- 1 .147 .14 0.7 fo' 1! ,7 lot Zite order 4Tidettr. 14tv07 Nf NZ N01 V 7 2! PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ..m,.,w'Ww.oWso.,ftw,mw,i0.14w.em.o,..,,,m,,,,.,omo'.010 THE NOGALES COLD STORAGE, AMERICAN DRUG 2 OCTOBER 14, 1011. FRANK Ji DUFFY, STORE, Attorney-at-La- w L. E. CARRILLO, PROP. MS'S SAM:Ulan. Prop. 74 CONFICZ IN MCi NTYNN BOULDING Supervisors' Notice of Primary Gen- .,1GENTS Stenographer, Typewriter and Notary CON1PLETE ASSORTMENT eral Election FOR SCI1MTZ BEER OF 'il The poor.as well as the rich man's.depot. Public in Office Confectionery, Pure Drugs, WHERRAS: The Secretary of A Call and see me and get worth of money. Bond Bonds, has prepared and transmitted to the 41 the your K. Chemicals undersigned, the Clerk of the Board E. CUMMING. Perfumeries, of Supervisors of Santa Cruz County ii Telephone 371. P. O. Box 322. NOTARY PUBLIC and of Arizona a writ- Toilet Articles, etc. Patent Territory. notion in Æ Medicines. ing desiguating the offices for which 1T CD CD-AI- 3, - - - A TR, NOGALES, - - ARIZONA . r - L. : candidates are to be nominated at the 7.1 zi, ,s--O- 3.0v ensuing primary: S. F. NOON F. J. BARRY New Stock, Courteous Treatment. NOW, THEREFOnE: A primary Ili i election is hereby called in the several & of county, NOON BARRY OH PRICES ARE RIGHT.") precincts said under the Attorneys Counseders-at-La- w provisions of the law relating to pri- and mary elections, to wit; under the pro- NOGALES, ARIZONA Ili - visions of Chapter 24. of the Session Montezuma Building. Nogales, Arizona. 1 Laws of Arizona of 1909, on 24th, Livery Stable. Mining an& the K Mexican Corporation Law day of October, 1911, for the purposes PAT of voting for candidates for the several HANNAN. Proprietor. parties to be nominated for follow - the Nogales Co., AZ Nj.! lag offices: Water --147 t LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Lncorporated. I STATE OFFICERS. HANDSOilE Ss 2 United States Senators (Advisory) NEW AND TURNOUTS. OFFICE: Next to Boy Titcomb. Ina. HENRY LEVIN ALEX 1 Representative to Congress. - L. EPTIlLtild. JOFFROY 3 Judges of Supreme ; NOGALES - - ARIZONA State Court. e President and General Manaxer. 1 Governor. dAb iviiwwvielivaelbelb16,16Awli61,16.-11a- b 1 IbeiLAhAhb016fted Secretary of State. 1 4; 1 State Auditor. Theo,. IL.. Stonffer. Harry S.Stouffer AGENCM ADUANAL ..i' 1 State Treasurer- 1 DE NOGALES, A . ; 1 Attorney General. WHEN THE STOMACH NEEDS ASSISTANCE STOUFFER BROS. IS. 1 Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. TAKE A SHORT COURSE OF Constructing. 3 Corporation Commissioners. Consulting and Contracting Engineers CUSTOM HOUSE A N D COUNTY OFFICERS. Mines. Milling'. Smelting. Con- 1 State Senator. , centrating and Irrigating , Plants. Inr; GENERAL COMMISSION : 1 State Representativ- Furnished and Constructed. 1 e' Judge tititit of Superior Court. - - 1 Clerk of Superior Court. . . 1 lv-TU-NA Sheriff. - i 1 Recorder. - :"1 : BROKERS, 1 ail I Treasurer. I9 1 School Superintendent. - Physician and Surgeon. 1 County Attorney. - - 1 Assessor. .Atolliv- PbtS NOGALES. - - ARIZONA Shipments into or out of Mexico, should be consigned in our , 1 County Superintendent of Roads. millITE care Nog-ales- 1 Survey or. at so as to insure a prompt, efficient - -- ' 3 Supervisors. - K.---- , 1' and economical despatch. MAGDALENA, SONORA, MEX. THE O. PRECINCT OFFICERS. PEDRO TRELLES P. O. BOX 23. P- - 0- - Box :2, NOGALES, SONORA, MEXICO. 1 Justice of the peace for each pre- BARBEIR SHOP . Oficina de Ingenieros de Mag MAGDALENA ENGINEERING cinct in the County. 1 Drawer H, NOGALES, ARIZONA. Is the Place to go enjoy a . for each precinct in the dalena. OFFICE. pleasant Shave or a First o County. SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND MINE SURVEYING. Class Hair out. The O.K. LI 'w Iztr ,0,-z- PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN. Bath Rooms. 4 Democratic precinct Committeemen in Nogales Precinct No. 1. NI. PROP 1 Democratic precinct Committeeman HENDRICKS in each of the other election pre- NOGALES. ARIZONA cincts of the County. rioncor Hardware Home Theo Cobler? 4 Republican precinct Committeemen - - -R., ---1 - in Nogales Preoinct No. I. PrOPrietOre 1 Republican precinct Committeeman r.m.... H. B. IR- Seventh Arizona .- A- in each of the other election pie- - '! ç':,'',.: cincts of the County. DENTIST '9117' .:2111r; li" '; 1 Socialist precinct Committeeman - - Plumbing 1 Two In each of the election precincts of 1 Doors South of '- - the County. , - - - ; AND 1 Prohibition precinct Committeeman MODERN HOTEL . ':' - in each of the election precinct of - r,(.4--- - TIN Annttal R. Street. Nogales, Sonora s'i-a- SHOP County. Fair 1 . the 1 1 V-,111'r- ti Socialist Labor precitictCommit- 1. re,,V1,1,11tij-Vrit- - teeman In of ' t,11Milmolk each the election . precincts. , - ... MINING INPLEMENTS, 6-- 11 691' - Dated the 25tb, day of Sept. 1911. One Week Phoenix, Nov. One Week P. O. Box No. 207. Phone - GALVANIZED IRON TANK ... PHIL HEROLD. 4'1.;5. WIND MILLS, PAINTS, A Transfer Co. et,..,- , mammoth display of Arizona live stock, mineral, agricull Wylie Baggage Storage E .msfa") OILS, AND EVERY- Clerk of tbe Board of Supervisors of i - horticultu al, apiary and products. - ,,, ii:, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. tural. Industrial r,,,. IP" rz: IN , -- THING THE First publication September -30th, A poultry show with thirty classes of chickens, pigeons, ,,,;,,,,:,44,-- - Prompt, n - HARDWARE LINE. 1911. ducks, turkeys and peacocks. A whole family of ostriches, from Careful and with ,,,å 4-,- 10: . just hatched to full grown. :A4 LtIv.4-- li Subsequent publications October 7th, Dispatch. We solicit your ,1, II - Jr 14th. 1911. One whole afternoon devoted to automobile racing by world's - ' hikli111111:1:6;11111iii'lit . Business. ' ."- ' 3,4111..., most darinc, auto. drivers, in cars of over twenty Ni:-- oriPtil sk. t different makes. ' .7:...... -...e- ' Nogales, Arizona. SUMMONS. Racing program includers races by many borses winners of We deliver your Freight at grand circuit events. Three hundred horses from all parts of ur Busin-ess-. the United States. Jo key races and cowboy relay races and place of In the District Court of the Second broncho-bustin- g events. Judicial District, Territory of Ari- - zona, and for Cruz County. In tbe exhibition hall may be seen thousands of exhrlits, Irartzfer Emu- baggage from in Santa attracted by $40.000 in premiums. R R. Earhart, plaintiff vs. Santa 'Jorte train-- to the other Angeles-Phoeni- x Cruz Mines and Smelter Company, a The famous Los automobile road race . Corporat on, Consolidated Mines,Smelt- finished the rirst day of the Fair, in front of the grand stand. 7.11,;ssiris-c--41;13- SI.r;It-- ET 013 13 er and Transportation Company, a cor- CHARGES REASONABLE ONE WHOLE WEEK OF FUN AND EDUCATION FOR EVERYBODY A. PEARY, Proprietor poration, The Mowry Mines Company, MANAGER a Corporation. and Alexander Mc- T. J. WYLIE, Leod, h. J. Williams and Wilbur L. Railroad Ave. Nogales, Ariz. GITOICM laIQ,I.TCDIRJS; Davis, constituting' the Bondholders' ROUND TRIP RATE 1 g Committee of the said Santa Cruz Mines to SCHLITZ BEER, and Smelter Company and the said The 111 Wwillw I Mowry Mines Company, defendants. FROM NOGALES TIM INTURATIONAL ST011 Le4S' DOS XeICIOXES craijits. Action brought in tbe District Court C:3421,-Mt177-aft- of the Second Judicial District of the .Z1L ,.. Territory of Arizona, in and for the NOGALES, - - - - - ARIZONA County of Santa Cruz and tbe com- ZAMBONA ' County DEVELOPMENT Ruta de ta Costa Occidentale - filed in of plaint said Santa i '';'.. Cruz in the office Of Clerk of said COMPANY. the MilliMI, A,','''Q j IM111111 Diotriqt Court.' FERROCARRIL DE SONORA , 16 46011,ilegibelhAbollellAboll6111111110111,611611111,110111,11, lb1w of Territory of Ari- - In the Mini; the Notice of Stockholders' 'Meeting. ,,,r ,T 13 Smelt- IF. C. DE NAVOJOA. IF. C. DE CANANEA, t. , ' Zöna, to Cruz Mines and r ,, Santa ' . Consolidat- ;411C. . .:!. . er Company, a corporation, RIO YAQUI Y PACIFICO s.; hereby 'f,,--,z,s- , ed Mines, Smelter and Transportation, Notice is given that .- Mowry 1 Company, a corporation, The theye will be a meeting of thel - 7---- 1 ' )., 1,, Mines Company, a corporation, and La Bute de la Costa Occidental. annneis los 4,- -.-- stockholders of the Zambona 4. - I'V' LuLLEy's i t. McLeod, L. Davis en Itinererio, en vigor el 2 BUFFE Alexander Wilbur - eambios en de constituting. Development Company, a cor- E and L. J. Williams, the d - ge como signe: Bondholders' Committee of the said poration org-anize- under the, and Com- Territory Arizona, Short Order Service in the Territory Santa Cruz Mines Smelter laws of the of PARA EL BUR PARA EL NORTE ÝV--, pany and the said The Mowry Mines to be held at-Ah- e office of the Lesoe rEest company, defendants, greeting: Lease hocia abajo bacia arriba I Beer, Wines, Etc., Served at Table. You Hereby Summoned and re- Company in the First National . - are DIARIO MARIO T--- NOG A LEA, quired to appear in an action brougbt Bank in the city of Nogales, FERROCARRIL DE SONORA against you by the above named plain- County of Santa Cruz, Territory Tren No. 2. ESTACIONES. Tren No. ARI Z ON 40, tiff in tbe District Court of the Second of Arizona., on Tuesday the 17th . tolli1611,W1616111111611,11116111011016W1111-11,161611A616116.0.1b,lbesoliem- of Territory of 10.00 P St Sale NOGgLES Llega 7.00 A M 1.. l Judicial District the day of October, 1911, at the 12 la A M " Magdalena S.iie 4.0K Arizona, in and tor Santa Cruz countY, 2.5:i " o Carte " 12.55 " ZTogales, .a.rizonct and answer the complaint tberein filed hour of 10 A. M. for the trans- 4.47 " " HERMOS1LLO " 10.46 P M clerk of this said court, at of followincr business: 5.46 " Torres " 9 31 " m.,, with the action the M 05 " " Empalme " 7.35 " twenty am-en- u Nogales, in aaid county. within To adopt or the Articles 8.25 " ',legs. GUAYMAS " 7.10 " Y days after the service upon you of this of Zambona 0 00 " Salo " Llega 6 SO " BONILLAS. summons, if served in this said county, of Incorporation the 9 25 " .." Empalme tale 6 10 " Development Company by am- 11 35 ' CORRAL " 3.45 " Member American Inetitnte of Mining Engineer! 0.1.1 or in all other cases within thirty days 2.00 P NI. " NAVOJOA " 1.40 " above mentioned VI to read as S.40 " " 10.20 A M m. SPIRES, PROP. the times. ending Article : le c. thereafter. : nit ini al alans being. exclusive of day of service. or 11.50 " r 3 50 " Mem. Nat. Geografical Society. . the follows: 6.00 A M Llega MAZATLAN " 10.00 P M judgment by default will be taken VI. 8.00 Sale Llega 6.()t) '. Official and private land surveys. 1 Under New Management, Tourist, Travelers, Mining Men againat you. ARTICLE 9,36 .. Rosario Bale 4.19 " Given uader my band and the seal of The highest amount of indeb- 11.45 A M Lisa& ACAPON ETA " 2.10 P M Surface and underground mining and Cattlemen Are Extended a Cordial Invitation. the District Conrt of the Second judicial or contigent, to y y surveys. Application for mines and tedness, direct Marten Viernes Manes Yiernes Dining Room in Cananea. American Cooks. District. Territory of Arizona, in and which this corporation is at any 7.00 A M Salo ACAPONETA Lama 5.00 P M lands before Mining Agencies or Best Service for the County of Santa Cruz, this 28th 11.00 A M Liesa YAGO Salo 1.00 P M Department -- 1911. time subject is of Foment. Examin- , CD CD 1R.,,A , ' day of September. on . . . - A 1T 3SIaCIC Settl) ALLEN T. BIRD, hAMAL DE TONICIII. ation and reports titles. And for the transaction of such Martes. Lunes. Miercoles 9 30-5- t. of Jneves st Clerk said District Court. other business that may lawfully y Sabados y Ylernes Age-Be- references furnisbed-M- s 5 10 A M Salo TONICIII ',Iowa 7 10 P M come before such meeting. 11.10 A NI Liege' CORR VI, tiftle 12.30 P M NOGALES. SONORA. MEXICO NOTICE TO CREDITORS. By order of the Board of Di- Niiwivuol6146.4wwwww,liwi,16,16wwhelbolvevw)M rectors. RAMAL DE ALAMOS- of Guadalupe de Arvizu, de- Martes J neves Miereoies, Viernes - - ; Estate Dated September 25, 1911. y Sabados y ÐOMing08 (LET'S DO A LITTLE FIGURIf10.) ceased. C. W. 2.40 p m Sale NAVOJOA Elena 120) M HAYES, 5.40 M Llega ALAMOS 9 00 M WILLIAM C. BUDGE NOTICE is hereby given by the Seal Secretary. P bale t administrator of the RAMAL DE NOGALES i 16 GO watts - INSURANCE. A common candlepower Lamp consumes about estate of Guadalupe de Arvizn, de- Miereolea Martell. Juevea I per to the of all per- y Viernes y Sabatiot ACCIDENT,ALITOMOBILE,1 hour. ceased. creditors and corrugated iron, 1 FIRE. LinE, TUNGSTEN sons having claims against the said Marsh sells 800 A M Sa;e NOGALES Llega P With a LAMP, you can get 48 candlepower fora " 60-wa- to ne- galvanized. 945 " Santa Cruz " 3.30 PLATE GLASS AND LIBILITY. tt consumption. deceased. exhibit them, with the both painted and 11 35 13.1 Rid, I 40 " cessary vouchers. within four months 111 M Write for prices. tf. 12.10 P Lkce. CA NAN EA Sale P REAL ESTATE & RETALS To cive you 20 candlepower you only need to consume 25 after the first publication of this notice per using TUNGSTEN L AMP. $: to tbe said administrator at the law MARIO IlAMAL DE NACO MARIO watts hour the oftice of W. A. O'Connor. at 10.40 A M Sale NACO Llega 2.30 P M AGENCY the Court 31ZO I" Del Rio 1 30 " House, Nogales, the same being the place 1210 P At Llelta CANANEA Sale 1.10 P 1711a13 NM ANSWER? for the transaction of the business of DEN1ISL NDGALE3 LAND IND DIP1107ZMENT USE TUNGSTEN LAMP said County of Sleeping Cara run through between Vile Long Life Tungsten Lamps Are Used on a Switch said cstate, in Santa Pullman COM PAN 1 4 Guarantee When Cruz. s Mazatlan, Sinaloa LOH Angelea. Oslifornis. S Masearelia and A; JESUS ARVIZU, GEO. JACKSON, A. MIRANDA. H. LAWTON. NOGALES ELECTRIC LIMIT W. CO. Front City Plaza, F. &fading, AAY,T2 Administrator. of V. A. G. do P., V. A. G. do P.. A. G. de P.. EptiZIrl 1 Dated Sept. 12t11, 1911. 9 16 tit. Nogales, - Sonora, - Mexico Guaymad, Son. Mexico, D. F. Cuaymas, bon.