~ii? ~ Center 21 National Gallery of Art Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts Center 21 Q D I I o o o i m • ' ! J.L!li I11i III - If- Ip II dl l I .-,,~ _ III / - / .;P" ........~ ,~.~-~ .._,,i -~m., --~ National Gallery of Art CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY IN THE VISUAL ARTS Center 21 Record of Activities and Research Reports June zooo-May zoox Washington ZOOI National Gallery of Art CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY IN THE VISUAL ARTS Washington, D. C. zo565 Telephone: (zoz) 84z-648o Facsimile: (zoz) 84z-6733 E-mail:
[email protected] World Wide Web: www.nga.gov/resources/casva.htm All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the written permission of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. zo565 Copyright © zoo~ Trustees of the National Gallery of Art, Washington This publication was produced by the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts and the Editors Office, National Gallery of Art, Washington Printed by Schneidereith and Sons, Baltimore, Maryland Cover: Design Study for the East Building, I. M. Pei & Partners, National Gallery of Art East Building Design Team, October i968. Gallery Archives, National Gallery of Art Frontispiece: Study Center Interior, East Building, National Gallery of Art. Photograph by Rob Shelley Contents 6 Preface 7 Report on the Academic Year, June 2ooo-May zooi 8 Board of Advisors and Special Selection Committees 9 Staff z~ Report of the Dean z 5 Members z~ Meetings 34 Lecture Abstracts 37 Incontri Abstracts 4z Research Projects 44 Publications 45 Research Reports of Members ~75 Description of Programs I77 Fields of Inquiry I77 Fellowship Program ~85 Facilities i86 Board of Advisors and Special Selection Committees x86 Program of Meetings, Research, and Publications I9z Index of Members' Research Reports, zooo-zoox Preface The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, a research insti- tute which fosters study of the production, use, and cultural mean- ing of art, artifacts, architecture, and urbanism, from prehistoric times to the present, was founded in i979 as part of the National Gallery of Art.