“There Is No Shepherd Like the LORD Himself!” Zechariah 10-11

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“There Is No Shepherd Like the LORD Himself!” Zechariah 10-11 “There is no Shepherd like the LORD himself!” Zechariah 10-11 1. April showers bring May flowers: Zech. 10:1 (see also Zech. 9:14-10:1) a. Emphasis “A” is that 10:1 finishes up the section started in Zechariah 9:14 with the storm imagery i. Judgment coming with arrow like lightning—vs. 14a ii. Trumpet sound and the LORD will march in the storms of the south—vs. 14b iii. The LORD’s protection of His flock—Vv. 9:15-16 iv. Grain will make the young men thrive—vs. 9:17a v. New wine the young women (thrive)—vs. 9:17b vi. (the flock/Israel) ask for the rain to prepare the crops—vs. 10:1 (See Joel 2:23; Isaiah 30:23) *Emphasis is the dynamic relationship the LORD has with His people (Redeeming-from the consequences of their own sin, Shielding from the LORD’s enemies, Fighting-against the LORD’s enemies, Relating-through prayer and Providing-from the earth’s bounty) b. Emphasis “B” juxtaposes the Great Shepherd and false shepherds (Zech. 10:1-2) *Messianic connection in Zechariah 10:7 (See Matthew 9:36) 10:1 Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime 10:2 The idols speak deceit The diviners see lying visions and tell false dreams (Lord) makes storm clouds 10:2b (False ones) comfort in vain Gives rain showers People wander like sheep Gives vegetation in the field to each man People afflicted w/o a shepherd *What is the purpose of a shepherd? (See Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2-3) *How does the LORD view false shepherds or hired shepherds? (See John 10:11-14) *Is this section related to past, present or future aspects of Israel’s history (and possibly ours)? 2. The LORD punishes severely those that lead sheep astray (Zechariah 10:3; See also: Jeremiah 23:2; 25:34-36; Matthew 18:6-7) 3. The LORD provides the Messiah: Zechariah 10:3b-4 (See also: Isaiah 28:16/1 Peter 2:6; a. From Him (Judah? Or YHWH?) will come the cornerstone b. From Him will come the tent peg (5 uses: Jael-Judges 4:21; Place-Ezra 9:8; Firm position of authority-Isaiah 22:23 ; wooden peg-Ezekiel 15:3) c. From Him will come the battle bow (how do we reconcile Zechariah 9:10?) d. From Him will come every ruler 4. The LORD restores Israel: Zechariah 10:5-12 (See Ezekiel 37:15-24…38) a. Judah and Ephraim (Southern and Northern Kingdoms united once again—Israel became a nation again in 1948—has it fulfilled Ezekiel’s prophecy? or fit the picture of Zechariah 10:5-12?) b. Israel is brought back and in great numbers (See Jeremiah 50:19) Syrian Territory The Golan Heights belonged to the country of Syria until 1967. During the Six Day War, Israel took this high ground overlooking the Huleh Basin and Sea of Galilee. Today evidence of Syrian habitation, including military bases and mosques (right) lie in ruins throughout the area. The region is now populated by Druze (who there before the war) and Israelis who have moved in since the war. Syria insists on the return of the Golan Heights as part of any peace agreement. http://www.bibleplaces.com/golanheights.htm *Israel occupied southern Lebanon from 1982 to 1990. It seems this prophecy of Israel’s overflowing population into Lebanon has not occurred yet (Zechariah 10:10) Zechariah 11 5. Lebanon’s demise and extending to surrounding territories: Zechariah 11:1-2 a. Strength of Lebanon represented in the great cedars (See: Ezekiel 31:3ff) b. Strength of Bashan represented in the solidness of the oak 6. _____________ Shepherds wailing: Zechariah 11:3-6 a. No place to feed sheep and no place for lions to roam b. Shepherds keeping watch over sheep marked for slaughter (See: Luke 2:8ff; Romans 8:36; John 10:12-13) c. Three-fold abuse of the sheep (See Matthew 23:14; 1 Timothy 6:9) i. Buyers slaughter them going unpunished ii. Sellers profiting off of suffering sheep iii. Shepherds having no remorse (no compassion) 7. The LORD will shepherd his flock! Zechariah 11:7-14 (ONLY TO BE REJECTED!) a. The LORD and His two staffs (Favor-delightfulness and Union-cord/bond) and fed the flock (Perhaps a reference to Jesus’ teaching prior to His crucifixion). i. Ridding the land of three shepherds in one month (short span of time) 1. Buyers, Sellers and Shepherds (Groups that took advantage of the sheep: Zechariah 11:5) 2. Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians? (If this is referring to Jesus’ earthly ministry then it is very possible that these three groups are in view here: Matthew 26:3-4; John 7:1) ii. FAVOR broken = broken covenant with all the peoples 1. The LORD’s protection over his people was removed: Zechariah 11:10-11 2. The LORD is sold for a price to the potter (See Matthew 26:15; 27:9* attributed to Jeremiah rather than Zechariah—Mark 1:2 attributed to Isaiah rather than Malachi; Rejection of Jesus— Matthew 21:42; Mark 8:31; Luke 17:25): a. 30 pieces of silver vs. 12 b. Toward the Potter: vs. 13 iii. UNION broken = brotherhood between Judah and Israel (See 1 Kings 11:29-32—Northern and Southern Kingdoms existed from 930 BC to 597 BC) 8. The LORD handed over Israel to their devices: Zechariah 11:15-17 (See Matthew 23:12ff) a. Equipment/implements (possibly meaning idols and idol worship) of a foolish shepherd: vs. 15 b. Shepherded by a false shepherd: vs. 16 (Romans? or Anti-Christ?; See Ezekiel 34:2-6; Matthew 24:3-5, 11-12, 24; John 5:43) i. No care for the perishing ii. No seeking the lost iii. No healing the broken or sustaining the one standing iv. Self-indulgent c. Warning to the “Worthless” shepherd, deserter of the flock: vs. 17 (Jeremiah 23:1; back to Zechariah 10:2—for lack of a shepherd people wander) May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, Hebrews 13:20 Questions: .
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