Minnesota Registry of Public Recreational Trail Mileages As of July 1, 1996
96056 Minnesota Registry of Public Recreational Trail Mileages as of July 1, 1996 (pursuant to Minnesota Statute 85.017) This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp (Funding for document digitization was provided, in part, by a grant from the Minnesota Historical & Cultural Heritage Program.) Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Trails & Waterways Unit, Recreation Services Section 500 Lafayette Road, Box 52, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4052 l....._ ________________ Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 85.017 To: Distribution List Date: November 20, 1996 From: Dan Collins, Supervisor Phone: (612) 296-6048 Recreation Services Trail Recreation Section Trails and Waterways Unit DNR Building - 500 Lafayette Road Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155-4052 Subject: 1996 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Registry of Public Recreational Trail Mileage Enclosed you will find the latest edition of the Minnesota Registry ofPublic Recreational Trail Mileage, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 85.017. This is the only comprehensive listing of the state's 20,000 miles of public off-road trails. Although the Registry includes bicycle, cross-country ski, hike, horse, all-terrain vehicle and snowmobile trails, only the all-terrain vehicle, cross-country ski and snowmobile trails are systematically updated annually. It reflects, in part, the July 1, 1996 information contained within the Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) recreational facility computer files. These files contain a great variety of information on trails shown in this Registry. The current report format does not have room to include all-terrain vehicle (ATV) trail information within the regular report.
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