e-EAC Newsletter


BE JUSTIFIED”  “Terrorism Cannot be Justified” ~ says Amb. Sezibera ~ SAYS AMB. SEZIBERA

 Arusha Hosts 27th Ordinary Meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers

 EAC Election Observer Mission Releases Preliminary Report on Parliamentary Elections

 COMESA, EAC, IGAD, IOC Conclude Joint Mission to Brussels

 EACJ dismisses Alcon International Limited dispute

 EACJ First Instance Division Concludes 3rd Quarter Session

 EAC Immunization and Vaccines Partners Meet in The Secretary General of the Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera has Arusha conveyed heartfelt condolences and deep sympathies to His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, the Government and people of Kenya following the deadly Westgate Mall  Let Us Know How You Perceive the EAC siege by terrorists. In the message, the Secretary General said “Terrorism cannot be justified for any reason, and any attempt to justify it is unacceptable”.  EAC Showcases Regional Integration Achievements On behalf of the East African Community and his own behalf, Amb. Sezibera extended the EAC’s support as the Republic of Kenya may deem necessary.

In Solidarity with the President, Government and People of Kenya, and in respect of the lives lost during the terrorist attack, All flags at the EAC Headquarters will flew at half mast for three days.


Arusha Hosts 27th Ordinary Meeting

of the EAC Council of Ministers

The 27th ordinary meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers The Chairperson of the Council reiterated the collective need concluded over the 1 September 2013 in Arusha, Tanzania to focus on the greater interests of the East African with the Ministers deliberating on a wide range of regional Community, as the Council seeks to surmount any challenges matters and adopting several policies and directives geared before it. He said the Community was now a bigger at enhancing and strengthening the regional integration and economic and political entity with enormous potential for development process. enhanced leverage in regional and international affairs, if it acts as a bloc. The meeting was chaired by Hon. Shem Bageine, Minister of State for EAC Affairs, Republic of and Chairperson of “As the EAC moves to the next critical levels of integration, the Council and leaders of Delegations included Hon. Amelia Partner States will, more than ever before, be called upon to Kyambadde, MP, Uganda’s Minister of Trade; Hon. Léontine commit the requisite resources and political will for the Nzeyimana, ’s Minister to the Office of the President attainment of the Common Market, the Monetary Union, and Responsible for EAC Affairs; Hon. Phyllis J. Kandie, Kenya’s the ultimate stage of a Political Federation” affirmed Hon. Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of East African Affairs, Bageine. Commerce & Tourism; Hon. Jacqueline Muhongayire, Rwanda’s Minister for East African Community Affairs; and The Secretary General of the East African Commu- Hon. Samuel J. Sitta, MP, Tanzania’s Minister for East African nity, Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera commended Hon. Monique Cooperation. Mukaruliza, and Hon. Musa Sirma, former Ministers of EAC in Rwanda and Kenya respectively for their dedicated leader- In attendance were several Ministers, Permanent Secretar- ship and service to the Council and the Community. He ies, Heads of EAC Organs and Institutions, EAC Observer congratulated Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax, upon her Organizations as well as officials from the EAC Secretariat. (Continued on page 3)


… Council directs conclusion of consultations on EAC Political Federation Way Forward by Partner States

(Continued from page 2) Political Federation: The Council directed Partner States to finalize their national appointment as the first female Executive Secretary of consultations on the Way Forward on the EAC Political Federa- st Southern African Development Community (SADC). He also tion and submit their reports to the Secretary General by 31 commended Amb. George William Kayonga, and Mr. Chiboli October, 2013. Shakaba, former Permanent Secretaries responsible for EAC Affairs in the Republics of Rwanda and Kenya respectively, Bills: The Council adopted the East African Community Science and for their service to the Community. Technology Commission Bill, 2013 and the East African Com-

munity Assets and Premises Protection Bill 2013 and refered He welcomed and congratulated Hon. Phyllis Kandie, Kenya’s them to the Sectoral Council on Legal and Judicial Affairs for Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of EAC Affairs, Commerce legal input. and Tourism; Hon. Jacqueline Muhongayire, Minister of EAC Affairs, Republic of Rwanda; and Hon. Johnston Busingye, The Council also directed the United Republic of Tanzania and Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Republic of the Republic of Uganda to deposit instruments of ratification Rwanda. of the Protocol on the Establishment of the Kiswahili Commis- sion and deposit their respective instruments of ratification Amb. Sezibera pointed out that a lot of activities are being with the Secretary General by 31st December 2013. Further, it undertaken and tremendous progress being realized in the directed the United Republic of Tanzania to ratify the Protocol economic, political and social sectors during the period under on the Establishment of the East African Health Research review. He noted that the integration process has proceeded Commission and deposit the instruments of ratification with st very well and many breakthroughs have been made. He the Secretary General by 31 December 2013. wished the Session fruitful deliberations

Some of the decisions/directives taken at the 27th Meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers included: (Continued on page 4)


… Council adapts modalities for establishment of the EAC Panel of Eminent Persons

(Continued from page 3) (k) Revitalization of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization. Republic of South Sudan: The Council approved the negotiations with the Republic of EAC Panel of Eminent Persons: South Sudan to join the East African Community; established The Council adopted the Modalities for the Establishment and a High Level Negotiations Team; directed Partner States to Functioning of the EAC Panel of Eminent Persons and nominate three (3) Members to the High Level Negotiation Establishment of an EAC Peace Facility and directed Partner Team by 30th September 2013; and directed the Secretariat to States to ratify the Protocol on Peace and Security. thereafter convene a meeting of High Level Negotiation Team to start the negotiations with the Republic of South Sudan by 15th October 2013. Executive Staff of LVFO: The Council took note of the new appointments of Executive Federal Republic of Somalia Staff of LVFO namely the Mr. Geoffrey Monor, Executive The Council approved the verification programme for the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary General Dr. Olive application of the Federal Republic of Somalia to join the East Mkumbo, and commend the outgoing staff Mr. Dick Nyeko African Community and established a Verification Committee former Executive Secretary and Mr. Mathias Wafula, former composed of three (3) Experts from each Partner State to Deputy Executive Secretary for the services rendered. undertake the verification exercise and three (3) Experts from the Secretariat to facilitate the exercise scheduled for Alternative Financing Mechanisms: December 2013 - August 2014. In regards to Alternative Financing Mechanisms, the Council directed the Partner States to consult further on the proposal The Council also directed Partner States to nominate experts that the budget of the East African Community be financed by 31st October, 2013 to participate in the verification of the from 1% of the value of imports from outside the East African application of the Federal Republic of Somalia and directed Community and the Secretariat to develop a comprehensive the Verification Committee to submit the report of the verifica- paper on all other alternative financing mechanisms for the tion exercise to the 29th Meeting of the Council scheduled for Community and submit to the Council for consideration. August 2014 for consideration; and directed the Secretary General to communicate to the Government of the Federal Expulsion of Illegal immigrants from Kagera Region: Republic of Somalia to extend appropriate security and proto- The Council directed the United Republic of Tanzania and the col facilitation to the Verification Team while in the Federal Republic of Rwanda to urgently meet to resolve this issue; Republic of Somalia. and directed the Sectoral Council on Peace and Inter-State Security to consider developing regional mechanisms to ad- Key Priority Interventions to be implemented over the dress future challenges of the above nature. FY 2014/15: The Council adopted the following key priority interventions to Trilateral Developments: be implemented over the FY 2014/15: The Council took note of the ongoing trilateral initiatives by (a) Operationalization of the Single Customs Territory; Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda on different matters of integra- tion including infrastructure, establishment of a Single Cus- (b) (b) Implementation of the EAC Common Market toms Territory and the Political Federation; and requested the Protocol; Chairperson of the Council to provide more information on (c) Implementation of the Roadmap towards the these developments to the Council at its 28th Meeting. establishment of the EAC Monetary Union; (d) Development of cross-border infrastructure with Audit Commission and Audit and Risk Committee particular focus on implementing the decisions of Reports: the Summit Retreat on Infrastructure (held in The Council received the Audit Commission Report on the East African Community Financial Statements for the year ended November 2012); 30th June 2012; and decided to table the Audited Financial (e) Implementation of the Tripartite Free Trade Area Statements of EAC Organs and Institutions to the East African (COMESA- EAC--SADC); Legislative Assembly for debate and such other consultations (f) Implementation of the EAC Industrialization Policy and action as the Assembly may deem necessary. The Council and Strategy; also adopted the Report of the Audit and Risk Committee for (g) Implementation of the EAC Food Security Action the Financial Year 2012/2013. Plan and Climate Change Master Plan; (h) Sensitization of East Africans; (i) Implementation of the EAC Strategy on Regional Peace and Security; and (j) Implementation of the activities under Political Federation for the East African Community;

4 EAC UPDATE ISSUE NO 74 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 EAC Election Observer Mission Releases Preliminary Report on Rwanda Parliamentary Elections

The East African Community's Observer Mission has The Mission's preliminary statement contains prelimi- issued a preliminary statement on the Parliamentary nary findings, recommendations and conclusions Elections in the Republic of Rwanda which took place made by the Mission based on independent observa- 16 to 18 September 2013. tion, interaction with electoral stakeholders including the National Electoral Commission, political parties, The Mission was in the country at the invitation of civil society organisations, security agencies, the the Government of Rwanda and the National media, international and domestic observers present Electoral Commission. It was led by Hon. Musa in Rwanda, among others. As the electoral process is Sirma, Former Minister for EAC Affair’s, Republic of still ongoing, this statement limits itself to the as- Kenya and comprised 40 members drawn from the sessment made upto the three-day polling and East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), Electoral counting processes, as at 18th September 2013. Management Bodies (EMBs), Civil Society Organisa- tions (CSOs), and National Human Rights Commis- Having consulted with stakeholders from 9 to 13 sions from 4 EAC countries namely Burundi, Kenya, September, on 14 September 2013, eight teams of Tanzania and Uganda. Observers were deployed to all the five . Each team was equipped with question- The Mission’s assessment of the elections was naires as an aid for systematic collection of data on primarily based on the Constitution and other legisla- activities pertaining to pre-polling, polling and count- tion governing . The assessment ing processes as well as announcement of provi- was also predicated on international principles and sional results. standards governing the conduct of democratic elec- tions including the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2007) and the EAC Princi- ples for Election Observation and Evaluation (2012).



Conclude Joint Mission to Brussels

Five Regional Economic Communities in the Eastern, South- The five Regional Organisations have been implementing ern Africa, and Indian Ocean region, namely COMESA, EAC, regional projects and programmes using EDF resources for IGAD, and IOC, today concluded a three-day joint mission to more than ten years. They started, as the lead actors to Brussels, Belgium to discuss with the European Union’s Ex- programme by identifying and formulating projects, with the ternal Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission’s 9th EDF upon signature of the ACP EU Cotonou Partnership Development Cooperation Office (DEVCO) how to deepen Agreement. and consolidate the cooperation and gains so far made among and between the parties. During the interaction with the European Union and DEVCO, it was reiterated that the region had a high level of inter- Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera, Secretary General of the East regional coordination, in particular among COMESA, EAC, African Community; Amb. Jean Claude de L’Estrac, Secretary IGAD and IOC, under the Inter-Regional Coordinating Com- General of the Indian Ocean Commission; Mr. Sindiso mittee (IRCC) with established mechanisms for consulting Ndema Ngwenya, Secretary-General of the Common Market with SADC and also with the African Union in respect of the for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA); and Amb. Eng. continental integration agenda. Mahboub Maalim, Executive Secretary of IGAD led the respective organization’s officials. In attendance were also Amb. Sezibera currently chairs the Inter-Regional Coordinat- officials from the Southern African Development Community ing Committee (IRCC) and led the discussions with the EU (SADC). and DEVCO officials.

The discussions also delved on the 11th European Develop- The four regional organisations COMESA, EAC, IGAD and ment Fund (EDF) architecture in support of regional integra- IOC have been sharing a common regional indicative pro- tion and cooperation in the 5 regional economic communi- ties. (Continued on page 7)


… Parties agree to fine-tune core 11th EDF Programming Guidelines and draft Regional Indicative Programme

(Continued from page 6) gramme. Over the 9th and 10th EDF, the combined total initial envelopes for the region exceeded EUR 1 billion. The 10th EDF shows a strong increased emphasis on regional integration, which has impacted the population of nearly six hundred million over the combined member states.

The 11th EDF will remain fully consis- tent with the Cotonou principles around a single Regional Indicative Programme (RIP) while at the same time endeav- ouring to take into account certain specificities of each Regional Organisa- tion. Three sectors of support have been identified, based on the principles of subsidiarity, complementarity and cost-effectiveness, namely; peace, security and regional This first-ever visibility event had four themes lead by each stability; regional economic integration; and regional natural REC as follows; Building Regional Institutions for Trade by resource management. COMESA; Building Regional Interconnections for Trade by EAC; Regional security by IGAD; and Natural Resources by Based on the discussions held in Brussels, all parties have IOC. agreed to refine the 11th EDF regional governance frame- work in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean The visibility events were attended by Parliamentarians, EU region. Commission Services, and other EU stakeholders and the media influential in the decision processes on support to the All parties also agreed to continue refining the core 11th EDF RECs. programming guidelines and draft Regional indicative pro- gramme. The Regional Organisations also agreed to remain Within the ACP group of 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific the lead actors in matters of consultation of Member States States, regional integration is promoted by Regional Organi- through the prevailing structures and policy organs. zations (ROs) such as COMESA, EAC, IGAD and IOC in the Eastern and Southern Africa - Indian Ocean (ESA-IO) region. All parties agreed to meet again on 12-15 November 2013 in This is also supported by the European Union, through a Mauritius. mechanism known as the Inter-Regional Coordinating Com- mittee (IRCC), in the context of the ACP - EU Cotonou Part- On the sidelines of the joint mission, the four Chief Execu- nership Agreement and the EU Agenda for Change, regional tive Officers of the 4 RECs spearheaded visibility drive in the integration being an engine for growth and poverty reduc- European Parliament and engaged the Press Club Brussels tion. Europe. Over one billion Euros has been channeled via these Re- At the invitation of Hon. Charles Goerens, European Union gional Organizations under the successive European Devel- Member of Parliament and also Member of the European opment Funds (EDF) to assist in building regional institu- Parliament’s Development Committee, the four RECs tions, regional interconnections, enhanced peace and secu- (COMESA, EAC, IGAD, and IOC), were allowed to set up rity and collective management of natural resources. visibility/exhibition stands inside the EU Parliament on the 17-19 September 2013 to show-case the value addition by EU in its cooperation with the RECs.


EACJ dismisses Alcon International Limited dispute

The First Instance Division of the East African Court of Justice on 2 September 2013, dismissed a Matter filed by Alcon International Limited (Kenya) against Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Limited for not paying them for the construction of a building known as Workers House in , Uganda.

Alcon International Limited (K) came to court claiming an award of $8,858,469, with interest and costs, which was made in favor of Alcon International (Uganda) by an arbitrator and adopted by the High Court of Uganda. The award arose from a contract between the Government of Uganda and Al- con International Limited (K) who later sub-contracted Alcon International Limited (U) to finish the construction of the Workers House building, leading to a dispute about which Alcon Company should be paid for the work done.

Court said that, it cannot give itself jurisdiction in a case outside its jurisdiction on the ground that it would be for the convenience of the Parties and witnesses. Also Court found that there was no merit in the reference before it hence dismissed it and ordered that each party to bear their costs.

EACJ First Instance Division had previously dismissed the case by Kenyan construction company, Alcon International (K) Limited, on grounds that the matter was improperly before the Court. However the Appellate Division noted that the First Instance Division did not in its ruling consider whether it had jurisdiction to entertain the matter, which was a fundamental issue which the Court had to decide on.

The Applicant brought the case to court under article 29 (2) and Article 54 (2) (b) of the protocol on the establishment of the East African Community Common Market of the on protection of Investors across the border, emphasizing that the alleged sister construction company Alcon International Uganda does not exist.

Also the Registrar today ruled on a preliminary objection raised by Counsel for the Respondent in a case for costs in an Appeal filed by Alcon International Limited (K) against The Standard Chartered Bank and 2 others.

The Appeal was allowed and they were awarded costs to be taxed by the Registrar. The Registrar ruled that the court was not functus officio (a general rule that, a final decision of a court cannot be reopened) and that he did not make a final decision in this matter when it came up for taxation. The Registrar ordered that the matter proceeds for taxation and that the parties will be notified of the date.


EACJ First Instance Division Concludes 3rd Quarter Session

The East African Court of Justice First Instance Division, Appearing before Court were the Applicant Anita A. on 13 September 2013, concluded its 3rd quarter session Among member of the FDC opposition political party in for a month with another hearing of a case challenging Uganda and her advocates Mr. Kyazze Joseph and Kiiza the legality of the election of the East African Legislative Simon; The Attorney General of Uganda (1st Respon- Assembly (EALA) members from the Republic of Uganda, dent) represented by Mr. Phili Mwaka Principal State which was filed by Ms. Among A. Anita from opposition Attorney and Kibuuka Rashid, State Attorney; the Secre- Party Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) in Uganda tary General EAC represented by Hon. Wilbert Kaahwa against the Government of Uganda and the Secretary Counsel to the Community (CTC) and the Advocate for General of the East African Community (EAC). the Interveners Mr. Justice Semuyaba.

The matter, more or less the same as that of Hon. Abdu. The Court will deliver a judgment of this matter on Katuntu from the same political party FDC. However Ms. notice. Anita went further and challenged that the Rules of Pro- cedures of the parliament of Uganda were not gazetted The Court also dismissed a case that was challenging the before elections of the EALA members in May 30th 2012, costs which were awarded to the Republic of Uganda, to hence an infringement of the Treaty. be paid to the Democratic Party (DP) and Fred Mukasa Mbidde EALA MP who won their case in a decision of the The Respondents (Attorney General Uganda and EAC Court, to restrain the Parliament of Uganda from holding Secretary General) with the interveners Rt. Hon. Marga- elections until the rules were amended to conform with reth Nantongo Zziwa, Speaker of the East African Legis- Article 50 (1) of the Treaty. The Taxing officer (Court lative Assembly and other 8 EALA Members from Registrar) awarded USD fifteen thousand ($15,000) to Uganda, all challenged the Applicant that the rules were be paid to the Applicant, DP and Mukasa Mbidde for the gazzeted before election and there is no evidence for the case. Applicant to prove that they were not gazzeted. They also submitted that, the Applicant had gone beyond the The First Instance Division has been able to handle a limited jurisdiction of the Court that issues of the EALA total of 24 matters this quarter including; 1 Judgment of elections are left to the National Assembly to entertain the Alcon International Limited Kenya, 9 hearings, 8 as provided in the Treaty for Establishment of the EAC. scheduling conferences, 1 ruling and 5 taxation matters The respondents asked the Court to dismiss the refer- that came before the Registrar. ence with costs.


EAC Immunization and Vaccines Partners Meet in Arusha

The EAC Secretary General, Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera on 13 The Secretary General commended the continued collabora- September 2013, opened the first EAC Immunization and tion and support from the Federal Government of Germany vaccines partner’s meeting at the EAC Headquarters. in the strengthening and expansion of regional integration in the EAC. He said that, “the new 20 million Euros German In his opening remarks, Dr. Sezibera noted that this impor- support for the EAC regional immunization programme will tant meeting comes at a time when the EAC integration be implemented in collaboration with the GAVI Alliance con- process is including cooperation on health, quoting the EAC tributing towards the implementation of the resolutions and Treaty Chapter 21 under (Article 118), (a) with respect to commitments of the 2ndGAVI Alliance Partners Forum that co-operation in health activities; the Partner States under- was held in Dar es Salaam, in December 2012”. take to, among others, take joint action towards the preven- tion and control of communicable and non-communicable The meeting called for increased role and participation of diseases and to control pandemics and epidemics of commu- African Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to promote nicable and vector-borne diseases such as HIV-AIDS, and support acceleration of immunization programmes in cholera, malaria, hepatitis and yellow fever that might en- Africa, especially the introduction of new vaccines that in- danger the health and welfare of the residents of the Partner clude the two that are being prioritized for support through States, and to co-operate in facilitating mass immunization this new German Financial contribution to the EAC - GAVI and other public health community campaigns. Alliance regional initiative, namely; the new vaccines against rotavirus and pneumococcal diseases. (Continued on page 11)


… New 20 million Euros German support to boost regional immunization program

(Continued from page 10) KwF and GAVI identified a need for global and regional coor- dination mechanisms to scale up immunization The expansion and acceleration of the introduction of new inventions also engage the countries for maximum benefit of vaccines in the EAC Partner States contributes to one of the the programs but however noted a limitation of resources for three major goals of the East African Community Open implementation. Both GAVI and UNICEF are involved in the Health Initiative (OHI) that is geared towards sharing of best introduction of new vaccines and UNICEF is planning to practices and acceleration of “Innovations to Improve launch a new Polio vaccine in 2018. Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Outcomes” in the East African Community Partner States. The meeting discussed the establishment of a joint Steering Committee (JSC) of the EAC Regional Immunization Pro- EAC Partner States representatives present at the meeting gramme as well as the EAC Secretariat’s participation in Na- reported they had accelerated programs for introducing tional Immunization Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee vaccines for pneumonia (pneumococcal vaccine), Diarrhoea (ICC) meetings. Among other things the meeting echoed (Rotavirus vaccine), Human Papilloma virus vaccine (HPV) the need for a vaccine for Malaria because malaria is promi- and Hepatitis B vaccine though the coverage is at varying nent in the region. levels. Present in the meeting were Dr. Klaus Mueller Director and Head of the Regional Department for West and East Africa - German Devel- Among the challenges noted in implementing the scale up opment Bank (KfW), Mr. Daniel Thornton, Director Strategic Initia- programs for vaccine are among others; tives, GAVI Alliance Secretariat, Ms. Violaine Messager Resource Mobilization Officer at the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immuni- 1. Cold chain management is still a challenge due to inade- zation (GAVI Alliance), Dr. Thomas Walter - Senior Advisor Industri- quate infrastructure (storage capacity) and cold alization, TRIPS and Pharmaceutical Sector Promotion, EAC-GIZ Programme on Regional Integration (Arusha, Tanzania, Dr. Wesley chain equipment. Ronoh - Senior Regional Advisor, Industrialisation and Pharmaceuti- 2. Human capital to implement the program cal Sector Promotion, EAC-GIZ Regional Integration Programme 3. Low immunization in hard to reach areas which are (Arusha, Tanzania), Dr. Nasir Yusuf, Regional Immunization Ad- mainly in the cross boarder in nature viser, UNICEF Regional Office for Eastern & Southern Africa (ESARO), Ms. Joyce Kevin Abalo, Coordinator, East African Health 4. A need for proper monitoring and evaluation and data Platform (EAHPF), EAC Partner States’ National Immunization Man- synchronization within the different vaccine programs agers, Heads of Child Health Departments and National Vaccine Cold Chain Logistics Coordinators and EAC Secretariat Staff.


Let Us Know How You Perceive the EAC

Your perception of the EAC and how you view the effectiveness of EAC’s communication are very impor- tant for our future endeavors to serve you and the rest of the commu-nity even better, as well as to strengthen our brand and our identity. Therefore, we are conducting a brand survey encouraging all external stakeholders and all employees at EAC Organs, Institu- tions and Ministries to raise their voice by participating in an online survey.

You are all in the target group In short, the online survey consists of an internal sur- vey for EAC employees and one for all external stake- holders such as people in businesses, organi-zations and media, civil servants, the youth, development partners and last but not least the general public. In other words, the survey targets all East Africans and partners no matter rank, position and knowledge level of the EAC. All responses are valuable.

Besides the online surveys, personal interviews have been conducted with citizens in all five partner states.

Choose between three languages You will find that the survey is available in three lan- guages, namely English, French and Swahili. Though, the one for EAC employees is in English only.

Help us share the survey When conducting an online survey like this, e-mails and social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are powerful tools to spread the word and How to participate in the survey provide direct access to survey links. Many individuals, On a general note, it only takes 8 to 10 minutes to complete the organizations and embassies have supported us by questionnaire and your response is totally anonymous. sharing the survey already but we encourage even more to help. It is quickly done via for instance I am an external stakeholder to the EAC www.eac.int or www.facebook.com/ Enter the survey via one of these links depending on your proudlyeastafrican. Both display the survey on the preferred language. front page. The more stones we throw in the water, the more ripples we create. English | French | Swahili

What next? You can also enter the survey via www.eac.int or websites and To everyone who already contributed, we thank you social media pages of most of the EAC Institutions, Ministries and very much for your support. If you have not yet taken apex organizations. the survey, we encourage you to hit the keyboard and help us move the East African region towards a I work at an EAC Organ, Institution or Ministry brighter tomorrow by airing your views. Then you have received a personal invitation to participate from the EAC Secretary General. However, it is also possible to complete the The survey results will be published in 2014 when we survey via this general link: have processed and analyzed all the data. We look forward to sharing them with you. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/EACInternalBrandSurvey

Staff without an e-mail address can also use this link or they can The brand survey is carried out with the support of the German choose to fill in a hard copy version available at all EAC offices. Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). Please note that the survey will run into October.


EAC Showcases Regional Integration Achievements

The East African Community Secretariat is The first EAC Private Sector Day was held on among the several Exhibitors at the ongoing 5 October 2012. The 2nd EAC Private Sector Nairobi International Trade Fair taking place Day will bring together public officials and 29th September to 6th October 2013 at the business leaders to celebrate the integration Jamhuri Park/Agricultural Society of Kenya process and appreciate private sector players show grounds in Nairobi, Kenya. The Secre- that have embraced the integration process. tariat is showcasing the projects and pro- grammes in the regional integration process The EABC has also organized a regional net- and the achievements being made by the working breakfast meeting with trade facilita- various Organs of the Community. tion agencies from Kenya. At the same time, the EAC Secretariat will be participating in The Secretariat will also take part in the sec- the Uganda International Trade Fair, which ond EAC Private Sector Day being organized opens its doors to the public from 5 to 12 by the East African Business Council (EABC) October 2013. on 4 October 2013. The second EAC Private Sector Day is set aside to celebrate the re- gional integration process and to showcase businesses at the forefront of taking advan- tage of the process.


Editorial Team: Owora Richard Othieno; Aileen Mallya; Bobi Odiko; Florian Mutabazi; Belinda Wera; Damaris Wambui; J.R.Luwali (Photographer ) & Mukhtar Abdul Bolyao (Photographer)

Visit the EAC Web Portal at http://www.eac.int to read these and more stories online. You can also download the EAC Newsletter by logging onto http://www.news.eac.int

EAC Update e-newsletter is published by the Department of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs East African Community (EAC) | P.O. Box 1096 | Arusha - Tanzania. www.eac.int For further information please contact: Richard Owora Othieno, Head of Department | Email: [email protected] | Tel: +255 784 835021