; how they have been of telescoping the 14-year-old involved in the education of the conflict between the Polisario Front people; how they participate fully in and Morocco in some twelve pages of the political processes of the text. They provide the reader with Sahrawis. The article also appeared historical background to the in German. conflict, information concerning Spain's role in the decolonization process, details about the Polisario "War Termination in Western Sahara," Front, the Moroccan perspective in Oyvind Osterud, Bulletin of Peace the conflict, the interest of both Proposals: Military Withdrawals and Mauritania and Algeria in the region, Peace Building, special issue, No 3, U. S . interests in the conflict, 1989 . UN/OAU peace efforts and their own conclusion. The authors believe: "The Polisario Front desires an end This special issue of the Bulletin of to the military, political stalemate Peace Proposals discusses the with­ and is likely to abide by the drawal of foreign military forces referendum's outcome, a position from countries in the Third World. shared by Algeria. As shown by the Conflicts on three continents are recent UN vote,Morocco's military analyzed: Afghanistan, Central supporters favor the referendum or at America, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Indo­ least have abstained from voting China, and Western Sahara. thereby sending a signal of at least not opposing the peace plan. Strong The newsletter is available to indi­ elements in Morocco favor the viduals from SAGE Publications, P.o. referendum as well---enough so that a Box 5096, Newbury Park, CA 91359 USA gentle nudge by President Bush would for $9. bring the referendum vote into reality." (p.38) Third World Resources: A quarterly Although the Polisario Front resumed review of resources from and about military operations in September the Third World, Vol 5, No.2, Summer 1989, it appears that the authors' 1989, Resources Guide: Africa. analysis holds. They urge greater u.S . encouragement of the referendum. This quarterly review is published by Third World Resources, an affiliated project of the Data Center that collects, catalogs, annotates and IMbI publicizes resources from around the world on Third World regions and MATERIALS SENT TO SPSC LETTER FROM issues. Volume 5, No. 2 costs $2.50. MOROCCAN CORRESPONDENT IN RABAT

"The Arab Maghreb Union," Oussama The following materials have been Romdhani, and "Toward a Euro-American received in recent months from the Policy for the Maghreb," Louis B. Ministry of Information in Morocco Ware, American-Arab Affairs, Number from former Polisario official Omar 28, Spring 1989, pp. 42-60. Hadrami:

Reference is made to the conflict in 1. Non-official translation of Western Sahara in the context of the "Sahara/Renegades; Press Conference Arab Maghreb Union. Romdhani briefly Given by "Polisario" Officials" refers to the possibility and need for resolution of that conflict. Ware says that "conventional military 2. "Western Sahara, The Challenge of aid (in the region) is misplaced. Peace," Special Advertising Section The weak Maghrebi economies, which for Time Magazine, Europe Edition, Greater Maghreb cooperation is meant November 13, 1989 to strengthen, and cannot absorb more military materiel without putting an intolerable strain on the already 3. "An Interview with Omar Hadrami, overextended resources Maghrebi founder of the Polisario. The countries apply to the service of Reasons for His Return to Morocco" their debt."

4. "H.M. Hassan II calls his people . "Year Ends With Renewed War in to accept the postponement of legis­ Western Sahara," Africa News, Volume lative elections for 2 years" 32, Numbers 7-8, December 4, 1989, pp. 1-3. The above documents were dated November 1989. As usual, Africa News does an excel­ lent review of the status of the con­ flict in Western Sahara. Included in the review is an analysis of the ref­ erendum in Morocco last November to postpone parliamentary elections for two years, the Polisario's resumption of large-scale military attacks in Western Sahara in September, October, and November, the points of dispute between Morocco and the Polisario Front concerning the referendum, and a 1989 calendar of events in the peace process.

An individual subscription to Africa News is available for $30 by writing P.O. Box 3851, Durham, NC 27702.