VOLUME 87 SEVEN CENTS EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN; FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1M3 SEVEN CENTS NUMBER 27 Annual School Square Dancing Featured on Meeting Monday Foundry Addition To Be Summer Recreational Program July 13, a P. M. Completed In Mid-September Notice is hereby given to the Square Daneiajf On Friday of last week thirty- Qualified School Electors of Dis- Square dancing, always popular two boys traveled to Boyn* City trict No. 2 of the Township of Methodist Bazaar with the youth of East Jordan, to take part in informal games of South Arm, County of Charlevoix, To Report for Kane - Shaw The new 76x171 foot addition wiil become, part of the Commun- softball and baseball with the State of Michigan, known as the to the East Jordan Iron Works is ity: Chest Summ>er Recreational Boyne City youth. East Jordan Rural Agricultural Pre-Induction Exam Wedding June 27 well under way, and is expected August 5th -6th Program next week, Wednesday, The 12 yr. olds and under won School, District No. 2, that the to be finished in mid-September, July 8th at 9:00 P.M. at the East over- the Boyne group of similar annual school meeting will be held according to Ted Malpass, one of and for Induction the co-owners. The Annual Bssffar promoted Jordan Tourist.Park under the age 23 to 2 in sof tbaH; The 13 yr. in the High School Auditorium, Rev. Walter N. Cany pastor of by the East Jordan Itethodist .diceetion ol MrJWilbJtb olds and over were beaten 10^ to .Munjjay^July 13; at 8^00 j>. m. f or^ the Charlevoix Baptist Church, It will be used primarily for pat- Church which has received such 2 by the Boyne lads in baseball.' the transaction of such business The following named men have performed the double ring cere- tern storage. .Customers < often generous public acceptance is now Aa in the past, dancing will be The following lads made the that may legally come before this been ordered to report to the . mony Saturday evening, June 27, have, a casting made* and then organized for a bigger and better held in the Recreation Building trip to Boyne City, Friday after- meeting. Draft Board Office in the City at 7:00 o'clock at the parsonage months or years later come back Smorgasbord and Bazaar for the at the Tourist Park on the West noon : W. G. Boswell, Hall, Charlevoix, Michigan, on the which united in marriage Miss and request a replacement, or ad- year 1953. Mrs. Edith Swafford ditional parts from the same mold. Side. This marks the fourth con- The following lads made the 'Secretary Board of Education. 23rd day of July, at 8:30 a. m., Helen Kane of Charlevoix and is in charge of the present secutive year'that square dancing trip to Boyne City Friday after- 1953, rfor transportation to the William. James Shaw of East Jor- This makes it imperative to be Smorgasbord and her committee •27-2- able to locate a particular pattern has been a part of the summer noon:— Jerry Carney, Glen May- Induction Station, for pre-iDdu«- dan. has announced that they will not year it has gained in popularity. immediately, Mr. Malpass says. hew, Cal Darbee, Richard Hayes, tion physical examination. Parents of the couple are Mr. I only feature the same special Remember that square dancing Glen Kowalskfi, Philip Wright, Fireproof- materials, cement foods as last year but will also Herat N. Prohaska, Ronald C. and Mrs. Milo Kane of Charlevoix will be held each Wednesday even- James Yettaw, John"Bos,:—Billy Thomas Kiser West, Donald 'G.-Kerr, Rpbert L. and Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Shaw of blocks with_gypsum roof, are be- add as a special feature Roasted ing throughout the months of July Taylor, Bucky Cihak, Robert Bu- ing used in the new building as Michigan Turkeys. The Bazaar un- Bradley, Boyne City, Michigan. I East Jordan. and August at the Tourist Park low, James Kinney, Robert Sher- Passes Away , Max D. Sommerville, Roman] The bride was attired in a lav- they have -been in most of the der the direction of Mrs. Mable and that young and old are wel- man, Richard Clark, Larry Wood,- Jest'of the plant,, and the pat- • Winston will have a bigger dis- Klimkiewics, _ Jrir- 'Sherman D. ender organdie street length gown come. '-" cock, Marvin Crawford, Earl at His Home Thomas, Marlin B. Sweet, East terns are heavily insured, since . play "of home talent products and "Boys' Activities with white accessories and wore Burns, Gene Richards, Gareth Jordan, Mich. a corsage of yellow roses: Miss replacement would be costly. Mai- will sponsor a Silver Tea August Two groups of boys, one 12 yrs. Thompson, Charles Kamradt, pass recalls three or four serious Thomas Franklin Kiser passed Wallace S. Napont, Richard A. Velma Kane,., sister at'the bride, 1 ,. 5 wiih a real Home Baked Goods of agiTarid~~under and- the other Jack Gee, Kenneth Crawford, Wells, Charlevoix, Mich; fires, one of which destroyed the -away-at-hiaJiome_In_ East Jordan. attended her sister as; bridesmaid. foundry in. 1905. .:•" Sale. The public is-urged to 13 yrs; of age and t>lder,take-part^ ^lare-Ctawfordy Hobert Winstone, She Wore a blue-organdie-atraet these dates for an outstanding in the softball and baseball act- David Damotli, Duane Dougherty, June 29, 1953, at the age of 81 years. • The following named men have length dress with white acce. Patterns are made of~wooc|7"~~: Family Vacation Treat. adv.-P-l ivities at the West Side" Ball Park Bradley Saxton, Larry DanfiSthi aluminum or iron, depending on under the direction of Coach Jon Wilson, Elmer Compo and Mr. Kiser was born Feb. 16,, been ordered to report to the ies anjd wore a corsage of red ros- Draft Board Office in the pity es. . •-...' .._: '....:'. " •-.',.- the durability required. When Gayle Saxton, summer recreation— 3Ceith Holley. 1872, at or near Shelby, Ohio. : With parents and six sisters he Hall, Charlevoix, Michigan, on Gale-Neumann .of St. Charles, stored, the original blueprint may al director. For the time and plate of the be used for filing, or a picture of Dora Dougherty boys' activities, please consult immigrated with covered wagon the 14th day of July at 8:15 a. friend of the groom, served as to. Bellaire, the trip taking 28 m., 1968, for transportation to best man. the pattern may be taken and fil- the Recreation Calendar appear- ed under a customer's name or Married to ing elsewhere in this paper. days. They camped on the banks, the Induction Station for induc- Imme3iateJy~following the cere- of the Clam River. There was on- tion -into the Armed Services. mony the wedding party was serv- number to make location relative- Civil Service Tennis for boys and girls of ly easy. . -••'" .. Dale Murray all ages is also-a part of the rec- ly one house there at the time. Robert G. Saxton, Robert L. ed a dinner at the Par 4 in Petos- Exam, for Sub. reational activities this summer. His father helped cut virgin tim- Buckle, East Jordan, Mich. key, These patterns are used'to make Tennis and tennis instruction ber to clear the present site of .Gerald R. Bell, Boyne Falls, A reception was held Sunday molds,~iafe> which duplicates' are ".; the courthouse square- and the' Mich. in the smaller community build- The Presbyterian Church waa Clerk - Carriers^ classes arTTieKr twiee^a' week at poured. Molds for the core, or in- the high school. These classes are Fairgrounds. ing at the EasSt TordalT Tourist side, of~th~e~eastiug aie iiiade from — the acene of the Saturday evening Park. A'dinner was served at 1 J30 wedding of Miss Dofa Dougherty held on Mondays and Wednesdays • His father and mother home- a mixture of sand and oil, .while A Civil Service examination for from 9:30 to 11:30 a. m.' steaded three miles east of Bel- p. m., given by the parents of the the outside is of a special .clay ' and Dale Murray. ' ~_^. Richard Bailey, *-*• young^ people, to forty-five rela Parents of the couple are Mr. permanent appointment in the Playground ActiTitiei laire. Their first house was built loam, shipped in from Ohio, _ , East Jordan, Michigan, post of- of virgin" timber. Mr. Kiser and tives and friends. The bride's tab- Sand is packed into the pattern ' and Mrs. Harry Dougherty and Playground activities are-in 17, Dies After le, was decorated with, bouquets fice to positions as substitute progress daily Monday through his sisters, Jenny, Ivy, Carrie, by rammers that carry 125 pounds Mr. and Mrs.~Xlarence Murray, clerk-carriers has been announc- of red roses and centered with a of East Jordan. Friday at the East Jordan Tourist Renie, Delia and Ada, went to of pressure* and a small pneuma- ed by J. A. Connor, Director of school in a log school house. - Tractor Overturns three-tier wedding-cake topped tic packer for finishing. The The pastor. Rev. Eilward 0. Park from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m., un- with a miniature bnde and groom. the Seventh U." S. Civil Service der the direction of Coach Sax- Mr. Kiser Hwd there iinjfl the molds are then turned out on a DeHayen, officiated before an Region. Starting pay is $1.61and Richard Bailey, 17, son of Mr. The bride is a graduate with altar decorated with baskets of ton. Children who come to the age of 19 years when he came to board, and poured full of .molten one-hali._.an., hour with, opportun- park to swim can also take part East Jordan where he met Nina and Mrs. Clifford L. Bailey, was the Charlevoix High School Class metal, iron usually, but the foun- white peonies in a candlelight cer- ity for advancement. Additional injured fatally when a tractor ov-, .of '53, and is employed in the W. emony "at 8:00 o'clock. About 160 and enjoy the numerous play- M. Conlfiy. They were married in dry alsojW"orks in brass. - compensation is provided for ground activities provided for Bellaire July 6, 1896. To them ertujrned~6n him about noon Mon- M: Matt. Store.; ; guests were present. night work ffr-d for authorized Ay. _As_tbfe castings are poured, a g them. Some of ihese -actiidties art were boril two sons, -Tom and The groom graduated with the Mrs. Alta Drapeau furnished ti V Richard, who was working in a East Jordan High School Class of feeder ih left to allow fop shrink- overtime. softball, They have'resided in East age of the casting as the iron traditionaL_wedding music at in thin croquet, T field two miles southwest of the '52 ia attending the Veteran's the piano andTaccompanied Ver« flhuff1ph" Jordan the 57 years of their mar- cools. This is a hollow.left in the is restricted to residents of East H .n.nd crffli ried Tile. ~" ~~^ rirv was driving the machine out Vocational School at -Pine Lake. sile Burns of Central Lake as he games. ': - • on the South Arm rbad when it Out of town guests attending molding that is filled with metal sang "0 Promise Me" and "Be- Jordan and persons now employ- Adult Softball Mr. Kiser is survived by the which is absorbed as the casting ed in the East Jordan post office, wife, Nina; two sons, Tom of tipped oy.er. The East Jordan fire the reception were:—Mr. and cause." Ray Dougherty gave hia Large crowds have been department, was called to lift the Mrs. John Baker and James Car? cools and shrinks and any remain- Cheboygan and Dale of Washing- ing is subsquently^filed or cut ar hand for the softball games un- tractor from_h^T^^ri_J^^p^^e^^j d son, of Boyne Falls; Mr. and Mrs. ed in a white satin gown fashion- an West Tnr-fromr- the--WTataon_ Funeral Tommy Hitchcock, who has been applicants. Side Ball Park and Home, Rev. Harley Barber offic- with a white ribbon. take" in the who said there were no witnesses with the company -for 30 yearn, Mrs. James-Graham was her Applications should be filed with softb'all games. iating. Burial'was at Sunset Hill. 10 the longest of any employee. the Director, Seventh U. S. CivjJ Bearers were:—G. L. Paqiiette;1 to the accident, which happened sister's-maid of honor. She wore a near the boy's farm home. The Next step in the process is the white net over blue taffeta full Service Region, New Post Office Archie Murphy, Roscoe Smith, To Attend State finishing machines, where rough Bldg., Chicago 7', Illinois, and will Gaius Hammond, Kenneth Isaman accident happened on a level floor-length gown with fitted straight stretch of gravel road. sport are taken off and edges bodice. Her bouque was of white be accepted until the close of bus- Camp Meeting and Mason Clark. smoothed. After this, the parts iness August 24 1953J . The youth was a junior in the 4-H Club Week carnations with a blue ribbon. The r Relatives and friends from away East Jordan High School. may be dipped in asphalt, a rust bridesmaids, Mrs.. Rex Murray and Full information and application at Maincelona- who attenaed~;tBe~faneral"were— preventive, or may~"be shipped cards-may be-obtained from the Mr. and' Mrs. Tom Kiser, Cheboy- Surviving are. the parents and three sisters, Nancy and Carol, directly to'The- buyef~withput"thir and Ten boys and girls from Char- step, whichever is requested. The annual Camp Meeting twins and Margie. ~ levoix county will be~aHR>tfg~1iMr . -similar in design to the maid of Service Examiners, at the post family, Washington:, Mich.; Mr. TBe" business was started Vin~~ office. event, sponsored by the United Richard was born' on February 1,200 from Lower Peninsula ex- honor's. Mrs. Murray's was pink and Mrs. Robert Kiser and fam- 11, 1936 in Detroit. He came with 1883 by_the. father and grand- Missionary Churches of; this area, ily, Ted and Tom Kiser, Detroit; pected at Michigan 4-H Club taffeta and she carried pink car- his parents, Mr. and Mis. Clifford Week at Michigan State College, father of Mr. Malpass, and has nations with a pink ribbon, while will be held at the Mancelona Co- -Mr.~and Mrs. Clarence Bowman, remained in the family ever since, "unty Park again this year July 9- Bailey, to Cast Jordan in April, starting June 29. Mrs. Booth •.ware yellow taffeta Jr., Kaleva; Mrs. Max Graham and 1947, and has attended the East 7 being operated currently by Ted_ afld carried yellow carnations Recreation 19th. The Rev. Ivan.Lee Sisk, Di- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harn*den, Haz- The 4-H Club members slated and Richard, and a nephew, Wil- rector of Youth for Christ in Day- Jordan Schools since. He would to attend include: Adele Nasson, ,—j^ith yellow ribbon. el Park; Mrs. Clifford Boyd, Al- have been in the senior class the liam. -. - Attending the bjridegroofrn a» ton, Ohio, will be guest speaker gonac. R. 2, East Jordan; Raymond Weifl- coming year. He was a member of ler, R..X, Charlevoix; Kay Klods- The foundry is as mechanized ! Calendar and wiH-Jie accompanied by 6rs. as possible to prevent manual test man was LeRoy McDonald, Sisk, whpVis an accomplish- the 4-H Club. • • • . ' ter, R. 2, East Jordan; Ruth Hart, friend of the groom from Detroit; Harrison Kidder entered Little FuneraJ services were held at lifting. A pomplicated system of JULY 6th — JULY 10th ed musician, and will assist itf the Traverse Hospital, Petoskey, R. 3, East Jordan; Eldeva Craft, also Rex and Cecal Murray, b*eth- -. two o'clock today, July 2, 1963, R. 3, East Jordan; Duane Arnott, overhead tracks carries ladles of ers of the groom. Zell Murray md Monday Camp's Music Program. Mr. and where he expects to undergo sur- hot metal around to the, molds. A 9:30 - 11:30 a. m. Tennir Mrs." NormaA Smith, of South at the Presbyterian Church, con- R. 2, Bast Jordan; Margie Erber, Henry Dougherty seated the gery "•' • ' V~'r ducted by the Rev. Phillip. Frath- Boyne City; Irving Bullmann, lift that works on compressed air guests. ' (Boys and Girls) — High Self*!? =8shd, Ind., and specialists in "Child* .moves the finished molds Ground, 2:36'- 4:34 £00. p.mp.' m.. —~ PlaygrounPlaygroundd ren's Work;, will head up this phaBphase eim, pastor of the Evangelical East Jordan; Jean McDonald, Another sister of'the "'bride* OPEN HOUSE FOR Lutheran Church. Rev. Edward while finished castings are moved Activities — Tourist Park. -' of activity. Five services will be 1 East Jordan; Louise Olstrom, R. Mrs. Margaret Bailey, who took MRS . ANTHONY KENNY DeHaven assisted. Bearcn*wer«: 2, East Jordan; Walter Murphy, by a small tractor/with a carrier the mother's place in her absence, Tuesday held daily including evening serv- SUNDAY, JUNE STH mounted on the ffont. The plant 1:00 - 2:30 p. m. —• Baseball ices. Sunday, July 12, will be ob- Lyle Crawford, Phillip 4f№, Jos- Jte 3," East Jordan. wore a navy fitted dress with The family of Mrs. Anthony eph Smith, Rushell Hart, Vtan 1 employs 105 men.l (Boys \i~ and under) •— West served as Missionary Day with Kenny will hold open house at The boys and girls will have white accessories. The' groom's several Missionaries present for Hart, Floyd Shank. Interment at mother also wore a navy fitted Side Ball'Park. \ ber_hbme, 102 Garfield St., Sun- Sunset HilK . four' days of tours, inspirational 2:30 - 4:30 p. m. — Playground speaking engagenientsT~ ^ ~— Sif7_ J , 5th fo 3 t 9 , speeches, recreations and educa- Friends and Relatives from dress with white accesories and Sif7 June 5th, from 3 to 9 p. m. both wore corsages of pink carna- Activities — Tourist Park. ( tional programs. Nevels "Pearsopj away whowere here— to attend . lions, ... ' 7:30" p. m. — Softball, Canning Ed Weldy underwent surgery in observattce of her 78th birth- Mrs. Ralph Ranney is visiting* acting state 4-H Club leader at the funeral services for Mrs. day anniversary. Friends are in-, Co. vs.; Iron Works. at Charlevoix Hospital, Tuesday. relatives in Detroit. • M. S. C, promises a well rounded Daisy Donaldson last week wewe: ' V Following the ceremony a wed- ; 9:00 p. m, —• Softball, Coops, yited. - ' - • .".....' program of Activities. The boys ding reception was held in the —Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donaldson, vs. American Legion. and girls will rise at 6:30 and Mr. and Mrs. Dick-Donaldson, of "South Arm- Grange Hall for 160 their time will be filled until bed- ! guests. The bride's table_was dec- Charlevoix; ; Mr. and Mrs. Lyto ..'. 830 - 11:30 a. m. — Tennis time-about 10:80 p.m. They will Donaldson, VanDyke* Mr. Bert orated by a. three tier wedding be quartered in Shaw Hall, and cake topped ; with a miniature (Boys and.Giria) — High School. Grossett,, Tomah, Wjn.; Mr. Ray bride and groom and decorated 1:00-2*30 p. m. — Baseball many activities will be centered 'rossett, Aima;. Mr. and Mrs. Lee with pink roses. Lighted candles (Boys 13 and over) — West Side in the- college auditorium. • Donaldson, Mrs. Grandville Med- Ball Park. , While many. of the activities ley, Mrs. Sarah Weatter, Mance- * on' each side of the cake complet- : ed the table decorations. Ice 2:30' - 4:30 p. m. — Playground Loaded in First for Foundry will 'include programs for both lona; Mrs. Dorothy Cline, St "Activities -^Tourist Park. — boys and girls, there win be^events Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Don- cream, wedding cake and coffee v were served. . 9:00 p. m. — Square Dancing The East Jordan Foundry soft- Two witts' in the fourth and' of this week. The Foundry-men "which they will attend separate- aMson,' Ellsworth; Mr.,and MM. — Tourist Park. ; ball team picked up a pair of. three each in the fifth and sixth H. Sommerville, Worderski akd ly. Girls will attend sessions on M. S. Donaldsos, Detroit; Mr. and The- bride graduated from the victories in the Tri-County Soft- gave the locals their mar- W. Saxton formed the winning home economies'to learn of op- Mrs. Robert frhorne, Lachinej East Jordan High School with the 1:00 - 2:30 , pp. m. — Baseball -ball League'the past week by top- gin, of^victpry. battery with Aimear and Sinclair portunities in that feild while the Mra. Gladys McKinnon, Gaylord; Class of '53: The groom graduate B IE d d) Hi ping Cadillac-Olds of Charlevoix making up the losing. boya visit M.S.C.'s plant green- Charles Donaldson, Scott Field, 'ed fronp-tbe Central Lake High (Boys IE and under) — High Wordeski and H. Sommerville School, 8 to 7 last Friday evening and formed-the winning battery with ' Chris Bulow slammed out a houses and banna. Both groups 111:; Mr. and Mrs. Norman White- School with the Class of '47. 2,;30 - 4:30 p. m. — Playground by overwhelming the Jordan Cah- Davenport and Kranke toiling for homerun with bases loaded in the will have an opportunity to tour ford, Mrs. Iva York, Traverse City. • The young couple left on a wed- Activities — T6urist Park. ners 16 to 7 on Monday night of the losers. -- first inning to put the Foundry the state capitol, the automobile 'Mrs.- Rex Hickox was called to ding 'trip through Canada after 7:30: p: m. — Softball,.Amer- this Week. Gallagher ,and Golden home nine out in front to stayv Leo Som- plants and other places of inter- , which they will make their home Big Rapids, Wednesday, by the ican Legion' vs. Canning Company. E. J. Foundry 8 - C.dilUcOld. 7 runs for the losers. Bulow's triple merville was the big gun at th» est in Lansing. illness of her daughter-in-law, in Detroit where ttar-groom ia 9.00 p. m. — Softball, Iron In the Cadillac-Olds encounter, with two on in the fifth was the plate for the Csnners getting a employed. Evening programs include sing Mrs. Leland Hickox. They hav» Works vs. Coops; the local Foundry nine had to only extra-base hit by the Foundry three times at bat. feBts, a 4-H Club Week drew re- recently located at Big Rapids. overcome a 7 to 0 lead to beat the nine. fDn Friday evening of this week vue and other activities including Miss June Moore of Flushing 1:06-2:30 p. m. — Baseball. visiting Charlevoix men. Charle- E. J. Foundry 15 • E. J. C»nn«r» 7 the Ellsworth Chamber of Corn'-' a candlehghting ceremony and and nephew, Jiramie Leftwich, of (Boys IS "and over) ^- -West Side voix tallied 4 runs in the second Hbmeruns by Worderski ft Bu- merce nine will meet the E. 3. devotftns. . jects. Those attending from Char- Flint, came Tuesday to spend her Ball Park. frame and three more in the four- low proved to be the highlighte Canners at the West Side Bull The boys and girls are selected levoix County will be accompanied vacation-at her cottage on Lake 2:30 * 4;30 p. m. — Playground th before the "Ironmen" got their of the Foundry's victory over the Park at 9:00 P.M. in another In- to attend Club Week on the basis by 4-H Club Agent K. C. Fester- Ctoxlvntx,".~~ Activities — Tourist Park. offensive going. Canners here on Holiday evening ter-County League game. of outstanding work in their pro- ling. THfe CHARLEVOIXGOUNTY HERALD, (EAST JORDAN. MICH.) FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1083

EAST JORDAN'S LEADING NEWSPAPER SINCE 1896 . Section 2. This ordinance is NATURALIZATION EXAMINER hereby declared to be necessary AT COURT- HOUSE,. JULY 14 Increase In Motels THE CHA£LEV0IX COUNTY HERALD to meet and take care of a public PublitW by tU Northland PuMUfcmg Co. - emergency. • - The Naturalization Examiner Says A A A Survey PAUL E. LISK, Publiahar ' PRISCILLA 3. LISK, Editor Section 8. This ordinance shall IWANT-APS1 will be at the Cha/levoix County be published within eight days af- Herald Bide., East Jordan, Mich. — Phone LEnox 6-2371 Court House, "July 14, from 8:30 Those, who travel or vacation in FOR SALE ter its adoption In the "dharlevoix to .11:00. Anyone interested in WANT ADS County' Herald. * - Michigan this year will find more their Citizenship Status can see, good motels than everbefore. This FOR SALE — 2-wheel Utility le par word, minimum ch»r«« 40NLY. If not, above rate applies) East Jordan on the 26th day ,of your appointment for you. DON'S GARAGE, Central Lake. begun (June 16) his annual four 26x3 U par word, minimum charf* 20c ADVERTISING RATE June, 1963, by an aye and nay 10c EXTRA PER INSERTION Readers in local Events column: raid Advartnlag Policy month Michigan tourist .facility vote as follows: inspection. Daniel will visit apd FOR SALE — 20 acres standing IF CHARGED Three lines or less 50c Articles and notices of activ- .Ayes: Taylor, Malpass, Strehl, Hay. 7 acres Alfalfa, balance This means all phone-in orders. Over three lines, per line - 15c ites sponsored by organisations inspect about 1,000 Michigan fa- Nemecek and Bennett. PMA Election cilities. mixed Hay. — WALTER Not responsible for any mistakes Display Rates on Request and school classes for th» purpose Nays: None. m ads telephoned In. of raising money will be consid- ' "We have beem informed by MOORE, R. 3, phone LE 6- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Alberta Nowtlmd, 7091. 27-1- ered advertising and chargable at 27-1 ~ " '• City Clerk. To Be Held our largest state affiliate, Auto- FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS (Payable in Advance Only) our regular advertising rates, re- mobile Club of Michigan, that DRY - HARDWOOD — For me, One Year .-•-, — $2.80 gardless of whether receipts are' Michigan is in the mid,st of a mo- 15.00 per cord or 11 cords for OAT.S FOR SALE — FRANK Six 'Months 91.50 for charitable purposes. Articles Community FMA Elections tel building boom. We believe $50.00 Cash on delivery. — ADDIS, R. 2, East Jordan. 27x1 Three months . $1.00 will be published free only if ac- will be held in each of Charlevoix many new motels, hotels and res-, FREEM LAISURE, Pljone, LE6- Cess'than 3 months—10c per copy companied by display advertising 4-H Campers county's nine farm communities taurahts will be eligible for list- 7056. 14-tf FOR SALE — Bottle Gas and copies 7c. By mail 10c or job printing. July 28, 1953, Chairman of the ings in the AAA-accommodations appliances. — SHERMAN'S Judge Soil county j?MA committee announc- directory this season," Daniel MILL WOOD For Sale, $11.00 HARDWARE ' aO and seconded by Strehl to'1 ad-, ed today. said. • * per load. All wood cash on delivery. — • ATKINSON'S The Dropped Gauntlet journ. Carried all ayes. At these elections, farmers in There are now over 600 Mich- FOK SALE —: Dav^hpo)rt and each community will vote LUMBER,, Phoie JU-2-7080, BY ED LEHRBASS Alberta Nowland, The- 4-H campers who were, in for igan motels, hotels and eating . chair, $10. May be seen at Mrs. 27-1 City Clerk. attendance last week, June 23 - 26 three farmers to serve On the places in the AAA directory. Nat- Boyne City, 14 t.t. BUD BROWN'S on Deer Lake community committee, for a Rel- ionally, about 10 percent of all The opinions expressed by O ; at the 7th annual 4-H camp, held FOB SALE — Guernse'y epw, Road. = 27x1 Ed Lehrbass inAhis column are at the Church of God Camp egate to the county, convention listings are dropped each season ORDINANCE NO. 81 to elect the county PMA commit- and replaced by others. just fresh. 3 months old Beagle* FOR SALE — Used Refrigera- not to be_ construed necessarily, Grounds received a valuable ex- and Blue Tick pups. Hay load- nor even probafty as those of An Ordinance to amend Article perience when they participated tee for 1954, and for alternates. Daniel believes Michigan could tors, Electric Ranges, Washers, Voting will be by mail. In gen- profitably pupporb several' hu'n- er. MIKE VEENSTRA, Ells- Oil Water Heaters. — SHER- The Herald. They are only XX; Section 2001 of Ordinance in a soil judging contest. This con- worth. Phone- 5F21. 27x3 those of an experienced and re- 70. The City of East Jordan Or- test was sponsored and conducted eral a farmer is eligible to vote dred more good restaurants' on its MANS. _.-' ; 22 tf sponsible commentator. dains: by the Charlevoix Soil Conserva- if he as owner, operator, tenant tourist highways. The profit po- BAKE SALE — Friday, July 3rd, Section 1. Section 2001 of Ar- tion District. Every camper, a or sharecroper is, participating or tential of those who" super- beginning at 10:00 a. m. at SEE AND TRY those used cars ticle XX of Ordinance No. 70 of total of 105'participated. The con. is carrying out practices in ac- ior restaurants is amazing, he has SINCLAIR SALES. Bake goods, and trucks at low prices on easy cord with programs administered noted. *l payments or to trade at MAfc, It is with •difficulty that I set the City of East Jordan is hereby test was similar to those now pop- home baked beans and potato PASS HDWE. CO. 16-10 here and give woids to a sorrow. amended to read as follows: ular throughout the-nation. by the cbunty PMA committee, is salad. Sponsored by the Amer- eligible for price support or has We lost a lad up this way that was ARTICLE XX ~ Members judged various char- ican Legion . Auxiliary. 27-1 WOOD FOR SALE — All dry. At a man in his" bearing. • * a crop insurance contract with the Section 2001. The City Coun- acteristics of 3 soil areas and Federal Crop Insurance Corpora- Driver Licensing Is our yard or will deliver.—-EAST I saw folks, calm in their mis- cil may, by ordinance, amend, sup- GOOD ALFALFA HAY For Saje then placed the area in land cap- tion. • '14 acres or more. 1 mile east JORDAN AUTO PARTS, givings, any one of them willing plement or change this Ordinance, ability classes and listed the prop- Phone LE6-2322 « 14tf. to give their life's blood. A fac- 'Chairman Hardy emphasizes Centralized by Law of Wilson Grange Hall on Deer provided however, that a public er land use programs- to help Lake road, 6 miles from E. Jor- tory that would shut down .to give hearing shall be held before such maintain the soil in the area in- that the effectiveness- of '•Agri- FOR SALE — 'Internatto.nal 3- he that could, a chance, to help. cultural Conservation Program dan, Frank Bryzik farm. — man hay baler, on rubber; also amendment, supplement or change volved. " Centralization of driver licens- Call TED JANIK, Box 272, —No atone left untuined_irL_an_?f^ shall be passed, and provided fur- The contest was organized by operations and of price support ing authority and a broader law cattle trailer. Will;sell or trade fort to sustain that thin thread" an£ marketing programs will de- Gaylord, R. 1, near Gay El for what have-youC— SEBLO •ther, that no less than' against obscene literature which Rancho. ' 26-2 which we all grasp and call -life. Jays- notice of the son of the Soil Conservation Ser- pend^ great"desfoii ..Hie comnB ng- DE v-RIBS, Atfrood,' Mich:' 2-7x1' . . All these efforts were made of such public hearing vice. They explained the contest ity who voted in at these elect- minors were two of the major bills - that HE would know we would ions. BARGAIN FOR FIRST COlfER FOR, .SALE -i 600 pound capac-' given by publicatio and then accompanied the campers passed by the Republican Legis- .— Nice new ceiling or flooring ity Gallaway Electric Cream help. And we can take comfort in ial paper of the CiJ to each area. Papers were c.at» Since this program has to do lature as aids to law enforcement. the will of the Lord;— . " lumber, $8.50 per hundred sq. SeperatQr, in good condition. railroad! ct- rected and prizes awarded. Prizes with the protection and improve- The driver license law central- feet; lots of new glass and used - — Inquire -of VERSAL CRAW- ed, noti we're awarded according to age ment of the soil and conserva- izes in the Secretary of State's windows and doors; good weed- FORD, East Jordan, R. 3. 27JC2 tered mai groups. In thejboys_l.Q to 12 yr. tion of water on the farms_ of COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS and ; office all records portaining to : ing hoes, 85c; good pick-up utilities group, 1st plaee~waT wT>n by Don Charlevoix county, community drivers and eliminates the split truck, $85.06,- new and,used FOR SALE — 14-ft Shell Lake', hearing grante Beaman, Charlevoix and 2nd place committeemen are in a key po- authority between the State Police furniture bargains now on; strip built boat, 3 years old, Special Meeting of --the. terested at the" time place by Thomas Eicbler, East Jordan. sition to fight for helps to con- bargains in good used tires; •like, new; also .1952 5 hors« tinual production. " and Secretary of State over those -JlouncUJield^n June 26, 1953. specified. '•'•„.' In" the girls 10 to 12 yr. group; records: It is a move toward safer yes, electric washers, stoves, Sea-bee motor with clutch. — Present: Mayor n prntggf against a pro- OraVmTtil East The chairman urges farmers driving pn the highways. . hotplates, .radios,. very cheap, - BOYD CRAWFORD, East Jbr- ' Strehl, Nemecek and Bennett. posed amendment, supplement or Jordan and 2nd place Lnity^ jnjCharlgvoix -_Ihe_iaw_oii obscene literature on easy payments. "•— fMAL- , dan. 27x2 county to look over the feiteT y Motion was made by Bennett ehange.be presented duly signed Anhear of East Jordan. In the covers comic books and other puB^ PASS-HARDWAREA ; and seonded by-Strehl to amend by owners of twenty -percent of "boys 13 and older class; 1st place carefully and make sure farmers lications which might inspire im- Wil( Ruclrfh Article XX;. Section 2001 of Ord- the frontage proposed -to be alter- wag won by-Bill Bpyer, East-Jor- are elected who are best qual- moral conduct. SEE THESE BARGAINS -^ 16x ers,, 3-4 pounds at'-SSc a-pound • inance' No. 70 and hence-forth ed, or by trie owners of twenty ified and who will have the time " Other legislation important to 16 waterproof tents,, }k price; live weight. — ART. .R, MOR- dan and"2nd by Etving Bullmanh, to~aevote"To the job. .RIS, East Jordan," R. 1. 3 mil- shall be known as Ordinance No. percent of the frontage directly EsstrJordan. AmSRg'•girls 13 and law enforcement includes: New extra strong step ladders, 81. Carried all ayes. ' 30 percent off; Electric hot es east, 1 mile south of Ches- opposite the frontage proposed ,toj oi; Desks, office, and store- MILL WOOD FOR SALE — City appropriate. $15,000.00 for property at the rear of thejfrbnt-j At the evening program on West Peninsula $5,000. ~$10.00 or $15.00 load, deliver- black-topping the streets in the . fixtures, etc.; Typewriter, $25. age proposed to be altared, such -Wednesday, June 24, Clayton (Edited by Mri. Wm. Gaunt) Parents of juvenile vandals are 00; Electric water heater, $30-.- ed.-'-M. C. BRICKER & SONS, City of East Jordan. Carried all supplement or amendment shall Healey, Chairman of the C. §, C. liable for civil damages to $300. 00; Industrial Hi-speed water phont JU 2-7618 or JU 2-7658, not be passed except by two-third' D, ma(je brief comments and pre- The Gaunt Reunion is being Penalty invoked for. reckless heater; Boats, $10.00 up; Hay •Boyne City, or write J. H. Motion made made by Bennett sented prizes of beach balls, div- planned to be held July 5th at driving on frozen lakes or streams. tools; Rebuilt hay mower and- Bricker, R. 3, Boyne City. 51tf ing goggles and swimming masks. Whitings Park. Sex criminals are prohibited at rakes; Tractor plows and double This judging contest, say^^Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howard conservation prison work camps. disc harrows; Lots . of other WIRING SUPPLIES — Complete "Healy, its u uarl-of the C; nn-t g, ii ... Persons sentenced to less than assortment on hand including program of greater services. a year term tor law violation will bargins at MALPASS HARD- , metal and porcelain switch and day for Flint on a few days vaca- WARE GO. -. , 27-6" This contest was the 1st of its tion visiting their son, Norm, and go to. county jails or the Detroit —poll chain and keyless types. kind in Charlevoix County and family. Also calling on other rel- House of Correction, 'not state WANTED the 1st time -T- SHERMAN'S FIRESTONE prisons. GENERAL TRUCKING - Local STORE, East Jordan. • 40-tf. ducted with Lanxta yners are free-from. dam- • and out of town,. Ph. LE6-2629 young as 10 years of age, Ujban children.of East Jordan spent age suits by 'trespassing hunters -LYLE SMITH/Mill St., East youngster were just as enthus- Saturday afternoon with "• Mrs. or "guests unless dangerous' con- Jordan, Mich. i CUT PRICES righTnovTon new" istic as were the rural boys and Williamson &t the Rustan. ditions have been concealed. himbef, glass, paint, rugs, hard- girls. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Westerman Farm machinery 186 inches' WANTED — Small, light, 'gteel ware, pipe, well supplies; furniT Camp opened on Tuesday with with three children 'and Keith wide, permitted on state ,-trurife- boat IQJ« ' lifeguaj-d purppges ture, stoves, dishes, tools for all registration Brown, of Fremont, are spending lines" by permjt. •••J- at Tourist Park — See THOS. purposes; used doors, sash, cars 5:00 p.m; Girl? fMjilhJBilLG Violating .rules in county parks ST. CHARLES, Park Commis- and tires, farm machinery, sup-: the dormitory while "boys slept oh family. - Mrs. Westerman and Mrs. made puniShatne"TS"TTirisdemeapr 27-2 plies and parts; logging tools.

bunk beds in the tabernacle; Gaunt are sisters. or - '-v '•'-•' ''•>, ' WANTED TO BUY — 9-inch ce- and farms, trailers, house jacks, - Meals -wiere planned by Mrs,. Mrs. Francis Crowell ^of ".* East The anti-communist law "was dar logs, 8 ft. long. Hardwood Emma Reinbold and. cooked by Jordan accompanied her niece and strengthened to meet" impending floor sarider, typewriter, office 5 saw logs 8 inches arid up. •— Mrs. K. C. Festeriing with plenty, husband, Mr. and Mrs, Christy court-tests... . . and store, furniture, registers Davis, -to Jackson, Sunday. Mrs. HART'S SAWMILL, phone LE and scales, etc. — MALPASS of; help from carnpers and camp- Motorists may note their blood C-V288" . . 11 tf ers parents. Mrs. Joe Martin check Crowell will^ visit with her daugh- type on. driver,licenses. HDWE. CO. 19x13 assisted the cook 5 on Wednesday ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.~Tiny Veterans-or-non-profit-groups PULPWJQOJD _, WAKCED_^r_ All Worden, until Thursday when may hold boxing -or wrestling kinds, sizes and quantities. De- Camp delegates wferle div: iey" Jiout paying, xustortlary livered our yard or carload lots. jntti four groups. Counselors were: to spend the Fourth • with the fee. JORDAN AUTO PARTS, ion Wagon trying Bullmann, Rodger Stokes, Growers. - — -- -^i '. Non-resident fishing license •phone LE 6-2322. 25-tf. from our new type 5c candy" Sandina, Liskum and Margaret Mr; and Jlrs. Harry Ferenz of good for 15 instead of 10 days. pensers -in this immediate ' area. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Finest selected candies now avail- "Lord, all of East-Jordan, arshaH,j_MichI;^j»re vacationing . This cat serves two purposes: (1) use it for Sports at -camp" includedjjsoft- at the cabin of their parents, MrT business. Real opportunity.' In able for this locality. No selling; business, (2) use it fry family and pleasure. baU, horseshoe, ping pong,, arch- and Mrs. Lyle . Tuttle^ in South East Jordan awT Poyne or Ot- to qualify for work you' must ery, and volley ball. Other recrea- Arm f o» a week. sego county. No experience have car, references, $600.00 in In either case this sturdy, all steel 2-purpose needed to s^art. — Write RAW- cash, secured and controlled by vehicle gets fall drive on each of the 4 wheels tion included parties of all kinds. Mr. Otis Bennett of Boyne City you. Devoting six hours week to The camj was under, the direc- was a Sunday afternoon caller at LEIGH'S, Dept. ' MCG-192-6, ... travels over rough trails, across country Freeport, Illinois. „ 27x1 business, your end on percentage tion, of K.C. Festerlirigj Ed Heb- the Wm. Gaunt home. He also f ARM FACTS of collections willnet up to $260.- ... thrdugh mud, muck, sand or snow. Place man and -Mm." Emma Reinbold. called at the Grandvue Hospital FOR RENT I where his wife is a patient. monthly .with very good possibil- your order now for this "go-anyplace" The facilities" were made avail- HOUSE FOR RENT -^-411 Main ities of taking oyer full time. In- STATION WAGON. • ' aBle again this year by the Church Mrs. Anna Johnston of Cadillac St. -H LE- 6-7197, MRS; JOHN come increasingly accordingly. of God Camp Committee. came to the Myers' home Sunday ADDIS. . »27x2 For interview include phdne in I Claytoir-rHealey supplied a to be here to attend" the Gaunt County application. WRITE P. O. BOX truck to take the members swim- Reunion this coming Sunday. FOR RENT — Furnished cottage, 152, Grand Rapids, Mich/ 27x1 ming at the Ferry Ave. Dock on Mr. and Mrs. R*6y - Smallet of Aftrioultural Agtat "across from T.ourist Park. ^~ Ellsworth Farm Store ^Wednesday, and Howard Stephens Petoskey was a caller, Sunday, at Call., LE6-7018' 26-4 supplied a tractor and- trailer to the-Loyal Barber home._' By Ed Rebman, Co. Agr"l A%ent pp sure it is mixed well with the 'take- the group onJlhursday,. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Barber and their wheat. He suggests using a little For Sale from 0 insects during storage extra chemical" off" the floor,' es- P lEMitor: "Does, (the l*w out to the Jim Myers home at Rom where I sit... Chestonia, Sunday, to pick straw- ?nq 'resinisijo c jo ssn Xq pecially at the edges of the bins Marsh give a man the right to open his should be used only when granar^ and aBo in, the. top foot of the wife** letters?" berries. Most, .everyone's .berries 16.0 •'acre farm with over 1000 are not too good.this yeari" V ies have been thoroughly clean- piled wheat ft. Lake^Frontage. Buildings in Answer: "Yies, but not the ed and treated with an insecti- And; he caution*, farmers us- nerve." Mr. Stanley Bracey expects to Jair condition. Good productive start, Monday, wiring the Barber cide before storage. ing "the material need to inspect soil. $8500.00. their grain once a month to see from Godfrey .^ ni- wheathar th Sft-.fasMts 1 Cottage on Lake Charlevoix - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wolfel and culture Agent. grain.' He says the chemical is The chemical ia a pyrethrum- not very effective once the insects Onr copvhoT In out sick. So the ing copies: That machine just; > For Sale two children of Alma spent some tune at one of the Rustan cabins piperonyPbutoxide de^combination are found in the grain. When in- Small cabin on Lake Charle- editor (me) is taking over some .didn't know wlimi to stop. >esn't poison the sects are in'the grain, he adds, use voix.jp2600.0Q. of his chores—which include run- From -where I sit, people are in. S6O00.00. '•-...': Mr, and Mrs. S. E. Baker of Sat when instrOctfo -fot H fifelTl ning the addressing machine on like that sometimes. they often1 lowed, on the lable,Rebman says. —40-acre farm in city limits, 20 - 65 acres, six room house with Chicago "are vacationing for a ChJ-ordane is the best thing on acres clear, 20 acres woods. "mailing-out night." don't know when to stop. Lika bath, $5000.00. , week in one of the Rustan cabins. are various methods of ap- the market today for the 'control "• Last week I didn't have the those wha are prejudiced »gain»t plying the wheat protectant, and of crabgrass in your lawn, reminds 7-room home. Large barn wit* 60 .acres on Boyne City .road. A newly • wedded couple, Mr. water, lights, stanchions. $6800.- usual number of-papers left over someone with an accent, perhaps $3800.00. .and Mrs. R. D. Semeyn of Grrand detailed descriptions of how to do Ed Rebmain, Charlevoix. County for sale at the office. Couldn't fig- ...or against someone .who likes 9 room home, modern with dou- Rapids, are spending their honey- it are available at County Agent Agricultural Agent. ure what had happened—until a cool bottle of beer with his sup- ble garage.-$4500.00.' moon: at one of the Rustan cabins. Rebman's office or from the en- B. H. Grigsby, Michigan State 6-room house,-city water, elec- v Chub Zimmer called to ask /why per. So, In these columns I try t* A real modern home, full bath They are also doing some good tomology department -at Michigan Ccflleg(e plant physiologist, jree-i tricity. Inside very neat $2000.- S Cll he'd gotten SB copies., . persuade everyone to.^throwth* up stairs,'Ms Bath down..Garage, bass fishing just out from their State College. ommends applyinppygg the chlordanclordane switch" on prejudice so it Wont pavement, sidewalks. cabin. •.'•:'•.... Extension 'Entomologist Ray aboubt t JulJly 1 on established lawns. Then I realized—"Zimmer" is Several modern homes in East get repeated. 79 a,cre farm, .i-sjodern house. Roscoe Barber and Jerry Haw- Janes of M. S. C. says that there] for the 40 per cent concentrate Jordan. Also Business Places, Re- the last name the machine prints. % 6560.00. .•'•'• ley report a good catch of .ball, are "thing3 still to learn" about -it takes one pint in a gallon of oil- sorts, Hotels. 1 Guess I lorgot to turn it off... 23.7 acre farm',, modern house Sunday, from the South Arm. * wheat-, protectant. - But, he adds,' a water-white grade of kerosene , and it just kept grinding out -and good barn. Trout stream and the material has been used sue- If you use the 72 per* cent con- Chub's name on all the remain- pond. $6600.00. '•• - > . eWssfully in Michigan and oher' centrate only a half pint is need- Office in Post Office Building CLARENCE HEALEY; Broker. "On the path between "the home- states where it has been tried.' ed per gallon of kerosene. Both KEITH DRESSEL, LE 6-2806 . of friends —grass does not' Ccpyrigftt, 19SS, United Statu Brtwen Fo Phone LE 6-7210 • 27-3 He advises that you use care will cover 1,000 square feet of FRANK NACHAZEL, LE 6-2284. growl" in applying the chemical and be -lawn. . . • V THE CHARLEVOIX COUNTY HERALD, (EAST JORDAN, MICH.) FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1953 BUSINESS LEADERS OF PETOSKEY J. F. REUSCH, JEWELER CM. HARRIS LUMBER CO. "GORDON'S!' FINE FOOD NATIONALLY ADVERTISED DIAMONDS RETAIL AND WHOLESALE LUMBER — MILLWORK STEAK - CHICKEN - CHOPS - SEA FOODS ^ Watches — Silvejwlure— Jewelry SUPPLIES — LOGS OR TIMBER PURCHASED Home Made Pies, Rolls. All of your Favorite Foods For your Diamond Buying see J. F. Reusch Standish Ave. :.:..>•.' r Phone 3207 'We Serve a Special Noon Lunch Plate AH questions cheerfully'answered Sea Food— Fruit —Vegetable Plates Expert Watdi Repairing For good-lumber and building Harris Lumber Co. is faithfully and remodeling job. They wHI materials, may we suggest you serving the public. You may de- assist you in securing the best at 317 E. Mitchell Phone 3642 429 E. Mitchell Phone 2403 get in touch with this firm, C. M. pend, upon what. tliey tell you the most reasonable prices. Harris Lumber Co, You will al- about lumber and building sup- In making this review^ we. de- When its time to eat away from uine welcome always awaits.you. J. F. Heusafc "Jewelry Store, receiving. Whatever you may sire "to direct your ^attention to ways find their immense stock plies. They are absolutely reliable home, it is a satisfying thought At Gordon's Restaurant, visit- merchants and jewelew of ability, wish in diamonds, silverware, wat- the C. M. Harris Lumber Co. It is when you know where to go to ors from near and far .find-that who have aiv excellent stock of ches and jewelry you will find complete whether you require on- and are prepared to give you a distinctive factor in the indust- always find food expertly prepar- "end in the search for quality .standard jewelry and silverware, that they have provided in this ly a few .pieces or_ajarge^erder.; d advice. Let them give you rial • efficiency' of this region and er from the very choicest meats, ,food"; a homey, cheerful place featuring famous lines of watch- store a choice assortment from Prices are right ..~~^ an estimate on your next building rapidly growing community. vegetables and fruits the market where cookery is ah art and the es, diamonds, gifts .and jewelry. .which to make selections. As re- affords—and always at prices cleanliness and sanitation are the They will give you the' best, of gards Quality you are assured you can afford. „ first consideration of both man-' service on your selections. A store that whatever you may purchase Such a pIBce is Gordon's Fine agenient and employees. that is headquarters for the peo- here will be priced at a reasonable Pejoskey Housefurnishing Co. Food where the business of serv- When business """or •"•pleasure ple for many miles around. rate, for this store i3 in charge of ing tapty plates of your favorite brings you tp "Petoskey, make This is one of the progressive business people who have wide Fine Furniture — Carpets — Draperies— Slipcovers —Curtains foods, sandwiches and well bal- your visit pleasant and enjoyable. firms of the community and is experience in the field and are anced meals is the important bus- expert diamond consultants. Drop in at Gordon's Restaurant meriting the large patronage it is Glassware — Foreign and Domestic China iness of the hours; where court- and eat. You won't find better eous, friendly service and a gen- food—evdn at home. 1200 Bay View Road Phone 3361 Furnishing your home can be little measure to our ability to nishings, see Petoskey House Fur- HOME DAIRY CO. made an interesting pastime when accomplish our everyday task. nishing Co., distributors of fine you have the proper assistance, What then, can be of,more impor- furnishings. Here you will find "^HIGHEST QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS and you can get the proper assists tance to the' community's progress furniture of comfort, beauty and COOK ELECTRIC CO. \ Homogenized and Pasteurized Milk anee at the Petoskey House Fur- than this popular furniture -and durability. Featuring only the FRIGIDAlRE APPLIANCES nishing Co. home outfitting establishment; finest in furniture. One piece Or Whipping Cjream — Coffee Cream — Cottage Cheese An inviting, comfortable home For young couples.starting out a house full. Drop, in at this store, Refrigerators, Home Freezers, Electric Ranges 406 Liberty Phone 3341 _ is one of. the essential features' of in housekeeping and the older cou- Northern Michigan's finest store Automatic Washers, Dryers, Ironers, Water Heaters modem life. It contributes in ho ples who wish to renew their furr for the home. In this review of business and The result is that today Home 316 E. Mitchell^ Small Appliances Phone 2191" service leadership in this area, we Dairy Co. patrons enjoy the finest Cook Electric Co. features na- home, you are invited to* stop at are pleased to include a concern products that experience.and lriod- tionally recognized home appli- Cook Electric Co. and inspect the ' that is recognized for TKe~qua№ty*j~ern—requipmtent—«an~ -produce^ ances as vacuum cleaners, wash- unusually large stocks on display of the products they distribute as Healthy growing bodies need plen- ZAIGER BEVERAGE CO. ing machines, ranges,, refrigerat-, there. Courteous, well informed well as the excellent "service they ty of pure rich milk, Nature's ors, dryers, ironeis, home freez- salespeople will be pleased to render. " most perfect food. PFEIFEERS — BLATZ — BERGHOFF — FINE BEERS ers, and a complete line of small show you, answer questions, and We refer to Home Dairy Co., Liying up to their slogan-— appliances, with a competent re- make "your visit pleasant and distributors of highest grade milk, "QualityJPirst, Last and Always," BLACK LABELAND CARLINGS ALE pair department to see that your without obligation of any kind cream,, ice cream and other dairy Home Dairy _Co. is to be compli- Imported and Domestic Wines and Champagnes •appliance is at all times giving In these days of inflated food products. mented upon the service they ren- maximum service* vand complete Tpriirai s thrifty people are quick to Processing by pasteurization der to this community in furnish- 1008 Franklin Phone 2691 satisfaction, this progressive firm see the advantages of proper home, and homogenization. ing high grade dairy products. invites your business with guaran-, refrigeration for the storage, of All these names are well known grade but different tasting beers part of the state and have always tee of quality, servnjf'and price, foodstuffs With a Frigidai re "re- to every person in the community and thus are to be complimented been honest in their*"dealing with together with 'fair, cguEfc«*6us frigerator or "freeze unit, on this that enjoys a glass of~ale~or beer, for their judgment and foresight, the public. They—have always treatmentj/and a genuine appree* day late^next year, you too can 15INGER SEWING CENTER and these are theTjuality beers That they correctly -judged- the handied-high quality-products- and iti J " have fresh fruits, fresh vegeta- Sewiag Classes Mornings, Afternoons and Evenings and ale distributed by the Zaiger taste of the people i3 proven by have rightfully earned the suc- And whether or not yotj con- bles, meats and countless other Beverage Co. the large quantities of these beers cess they have attained. The next sider-replacing ' .an old unit, or. ^delicious dishes. And at your f m- We Do Hemstitching — Button Holes Realizing that tastes vary with they deliver daily to stores and time you dropjinto your favorite byii^;''"samething new for, your "gertips when you want them. All Sizes Covered Buttons people, Zaiger Beverage Co. went taverns throughout the county. ta^fiEn&r« store aslc for,- one of to much effort and expense Mr Zaiger Beverage Go. stands the brands distributed :Hy Zaiger Expert Repairs on all Makes of American Made secure for us_their equallyrogh Beverage Co.'.— , > - *. • , Sewing Machines — Have Your Present Machine Hgh in the business circles of this Converted To An Electric Here >'S SUPER MARKET 320 E. Mitchell Phone 3595 BURNETT BROTHERS ; GROCERIES — FRESH FRUITS — VEGETABLES sewing machines, dealer in, the Baked Goods, Frozen Foods, Fresh & Smoked Meats The Singer Sewing-Machine Co, famous Singer line, as well, as re- OLIVE#BALES& SERVICE. . ', ' is an • outstanding" service avail- conditioned machines of all mak- We Handle Nothing But Swift^ Premium Beef— ' to customers throughout this es. • ' • New and Used Tractors and Farm Implements • ' • •"!*'•"'.••• -Naturally Aged • area. Our shop-is well-equipped It makes no difference the Milk Coolers — Freezers'— Seed Fertilizer —-'Sprays — Welding ; ' "Hplden Red Stamps" Given with All Purchases to handle your problen" T where courtesy and efficiency go this well-equipped repair and re- Bay Shore ... ~ " Tractor-Repairing for Valuable Free, Premiums hand-in-hand to render satisfac- placement service is in a- position ~ "' Phone 2564 tory service in a prompt, friendly to serve you. Here are new parts 'We Cover the North Like the Snow"— Distributors df '^Feeding the family is one of the this food center for their food- THS d de fnr nil stand W TnaVhiuBa, and Bros., is a firm whose jnents. machinery and* tools for the farmer, the -implement; -they cost most important'items-riri the maa- stuffs While prices aie (nvana- . - . .". ~ " here, too, are expert repairmen every need. As a result, <4io fiixn have a- service departmejtt-which to properly handle them to meet success- may be explained by the ag'ement of every household and bly low, quality =alwaya remains Housewives in the Petoskey efficient and satisfying service it in this' part of the state is better ^watches the particular implement increasing costs* have made the .the veiy best Wide varieties of*" area will find this brief story of the equirements of your • sewing equipped to meet the needs of the machine. And the prices charged has rendered to the farmers of or piece of "--machinery -you can -hettsewiig a, thrifty shopper Cra- fiesh fruits-, vegetables, meats and special interest. It introduces a farmer, whatever they "might be, buy untij it' is proved^thwt it "will go's Super Market has come "to fancy Rroceites. aie there to service unexcelled ~iH~i£s^peld in for this fine service are modest by this community. ;The standard lines they carry,, the give satisfactory* service.|If any' her .assistance. Never before, has choose from. Stocks are fresh and • this section of the state; the ser- comparison with charges often Believing in the great agricul- famous Oliver line; the honesty made-by less experienced repair- adjustment is needed: on-^th'e im- ihe 'hoiiewife^given .so mu'ch at- clean Service is prompt and * vice of the Singer Sewing Machine tural possibilities of-this flourish- jef their dealings; and their ef- tention to price, grade and quality courteous and certain."" ~CeittSins" iecugjiized—fchreugh^ JKhld ing fgW^iiriity JHe^ojganizers of plement or machine after.it is Jj ficient business methods have as she does t&day and the shrewd It is our pleasure to compli- this county as an authority this company determined to "es- Xhem a reputationTiot-Mnrrt?' -bought-from-this-iam^ Iheylinlt tablish a. business * which would promptly, take care of the work jnent the management on this fine ed to this particular vicinity or are available. '.Housewives "are food market which Is one of the -— meet every demand of the farm- county. !' "' as part of their program'fee serve ers in the'way of farming imple- the farmer in every way possible. ra*pidly learning that .there" are' most modem and"" up-to-the min- PETOSKEY MOVING CO. They do more than merely sell many advantages in looking to ute food centers in the. county. LOCAL AND> LONGT5ISTANCE MOVING NORTHERN AUT0FC6. packingg . Shippinpp g - Crating LINCOLN - MERCURY SALES & SERVICE dld Wh C JACK* JILL SHOP AH Merchandise Handled With Care- The Mercury Now Of f ers You Three Transmissions Bdys,Girls>r Infants and Womens — 430 Howard — —••-- Phone 2300 ' Silent "E" Standard Drive Teen Age Ready To Wear Complete moving service is af- There is constant shifting of Touch-O-Matic Overdrive and Merc-O-Matic Drive forded by the Petoskey Moving population in a vast and relative- Nationally Advertised Wearing Apparel in the Company. And it engages in both, ly new country s'uch as ours. Many Sullivan's TV "Safe-Buy^Used Cars Latest;* Styles, Colors, 'Fabrics local and" long-distance moving. move becausi~bf occupational op- Collision Work — Complete Motor Repair Ladies Dresses in Cool Cottons and Sheers People may complain bitterly portunities or phases of educa- Phone 2541 about the hardships of packing tion. Some move in the spring and 207 E. Mitchell Perfect for Hot Weather and moving, but moving goes on again ia>^he autumn. But when- Today, all eyes are turned up- find it a pleasure to include this es, because of the immediate pub- Suits — Sportswear — Swimming Suits nevertheless. Andjn such, an out- ever- or fwherever one may move, on the new, supurb 19S3 Lincoln progressive sales and'service rep- lic acceptance with which they 318 E. Lake Phone 2042 standing concern as the Petoskey there can /be economy, freedom and Mercury, the finest cars .that _r are acclaimed, maynot be readily from hardship and absolute secur- resentative for two of sthe worid's available to the growing demand. Moving. Co., one has an able ally ever carried these honored names. v modern prices, you can do no. bet- ity through- invoking the cornplete most beautiful ears; — For that reason, i*e /suggest -that "who^can^easily" SH*" efficiently These beautiful, quality automo- Jack & Jill Shop in Petoskey is ter than the Jack & Jill Shop. •shoulder the responsibilities of moving service available through The new 1963: Lincolns and until your new L'incoln^ or Mer- a. prominent store-ter^boysj-gvls, Here you will find "a most compre- packing,; of moving and of ship- th6 painstaking and impressive biles with new'styling, new ap- Mercurys are brand new in every cury can be delivered/you-keep infants, and ladies' wear land is hensive line in varied styles and ping, if necessary, with safety and •operations of the Petoskey Mov- pointments and- the "new look," respect, wider, more comfortable your present car in good mechan- recognized throughout this local- colorings,, the very latest and most without annoyance. ing- Co. .. , ••.. are on display at the Northern- seats, finer unholstlery, roomier ical condition by running it in at ity as the leader in supplying the original For this reason the Jack Auto Co. ,•'•'.• bodies, increased vision, lowered the big Lincoln or Mercury ser- best in quality at reasonable pric- & Jill Shop, has gained the well Business leadership in any line wind resistance, new and better vice and repair department for a es. They have, through their ex- merited reputation of being the of endeavor reflects- quality of full cushion tires for added rid- periodical check-up. Here you will perience in serving, the public, ac- logical place to look first when in products handled, forthright bus- ing comfort and many other fea- find a completely equipped shop, quired an enviable reputation for sea*ch of the latest a"nd most Petoskey Steam l^undryL_ iness dealings, and service render- tures including improved motor genuine parts and a staff of fac- selecting latest styles-for women, stylish creation in wearing ap- ed. That ia why, in this review ox lid puwei Uain for nmoothar per- i> hii d to parel for boys, girls, infants and formance'afahy speed. , io_ -children- ODORLESS DRY CLEANING— LINEN SERVICE outstanding business and profes- give you prompt, efficient and When" it conies to- quality and womens wear. Pickup and Delivery Service sional concern in" this area, we But these beautiful automobil- courteous service at all times. Our Truck Calls In East Jorden/Area on Wednesdays 43SLE. Mitchell . •"• Phone 3443 not only' cleans your clothes, hut SCHNEIDER MOTOR SALES PETOSKEY RUG CO. Your blue Monday troubles can thoroughly renovates them in the be very satisfactory solved by the most sanitary manner. It also STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE E)CPERT RUG AND CARPET CLEANING Petoskey Steam Laundry. They turns- them out Complete Body Shop — Expert Collision Service" Furniture and Car Upholstery •have strived to make their laun- able odor. The latest cleaning and dry and cleaning superior, and renovating machinery in their Frame and Axle'-^ Wheel Balancing BerloiT Moth Proofing Rag Repairing_and-jSt«ng- that they have succeeded is prov- plant makes it possible for them Used Cars and Trucks — Dist General Tires * en by their flaany satisfied custom- to handle the most delicate fab- 705 Kalamazoo . . Phone 2324 rics and turn them out so they 402 W. Mitchell Phone 2529 ers. ' look lifee-new. One of the featur- Call this reliable firm for ex- what satisfactory rug and furni- This is a laundry that.can clean es tnat" recommends their service •baker's never ending stride to- pert work. Their odorless rug and ture cleaning means, you will be in a satisfactory manner and does The beautiful new Stiidebaker produced in the fine car field. is that the price of woolens is very exceeds in design, styling, roomi- If you appreciate the finest wards production of the finest carpet cleaning has restored many the judge upon the return of them. it in » most up^to-date way. Clean- high and it is a well known fact a soiled and faded rug so that it They thoroughly understand ' ing clothes is not only "taking ness, vision, power and perfor- skills in automotive building, all automobile on any highway. that modern cleaning work, such mance, anything heretofore pro- combined into a striking automo- gives added attractive service. every phase of the business, and the.dirt.out," but also consists of as theirs conserve the woolens and tive unit that is as new and re- Once you become a Studebaker They have the latest and most have many years of honest, clean turning out a clean snjooth. gar- duced by the-great Studebaker or- prolong the life Of the garment. ganization in more than a century freshingly different as a glimpse owner, you will never be satisfied up-lo-date machinery and employ servicejxThey are able to pick up ment which one would be proud to We are pleased to compliment of tomorrow you will want to see with anything less" than Stude- only first class help. If you would and deliver anywhere in the Pe- wear; New machinery and sanitary of precision engineering. It's beau- this firm and urge all our'readers tiful interior appointments in and inspect the exceptional Stude- baker's performance. It is easy on have your rugs, carpets and furn- toskey trade area. A service for metnods are necesaary_to__jfrosh and laundry baker cars. the eye, easy, on riding fatigue iture cleaned satisfactorily bring "rugs"—oriental ; Or domestic, comfort into clothing and in this, as regards cleg nhinationa. they can do no better than to its ultra modern exter-stylihg and And incidentally, service facil- regardless of the. length of your them to the Petoskey Rug Co. cleaning, fitting, laying, replace, their laundry surpasses all others ities maintaned by Schneider Mot- journey, and easy on the cost of They maintain a service that ia, fringing, sizing, mending and re- in this area. turn tfieir work over to the Petos- finish produce poiae, balance, key Steam Laundry. beauty fartn beyond anything yet or Sales are in step with gtude- operation. unexcelled. A trial will show you pairing. The dry cleaning system used •-1 ; ' ^ ~\


left Friday for Lancaster, N. It.- called there by the death of hb J. VanDeHen M0. Looking Backward... mother. v •'•••-' James A. Reid Furniture Co. EAST JORDAN, MICH , Mr. and Mrs. Karl Heller are : "Quality at a Sayings" "OFFICE HOURS JUNE 28, 1913 ed using the ring ceremony. Miss cow located at Onaway, managing , • Z to 6-p; m. Daily Fern Davis acting as ring bearer. *a store for the A ,4 P. Co. DrtEJCEL — WILIETT _ ?t№^ FURNlf UWE After a delightful luncheon the Miss Irene Bashaw left Satur- Except Thursday and Sunday The City Commission having Troy and American JRattaa Summer FtMTiiture—-Sealy Mattresses 7 to 9 p. m. Wed. and: Sat, young couple left for their new day for Milwaukee, Wis* Where- under consideration the matter of home in, Boyne City. < she will attend a Music School. 8*7 Eatst Mitchell i Sunday by appointaesft . Mich. ment there of also to issue bonds School principal for the coming drowned June 11th while crossing key, where ..new and beautiful The Janies A. Held Furniture and satisfactory installation of ' Hoars: 2 to 6 p. m. of the City to the sum of $1,- year. Oral is one of East Jordan's from "'the west shore near i Holy styles and patterns of suites, oc- Co. has served the people of this carpets,, and kindred items, they 972.49 for the paying of Main younj; men who has made his own Island. ',..'• casional pieces, lamps, carpets, arsa-Reliably arid Well. By stock- now serve an ever growing cli- Baily except Wed. * Sun. Street from the'North line-of way through college. Newbjenry The body was in the water a- rugs await your inspection. ing Only items manufactured by entele of satisfied cuotomaM. 7:30 to 9 p. ni., Tuea. A Sat. GarfieW Street to the North Line is fortunate in securing such a bout two weeks^ It was discov- of Division Street. The amount to clean and able' principal, who will ered -tfyJW. -CrHowe near where - Office LE6-B61i be raised by the City at large for be a value to them both in the the over turned boat was found. Residence LE6-2818 ••"":,; said .psvlngr . - . school and upon the athletic The remains were brought to the HARBOR SPRINGS AUTO Co. Mr."an*-Mrsr-teon Sittaer (the field. •',-'.-••- Watson Funeral Parlors in this ; latter was formerly Miss Hazel JUNE 29, 1923 City and that ajfternoon, June PACKARD SALES & SERV|CE Battertee) of Kalamozoo, were Born to Mr. and Mrs. Orrin 25th, a short service wse held at Aik Tfce Man Who Owns One guests of Mrs. Sittser's sisters, Gorman a son June- 27th. , Sunset Hill conducted by Eev. Sherman's Hdwe. Mrs. Lyle Keller and Mrs. Mason • Born to Mr. arid Mrs. John C. W. Sidebotham. —• :_. Expert Repair Service — Accessories & Parts

v AathoriMd Dealer for Michigan Clark over Sunday. • Addis, a daughter, Mary Jane, • . . • — •- '• -r . -" . ' .j " % Zf& % Main tfefbor-Springs Phone 191 MissVGladys, daughter of Mr. June l?th. - _ . He" graduated frpijLJJfe East (Bottle Gas) and Mrs. John Whiteford, and Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Por- J>oKdan Public" I&hcioii in" 1929. Packard automobiles have sible-by Packard's functional de- highly trained mechanics and has John McKinnon of this city were ter a daughter, Suzanne Jamison, He joined his father m the wood . Climate .Conditioned beginning of the indus- sign. Beauty, yes but beauty gone to considerable effort and. united in marriage by Rev. Aid- June 20th. , • working plant. Foljowingthe death: increasing in popularity which performs some useful func- expense to properly equip their rich at Boyne City, Wednesday -ot hia father he continued w : Sales & Service Miss Agnes Swobpda left Sat- ^ *^r^til-to^ the tions. ' service department, and any evening. Miss, Ethel Painter was jjie~~ woad^" working business. urday for a visit at Grand Rapids Packard in porn* of engineering For, over 60 years Packard Packard owner or the -owner of Phono LE 6-2961 bridesmaid and Albert McKin- after an .exteridedJSsit with her Surviving is his mother, Mrs. "finish, style, appearance "d craftsmen have been building fine any other make of automobile non was groomsman. A recep- sister Mrs* John Nachazel, Janet Severance and two listers price are real ""buys. The ne^ motor cars and have taken genu- can take it there for service with tion was held at the home of the Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning Misses Helen and Elizabeth. tramatic drive and with riding thfe firm knowledge that -what brides parents./ ,The RewlyWeda A pretty wedding was solem- qualities that have never before ine interest in every Packard own- of Chicago are visiting at tHe er, that is one reason that,Pack- needs to be don* will be properly have commenced house keeping home of her jnothe'r, Mrs, Fred nized June 24 at the home of Mrs. been experienced in any cars. EL&rSAUTO ard insists every Packard dealer done. , in the Wm. Sweet residenceTon the Richards. Mrs. Browning was for- Henry Cook^ when her daughter BODY SHOP Look at the headroom and you be° so equipped from a standpoint West Side. merly Miss Ula Dewey. Miss" Borothy Elizabeth, became Harbor Springs Auto Co. in- Cuiraatmd Top Quality wondej" how they do it with their of trained mien and equipment to Sfiss Gladys, daughter of Mr. the bjride of James L. Craft of vites you to visit their «81es room BUMPING — PAINTING Mrs. Fred Mehl of Boyne City low rakish streamlining, but this' properly service these fintjears. and look over the i)ew models of and Mrs. Charles H. .Hudkins were was guest at the home of her Washington D.C. Kev. C. W. 'Side, WELDING is another achievement made pas- Harbor Springs Auto Co. has these beautiful cars. united in marriage to ^Walter mother, Mrs. Minnie Freiberg, botham performed the ceremony - FREE ESTIMATES Davis of Boyne City at the home the past week. before an improvised alter which Complete Une'ofcoioHFon hand of the brides parents Wednesday was covered with roses. Uuth at all times Mrs. W. B. Hargrave of Col- Cook sister of the bride sang and night. As, Lohengrin'^ /Wedding fax, Washington and Mrs, F. E. t blcwi Wet it M-66 on March was being played-byTliss Jacquelin Cook pfeyed the wed- NORTHERN AUTO PARTS Co. ElUworth Rd. PhoM LE6-2922 .Wilson of Yakims, Washington are ding March. , Reta Carr, the procession enter- visiting at the home of their sis- DISTRIBUTORS OTF AUTO AND TRUCK PARTS ed led by the lu-idt, ill eased—ia- ter, Mrs. Henry C: Clark. The bride was attended by her white silk crepe de chigSr carry- Mrs. Theresa Wilcox and child- sister Ruth, the groom was atten- Welding Equipment and Supplies ing white roses, and the groom ren of Battle Creek are visiting ded by Clifton Heller of this City. R.G. WATSON in navy blue. They were accom- at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. A reception followed the cere- Complete AutonjoHve Machine Shop Service panied, by Miss Florine^Hudkins Adolph Swatosh. mony after which the bridal Service Station and Garage Equipment FUNERAL and Erank Davis followed by four George G. Qldnn and a Mr. couple left by motor for. a trip maids) ftf honor, Misaes ^Sopbja Warner of Oakland, California, through Cleveland and Buffalo Branch Stores in Traverse City and Manistee \ DIRECTOR^ --"•, Be"rg; Gwendolyn" Boyd, Neva to the District of Columbia where "visited-friends here first of the For Your Convenience We Have and Hilda Stackus. week. Phone:'— LE&7031 Rev. T. Porter Bennett of ficiat- Mxs. Omar Steenbergh return- ends at 63 Carol Ave., Takoma ~Fwe Tr^to^orfeetivery Service to the 12 Surrounding Counties ea to Detroit, Monday after a vis- Park, D.C. Miss Cook Was a grad- 476 MitcheH Street Phone 3812 I MONUMENTS it with her" sister Mrs. Delbert uate of. the local High School and Eut Jordan; for the past two years has had a Miller and other relatives, Northern Auto Parts Co. hand: This establishment has become you can depend. government position in Washing- A number, of East Jordan stu- les one of the largest and most known far and wide jig a^ leader One of the features of this dents who rmvg completed their ton, D.C. complete line of. auto parts and on dealing itt automobile pirET service iB_that theyj»ve a studies, here left the past weet accessories and aupplies. They have many Bat- Miss Laura Lorraine of Palo parts for every make and BUILD.",.-' to enter our State Normals, Those Alto, California is visiting at the This is a latter day business isfied customers in all the sur- __ BETTER' going .to Kalamazoo State Nor- home of her sister Mrs* Ed Katn- house that was determined when rounding country who have learn- This service is a great accommo. BUILDINGS bMaddock, Alma they opened their door" to the lo- ed real motor car economy through dation and often saves people Anderson, Fern Fldnnery, Elsie cal public" of "the country .were" Mrs. Harold Usher and child- their^eTvicerThey-are-pleased-to- -many-days-while they would be WITH Johnson, Emma Omland, Ber- given all the advantages of metro- ren Louise and Billy, are spend- give you any' and all information waiting for some parts to come QUALITY/ BLOCKS nice Curier and Jennie FFaHseth, politan parts service and positive- about parts they offer and thfey from the factory.' Those attending the Mt. Pleasant ing the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr.s. . 'accidents are. traceable to speed- PHONE ELLSWORTH

ELLSWORTH A youngster was saying his The DeSoto-Plymouth ears en- lived. - - enable tKem to build, fepiact Or Residential —. ComnMrrciaJ bedtime prayers in a low voice, joy the greatest popularity of any The new DeSoto-Plymouths are repaft a ear rfo mfitter What ttH Industrial ; Uitd«r~New Management "I can't hear you,- dear/' prod- cats" on the market today and this low hf mitial cost, economical trouble may be, in a »ati»fkct6ry popularly is well merited, for not from the st*rrd-point of gas con- -manner. This service inttilll «6*t- Don and Louise Campbell "I wasn't talking to you," was only are their sturdy dependabil- •sumptrott and remartable for the firm reply. ity a well-known quantity, but the fidence in tHe minds of ear own- their years of service. Our read- ers in this section of the state. ECHO ELECTRICAL millions of these cars on the road ers would do well to visit this ENTERPRISES OPEN 6 A. M. TO 10 P. M. A father came in from work and proclaim, the wide r favor with popular .DljSbto-Plymouth Dealer There ii no concern in thlr found his 5-yaar-old daughter in which th»#e well-koown automo- before buying their next c«r. sectiott that doWs Sefttr w^k mt' bile's have be*n accepted by the LEw» Br«akfaats — Dinners — Plate Lunches tears; Thftfr service department is one a reasonaMe mocterate charifa "What's 0ie natter, b*by?" publie. There ar* many rewsew of the best eqnlppBfl in thir sec- We Wke this opportonity to coal 22» NMk.Sfv Bart ; Short Orders _ 1'Oh," wnpttifi the youn«4U why you »*K«ald own a De6#tb or tion of the state and is in charge pliment them and refer — L. f. (Loo) G«rrf»«r "all Mr I've b«u, having trouMe Plymwrth. Tiey are gootl lookftw, comfortable, reliable and-long of able and efficient wortatfeii Motor Sales to aU otfr with your wife." backed by vast facilities which Tvithout heiitation.'

V -: '• -'.. ' .-'


Mr. and Mrs. Bifi Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis anr ed by regulatfon of the Depart- six children of Detroit are visit- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall BehJing Noti< ing at the Archie Graham home. South Arm and son, Mark, were Sunday .dij ment. Presem regulattoirs and laws :ice (Edited by Mn. Arnold Smith) ned guests of Mr. and -Mrs. Arn- permit the addition of vitamin D »• ' OFFICE HOURS George Phillips of Cleveland is old Smith and sons. " _- to milk and the addition of vita- City Treasurer and City Cl«rk spending his vacation with his ' Diane Dougherty, Linda Mur- Ruth Hart is attending State mins A and D and non-fat milk Treasurer:—9:00 a. m. to 5:00 Don Saganek of, Flint is spend- Mrs. F. M. Lewis is spending parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phil- 4-H Camp this.week at East Lans- phy, Gilbert and Gary Redmer, ing a week at'his home in the city. the week visiting relatives lips. . .*'.•"•*-'- ffommy Eichler; Theora Evflns; solids to skimmed milk. p. m. Closed Saturdays Grand Rapids. j ing.' lfia.rold Har.,t, Sally, Graljani, Jane Clerk :^l:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wells'of ( •". ' Buddy Simonson, with some v Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lehrbass call- Campau were among the "" 4-H Director Figy stated that all m. Saturdays 9:00 a. m. to i2:00 boy friend3, spent the. past week Dearborn are spending their va- ed at the Arnold Smith.home on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Berry were campers, at Charlevoix •persons interested will be permitt- . m. . • ' •> a Mackinac Island. cation at their cottage at Eveline Saturday. • 1 week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. . o——•—'•^^~ Either office will act-for the C. L. Blanchard. Orchards. The strawberry season is about ed to introduce such" written" or other when one is not on duty Mrs. Ernest Kopkau and son, •oral testimony-as they may desire. Sgt. Don Kowalske is spending over, it being an extra short sea- STATE MH-K HEARING SET 26-4 ' ' Ernest, Jr., were at Luther on .Mrs. James Addis and children son this year. . * : '; business, Tuesday. of Monroe^vriited Mrs/ Delber a 20-day furlough from Norfolk, The Commission of Agricul- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearsall ture has set a public hearing for Miller Tuesday) afternoon. Va., witri his grandmother, Mrs. 1 Grace Carvitch of Kalkaska Elsie Gothro. and children visited:-relatives in July 6, at 1:30 p.m., in the cham - ^^SiMS. guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Porter of Kalkdgka, Sunday. . ber of the House of Representa- Paquette over the week end, irand Rapids were week end Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mittlestat| Phil Chipmap n of Mt. Pleasant tives in the Capitol Building,Lans- guests of relatives in the city. returned to Detroit Sunday. Their ing, Michigan. Charles Figy, Dir- George' Secord was up frora- spent Tuesday and Wednesday home* address will be 120 Seward ^Pith David and Joe Smith. ector of Agriculture said the hear- 4th of July Grand. Rapids to spetfd~*he- week Mrs. Joseph Galway and child- Ave., Detroit.- Mrs. Jenny Jacobson is spend- ing was for the purpose qf receiv- end with his mother, Mrs. Mabel ren and Mrs. Bastinelli of Detroit ing testimony on proposed amends Seeord. . . Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Conway ing some time with he* daughter, are at their summer home now, Mrs. Hprold.JGoebel arid family. ments to Department of Agricul- are -entertaining their grand- ture Regulation No. 403, common- *^tr. and Mrs.- Ivan Russell of Cottage on the lake; ytftlrinner- daughter, Irene Wee'den of Hazel • Mrrand Mrs. Don Hott spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. ly known aji the Fortified Milk Kalamazoo is spending a week vis- ipring mattresses, for rent rea- Tark, for a month. Regulation. Proposed amendments Week Special iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. sonable.' Also farm home close to Harold Goebel and children. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy, McDowell We were all greatly shocked to the regulation concern the add- Elmer Reed. ' . city. — C. J. Malpass, East Jor- ition of vitamins, minerals and dan. 26x2 of Grand Rapids are spending a and deeply saddened by the ter- Rex Sirtfonson of Kokorao, Ind., week's vacation camping in the' rible accident that Dickie Bailey non-fat milk solids -to milk- and NOW ONLY is—sptHfd-mg a week's vacation Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jaqusys of Upper Peninsula. J had when the tractor he was driv- skimmed milk. with his parents,„ Mr. and Mrs. VanDyke -visited Mr. and Mrs .-.„! Ulg overturned on him. He will A 1952_amendment to tha law . "•(!. L. Paquette. Omar Steenbergh Tuesday after' Miss Helen Strehl, employed in he sadly missed by all. who knew provides for adding additionakyiti- noon. New York City, N. Y., is spend- tiim..-•• • ' / ; mins.plus minerals and non-fart Some nice"electric stoves, boats, ing the summer With "her- parents Mr. and Mrs. Neal Barber*and milk solute to riiilk and skimmed cars, bicycles, furniture, lumber Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blanchard and other relatives. two daughters are visiting their milk. The amounts of these vita-" for sale cheap. — Malpass Hdwe. and family of Flint are spending Yriece, Mrs. -Harry Pearsall and mins, minerals and non-fat- milk 6.00x16 11.95 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tuma Co., East Jordan. adv 26x2 their vacation at the Shedina family this week. —. ^ . -solids.to be added must be —pprov- labins. r and son,,Jeff, of Mt. Pleasant, . . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bathke were week end guests of Mr. and have recently purchased the res- Miss Penny Lynn Whitley of Mrs. Robert Strehl. ' . " idence at 601 Mill St. from Mr. Iharlevoix is visiting her grand and Mrs. Pete Hipp. " arents, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Mr. and Mrs. James Liiak, Jr., Portrait of a Young Lady are announcing the arrival of an 6.70x1103.95 iteenbergh. ,. Henry Kamradt of Grand 8 lb. 7. oz. son at Charlevoix Hos- ids is spending a week's vacation • Mr. -and -Mrs. thomas St. Cfiar- pital, Tuesday, June 30. Plus tax and VRecappabie^ire-—- . with his brothers, Ed,.; "Herman les entertained his sister, Mrs. and ;Louis —_n_-_amilies;—- Glara Sharp of *-Muskegon, over Mrs. Esther Persons and son, •the week endr'^.x Glenn, returned to Grand Rapids, for the easy-riding comfort of .. Mrs: Ella" Clark of Iron River Saturday, after being at theii arrived, Friday, for a visit with John Rude "is .confined to his home here from Tuesday. „ her son, Donald and family, and bed bjLillness at the home- of his. . . other relatives and friends. son-in-law and'daughter,- Mr. and The Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd M. I Mrs. Jason. Snyder. -' ' Schloop of-Charlevoix are visiting Super-Cushion Tires Mis. Arthur Toogood of Big I " ' — •. ' • ' • • relatives and friends in New York, Rapids is spending a two week's Connie Simmons of Pontiac ar- Vermont an_ Rhode island. vacation visiting 'her son-in-law rived. Sunday to spend a month and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed with he.r grandparents, ,Mr-. and •Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hipp have Str-eeter. ; • . Mrs. Harry. Simmbns.'. .•'••'. purchased the residence corner of Second and Garfield Streets from FAMOUS MARATHON QUALITY Mr. and Mrs; "-Laurence Ben- Billy Snyder returned h'onHe on- Mr. and- Mrs. Melviri Sweet. _ nett and. family of Royal Oak vis- Sunday after spending "a week in ited his parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Muskegon1 with his uncle _nd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richardson Nq_other low pressure tiro ' "" Strni Benriett, and-other -relativ- Mr., and Mrs. Arthur" Rude. have: rented the Mr. and Mrs. Al- at this price can" match es the past week. ,' ton .'.Vlfitte residence 'on North Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howe .left Main Street and have moved in. these Marathon-Super- Emil Hegerberg with son, Bob- Cushions. The low pres- Sunday to return to their home Mrs.""'Ralph H-odgkinson anil t>y, of Bath, • are vacationing at in Chicago, afer. spending a week sure action of these sturdy- 1 son, Royarrr^eturnedto Kalamazoo the Tourist Park and visitiflg his |visitirig their parents here. tires soaks up highway brother, Ole and wife, and his sis- on> Tuesday, after visiting .• her i__Mr'». Rolland Cushman mother, ,Mus. Blanche "Richards. - jolts. The wider flatter and family of Fremont visited His treads put, extra rubber Saturday guests of Mrs. Edith Mr. Ralpli Burns of the B &."B" brother, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dan- Drive-in is home, from Detroit on the road for longer Swafford and sister, Mrs. Ray forth and family* on Route 3i . Burr, were Mrs. Ray Milford and while the company -where' he.-is wear, better^trgc-tioji.- _k! employed is taking inventory. Mrs. Grace O'Connor who are vis- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd-v, MoEgan, Don't risk another unsafe iting friends at Boyne Falls. Jr., with children/ Linda-' 'and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Neumann mile on smooth danger- Da\|id, of Highland Park;' are vis- Mrs. DorothjuSchwandt with- of Saginaw are the parents' of a iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. daughter born Saturday. '• Mrs. ous tires. Replace them „ daughter's, Wilma and Carol, of Floyd.'Morgan, Sir. I ^ now with these low cost JVlaumee, Ohio, are spending a Neumann"" is" the former Marie Bathke. Super-Cushions by Good- week's vacation.. guests->"at trie~ Miss KUa" Gene French"of~Mi- home of .Mr. and /Mrs. Russell ami, Fla., spent the week end vis^, The Rev. and Mrs. Wirth Ten- year. Come on in ., . let's Hughe: iting_atjthe home t>f;MF; 9nd Mrs. nant of Scottvilie sjient'severa" TRADENQWI Merle Crowell. Miss French is a days visiting relatives and attend- _Donaldson and daugh- . n ing the Methodist Conference at tev, -Miss Edna, accompanied the -fotmfr Finst-_J-O_rjfln_ resident. Tetoskey". " — 1 . former's son and daughter-in-law, Gary St. _ .Tharle,?. returned, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Donaldson, to from Highland, Park where he vis- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vance and EAST their home at VanDylie for a ited his sister, • M-rs. Basil Morgan, son, Ardis, and friend, Miss Elaine Each year._about this time, conservation department field crew; week's visit. and family. Butch Morgan ac- Shacklston, of Lake City, visited are busy at Cusino -wildlife experiment station in the upper penin- .£2Sip_anied him here for a vaca- at the Vernon Vance home one sula, catching, tagging and weighing newly-born fawns for study COOPERATIVE GOMPMY Mr. and Mrs.Irvin Murphy, af- day last week. -This youngster was one of a large number of fawns "bagged"" in toT—spending two weeks visiting tion. - the department's mile-s.quare enclosure at the station. The fawm at the homes of his brothers, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis with will be watched carefully as they develop in the natural condi- East Jordan L'liUik'i. mid Archie -Murp_y^_ier_ M-r. and Mrs. Basil Sweet of children of Cadillac visited tions of the enclosure, to provide more information for Michigan'.' turned to their home at Eugene, lirTT vTsite completely in the. city Tuesday eiiroute to their son-in-law and daughter, returned Saturday to GtoaseiJte,- recessed in the door ... fvll- REG. PRICE _____L______.^289.95 gault Ste. Marie for a short vapr, Mr; and Mrs. Glen Trojanek with Charles III remained for a longer . wtdih i.rMxw .,'; froiMi-ti«ittg« ation. Mr. Lanway left East Jor- son7~Steve, "who also visited his visit with his grandparents. drawn .., ittfiirSat, .,. K!P~~r LESS AT LEAST (on old refrigerator) $50.00 dan with his aunt and uncle, Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tro- Week end guests of Mrs. Mabel width crltp«r ... r*m«viibl« sh*tv«s and Mrs. Silas Lanway for Har- janek. .-•..•••• Winstone were her son-in-law and ... flv«-y*«rwarrant y on super-qui»t TOTAL PRICE _„_._____ :__.___ $239.95 bor Springs in 1917. He has Wen EloctroMVer Unit! Let us show»you the many ',. The vacationers at the .Rainbow daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dal- back several-times for visits. len and son, Jim, of Utica; Geo. advantages of all nine supbrb Shelvador models. "~. Cabins were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dallen and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bel- ••'•'.. Comt In and •» «i—T Mr. and Mrs. Mike Veenstra Hawke and family of Lansing and anger of Davison. Mrs. Dallen and, sons of Ellsworth, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. Scj-ivener and with son, Jim, remained for a Mrs. Omar Steenbergh, Reva, Rod- family of Duriand; Mr. and Mrs. longer visitr th--Jake Drenth, Mrs. .atl "except drjiw maps and make 'It's Just about chow time so wards of Newago, Mich., and Garrett Drenth and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Horace, Martin of Miss Karen Johnatone spent the George WalMer's address. 301st past week in Central Lake visit- BMWG, 301st PMS, " Box . 164^ duplicates of papers. It is real in- maybe I hadn't better miss it. I Bradenton, Fla. The reason is be- Marilyn; Mr* and' Mrs. Pete Alma visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry teresting work and I like it very still like to eat so I say so long cause they axe both in poor heal- Drenth and five children, Mr. VanderArk Wednesday. ing №e James Zook family. Barksdale A. F. B., Shr,evepf>¥t», 1 La. • • 'much. Just hope I can keep it. for this time. Good luck to all." th, Mrs. Edwards especially is not and Mrs* Miner Klooster and son, Thefe are quite a few fellows that well. They were accompanied here Jerry; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Drenth, Harry DeGroot of MuBkegoti Mi and Mrs. Corneal Van Bsek Bob Stanek is now in- the 4th Don Cutler left Monday to re- called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack-Parrr would,like, to be up here in my port to this address: — Camp by their son and family, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Drenth,.Mary of Grand Rapids were visitors in Pit and his address should have place. * y Mrs. Charles Edwards and aon, and Greta Drenth and Mr. and sons and Harry DeGroot Sunday Ellsworth ovfer'the week end. - read F. A. Bn. instead -of K, A, Kilmer Pere. Cen. Ord., New evening. , 'We have to go about 14 of a Burnswick, N. J. Richard, of Newago7 Mrs. ftarvey Drenth and two Bn. He's still at Fort Knox but Another, couple who started daughters, ajl of Ellsworth. Harry J. DeGroot of Muskegon hasn't seen A1 Chanda yet. - mile to chow but we usually can .Mr. Harvey DeGroot of Muske- callei on Ralph DeGroot at the- catch a,nde in a jeep. The chow Both "Jake" and I look forward coming to the park 20 years ago Members and friends of the^on visiteff, Mr. and Mrs, Nick to hearing from you fellows just are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Putman of Cayljrd Sanitorium last Satur-" is good, too. We get three "hots" Methodist ChnrcB enjoyed a won- DeYoung and other relatives last day. a day while up on the lines they as much as you look forward to Sparta, who came Thursday. This derful co-operative dinner, Sun- week end. ' have "C" rations for dinner. the paper. To know where you year they brought their two grand- day, in the recreation building! A Suburban are, what you are doing and see- daughters, Margaret and Carol Mr. and Mrs. George Martin and Migs Charlene DeYoung is 'We are about 28 miles from Blaauw also of Sparta, with them. Approximately ninety people at- daughters of Ann Arbor, spent the spending a few days in Grand Seoul and about 7 miles from Pam ing. Let us know once in a while. tended and-enjoyed the fellowship So Long Men, week end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rapids with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beauty Shop Mom Jon. It's very quiet right Another couple "who- have been together. . Folstra. : *— .'••'• now, I guess it's because it's too Betty Jo Strehl. coming for a good many years are VanderArk- : Corner Water & W. Maple St>. In one of the kitchens Mr. and wet. The rain started 3 days ago o . the Austin Lemons', from Grand Mrs. Walter Chellis' of Ellsworth Mr&T Evanees Curtis of Cad- Crf.~Alan Klooster and Cpl. ''invites Your Paironmge" and is still going on. This must be Rapids. Welcome back; , and Mr. and Mrs. -Gordon Rariney illac and Mrs. Bert Gieen of D&- Wilfred Jansen returned home . Phpne LE 6-2269 the start of the rainy season which Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lemon of Petoskey had their Sunday troit "called on Mrs. Henry Vander- after two weeks" training: at Camp GRACE IRENE PREMOE, is supposed to last about 3 months. Pleasant and daughter, Ruby, are' all set dinner " • ~7 Ark Tuesday. . :; - McCby, Wis. .L" .. Sffl^-banker—doesn't leak rauch_flO. for the summer here,, too; 'Ken- We-are happy, to hear the danc- maybe we'll make out okay. neth had to return to-iisJiomeJiL xs-aro' to be-stariedLagain_jgon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of. Mi. arid Mrs. Walter Kemp of 'Well, Friday the 28th will Valley .. . Grandville, but Mrs. Le'mon and Many people have been inquiring spendfeg-the-sunt Ssseliae—O*c! make me one month here u Kor- (Edited by Mr.. Ed. Clark) "Ruby remain for the*season., as to the date, now we know. • mer with the former's mother, guests of. her-,mot.herB Mrs. Anna ea. It doesn't seem that long. "For jjus t a. week.this y,," •'. Monday morning a group con- Mrs. Hattie Bratt. Johnstone Sunday. __^ I just hope the rest of the months say the Mar.k Stroebel3, who came sisting of, Mrr-and ' Mrs. Frank - Rev. and Mrs." Floyd Decker of in Friday with their, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Klooster^ . Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Bergsma BQ as fast I was really surprised Gorman and daughter, Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Art Drenth and Gor< at the way rank comes over here. Cential Lake were callers at Edd Marcia, and. son. Martin," frem of Muskegon Heights,' and Mr. and daughter, Betty and a friend Clark'b, Thursday evening. Dearborn. We wish it were more, don Kloostfer are on a few days of Grand Rapids spent the week They made me Pfc. one week af- and Mrs. Wm. Strudwick of Char- fishing trip at Beover Island. ter I hit the Cp.—that's what I "am than a week. „...' • levoix drove in\the park and had end at Don Senneker's, anyway and some of the. fellows Mrs Walter Savage and son, Mr. Emil Hegerberg and*, son, a late breakfastin one.of the kit- Mr. and Mrs. Bud Postmus, Mrs. Mr.' and' Mrs. -Ed Denny and have been here 9 monflis and still Clyde of Detroit, called at Edd Bob, of Bath,.Mich., are back'in chens. They had*high praises •feir- Jake DeGroot, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit ClaTk and Clyde LaPeer homes children Donna and Jeanhie were, the "park again this summer and the park and the city for operat- Postmus and''B5Jr,~Art; attended Siinda'y. ^ week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. visiting his brother, Mr. and Mrs. ing jsuch a lovely place ^or tour- shower in honor of Elaine Seh'ol- Ole .Hegerberg. Mrs. Hegerberg ists to stop and rest. , Roy Bennett of Durand. Mr: and Mrs. -Earl Shaw and s ton, bride to~be, of Joe Postmus. is not -with her family this time SheTs fromMcBain. '', • ';'...' children of California called' on as she is on an extended educa- Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Smidt and Misses Mary Jean Essenberg two -daughters of-Elint spent a old friends in .this-neighborhood tional tour through the west to Word was received that Gordon and Joan Drenth are~spens'Hennirig and wife of from Lansing. Mr. Stoudt is a ticfn program got under way with place in the Harderwyk Christian and serviced. Kalamazoo Were recent visitors fire inspector -for State Mutual Gayle Saxton in charge. .. • Reformed ©hurch.. ' •• _. Mi's. iMargarett Morrison and- at the home 6f .his parertts, the Insurance Co. They entertained son, pavSd'of Grand Rapids, and William;Hertnings, ; Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Filer Mrs. Egbert Wysma returned THRIFT BUILDERS' HARDWARE 4 •the former's mother, Mrs. Ber-.53rove to Harbor Springs Sun3siy. home after Spending a week in •Mr. and Mrs. Seblo VanHouten of , TOOLS B. M. Sutton and wifeiqf; enice Stoudt of Carson City, and While there they attended ehurcTf Grand Tlapida with their children Detroit were diner guests at the friend, Rev. Blem, of Pompeii on- services at the Gospel Chapel. . and other relatives. /Arthur ~Wyn- home of James ffeeres on .Sunday. Super Market EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR of his mother, Mrs! William Hen- -Saturday.- Kbi sma (Btid) who is in the U. S. riing and" presented them with a Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beck with daughter, Carol, and son, Tom- goast Guard and is stationed at -Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeKlooster ' An Up To Date, Low EAST JORDAN new vacuum'.cleaner as a gift for er; Patsy, .and son, Bobby, my, stopped over this week and Poundstowri, New York, had a and daughter, Carol, who are "from Ashley, arrived Sunday. Mr. Priced, One Stop .Store Phone LE6-Z351 lOf Mais St. their wedding anniversary. . set'Jip thejr tent for a couple of week end pass so he spent one day East Jordan, called on Mrs. Beck is with the road. -. construc- days, in th,e park. They were on, in Grand Rapids with his family. Maggie Klooster Sunday evening. Howard Spiences of Eaton Rapids tion Co. working in this area. . their--way home to Hazel "Park Mis, " Maggie Klooster called have been spending some time Lester Lemon of Grand Rapids from a vacation spent in the Up- on a 'friend who. is -a. patient, at at their cottage on _S.coti Lake and s s'peridingk his vacation with his per Peninsula. - IN APPRECIATION Little Traverse Hospital Monday. visiting relatives here.. •<_•'. ';• grandparents, }he Austin Lemons. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stephens and We wish to extend our siheere The:'family"of Jake DrentK en- Week end guests of Mr. had son, David, pf Flint, arrived Tues- Mr.T.Tjd-MrsrrLawrenee Bennett Mrs. Jcjlin: Ho- _thanks and appreciation to our joyed an outing at the East Jordan of Detroit" w.ho visited-relatives m ~3ay .evening for tt visii_Kitbr4ier iiyfriUHdfe. nefehborsratid-'rel-" pank last-^Friday evening. Those son, Mr. and Mrs.vRon. Horman •parents, Mr., and. Mrs. Jess Eob- East ' Jordan over the week end of 'Alma, their, daughter, Sheila ativ'es for all the acts of kindness who attended were Jake Drenth, csSied on the' E'dd Clarks Satur- inson. ''."•'. - extended to us during the illness rr Horman, and friend, Bill* Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Minor Klooster and day. , . * ' >•••. __^- _ -also of—Almav—Wbile-here^4fiey '(The first--co-operative dinner and at,the time, of the death of son, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Jake : "for the; tenaste-&f-ithe—park_ was our" beloved wife and motbefV W^11 •.'•• Mr. and • Mrs: Cecil" Thompson,, A—sightseeing trips : Drenth and daughter, Mr. and held Tu6sday' ;evening in-.the din- especially want to. thank all those Mrs. Peter Jake—Drenth,. Mr. and son Jack of Ovid and Ussar_Shaw aroundrthis_loveiy country. Other ing-fTopm. The nignt^-was'.a nasty, who sent flowers, • Either -Schruer of Kentforij Ohio areJ spending a guests of the /senior "Hormana Mrs. George Drenth, Jr., Mr, and raTny one, but •most'" everyone for his comforting words and to Mr?. Harvey Drenth and family, few days here fishing and calling were-Mr. and Mrs". Alan Hatha- turned out for % 'lovely meal >ahd R. G. Watsqn aftd the bearers for E b Mr. and Mrs. John Drenth Jr., and on oldj-Eriends. way of Central Lake, who called fine tiiflV ri y Lemon Krought their, services. .:/. Sunday. Misses Marge, Greta and Marcella her. accordian and, entertained 27x1 . Charles Donaldson family Mr, and Mrs. Clair Brown and Len Box of Lansing and Jerry with several numbers, also accom- Drenth, Mr. and Mrs. George Spence Chumbley of Lansing and'Calif., panied MarciaStroebel with.a so- •lo. .Wu hflgc. to-liavy many^ninrf day, Mrs. Jack RathCurn, Mrs, Uke. of tiiese g'et-to-gethers b,efore' the TODAY'S BIGGEST BARGAIN Jerry Sopnw, Mrs. Wally Buckler Mr, and Mrs.-Keith Winkle wifch season is over. NOW OPEfT 1-OR BUSINI^S^ ^^ and granddaughter wei'e recetit little sons, Dayici and Jerry, spent callers at the Browns. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loomis of Alden. , i Kenneth Henning and family of TRAVERSE ClTYf Slate's Shoe Repair Shop Detroit were week end guests at Mr. Ralph Augustine left Sat- LIVESTOCK^ (Located at his residence on corner of 8th and the home of his pardnts, the Win. urday for Indiana.-'He is connect- COMMISSION HOUSE Hennings, Saturday evening they ed wifh the Road Construction Cd Mill Sts,, where you turn', to go to Slough's Auto all had supper at the Duck-Inn at A reception was held- in the Steer. £ Heifer§ : dining haU'by Best' k7 Parts. WatckforJhtSignJ ^_ • _ J^__^__ East Jordan -in honor of the par- F ents! wedding anniversary; tiveS, Sunday, to honor the newIy Pair to good 16,00-17.76 married couple, Mr. and Jkfrs. Wm. - NO SUNDAY WORK IN OR OUT :iJ Common '._..„ ,...... ,;.;, li.0Q-14.1S, Shayt of East Jordan. - -:, -" Batcher Caws. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Robinson Best iq.O0-n.50 and -son,,1.Ronnie, of Mt. Morris, Fair to good *> spent the week end with their Canne/s'C* ' & cutters ,*.*".. 7.00-9.50 T . Lona Theatre parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walk- Shelly canrfers; .....t..., down to $6 r er and family'andr Mr. and Mrs.Stockers & feeikr's ...... '_ 8.00-lB.Od NORTHLANfD SEPWG TANKS illancelona,Mich., - Jess Robinson. Heavy bulls ..-.....; 13.60-14.90 LIFETIME^—V^3 SIZESi — PRE-CAST -NEWEST •% fcARGE^Tt • The weather has been 'ideal for Light bulft .....-,..: ."711.00-14.10 Drain Tile — Grease Traps — Dry Well Covers - THEATRE IN" ANTRIM CO. • picnics.and many people have C«IVB. - been enjoyingJthem, too. On Sa& Choice '...•.., 25.00-26.75 Approved by all State and Federal Agencies urday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pay»e Fair to' good '.. 20.00-24.75 SHOWS: SUNDAYS OONTIN- and four children of Washington, SEPTIC TANK CLEANING & SERVICE UQUS FROM 5 P. M. WEEK Common to fair ltf.GO-19.75 Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. George Cull & boning 10.00-15.75 DAYS 7 AS. V Rebec and four children,of East ....Starting Friday, July 3 we pre- WM. G. SKd)RNIA Jordan enjoyed their -dinner on 180 to 220 25.E0-27.10 tmt a brand new trjp« of project- the out door tables. .--• Phone JO 2-7464 Boyne City at Advance lit 193M?^yoti cpulcL—- =tion- on our jGIANT PANOR- 225 to 2S0 24.30-29.60 AMIC VISION SCREEN! The Saturday'• evening Mrs. Cliff 260 to 300 23.75-25.10 Ute«t in motion picture prwenfa-. Heller and Mrs. 'Ann LaValley Hea,vy 18.40'20.6tT ~ operate your auto- Rough, 16.00-22.00 tion. Come and aee the difference. were hostesses to their pinochle NO GLASSES'•or VIEWERS cmb. Th#y enjoyed a lovely pot 150 to 170 22.-50-25.00 saatic washer for one NEEDED. luck supper on the dining room porch.. Cards "were played insida IN MEMORIAM month for FRIDAY AND, SATURDAY later, Besides, the hostesses, those attending were* the Geo. Bulows,' USED ROD CAMERON ChasV Strehls, Wm., Shepards, In memory of our dean daugh- . ARLENEWHELAN Charles Shepards, Fred , ^ ter and grand daughter, Marcia TODAY on Consumers v Qle Hegerbergs, Merle Thompsons, Joan Pinney, who passed away SANANTONE ' Mrs.- Edi^h Simmons, Mrs. Mable , 1951, two years ago today. IN COLOR Winstone and Barney Milstein. A silent thought,' a secret tear, • o- Power \J«rs. Harry Detloff • of Flint is Keeps your memory ever near. spending a week .with her parents, It was sad, .the way. you had to •» Low Electric Rate • CARTOON CARNIVAL Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reno, and also die, -.'•. SUNDAY 4 MONDAY visiting her son, Floyd; Without a chance to say good- CARS- JULY S-6- Saturday evening- "Mother" bye. CHARLTON HESTON Sadly missed by parents and IT COSTS ONLY RHONDA FLEMING Hattie Bratt brought her family to the park for a co-operative, pic- grandparents. nic dinner. Besides Mrs, Bratt of : Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boyer PONY EXPRESS Ellsworth, were her son, Mr. aid - • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanDe- * Bated on average price per kwh paid by ow .27-1 custom** In 1999