FROM: Hughes of Green Published Every Other Saturday The Daily Flag Retreat Hughes goes on a top secret mission to find out exactly where all those turkey legs we love so much are coming from and encounters the Daily Flag Retreat Ceremony.

- by Stephen Bell, September 26, 2011

Hughes here with another report, Today I was in ’s on a mission, which I’ve had in progress for a while… Tracking down just where all those Turkey Legs are coming from. I’d just finished up the day’s surveillance of a cart selling Turkey Legs in Liberty Square and was heading out of the park after a long day. Walking down Main Street USA I thought about where my next area for investigation should be, when I heard an announcement over the public address system. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please join us in the Main Street Square for the Magic Kingdom’s daily Flag Retreat.”

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Attention! Major Hughes will address the park guests. "At ease. I'm Hughes, Hughes of Green, and I've heard reports of infiltrators in Disney World. Universal spies? Gatorland goobers? We don't know. But we're taking no chances, either. Until further notice, I will be setting up camp at the Shades of Green resort, from which location I will recon the parks weekly to gather intelligence and to investigate suspicious activity. If you see me, ignore me, because I'm on patrol. Questions? Dismissed."

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I quickened my pace, I hadn’t seen a Retreat Ceremony since I’d retired from the military months ago. I hadn’t heard that Disney World had one and anticipated seeing it.

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As I neared Town Square I could see that Disney castmembers had cordoned off the central CURRENT CLASSIC area around the flagpole, to prevent passersby from inadvertently getting in the way. I stepped up to a castmember and asked about the ceremony. She informed me that it’s held Ins and Outs of Vinylmation every day at 1700 hours, that’s 5:00 PM for you civilians. She also said that theme park Release Days visitors were selected at random each day to participate in the ceremony. A grade school Movie to Attraction to Movie child is asked to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and a Veteran is selected to be part of the Again Retreat. Adding Layers to the Customer Experience Hughes: Reporting for Disney Duty Time Saving Tips for Your Disney Vacation Journey into Narnia vs California Adventure Falsehood of First Day Fiasco Touring the Animal Kingdom Scoring High on Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin Disney Christmas in July Disneyland History Through Nametags As we chatted the ceremony began. Welcome to the Jungle (Cruise) First the school child led everyone in reciting the Pledge. Then I heard a bugle call and the April, Storybook Land Canal announcer said “And now our National Anthem” the Magic Kingdom band began to play “Our Boats Song” during which the flag was lowered. The announcer then introduced God Bless 2012 Princess Half Marathon America, which was sung by the Dapper Dans, the Main Street Barbershop Quartette. While Weekend they sang the flag was folded and presented to the guest veteran. The announcer then introduced the guest veteran for the day and the band played portions of all the armed And Lots, Lots More... force’s songs, finishing the ceremony. I’m very appreciative that Disney World holds this wonderful ceremony daily, honoring out nation and that some of my brethren from the armed services get to participate. Next time that you are at Disney World I encourage you to see this great event if it fits into your schedule. You won’t be disappointed! Until next time, Hughes out…

In Pursuit of a Princess Hughes of Green Main Page

For further fun, check out: The Hughes of Green main page, your five-star stop for (Disney) military magic. Military Disney Tips, the home of Hughes' handler, Steve Bell.



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In the Spotlight: mb_yardley • 9 years ago Wow! What a great story. It is great to see such a commercial entity as Walt Pontius on Park Disney keeping our coveted beliefs in its daily routines. Thank you to all who Squeak of the Week served or are serving so that we may enjoy our freedoms. △ ▽ • Reply • Share › Perfecting the Customer Experience

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