ST HESYCHIOS the PRIEST Introductory Note
F ST HESYCHIOS THE PRIEST Introductory Note St Nikodimos identifies the writer of the work that follows, On Watchfulness and Holiness, with Hesychios of Jerusalem, author of many Biblical commentaries, who lived in the first half of the fifth century. But it is today accepted that On Watchfulness and Holiness is the work of an entirely different Hesychios, who was abbot of the Monastery of the Mother of God of the Burning Bush (Vatos) at Sinai. Hesyclilos of Sinai’s date is uncertain. He is probabl) later than St John Khmakos (sixth or seventh century), ith whose book The Ladder of Divine Ascent he seems to be familiar; possibly he Ihed in the eighth or ninth century. As well as upon Klimakos, he incorporates in his work passages from St Mark the Ascetic and St Maximos the Confessora St Nikodimos commends the work of St Hesychios especially for its teaching on watchfulness, inner attentheness and the guarding of the heart. Hesychios has a warm devotion to the Holy Name of it Jesus, and this makes his treatise of particular value to all who use the F Jesus Prayer.* We have followed the numbering of sections as given in the Greek Philokuha, nhich differs from that in Migne, Patrolog,a Gracca, xciii. For further details, see the footnotes to our translation; and compare % Kirchme3 er, le Sinaire et sea Centuries’, in Le Aizlknazrc lu 1tonr Athos 963—1963 Etudes es iiilanges, I (Clieetugne, 1963), pp 319 29 I On Watchfiilness and Holiness WRITTEN FOR THEODOULOS i. Watchfulness is a spiritual method which, if sedulously practised over a long period, completely frees us with God’s help from irn passioned thoughts, impassioned words and evil actions.
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