
DECLARATION OFINTERESTS ER) (NO (EDRF), LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS KEYWORDS nitrate) may beduetothepresence ofnitriteasanimpurity. Themedicalusesofsaltpetre ( its therapeutic usehasbeenrevived. interest in however, Recently, this group ofdrugsbutitrapidly fell outoffavour. Originally sodiumnitritewasincludedin been identifiedasnitricoxide in1987. of actionbecameclearonly aftertheendothelium-derived relaxing factorhad themode tinitrate) hasbeenusedinthetreatment ofanginafor over 100years, ABSTRACT treating anginapectoris lessbounding’: ‘The heart but anitrate(whichcontainsan–NO fcus,anexplosive. of course, Ascanio Sobrero attheUniversity of Turin in1849andis, Nitroglycerine wasfirstmadeby theItalianchemist substance wasnitroglycerine. of ananimal. the vapours ofamyl nitritelowered thebloodpressure whohadnotedthatinhaling Gamgee, Arthur Infirmary, andsoheturnedtohisfriendatthe for regular use, Clearly bloodremoval wasnotaconvenient treatment could betreated by lowering bloodpressure. arterial This convinced himthatthepainassociatedwithangina eitherby cuppingorby venesection. removing blood, hefound hecouldrelieve thesymptomsby pectoris, patientwithseveretreating oneparticular While house surgeonattheEdinburghRoyal Infirmary. ThomasLauderBruntonwasanewly qualified In 1867, INTRODUCTION Scotland St University ofSt Andrews, Andrews, ButeMedicalSchool, Honorary ReaderinMedicalScience, Butler AR P not actually anitrite(whichcontainsan–NO similar effect butthebestvasodilatorofthistypewas were triedandsomewere found tohave Other a regular treatment for relieving anginalpain. others examinedtheeffects ofinhalingnitroglycerine, However, when he didnotpursuethematter any further. butcanalsocausesevere headachesandso dramatically, nitroglycerine lowers bloodpressure wheninhaled, that, Brunton’s work showed explodes only ondetonation. itisnotdangerous asit withcareful handling, However, withoutblowing thediscovery himselfup.survived Lancet hisresults Hereported inthe confirmed theseresults. Trials withotherpatients lasted for many minutes. Relief theagonising chestpainhaddiminished. seconds, thatwithin andobserved for hispatienttoinhale, P APER APER 2 and amyl nitritesoonbecameestablishedasthe Although onegroup ofdrugs(includingamyl nitriteandglyceryl nia ircoie irt,saltpetre nitrite, nitricoxide, Angina, 1 Brunton impregnated aclothwithamyl 3 – , dioxide (NO ), 3 It issurprisingthatSobrero ynd C) endothelium-derived relaxing factor (CN), No conflictofinterests declared. 3 ru) That group). 2 ) 2 group) incorporating itintoanabsorbentmineral( theSwedish inventor was explored Alfred Nobel, While themedicalvalueofnitroglycerine wasbeing there appear ofexplodingpatients. tobenoreports However, but thesubterfugewasnotentirely successful. trinitrate the namewaschangedtoglyceryl medical use, for medication thatwasalsoahighexplosive andso, expressed initially thatpatientsmighthesitatetousea Someconcernwas via a ‘puffer’ ortransdermally. nitroglycerine isoftendelivered Nowadays, the mouth. systemwasatabletdissolvedthe bestdelivery slowly in Murrell found that given tothosesuffering from angina. in medicalpracticeandisnow theroutine medication longer. thebenefitlastedmuch took longertoproduce itseffect, althoughit nitroglycerine wassuperiortoamyl nitriteas, inthetreatment ofangina, work establishedthat, Further withoutany lossofvasodilatoraction. as onemilligram, headaches couldbeavoided ifthedosewaskept aslow registrar at andheconcludedthat Westminster Hospital, a The matterwasexaminedindetailby William Murrell, medical potentialofthissubstance. andsomeconfusionsurrounded the consequence, they found thatheadacheswere notaninevitable hogothslf.Afwyasbfr ede,Nobel Afew years before hedied, throughout hislife. have beenasource ofguiltashenever spoke ofit Alfred fond ofhisbrother wasvery andtheincidentmust including Alfred Nobel’s younger brother Emil. killed, Five people were Stockholm suburbofHeleneborg. there wasaviolentexplosioninNobel’s inthe laboratory duringthedevelopment ofdynamite, September 1864, itisworthnotingthaton3 handling nitroglycerine, To emphasisethehazards of Nobel’s came. fortune Itwasfrom thisinvention thatmuch of make dynamite. 4 So nitroglycerine gradually replaced © 2006Royal CollegeofPhysicians ofEdinburgh Correspondence to to Correspondence Purdie Building, University of St of University Building, Purdie Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland Fife, Andrews, St Andrews, KY16 9ST KY16 J RCollPhysicians Edinb tel. tel. fax. fax. e-mail e-mail +44 (0)1334 463 842 463 (0)1334 +44 +44 (0)1334 463 808 463 (0)1334 +44 [email protected] AR Butler, AR kieselguhr 2006; 36: 185–189 185 ) to


developed angina and was treated with the very substance remained a mystery but it was generally considered to be that had been the source of his immense wealth.5 a large, hormone-like molecule. The resolution of the mystery started at a conference on at the During World War 1, many of the women recruited to Mayo Clinic in the USA in 1985, at which Furchgott was work in munitions factories to pack explosives reported scheduled to speak. He had concluded, from purely severe headaches, particularly on Mondays. The circumstantial evidence, that the EDRF might be the gas headaches were due to a substantial lowering of blood (NO).12 This should not be confused with pressure from the inhalation of the vapours of (N2O), well-known in medical circles as an nitroglycerine. As the working week progressed, they anaesthetic gas. This suggestion was a bold one as no-one developed a resistance to the biological effect of had ever contemplated, let alone suggested, a normal nitroglycerine and the headaches disappeared. Over the biological role for nitric oxide. It was known outside the weekend, when they were not packing munitions, the chemical community only as a dangerous pollutant, resistance disappeared and the headaches started again produced by the internal engine. The catalytic on Monday morning. Conditions in modern munitions converter on a car removes nitric oxide from the exhaust factories have improved markedly and the environmental gases, converting it into nitrogen and water. Nitric oxide hazard is no longer present. However, the problem of in the atmosphere can give rise to photochemical smog, a resistance is still a difficulty in the medical use of major problem in cities all over the world. Furchgott’s nitroglycerine, particularly if the patient needs suggestion, made public during his presentation at the continuous medication. conference, provoked great interest but there was no compelling evidence to support the idea. Another, chemically related, vasodilator that was invented in the nineteenth century,6 although its vasodilator action Two scientists present at the Mayo Clinic conference set was not discovered until the 1950s,7 is sodium out to provide the experimental evidence that nitric nitroprusside (Nipride: Na2(Fe(CN)5NO)). The invention oxide was, indeed, the EDRF. They were Salvador was made by a chemist, Lyon Playfair, who spent his Moncada, then working at the Wellcome Research childhood in St Andrews, while working at the Laboratories in Beckenham, and Lou Ignarro from the laboratories of the Geological Survey in London. As the University of California at Los Angeles. From ex vivo formula shows, it contains the –NO group (wherein lies experiments they both, working independently, obtained its similarity to amyl nitrite and nitroglycerine) but also strong evidence for the identity of nitric oxide with the the five cyanide groups, causing grave concern amongst EDRF. Two papers appeared simultaneously in 1987 those considering its use. It is sometimes used in announcing this result.13, 14 At first, physiological and hypotensive anaesthesia8 as an infusion but cases of death medical circles expressed grave doubts; it seemed so from have been reported.9 The unlikely that this substance, a tiny molecule and normally chemistry involved in the use of Nipride is complex10 and, a gas, could play a major role in as significant a process as as cyanide release is possible, only very low doses of vascular muscle relaxation. Also, nitric oxide is a Nipride should be used. The body can tolerate low doses and it is well-known that radicals are very reactive and of cyanide as there is an that converts it into the destructive. However, the experimental evidence non-toxic thiocyanate. produced by Moncada and by Ignarro has stood the test of time, and subsequent work by others has confirmed MODE OF ACTION beyond all reasonable doubt the identity of nitric oxide as the EDRF. The radical nature of nitric oxide is not really Both amyl nitrite and nitroglycerine (and some other, a problem; it is, for good chemical reasons, an unreactive closely related compounds) had been used for well over a radical. The discovery of a role for nitric oxide in century for the treatment of the symptoms of angina vasodilation, however,was not the end of the story. Nitric without any clear idea of why they worked. The presence oxide production is now known to be part of the immune in all of them of one of the groups –NO, –NO2 and –NO3 system (which is why immune activity during a urinary should have alerted researchers to the mode of action but tract infection results in nitrite in the urine) and is also a this did not occur until the 1980s. At that time, the neurotransmitter in the brain and peripheral nervous distinguished muscle physiologist Robert Furchgott, system. There is now a sub-discipline of nitric oxide working at the Downstate Medical Center in New York biology (with conferences in exotic places) and an City, reported11 the presence of a previously undetected International Nitric Oxide Society. Some mammalian ‘messenger molecule’ in the sequence of events leading to physiology has had to be rewritten as a result of the the relaxation of vascular muscle and consequent blood discovery of a biological role for nitric oxide. vessel dilation. The unknown ‘messenger molecule’ was produced, he discovered, by the endothelial cells lining the In 1998, the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was HISTORY lumen of the vessel. He called it the ‘endothelium-derived awarded for the discovery of biological nitric oxide. The relaxing factor’. In spite of considerable endeavours, both recipients were Furchgott, Murad (who studied the by Furchgott and others, the chemical identity of the EDRF enzyme responsible for vascular muscle relaxation) and

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Ignarro. The omission of Moncada from the award caused found to be similar to that of inhaling amyl nitrite but the great consternation and outrage. The papers of the lowering of lasted much longer, although Nobel Committee are not made public for 50 years and the onset was slower. The result of this study was that, so most of those living now will never know the reasons for a time, an infusion of potassium or or for this sad and puzzling omission. It has been criticised administration by mouth, was a recognised treatment for by at least one of those who received the award. the relief of anginal pain and for the treatment of other cardiovascular conditions. Under the entry ‘sodii nitris’ It is clear now why the substances mentioned in this the National Standard Dispensatory of 1905 says: article are effective in the treatment of angina. Because of ‘… exerts the same influences upon the their chemical constitution, they are capable of being human organism as do glyceryl trinitrate and amyl nitrite. metabolised, once in the body, into nitric oxide. They all On account of the slowness of its absorption and have nitrogen and atoms in the molecule making elimination its effect is more prolonged. It is given in the this possible. At least one enzyme, located in vascular dose of 1 to 3 grains’.19 Throughout the early twentieth walls, that carries out this reaction has been century, potassium and sodium nitrite appeared in characterised.15 The nitric oxide thus produced causes Materia Medica and in the 1906 edition of Squibb’s very general vessel dilation. Exactly why this so effective Materia Medica sodium nitrite was on offer at one dollar in relieving the pain of angina without causing problems for 1 lb with a recommended dose of one grain. elsewhere in the circulatory system is complex16 and However, it was never really popular as an anti-anginal further discussion would be out of place in this article. , in spite of its superiority to amyl nitrite and the One would have thought that as major a discovery as that absence of danger in handling it. of nitric oxide in the vasculature would have been responsible for new cardiovascular , particularly for There are several reasons for its lack of acceptance as a the treatment of angina but, so far, this has not been the drug. Firstly, an infusion is more difficult to administer case. Delivering nitric oxide exactly where it is required than the procedures used for amyl nitrite and has proved difficult. The only new drug that affects nitric nitroglycerine. Secondly, even at fairly low doses, oxide production developed since 1987 is Viagra and the potassium and sodium nitrite are toxic because of discovery of its use in the treatment of erectile reaction with haemoglobin in blood to dysfunction was serendipitous. givemethaemoglobin, which renders it incapable of carrying oxygen.20 Thirdly, things were spoiled for INORGANIC NITRITE potassium nitirite by WT Law, a doctor in private practice, who claimed that potassium nitrite was effective in the There is one related anti-anginal drug of historical treatment of epilepsy.21 However, Law gave very large importance which soon disappeared from Material Medica doses (20 grains) which, he claimed, gave rise to no but which has now made a sudden reappearance in adverse side effects. Others could not replicate this and research circles for reasons that will be described later. It patients complained of unacceptable symptoms, such as is the simple inorganic potassium nitrite (KNO2) and severe headaches, and giddiness. The explanation differs from the other anti-anginal drugs mentioned of the inconsistency was that Law was using a particularly previously, in that it is an ionic compound rather than a impure sample of potassium nitrite that was largely covalent one. Potassium nitrite should be distinguished , a substance with little biological from its better-known cousin potassium nitrate (saltpetre, action.22 However,harm had been done to the reputation KNO3), a component of gunpowder. of potassium nitrite and, as other vasodilators were available, its use declined. Fourthly the reputation of Potassium nitrite was first made by the remarkable inorganic nitrite was irreparably damaged by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742–86) in discovery that in acid conditions, as in the stomach, in 1774.17 He made many of his discoveries in a primitive reacts with secondary to produce secondary laboratory attached to his pharmacy in the small Swedish , shown in 1956 to be potent carcinogens.23 town of Köping. He heated saltpetre at dull red heat for Although sodium nitrite has never been shown as a about half an hour and obtained a new salt that we now cancer-causing agent in humans, the danger is always know as potassium nitrite. Its properties are very there. Its continued use in food preservation is surprising. different from those of saltpetre and it rapidly gained Unsurprisingly, pharmacies no longer stock sodium or importance in the manufacture of azo-dyes, in the potassium nitrite. In the proceedings of a symposium on preservation of tinned meat and in medicine. hypotensive drugs held in 1956, neither sodium nor potassium nitrite is even mentioned.24 The vasodilator action of potassium nitrite was first examined in 188018 by Edward Reichert of the University SALTPETRE of Pennsylvania, in association with the distinguished HISTORY neurologist Weir Mitchell. The effect of an intravenous Although potassium nitrite was discovered in 1774, there injection or oral administration of potassium nitrite was is documentary evidence that it was used, unknowingly,

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before that time in the treatment of angina. Why this to nitrite22 and so, if the patient followed the instruction occurs is due to the strange relationship between carefully enough, he or she would swallow a dose of the potassium nitrate (a natural product) and potassium vasodilator potassium nitrite. nitrite. Saltpetre (potassium nitrate) is made naturally by the action of bacteria on nitrogenous material from Some of the finest physicians of the Middle Ages were, of animal and vegetable sources and, in a few places, occurs course, Arabic. There is no mention of the use of as large deposits. The largest of these (it is sodium nitrite saltpetre in cardiovascular medicine in the text on rather than the potassium salt) is in Chile, where it was cardiovascular drugs by Abu’Ali al-Husayn ibn ‘Abdallah mined as a fertiliser, and there are deposits of potassium ibn Sina, latinised as Avicenna (born CE 980).27 This may nitrate in India and China. The Chinese used these have been because there is no naturally occurring deposits to produce gunpowder, invented in the Tang potassium nitrate in Arabia. The first mention of it occurs Dynasty (CE 618–907). Precise instructions for making in Kitab al-Jami’fi al-Adwiya al-Mufrada (Book of the Assembly gunpowder are given in a printed book Wu Jing Zong Yao of Medical Simples), finished by Abu Muhammad al-Malaqi (Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques) of CE Ibn al-Baiþar about CE 1240, and this saltpetre was 1044. In the production of potassium nitrate by bacterial probably obtained from China. action, potassium nitrite is an intermediate, but aerial oxidation to nitrate over time means there is no There is one rather curious use of potassium nitrate in contamination of nitrate by nitrite in the old deposits. The the treatment of asthma. Paper was soaked in a solution arrival of gunpowder in Europe eventually changed the of potassium nitrate and dried. It was then ignited in a jar science of warfare radically. By the sixteenth century, and the jar covered. The contents of the jar were then much was shipped to Europe from China and India by the inhaled by the sufferer. The ignition of potassium nitrate East India Company, but there was also an indigenous produces several oxides of nitrogen, including nitric oxide, method of manufacture. Heaps of soil and nitrogenous which would have relaxed bronchial smooth muscles and waste, known as saltpetre plantations or nitriaries, were aided patients suffering from asthmatic spasms. This allowed to stand; nitrate gradually appeared as an procedure was still in use in 1926. efflorescence and was harvested. As a ‘young’ product, it almost certainly contained potassium nitrite as an Why has interest in potassium nitrite as a vasodilator impurity, a matter of some significance in the use of blossomed to such an extent that there was an potassium nitrate as a medicament. international conference on the subject at the National Institute of Health in Maryland in September 2005? There There are few references to potassium nitrate in ancient is a fair amount of potassium nitrite in blood plasma and pharmacopoeia and we may conclude from this that it was in tissue, and Mark Gladwin, a chest physician at the thought to be of no medical value. However, by Tudor National Institute of Health, has suggested that this is the times, it was being used in the treatment of angina, source of some of the nitric oxide that controls the undoubtedly because the material being used came from dilation of blood vessels.28 The enzymatic conversion of nitriaries and contained some potassium nitrite. As the nitrite into nitric oxide occurs readily and the role of amount of impurity would have varied from sample to xanthine oxidoreductase in this regard has been fully sample it is not surprising that it did not establish itself as explored.29 If serum nitrite is a natural source of nitric an infallible treatment for angina, but it seems likely that oxide and a supply of nitric oxide is essential for optimum Tudor physicians had anticipated the discoveries of blood flow, possibly supplementing serum nitrite levels, Reichart and Mitchell.12 either by medication or by a modified diet, might enhance cardiovascular health. Equally, nitrite therapy might be There is a very precise account given of the use of beneficial when extra nitric oxide is required in a crisis. potassium nitrate in the treatment of what appears to This latter matter has already been explored in relation to be angina in a Chinese eighth century medical ischemia-reperfusion damage.30 Possibly, Scheele’s manuscript discovered in the Buddhist grotto at serendipitous discovery of 1774 has a role to play in Dunhuang.21 The potassium nitrate used would have twenty-first century medicine after a century of neglect. been obtained from old desert deposits, containing no potassium nitrite as an impurity. However, the physician Author’s note: The first words of the title of this article instructs the patient to hold the potassium nitrate under are from line 139 of a poem by Matthew Arnold, entitled the tongue and then swallow the saliva. There are Thyrsis (1866), describing the effects of age. colonies of bacteria in the mouth that can reduce nitrate HISTORY

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