Dr Faruqi says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on 14 April, 2017 the Canadian Prime Minister, Mr Justin Trudeau introduced legislation which would legalise and regulate adult use of cannabis across the whole country,

(b) more than one in five Americans now live in states that have legalised and regulated the adult use of cannabis, including California, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington,

(c) National University's 'Australian Election Study' found that less than a third of Australians support the use of cannabis being a criminal offence,

(d) according to the 2013 National Drug Strategy Household Survey report, it is estimated that about 6.6 million (or 35 per cent) of people aged 14 or older had used cannabis in their lifetime and about 1.9 million (or 10.2 per cent) had used cannabis in the previous 12 months,

(e) in cannabis offences make up half of all drug offences, with over 26,000 criminal incidents of cannabis possession or use in 2016 alone, amounting to more possession incidents than for all other drugs combined,

(f) this represents a massive waste of resources and unjust persecution of people using cannabis for recreational and/or therapeutic reasons,

(g) licensing revenues from commercial quantities of cannabis can generate significant income for the state, which can then be reinvested in education and health programs, for example last year, the state of Colorado collected $135

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Faruqi 170531 marijuana legalisation.doc million in cannabis taxes, which will be used for construction of schools as well as drug rehabilitation and outreach programs,

(h) by maintaining a prohibition on cannabis, unregulated black markets flourish and organised crime is profiting, with the Australian Crime Commission stating that "The Australian cannabis market is large and entrenched, with organised criminal groups and individuals maintaining a strong presence in the market",

(i) people should have the right to grow their own cannabis for personal and non­ commercial use within reasonable limits, and

G) the war on drugs has failed and people will continue to use drugs such as cannabis, whether the Government likes it or not.

2. That this House calls for the Government to:

(a) implement a responsible, logical and evidence based policy with a harm minimisation approach, and

(b) legalise, regulate and tax cannabisfor adult use.

Signed /if~u-J ,r:;...~.

Dated I/6/UJI1 • I

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Faruqi 170531 marijuana legalisation.doc LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL


Mrs Taylor says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) in 2017, big hART are running Project 0 in Cooma with 20 young women involved in the course,

(b) Big hART are an organisation using the arts to create social change, in 45 communities over 22 years, and

(c) Project 0 helps young women in rural communities to develop strong personal agency, new capabilities and leadership skills through workshops, mentoring aod project management.

2. That this House acknowledges Rose Ricketson and all the team at Project 0 Cooma, and big hART more generally, for their work in this space.

nated ___j__/ i--""'!----/t'+--l---1/l:t='---. _

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\Genera1 Notices\Tay1or 170601 Project 0 Cooma.doc NM/053.02



Mr Searle to say -

Mr President:

I give notice that next sitting day I will move:

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide for the medicinal use of carmabis; to amend the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 and the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966; and for other purposes.

(Public Health (Medicinal Carmabis) Bill (No 2))

h- (Prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel) LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL


Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

I. That this House notes that:

(a) on Monday 13 February 2017, a reception to celebrate Chinese New Year was held at the Sofitel Wentworth Hotel , attended by 400 guests comprising political, business and community leaders,

(b) the reception was hosted by: (i) the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office, (ii) the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, (iii) Invest Hong Kong, (iv) the Hong Kong Australia Business Association, NSW Chapter, and

(c) those who attended as guests comprised: (i) the Honourable MP, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, (ii) the Honourable MP, Minister for Finance, Services and Property, (iii) the Honourable Ernest Wong MLC, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition, representing the Leader of the Opposition, (iv) His Excellency Mr Gu Xiaojie, Consul-General (Ambassadorial Rank) of the People's Republic of China in Sydney, (v) the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice, (vi) Mr MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure, (vii) Mr Jonathan O'Dea MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier and Treasurer, (viii) Ms Jodi McKay MP, Shadow Minister for Transport and Shadow Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight,

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Chirke 170601 Chinese New Year reception.doc .• • (ix) the Honourable MLC, Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Shadow Minister for Lands, and Shadow Minister for Western NSW, (x) Councillor Robert Kok, representing the Lord Mayor of Sydney, , (xi) representatives from numerous Chinese-Australian business and community organisations.

2. That this House congratulates the organisers of the successful reception to celebrate Chinese New Year held at the Sofitel Sydney Wentworth Hotel.

3. That this House extends best wishes to the Chinese-Australian Community on the occasion of Chinese New Year 2017.

4. That this House supports the continuing growth of economic and cultural bonds between Hong Kong and the state ofNew South Wales.

Signed~ ~

Dated --'-11/r-::,"f-P'--'-1'7____ _

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170601 Chinese New Year reception.doc LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL


Mr Shoebridge says-

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes with sadness the tragic death of Anthony Foster.

2. That this House acknowledges that:

a) Anthony, who worked as a team with his wife Chrissie Foster, was an indefatigable advocate for survivors and victims of child sexual abuse.

b) Anthony's selfless commitment to deliver justice for survivors of child sexual abuse came at significant personal cost to him and his family over many years.

c) The passion and strength that he brought to his campaigning was informed by the direct experience of his own family, with his two eldest daughters having been abused by a Catholic Priest and the tragedy that encompassed their young lives with one taking her life and the other suffering seriously disabling injuries as a result of their abuse.

d) Anthony's resilience and bravery in facing the Catholic Church, including travelling to Rome to witness Cardinal Pe11 give evidence before the Royal Commission gave voice to the demands and wishes of countless survivors and their families.

e) Those who knew Anthony mourn a kind and determined man whose love for his family, dignity and grace were an inspiration to many.

f) The support Anthony and Chrissie Foster have provided to survivors of child sexual abuse is immeasurab!~t }illd his contribution to achieving the Royal Commission into institutional Cland Allnse is w'dtllY.. acknowledged. , j () C2aif~ _,{,r, 4)) SaJ~VveJ._.f'J~ 3. That this House expresses its sincere condolences to Chrissie Foster and her family, and a11 survivors of abuse who mourn Anthony Foster. Signed //1 1/~ Date ~kr, /q; (} LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL


Mrs Maclaren-Jones says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House acknowledges that:

(a) the Boer War 1899-1902 coincided with the Federation of Australia and was the first conflict involving Australian Forces,

(b) approximately 23,000 Australian men and women served in the Boer War with nearly 1,000 of these personnel paying the ultimate sacrifice, w1 \\...

many veterans chose to serve again in World War I, and

the Boer War was a ground-breaking moment for Australian women in the defence force with the New South Wales Army Nursing Service formed in 1899 under the guiding hand of Superintendent Nellie Gould with some 60 Australian nurses serving during the war.

2. That this House notes that:

(a) the annual NSW Boer War Commemoration Service was held on Sunday 28 May 2017, and was organised by the National Boer War Memorial Association,

(b) those who contributed to the commemoration service included: (i) Major General, His Honour Mr Justice Paul Brereton AM, RFD, (ii) Lieutenant Colonel David Deasey, RFD, (Rtd), Chairman of the National Boer War Memorial Association, (iii) the Honourable Natasha Maclaren-Jones MLC, Government Whip in the Legislative Council, representing the Honourable MP, Premier, (iv) Mr Darren Mitchell, Master of Ceremonies, (v) Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel Colin Aiken OAM RFD (Rtd), and

(c) those who attended as guests included:

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Maclaren-Jones 170601 Boer War Commemoration.doc • (i) Dame Marie Bashir, AD, CVO, Governor from March 2001 to October 2014, (ii) Mr MP, (iii) representatives of numerous returned and ex-service organisations.

Dated __,_u=--0=---~--=--~--=-=-~l_-:f-_:__

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Maclaren-Jones 170601 Boer War Commemoration.doc LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL


Mr Graham says -

Mr President:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House notes that:

1 On the 30 h of May 2017 the Government announced the Fire and EmerQency Services Levy would be indefinitely withdrawn, \~t-. ~ poui'bl..._ ~""'<..&.. i~c..-.....s~ . '-.J This House also notes the Insurance Monitor has revealed that between July 2012 and April 2014 a) insurance premiums in NSW increased at up to eight times the rate of inflation in Sydney, and b) at a rate which was significantly higher than the Australian average premium increase.

This House notes that such increases are outside the current monitored period and calls on the government to allow the Insurance Monitor to scrutinise these price increases to minimise the double price increase that NSW consumers now face. Notice of Motion

On the next sitting day I shall move that:

a. The Blue Mountains is one of Australia's premier tourist destinations right at the door step of Sydney

b. Tourism is a major employer and generator of economic growth in the region

c. The region is currently experiencing unprecedented levels of visitation by both domestic and international tourists who have rediscovered the beauty and culture of the Blue Mountains

d. Trains servicing the picturesque Blue Mountains on weekends are now at 150% capacity constraining the growth of the tourism economy and dampening the visitor experience

e. In response the Minister for Transport Andrew Constance announced today (31 May 2017):

(1) 24 new express services between Sydney and the Blue Mountains on weekends, (2) new dedicated 8 car express tourist trains to boost Blue Mountains tourism with around 20 minute cuts to travel times (3) more than 25,000 additional seats including an extra 18,000 on weekends

f. The new services are part of the Berejiklian government's 'More Trains, More Services' program and will commence on 2 July.

g. The House congratulates the Minster for Transport for responding to the local business and community calls for more services to the Blue Mountains and investing in the region's vital visitor economy. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL


Mrs Taylor says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) Sisters of Charity Outreach is a charitable community service organisation operating from St. Vincent's Hospital in Darlinghurst,

(b) country people in Sydney for medical treatment are often hundreds of kilometres from who and what they know, which is a source of additional stress, and

(c) Sisters of Charity Outreach operate the Country Care Link service which provides support and assistance to country people visiting Sydney for medical reasons, through transport, visits and referrals.

2. That this House acknowledges the compassionate work of the organisation's staff and volunteers in providing this assistance to country people at times of great need.


Dated-----\[[---=--~---~----\ l ~-

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\ Taylor 170601 Country Care Link service.doc LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL


Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on Saturday 1 April 2017, the Sydney Korean Festival hosted by the Consul­ General of the Republic of Korea in Sydney, Mr Sang Soo Yoon and his wife Mrs Hee Young Shin, was held in Tumbalong Park Darling Harbour Sydney, attended by several thousand members and friends of the Korean-Australian Community,

(b) those who attended the opening ceremony of the Festival included: (i) the Honourable Ray Williams MP, Minister for Multiculturalism and Minister for Disability Services, (ii) the Honourable Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Finance, Services and Property, (iii) the Honourable Craig Laundy MP, Federal Assistant Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, (iv) the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice, (v) Ms Jodi McKay MP, Shadow Minister for Transport and Shadow Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, (vi) Ms MP, Shadow Minister for Women, Ageing, Multiculturalism and Disability Services, (vii) the Honourable Ernest Wong MLC, (viii) Lord Mayor Clover Moore, , (ix) Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney, Willoughby City Council, (x) Mr Melih Karalar, Consul-General of Turkey in Sydney, (xi) Mr Keizo Takewaka, Consul-General of Japan in Sydney, (xii) Ms Ann Jalando-on Louis, Consul-General of the Philippines in Sydney, (xiii) Mr Yayan Ganda Hayat Mulyana, Consul-General of Indonesia in Sydney, (xiv) Mr Paulo Domingues, Consul-General of Portugal in Sydney, (xv) Mr Robert McDougall, Acting Consul-General of Canada in Sydney,

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\Genera1 Notices\C1arke 170601 Sydoey Korean Festival. doc (xvi) Mr Seung Guk Paik, President of the Korean Sydney Society, (xvii) Mr Karl Lee, President of the Sydney Korean Festival, (xviii) representatives of numerous Korean cultural and community organisations, and

(c) the Sydney Korean Festival has become an annual event which highlights and showcases the history, heritage and cultural achievements of the Korean people.

2. That this House congratulates and commends the Consul-General of the Republic of Korea in Sydney, Mr Sang Soo Yoon and his wife Mrs Hee Young Shin, together with Mr Karl Lee, President of the Sydney Korean Festival Committee on their hosting and organisation of the Annual Sydney Korean Festival at Tumbalong Park Darling Harbour Sydney, which has now become an important cultural event in the life of the City of Sydney.


Dated --+'/-=&+,/'--'/7'--'-. _____

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\Genera1 Notices\C1arke 170601 Sydney Korean Festival.doc DUSTYESKY MULLUMBIMBY MALE CHOIR

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this house. notes:

a) That Dustyesky is a 28 member male choir from Mullumbimby with a passion for vodka and Russian folk music.

b) The choir's rise in popularity within the Russian music culture, despite not speaking Russian.

c) That Dustyesky's music has recently gleaned a great deal of media attention culminating with an appearance on Russian national television broadcaster Channel One, with an audience of 250 million people,

2. That this house congratulates all the members of Dustyesky for their recent success including their performance in Brisbane and wishes them the best for future performances and tours including, potentially, to Russia to coincide with the 2018 FIFA World Cup. ''""1::.~~ ------..



Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

I. That this House notes that:

(a) on Wednesday 3 May 2017, a celebration to mark the 350th anniversary of the publication of the first Armenian Bible was held at the Parliament of New South Wales and attended by members and friends of the Armenian Australian community,

(b) the event was hosted by the Honourable Gladys Berejiklian MP, Premier, and

(c) those who attended as guests included: (i) His Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian, Primate Armenian Church of Australia and New Zealand, (ii) the Honourable Gladys Berejiklian MP, Premier, (iii) His Grace Bishop Dr Antoine-Charbel Tarabay, Maronite Catholic Bishop of Australia, (iv) Most Reverend Glenn Davies, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, (v) His Grace Bishop Robert Rabbat, Melkite Catholic Bishop of Australia, (vi) Reverend Mark Lieschke, Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Australia, (vii) Father Elie Nakhoul, Maronite Catholic Eparchy Episcopal Vicar for Clergy and Media, (viii) Reverend Dr Chris Walker, representing the President of Uniting Church of Australia- Stuart McMillan, (ix) Father Nabil Kachab, representing His Eminence Archbishop Paul Saliba of the Antiochian Orthodox Church of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, (x) Father Varghese, representing the Syriac Orthodox Church of Australia and New Zealand, (xi) Mrs Karla Heggie, representing his Grace Bishop Peter Comensoli, Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, (xii) Sister Giovanni Farquer, representing Interfaith, (xiii) Father Avetis Hambardzumyan, Parish Pastor of Holy Resurrection Armenian Church Chatswood, (xiv) Lieutenant-Colonel Graham Durston, representing the Salvation Army,

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170601 350th annivesary first -printed annenian bib!e.doc (xv) Lieutenant-Colonel Rhonda Durston, representing the Salvation Army, (xvi) Dr Matthew Tan, Archdiocesan Ecumenical and Interfaith Conunission of the Archdiocese of Sydney, (xvii) Ms Wies Schuiringa, President NSW Ecumenical Council, (xviii) Father Paul Finucane, St Dolours Catholic Church, (xix) Sister Elizabeth Delaney, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in Australia, (xx) Father Shenouda Mansour, General Secretary of the NSW Ecumenical Council, (xxi) Mr Sarkis Der Bedrossian, Chairman Diocesan Council of the Armenian Church Australia and New Zealand, (xxii) His Excellency Mr Willem Cosijn, Consul-General of the Netherlands in Sydney, (xxiii) Mr Nicolas Croizer, Consul-General of France in Sydney, (xxiv) the Honourable Ray Williams MP, Minister for Multiculturalism and Minister for Disability Services, (xxv) the Honourable MLC, Shadow Minister for Health, Shadow Minister for the Arts, Shadow Minister for the North Coast, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, representing Mr MP, Leader of the Opposition, (xxvi) Reverend the Honourable MLC, Assistant President of the Legislative Council, (xxvii) Mr George Thomas MP, Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, (xxviii) Mr Andrew Fraser MP, Assistant Speaker in the NSW Legislative Assembly, (xxix) Mr Chris Patterson MP, Government Whip in the Legislative Assembly, (xxx) Ms MP, Deputy Government Whip in the Legislative Assembly, (xxxi) the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice, (xxxii) Dr MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Western Sydney and Multiculturalism, (xxxiii) Mr Jonathan O'Dea MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier and Treasurer, (xxxiv) Mr MP, Parliamentary Secretary to Cabinet, (xxxv) Ms Sophie Cotsis MP, Shadow Minister for Women, Ageing, Multiculturalism and Disability Services, (xxxvi) the Honourable Paul Green MLC, (xxxvii) Mr Stephen Kamper MP, member for Rockdale, (xxxviii)Mr Hugh McDermott MP, member for Prospect, (xxxix) Mr MP, member for Epping, (xl) Mr Greg Soghomonian, Honorary Chairman of the Armenian National Committee of Australia, (xli) Mr Hratch Lousikian, Armenian National Conunittee of Australia, (xlii) Ms Henriette Andriassian, Advisor to Representative of Armenia Minister of Diaspora in Australia, (xliii) Mr Vatche Topouzian, Chairman of the Social Democratic Hunchagian Party, (xliv) Dr Stepan Kerkyasharian AO, former President of the Anti­ Discrimination Board of New South Wales, (xlv) Mr Garbis Sarian, representing the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Australia Chapter, (xlvi) Mr Haig Lepedjian, Armenian Democratic Liberal Party Chairman,

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170601 350th annivesary first printed armenian bible. doc • (xi vii) Mr Kaylar Michaelian, prominent Armenian leader, (xi viii) Dr Tigran Zargaryan, key note speaker, (xlix) Mr Vicken Kalloghlian, Chairman of Harnazkaine Educational and Cultural Association- Australia Regional Committee, (I) Mr Toros Boghossian, Chairman of Armenian General Benevolent Union- Sydney Chapter, (li) Prof Peter Stanley, author, (Iii) · Mr Vicken Babkenian, author, (!iii) Mrs Nora Sevagian, Chairperson of Armenian Relief Society Australia, (liv) Mr Eddie Demirjian, Principal of Galstaun College, (lv) Ms Selina Hasham, Catholic Communications, (!vi) Mr Garabed Aladjadjian, Chairman of Holy Trinity Armenian Church Parish Council, (!vii) representatives of numerous Armenian community organisations.

2. That this House:

(a) congratulates the Armenian-Australian community on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the first printed Armenian language Bible, and

(b) commends the Armenian-Australian community for its ongoing positive contribution to the cultural, religious, professional and business life of the state of New South Wales.


Dated --II~-~--+~--'-'/?'------

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170601 350th annivesary first printed armenian bible. doc LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL


Mr Mallard says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

I. That this House notes that:

(a) on Monday 22 May 2017, a special assembly was held at St Patricks College for Girls in Campbelltown with more than 600 students attending, and

(b) in attendance was the Honourable Shayne Mallard MLC, representing the Minister for Veterans Affairs the Honourable David Elliott MP, to present the Premier's Anzac Memorial Scholarship 2017.

2. That this House congratulates the school and the winning student Amelia Aguiar, who will embark on a 12 day tour to the battlegrounds of the Western Front in September.

3. That this House notes the other worthy causes that the school is involved in including their work supporting St Vincent De Paul by knitting blankets for the people of the Macarthur community.

4. That this House commends the school for its support for Anzac commemorations, charitable work and contribution to the local community.

Signed er~~ ~

Dated ---+1/-----'b~~~/-+7__ I 7 t

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Mallard 170530 Premier1s Anzac memorial scholarship. doc