St. James Church Kenilworth July 2021 - Prayer Diary

Thurs Great God of the universe, we stand amazed that you are the Alpha and Omega – the Beginning 1 and the End - and so much more. Thank You that we can worship and magnify you. Thank God for a new month. Thank Him for the month that has passed. Pray that the Lord would give us the grace to be content with what He has given us and more than that, let us rejoice in all He has sent, for it is His choice! Bow down and worship the Lord. Amidst all the “things” happening in the world today make sure you “see” Jesus; “bow down” in His presence and “worship” Him. Let today and every day this coming month be filled with Christ. “May God’s blessing surround you each day as you trust Him and walk in His way. May His presence within guard and keep you from sin. Go in peace, go in joy, go in love.” (Cliff Barrows) Fri Reflect on the past month and be still before God and thank Him for His hand over your life. “Thank 2 you, God, for the little things, that often come our way, things we take for granted, but don’t mention when we pray. The unexpected courtesy, the thoughtful, kindly deed, a hand reached out to help us, in the time of sudden need. Oh, make me more aware, dear Lord, of little daily graces, that come to us with ‘sweet surprise’ from never-dreamed-of-places.” (Helen Steiner Rice) Sat Thank God for ‘problems’, for ‘blessings out of buffetings’, because they serve to strengthen us as 3 fire tempers steel. Life was never meant to be a bed of roses, or a cushioned journey along the way – we have only to learn of Jesus’ journey, to fully realize what life is all about – but we also know that as tribulation & hardships come our way, we will get the strength and grace from Him, and for this knowledge, we thank and praise Him. And when our faith grows weak and doubts arise, recall God’s love and tender care; remind yourself of all He has done and of those times He answered prayer. Sun Thank God that even though churches and places of worship are closed for a few weeks, many of 4 us are still able to “meet” and worship online. Pray for those who do not have these resources, that they may remain strong in the Lord and faithful to Him. Pray for those who will be preaching God’s Word today, that they will be bold and fearless in speaking the truth. Ask God to prepare our hearts to be receptive to the truth. Thank Him that we will be taught, rebuked, encouraged and trained in righteousness through His Word. Mon Dear Lord, as we are in yet another higher lockdown and as the numbers for Covid grow at an 5 alarming rate, we pray for protection from the virus. We pray for capacity for our hospitals and clinics. We pray for energy and good health for all our doctors, nurses, health-care workers, hospital staff, kitchen staff and cleaners. We thank you for the many infected patients who are recovering. We pray for the speedy and honest roll-out of vaccines and thank you for those who have already been vaccinated. Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Tues Lord God Almighty, as more people are dying as a result of the virus, help us to pay more careful 6 attention to the basic guidelines of safety and hygiene. Father, our times are in Your hands. Thank you for the hope and comfort that brings. Please help those who do not know that, to understand the reality and to trust in You and You alone with their all. Please comfort and draw near to those who have lost loved ones. May You be their comfort and strength. Wed Covid is a stark reminder of our own mortality. Thank God for sparing us another day. Help us to 7 see it as an opportunity to show our gratitude and to live for Him. Please help us to spend time seeking out someone who has a loved one who is ill, or someone who is grieving the recent death of a loved one. O Father God, help us to be an instrument of grace and peace and compassion. Please bless us with the right words to say or text or write, and may our genuine care and concern show the love of God in Christ to those we communicate with. Enable us by the Spirit of God Almighty, to be a blessing to someone. Thurs Remember God never sends you into a situation alone. God goes before you. He stands beside 8 you. He walks behind you. Whatever situation you have, trust God, be confident, because God is with you! “He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart” (Ps 91:4). Look back – thank Him; look up – trust Him; look around – serve Him; look ahead – expect Him. Fri Our Father in Heaven thank you for kings, queens, presidents and rulers that You have placed in 9 authority over people and nations. Thank you for our President, Cyril Ramaphosa. Thank you for evidence of Your blessing upon his life and his office. Thank you for the people around him who advise him. LORD, even though we may not agree with every decision they make, we thank you for blessing us with him and this government. Please help us to continue to pray for them - that they would seek Your wisdom in order to lead SA in a way that brings glory to You, Lord God Almighty. Sat Oh Lord, when I grow weary please help me to remember each and every day: to count my 10 blessings and not my crosses; to count my gains and not my losses; to count my laughs and not my tears; to count my joys and not my fears; to count my health and not my wealth; and most of all … to count on GOD and not myself. Sun Father God, we thank you for Sundays. Thank You for this one day in the week when we, as people 11 of God, can “come together online” to encourage one another in our walk with Christ. As Your people meet around Your Word today, please bless the virtual gathering. Please be at work in our hearts. And as we hear You speak in the Scriptures by Your Spirit through the preacher, help us to hear, listen, and obey. Help us to do what Your Word demands of us. Help us to sit under the authority of the Bible instead of us trying to sit in authority over it. Please forgive us our sin of selective hearing and disobedience. Help us to understand that all Scripture is to be obeyed. Lord, please continue to change us, mould us, more and more into the likeness of Jesus; Spirit of God please touch our hearts afresh; move us towards combining our faith with good deeds - deeds that bring glory to Your name alone. Please give us opportunity to share with someone Your story of grace in our lives. Mon Pray for all University and College students, learners, educators and lecturers who are on their 12 mid-year holiday brought early because of Covid and lockdown. Ask God to watch over them, to protect them from all difficulties and dangers. Thank God for times of refreshment and opportunities to be renewed in body, soul and spirit. May it also be a time or rest, reflection and family fellowship. Tues Pray for those, this winter, who do not have the comfort of a warm home, clothes and a bed. Pray 13 that where we are able to help ease their discomfort, we would do what we can by supporting the Uturn Winter Warmer Project. Wed “You perceive my thoughts from afar” (Psalm 139:2b). Ask God to help you have the right thoughts 14 about people and situations in your life. “Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord.” (Psalm 139:4). Ask God to help you speak kind, gentle and encouraging words to others, and when needed, to be strong and courageous with your words to help your brothers and sisters in Christ get ‘back on track.’ Thurs Dear Lord, I pray that no-one will be less good for having come within my influence; no-one less 15 pure, less true, less kind and less noble for having been a fellow traveller on my journey towards eternity. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of Your love. May I be a shining example of that love to others. Fri Thank God for the wonderful winter rains that have fallen. Thank Him for sending the rains to 16 refresh and replenish the earth He created. We continue to pray for those areas of our country that are drought stricken and ask Him please to hear the cries of His people and be merciful and compassionate. Thank you, Lord. Sat “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14a). Take time to thank 17 God for creating you, for having a purpose in your life and ask Him to help you to enjoy Him and to live for His glory. Ask Him to help you to “let your light shine” so that people will praise Him and give Him all the glory. Sun As we gather for services either in the church building or in our homes, to worship God, to praise 18 Him and to study His Word, we open our hearts wide in praise and thanksgiving for His love, His grace and His goodness to us. We do not deserve any of these blessings, as we humble ourselves before Him and in simple sincerity we say Thank You – for life, our health and strength, for all the gifts bestowed on us – for being with us always to guide and uphold us, even when we, in our stubborn waywardness, wander from the circle of His loving arms. Thank Him for His patience, love and infinite grace poured on us – we love you Father, we praise you Lord, we adore You. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Mon Think on these things ... Lord, please help us to remember that time, words and opportunity are 19 three things that once gone, never come back. Lord, please help us to remember that anger, pride and unforgiveness are three things in life that destroy a person. Lord, please help us to remember that love, ‘family & friends’, and kindness are three things in life that are most valuable. Tues Think on these things ... Lord, please help us to remember that in life we should never lose hope, 20 peace and honesty. Lord, please help us to remember three things that are truly constant in life – Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Wed “Be still and know that I am God” (Ps 46:10). Come before God in stillness of heart and praise 21 Him and thank Him, that though the ‘storms of life’ may rage around you, HE is God. Thurs Before you come to the Lord with praise for who He is, His power, His love and strength...before 22 you bring your requests to Him, asking His intervention and help...before you speak any other words to Him – confess. Admit your own shortcomings and sins and ask His forgiveness. Then you can come to Him, cleansed by the blood of Jesus, pure in the sight of God (Psalm 32:5). Fri “We live by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7). Faith in things we cannot see requires a child’s simplicity 23 – ask God to grant you a simple, childlike faith. Sat Praise God for the beauty of nature, the smile of a friend, a word of comfort, the love of family, 24 our lovely country, the blessing of life, the privilege of comfort. As you praise God feel His presence soothing the furrows from your brow, the lines from your face, the load from your heart, the doubts from your mind, the fears from your soul. You are at peace to PRAISE Him! Sun Today we remember the terrible events that took place in 1993 here at St James – an atrocious 25 and evil act contributing nothing to the struggle for freedom. We remember those who died and who, though lost to us in this world, live forever in the glorious presence of the Lord. We remember them today and we who hope in the Lord, will see them again. Mon “This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). “May 26 the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13). Tues “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest” (Psalm 55:6). Violence, 27 oppression, strife, fear and terror, pain and trembling, anxiety and restlessness, worry, illness and stress……whatever our circumstances we can give them to God. “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you” (Ps 55:22). “I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me. Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud and He shall hear my voice” (Ps 55:16,17). Wed “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send 28 out workers into His harvest field” (Matt. 9:37-38). Thank God for raising up men and women who are ready and willing to devote their lives to the preaching and teaching of His Word. Pray for the lecturers & students at GWC. Pray also for all missionaries, for their safety and well-being and that many may come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Thurs “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name” (Ps 103:1). God delights 29 in our praise because when we praise Him, we focus on His character and attributes - His power, awesomeness, compassion and love. Praise Him for all that He is! Thank You, Father! Fri Thank you, Lord, for your promises to us: I will be with you. I will protect you. I will be your 30 strength. I will be your guide. I will always love you. I will give you peace. I will provide for you. I will answer you. Pray that the Lord would bless you with the riches of His GRACE; with the treasures of His LOVE; with the comfort of His MERCIES; with the strength of His PRESENCE; with the touch of His CARE. Thank You Jesus. Sat Work for God done well will receive God’s “Well done!” Ask that God will help you to watch and 31 pray, to rely on Him, to faithfully love and serve Him, to patiently wait for Christ’s return, to finish the race and to know that someday you will receive a crown of righteousness – that you will be able to say “I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7-8).