Teesside mum locked up for false rape claim

Faye Branighan from Middlesbrough was sentenced to eight months in a young offenders’ institution for making fictitious reports of rape.

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 10:55, 13 FEB 2010 UPDATED01:58, 14 MAY 2013 NEWS

A YOUNG mum is now behind bars after having consensual sex with two men on the same day then making false rape claims against them both. Faye Branighan from Middlesbrough was sentenced to eight months in a young offenders’ institution for making fictitious reports of rape. At Teesside Crown Court yesterday, Judge Brian Forster QC said the 20-year-old’s actions had “severely affected the lives” of the two men whom she accused of raping her in her home on August 14 last year. She had wasted 154 hours of police time. In the first complaint, Branighan told police that an Asian man had pushed her into her house on then raped her in the sitting room. She claimed she had then stayed at home for the rest of the day. “Police conducted inquiries and recovered CCTV from the shops on the street where she lives showing her at the shop in the late afternoon with another female chatting and consuming alcohol,” said Ian Mullarkey, prosecuting. “Clearly that was inconsistent with the account she had given to police.” The girl she had been with was interviewed and told police, who said she was with Branighan most of the day. “She said when the Asian male arrived, he and Branighan went upstairs and seemed to engage in consensual sexual intercourse,” said Mr Mullarkey. When questioned later, Branighan admitted she had not be raped by the Asian male but then went on to make a second allegation. She claimed that after the first encounter she went out drinking with friends in Middlesbrough, met two men and took them back to her house. “She said one left and the other one forced her on the sofa, pulled her trousers off and raped her,” said Mr Mullarkey. Both men were traced and arrested and further inquiries were made which indicated that the second allegation was also false. Brian Russell, defending, said that Branighan was “uncharacteristically promiscuous” on that day as she was suffering from severe depression. “It’s very hard to explain quite what was going on in Faye Branighan’s mind when she spoke to police,” he said. The encounters, he said, were very brief. “When they had finished they left Ms Branighan straightaway,” and “left her feeling distressed with her own behaviour” he added. Mr Russell said he did not wish to criticise the complainants but said their behaviour was “unchivalrous”. But Judge Brian Forster QC said a clear message must be sent out to prevent other people making false rape claims. “Cleveland Police do everything they can to give support to rape victims,” he said. “It’s right and it’s common sense that their time should be directed at those who need such help and support following real incidents.” Branighan, who has a two-year-old son and was living at Rounton Green at the time of going to court, wailed as she was led away to prison. https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/local-news/teesside-mum-locked-up-false-3709293