Portland Daily Press: August 27, 1900
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OSgg PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. DE551 JUNL .o, 1S(>^ \ u[Jm To. ^JpTABLISHED PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1900. ISSaViSl. PRLCE THREE CENTS. ~ neans success for them. If the Tagalos BRIM’S GEN. WOOD AT SANTIAGO. duration of war by another power would INCONSISTENCY. lult lighting and take the oath of alle- depend, it can bo stated,upon the imme- giance on that moment the “paramount diate circumstances surrounding the dec- Issue” Is dead and so is the Future of Cuba Dlacuued By Himself Democracy. laration and the situation In China at In this contest the Democrats stake their anti Citizens. the time the declaration was made. In nil on the oontlnuauoe of lighting. It any event, it can be said to bo no part of His Two Attitudes on strikes one as off that a great party Santiago tie Cuba, August 26.—Gover- the purpose of the United States to sacri- should base Its hopes on tht kilting and nor General Wood was officially ban- fice any of its guaranteed rights or priv- Filipino Question. wounding of our troops. Will not a quetted last night by the ileges in the Chinese empire. liame of patriotism rise up over the Bepubllcan and Democratic The civil land which will testify that at all parties. gov- ernor, the archbishop of Cuba,the SOME STRAGGLING REPLIES. hazards we will stand by the llag; that princi- pal judicial and civil and a come what may, we will not turn our dignitaries £ Washington, August 26 —It was state d hundred representative merchants were * A Letter backs on the Philippines, a disgraced tonight that several “straggling replies Strong by Ex-Minister pi'esent had and dishonored nation? Russia, and Have Made been received by the United States J Germany Japan The in the course of re- to the notes addressed to our on What we may do with the Philippines archbishop his ambassa- Dcnby Subject. ultimately Is not the question. The Dem- marks, said the time had arrived for dors and ministers abroad on the Chi- ocratic platform favors “an Immediate peace and that he believed a consolida- No Formal nese question Tor their guidance in ob- tion of Oeclaration, the would be of taining view of the to declaration of the nation’s purpose to political parties government give to the Filipinos, llrst a stable form greater benefit to Cuba in the future, which they are accredited on the settle- iiatly arranged. Declares of government; second, independence, than a house divided against itself. He ment of the Chinese problem. Officials He Shall and said he was to the decline to indicate the nature A lady with one of our Sup- third, protection from outside In- happy greet people absolutely terference such as of the United States in the person ot of the representations made by our repre- FIVE HOLLAR DE'KS has been given for port McKinley. nearly a oentury to the republics of Cen- Gen. Wood. Senor Tamayo, secretary sentatives to the foreign governments all her business or mb hare papers, j tral and South America. of state, In a forcible speech, said: to say whether the replies thereto are letters and stationery properly j In the list of things to be done first "This Is one of the most Important satisfactory or not. Acting- Secretory of and tlie matter comes In the of Cuba. What These Nations Do Soon State Adee was at the White House for a clarified reduce | “a suitable form of government.” epochs political history May A constitutional where short time in conference with of correspondence to a pleasant l We are trying to give them that now. convention, tonight Bryan Responsible For If we retain them the the fundamental law of the land Is to pastime. Treaty third clause, Cannot Be will be framed, is about to be formed. In Answered. 1 The desk that we now offer you and What It Entailed. “protection,” necessarily follow. ij Why, if we do not retain them we that convention, the people of Cuba are is made o vs nely figured qu ir should burden ouselves with to prove themselves capable of construct- Oat is loug drawer for I protecting them tired £ a Waitt and Bond’s is not The modern ing government, of guaranteeing life id over the clearly peroeptlble. stationer ^ writing and j doctrine seems to be that we not property and of preserving order." ~a rack of holes may bed Is hr pigeon are also to that Cuba Is a j take foreign territory for our own, but They prove lisoasr J drawer for stamps, j Chloago, August 26.—Charles Denby of land to all men not to those that whenever a Republic Is born, we open only ex-Unltod States minister to BLAGKSTONE etc he of this desk 9 Indiana, who are etc, ^ price must stand as its should Cubans by the accident of Chinese For Attack On and protector. Why Preparing: China, member of the first com birth or the heaiy Hollars, we become the Don Quixote of the who participated In revolu- mission to the Philippines—a life-long world? Let us at least be honest and tion, but also those who can claim the CIGAR Democrat—has written a letter urging under the of At F.P.T K.f.V when we say thao the shall privilege treaty Paris. Allies Pekin. fjETTS&CO., the re-election of Philippines President ‘‘This is a moment when con- McKinley. be Independent let ub so political It Is entitled say meaning | “Bryan's attitude towards tentions should be set aside. The Issue is The what the word Implies. Let us have no Lemttmg the Philippines,'* and Is made publlo national. Cuba is about to obtain what entangling alllanoes, nor stand spon- by the Kepubllaan national committee. three bled if the sor for the people who are aliens and generations for; and, Wg Londre The letter Is In part, as follows t whose abiding place is remote from constitutional convention Is not what CENTER & In his speech of April 17, 1000. In the be McDQWELl, our continent. it should the noble dead will rise What United States Would lie itenate. Mr. Hoar said that he oould not to demand that blood shall not have Uikely To in the woriu. 539 Congress St. Disguise It as you may, the real ques- forgot that Mr. Bryan, “unless he is in The curse tion before the people is whether the been shed vain. of the Do In Case Ol* much mlsrepresented, used all his power and War. Known armies of the United States should be mothers, w'lves daughters of those Everywhere. and Influence with those of his friends who fell would be us. We should THE WOMAN'S OXFORD TIES wiinarawn at onoe, now ana forever, upon who are ready to listen to his counsels. QUALITY and the bear in mind that the sea of the tears W* tell of arc at reduced prices— islands turned over to the to secure the ratification of the treaty,’ or cu Dan women is iar man ine real reductions from moderate Tagalos. deeper COUNTS. meaning the Paris treaty. There were sea which bathes our Island shores, form*1 price*. If you have r doubt Mr. Bryan would, as commander In 17 Democratic Senators who voted for “If we fail in this convention we strut % buy a pair, and If ouri are chief, have the power to recall the army the ratification. The was rati- * *hm food, or better, we will es- treaty and If he shall be unworthy of the blood that was did, he would let loose the Washington, August 26.—Russia, Ger- taels In silver and a large quantity of teem it a privilege to he allowed to fied by one vote. shed at El Caney and on San Juan Hill. horrors of a terrible revolution. We many and Japan have not declared war rice were round. refu&d the purchase cost. Mr. liryan has squarely assumed the “Gen. Wood is the true friend of C$ba, should not grant the Philippines Immedi- upon China, either separately or In con- “Another telegraphic despatch dated responsibility of the ratification. and I can certify to it. The United ate independence because we have as- cert. This statement Is made upon au- Tauk, August 23, state that -as the Chi- URGE ASSORTMENT We had taken Manila on August IS, States is sincere in the sumed treaty obligations to the government thority of the highest character. What nese and Boxers who had 1898. In troops gathered Of Woman's Kturnt HUck n nil December, 1898, Spain had promises it has made. I appeal to you all world which we mus t comply with. We those nations m&y do within the next at Nan Yuen were about to ettack the Tan Kid Lace Oxford*, goiid made a treaty ceding the inlands to tne to send to the convention the best and have also assumed obligations to the 48 hours, or within the next fortnight, foreign forces at Pekin, Japanese and worm and very styibh, are United States. W'e had occupied them most men us and thus and we should not capable among Is a which no one in mow at friendly Filipinos question Washing- Russian cavalry were expected to en- prittd only until February 6, 1899. On that day to show to the world that Cubans are abandon them to a dreadful fate. We ton Is prepared to answer. counter them on the 20th. The de- $1.B5 Auglnalao made war on us. Our sold- worthy of the confidence placed in their have promised these people a stable gov- A brief despatch from Che Foo convey- spatch further states that Chinese infan- iers had to for their lives.