Abduction and Multiple Killings of Aborigines in Tasmania: 1804-1835 Lyndall Ryan, Author, The Aboriginal Tasmanians, Visiting Fellow, Genocide Studies Program, Yale University, and Honorary Conjoint Professor School of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Education & Arts University of Newcastle Ourimbah Campus, N.S.W., Australia Email:
[email protected] Introduction Tasmania (known as Van Diemen’s Land until 1855) is about the same size as Ireland and a little smaller than Sri Lanka. Physically it is part of the continent of Australia but became separated from it by the formation of Bass Strait during the Holocene era about 10,000 years ago. The island was occupied for at least 30,000 years by a hunter-gatherer people, the Tasmanian Aborigines. Contrary to a long and widely held belief that they were a ‘stone age’ people who were destined to die out as a result of 10,000 years of isolation from the Australian mainland, recent archaeological research indicates that they were a dynamic people who not only reshaped their culture and society during the Holocene era, but were increasing in population at the moment of British colonization in 1803 (Lourandos 1997:281). Recent research estimates the Aboriginal population in 1803 at between 4,000 and 9,000 (Jones 1974:325; Butlin 1993:133-4). By 1835 however, fewer than 200 Aborigines remained. What had happened to the rest? Most historians acknowledge that a bloody war took place between the Aborigines and the British colonists for possession of the island between 1823 and 1835 but disagree about how many Aborigines lost their lives.