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A PREVIEW OF NEW FALL RECORDINGS 60 cents C:) iah fideli o 1 AUGUST THE MAGAZINE FOR MUSIC LISTENERS POTLIGNT ON www.americanradiohistory.com ...until you see the new Fisher all -in -one stereo receivers. (THE NEW 400, THE NEW 500 -C AND THE NEW 800-C) Algwwpietimt.nnmwnrmnnir.JPIIi3/4. 4411111L 1 ñ r r. r- r= C í The new Fisher 400 The new Fisher 500 -C The new Fisher 800 -C with FM only, $329.50* with FM only, $389.50* with AM -FM, $449.50* "Everything you need -on one compact tion, just as free from overheating or The FM sensitivity is equal to that of chassis" has always been a famous other life- expectancy problems as it the remarkable 500-C and 800 -C. Fisher specialty. As a matter of fact, would be if it were sold as a separate Just connect a pair of speaker systems integrated single- chassis stereo receivers component. That in itself is an achieve- to any one of the new Fisher stereo re- by Fisher outsell all other high fidelity ment that no other manufacturer has ceivers and you have stereo reproduction components in the world today. thus far equaled. of the highest Fisher quality. And that, But the completely new stereo receiv- The unit shown in detail at left is as you know, is the highest quality ers shown here set a new standard even the new Fisher 500 -C. It is completely there I. for Fisher. Never before have so much identical to the new 800 -C except that amplifier power, such high tuner sensi- the latter includes, in addition, a high - tivity, so many advanced control features sensitivity AM tuner section with adjust- THE WARRANTY THAT and such a degree of over -all engineering able (Broad /Sharp) bandwidth plus a MEANS MORE AND sophistication been offered on a single built -in ferrite rod AM antenna. DOES MORE FOR YOU! chassis only 171/2 inches wide, 544 The new Fisher 400 was designed to inches high and 131/2 inches deep. (Only make Fisher stereo receiver quality In striking contrast to the indus- 13 inches deep in the case of the 400.) available at an unusually moderate try -wide standard of 90 days, the What's more, each section of these re- price. It is in all essentials comparable Fisher Warranty is extended to ceivers - the tuner, the Multiplex con- to the 500 -C, except for slight differ- all tubes and diodes for one year verter, the stereo control -preamplifier, ences in FM circuitry, indicator features from date of purchase! the stereo power amplifier - is just as and control functions. Its music power ruggedly built, just as reliable in opera- output is 60 watts (IHFM Standard). *c.*i.n .Lsw OR 125449559. $24.95 RRiC., ,,,G...s 12551* (SPORT, . .., 14..,,T. ,,,.,...o,o ,,,,R ....,oN.,. ,o.: .s,.,. 1. 5 D ,.,1, ._C.,. CIRCLE 36 ON READER-SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com You haven't seen this kind of tuner and amplifier engineering on one chassis 75 WATTS total music power output (tHFM Standard) from new stereo power 4 wide -band IF stages amplifier section 3 stages of limiting New GOLDEN SYNCHRODEt (including wide -band ratio detector) front end for 1.8 µv FM sensitivity Multiplex section of the (tHFM Standard) superior time -division type a dt TH I FIS11ER BB 69 90. 92 94 96 90 100 102 Ipl IQ6 100 I, New professional -type Exclusive Fisher STEREO BEACONt d'Arsonval tuning meter for instant indication of Multiplex broadcasts and automatic switching Fisher between mono and stereo modes Exclusive DIRECT TAPE MONITORt system New four -position speaker selector switch New front -panel earphone jack CIRCLE 36 ON READER -SERVICE CARD tsAT[Mrp[rxOixG www.americanradiohistory.com You may have seen beautifully engineered, sensitive Multiplex tuners and powerful, low- distortion stereo amplifiers, but... (Free! $1.00 Value! Mail this postcard to receive your copy of The Fisher Handbook, a 40 -page reference guide to custom stereo.) PLACE 40 STAMP HERE FISHER RADIO CORPORATION 21 -25 44th Drive Long Island City 1, N.Y. www.americanradiohistory.com :P.%115 t111J1 `/3 srExll:o 35/111M IS ma,. WNW; ileda.+ ALFRED ROBERTA DRAKE PETERS the 5 most NINA Y e. .... 1s ltllotawaulRu _. inivortant advances Ìn stereo PBCOPtlÌi9 Read how these 5 Command albums opened up new vistas in stereo and revolutionized the entire concept of recording PERSUASIVE PERCUSSION BRAHMS SYMPHONY NO. 2 formed before. Now this great Amer- 1. concentration on ,stiotalating 3. in D. Op 73. ican musical - marking Command's entrance into this field rings out musical quality . remarkable William Steinberg/ - clarity and range." with a magnificence that rivals the Pittsburgh Symphony Orch. original opening night. NEW YORK TIMES "The su»umit ißt P(,/, ad." The record that made critics say, N. Y. HERALD TRIBUNE "Stereo didn't make COMMAND; THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL COMMAND made stereo!" With Per- When Command entered the classical 5. by Richard Brinsley Sheridan suasive Percussion the true musical field, it was with this recording of the Brahms 2nd which was called "the "Performance dazzling... rerord- excitement of stereo became a fact. iilg immaculate stereo ingen- Exploiting the full color of popular best classical orchestral album of ... 1961," and one of the finest Brahms ious . considered a summation music, Persuasive Percussion became of all the resources or stereo." a gigantic first in a new and exciting ever recorded. Since that memorable way to experience sound. It was, as occasion, Command albums of Wag- HI -FI STEREO REVIEW the New York Times stated, "destined ner, Beethoven, Debussy, Ravel and to turn the recording industry topsy many more have been greeted with Direct from its triumphant perform- turvy." highest praise and critical acclaim. ances on Broadway and in London All bear Command's almost fanaticall comes this superb Commar.d recording insistence on perfection that places of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's The its Classics in a position without peer. School for Scandal. Recorded in Lon- STEREO 35 /MM don with the original cast headed by Sir P,alph Richardson and Sir John 2. "iWith this spectacular recording Gielgud, the listener is afforded over Enoch Light's COMMJ1A\'D label CAROUSEL by Rodgers and two hours of recorded theatrical has crossed one mor(' threshold to 4. Hammerstein starring Alfred splendor. Itere in this Command re- the ultimate sound." in Drake and Roberta Peters. cording the spoken word is raised to HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE its full dignity and glory. "I have played your album of This is the album that accomplished `Carousel' with tremendous en- the greatest leap forward in stereo. It joyment and find it extremely was Command who perfected the tech- sensitive and beautifully made in For free, full color brochure every way." nique of master recording originals of all Command releases, on 35 mm magnetic films. Through (Signed) RICHARD RODGERS this method Command made it pos- WRITE TO: 8 -HF sible to bring sound of such scope and Not content with creating breathtak- intensity right into your own living ing reproductions of great music, room that you actually feel the pres- Command has gone on to add a new WORLD LEADER ence of each instrument. Here was dimension to the musical theatre with IN RECORDED SOUND music with absolutely no mechanical performers who match the greatness distortion coupled with "almost unbe- with their own stature. With a bril- lievable" purity. No wonder LIFE liant cast starring Alfred Drake and RECORDS called this, "the season's biggest Roberta Peters, you hear the music of ear opener!" Carousel as it has never been per - 1501 Broadway, New York 36, N. Y. CIRCLE 24 ON READER -SERVICE CARD At;ct;sr 1963 1 www.americanradiohistory.com DIAMONDS BY CARTIER Plug -in head assemblies with pre- mounted cartridges for Type A and Model AT6 Garrard Automatic Turntables. Choose the right pickup for your Garrard installations - choose a Pickering - the new U38 /ATG and the famous U38 /AT are both available premounted in Plug.in Heads for Garrard Type A and Model AT6 Automatic Turntables. Featuring Pickering's exclusive "floating stylus" FEATHERWEIGHT OPERATION - for maximum record protection. 1 to 3 grams tracking (recommended 2 grams) - where environmental conditions ...so little mass that it actually floats on water... permit light tracking forces. so light it "floats" over the surface of your records. GA /38ATG - for Garrard Type A G6 /38ATG - for Garrard Model AT6 Includes U /38 Stereo Fluxvalve Cartridge (premounted) with D3807ATG The Pickering "floating stylus" action protects the Golden SAFE VGUARD "Floating Stylus" diamond and the life of the record while it plays. STANDARD OPERATION - for use where environmental conditions require a nominal tracking force of 4 grams or more. FOR THOSE WHO CAN HEAR THE DIFFERENCE GA /38AT for Garrard Type A G6/38AT - for Garrard Model AT6 - PICK ERING & CO., INC., Includes U/38 Stereo Fluxvalve Cartridge (premounted) with D3807AT Plainview. N. Y. SAFE VGUARD "Floating Stylus" icNering 1963 Pi<keriná 8 Co., Inc., Plainview, N. Y., U.S.A. CIRCLE 63 ON READER- SERVICE CARD 2 HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINI www.americanradiohistory.com Page 45 high fidelity Page 4- Music and Musicians 51 Listening to Schoenberg Peter Heyworth 55 The Jazz Composer: a Study in Symbiosis Gene Lees 18 Notes from Abroad -London, Tokyo, Hamburg 30 Virgil Fox: an interview .Shirley Fleming 67 New Fall Recordings: a preview A Special Section on Tape 37 Spotlight on Tape: an editorial 38 Confessions of an Illicit Tape Recordist P " ! M "r 41 What Tape To Choose? Steuart Negerinn 45 Taping FM Stereo Edward Tatra!! Can/,' 48 Tapes fromm the Professionals R.