Radiochemistry of Neptunium
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NAS-NS-3060 RA OF NEPTWWM’I NUCLEAR SCIENCE SERIES National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council f%blished by Techniml lnforrmation Center, Office of Information !+rvices UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION COMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE: D.A. Bromtoy,CYreinnm, Ydo UnivorsiW C. It. Rood,Ex.cutiveSucretav, NationalAcwarny of Scimcos Victor P. Bad, 8rookhwen Nstiorul I..aborwcrry GrWXYR. Choppm.FlorickStaWUnivwsity HornwnFedtbuh, M~unttx InstituteofTtinology R-I L.Heath,AoroJotNuclowCo., inc. SorndKahn,NationslEnvwmwnontalf?osasrchContor,EPA + ~, BrooldwwonNational LMnwImry SMdorr Woiff,Uniwrsityof CaliforniaMti(zl Centw tin R. f4uizwtgs.Univaaity of %chestar G.C. Phillips,RicaUniwraii AloxmdorZuckor,OakRdga NJtions\Labowtory Liaison Wmbors JohnMcElhin~, -vat HonDr&ILaboratory WilUomS. Rodnw, NotionolSciencoFound@tIon G- Rw, U. S. Atomic ErwrgyCommmion Subcommittaa on Rulkx4timmistry GrWMVR. Choppin,ChmrrMn,FloridaStsto Univorsitv RaymondDavi&Jr.,BrookhawnNatrorulLdmrstory GlarrE.Cbdom. UnivusiWof MWYland Rdfo Horbor,flutgomUnivwsiW JdhnA. MidtolcLawrottaRadiationLabor.tcw C3.O.O’KoitoV,OakRidw NationalLaborMo w RichordW,Perkins,PacificNorthwwttiti~t~ An&owF. Stohrwy,Ar~ns NationalLsbaaltory KurtWolfsbsr&LrMAlwnosScientificLdtrmtorv NASWS3M0 AECIXstrtitum (htqory UC.4 NO TICC .—~ Thb report w-i prcprd●s m sccmmt W WCUk sponsord by Ihc United Stbms Go wmmcnl. !WKher uu Unitrd SIat- n- I* unit*d >t~lm AtOm~ ~IUWY f CommMioa. nor ●ny of Ihcti rmployti. not any of ttw~ convactom. wxootrwwm, or tiww ●m*yrn, nubs m Y warranty. ●IWOMW ImpI&d. of snumm MY ] w MWIYY a rexpmdbdit) f~ Ih* SCCUX). COm- [ *Ie*9a 0. u=f ul*9 Of -Y iafwmmkn. •PPu~t~. i pmducl or p.omu ducloud. os Icfm9rnls WI*1 its M8C [ would not mfr.- prwatdy owned rtchm. I ——. — —-------—-- —-— A HADIOCHEMISTRY OF NEIPTUNIIUM by G. A. krney and R. M. Harbour Savannah River Laborat cIry E. 1. du Pent de Nemours, G Co. Aiken, South Carolina U3801 Prepared for Subcommittee on Radiochwnktry National Academy of Sciences - Nationa I Research Council IssuancffDate: Dacewnber191~1 Published by Technical Information Center, office of Information Sewices lu~lTE~ STATES ATOMIC ENERGY (:OMMl:~l(JN This paper was prepared in connection with work under Contract No. AT(07-2)-l with the U. S. Atomic Energy Cmaission. By ●cceptance of this paper, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U. S. Government’s ri[~ht to retain a non- exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright cover- ing this paper, along with the right to reproduce and to authorize others to reproduce all or part of the copyrighted paper. -.,.-.... .... .—...—~-*~mdM--- ,,———. .- —--- Foreword The S&committee on Hadmchemiswy is one of a number o’f iubcommitmes working under tl~e Committee on Nuclear ‘Sciencewithin the Natmnal Academ} of Sciences-National Research Counci 1. i!s members representgovernment, industrial and (UniversityIaboratories in Ihe areas of rrucfmr chemistrvand analytical chemistry. The Subcommittee has concerned itwlf with th~ are,~ of nuclear science which revolve the chemist. such as the collectmn and distribu$eon ID”radiochemlcal procedures, the rtitochemicai purity of reqpnts. the piace o! radiochmnistry in college and university PfOiFams.and radiochemistrv in environmental soence. Th!mseries of rnmwxyaphs has qown out of the need for cornpilat!ons of radiochemical information, procedures. and techmques. The S@committew has endwvored to present a serws that will b d maximum use to the working scientist. Each monogrwh presents pertinent information rmqwredfor radiochcrnical work with an indivm!ualelement or with a specialized technrque. Exprts in the Particulu radmcfwrnical technique have vvrittm the monographs. The Atomic Eneruv Commission has sponsod the printing of tht sems. TM Sukomrrtittee is confident these publications will te useful not only to radiochemmts but ahio to rtrwarch workers in other fiefds such as phvsic$.b ochemistrv. or nwdlcine who wish tow radiochemicat tswhniques to solve specific problems. Gregory R, Chopp in, Chatrman %bcomm!twe on Radlochemis!rV “l- CONTENTS Paqe I. General Review of the Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of Neptunium . s 11. General Review of the Radiochem.istry of Neptunium . 7 III. Discovery and Occurrence of Neptunium . 8 Iv. Isotopes and Nuclear Properties of Neptunium . 9 v. Chemistry of Neptunium . 12 A. Uetallic Neptunitm . , . 12 A.l Preparation . 12 A.2 Physical Properties . 12 A.3 Chemical Properties . 14 B. Alloys and Intexwtallic Cmpmds . 14 c. Coqmunds of Neptunim . 16 D. Neptmium Ions in Solution . 20 D.1 Oxidation States . ,.. 20 D.2 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions , . 24 D.3 Dispmportionatim of Neptunitm . 24 D.4 Radiolysis of Neptunium Sslutions . 29 D.5 Hydrolysis of Neptunim . 31 D.6 Ccqlex Ion Fomation . ,.. 33 VI. Preparation of Neptunim Sa@es for Analysis . 39 A. Neptunium Metal and Alloys . 39 B. Neptunim Co~ds . 39 c. Biological and Environmental S.qles . 40 VI1. Separation Methods . 4) A. Coprecipitation and Precipitation. 41 B. Solvent Extraction . 54 c. Ion Exchange . 88 D. Chrowtography . 104 E. Other Methods . 107 VIII. Analytical Methods . 109 A. Source Preparation and Radiow:ric Methods . 109 B. Spectmphotometry . 114 c. Controlled Potential Coulomet~/ . 119 D. Polarogmphy . 121 E. Titration . ...123 -2- PaiJg F. Emission Spectrometry . , . 124 G. Gravimetric Methods . .. 12s H. Spot Tests . “.,.. 127 1. Mass Spectrometry . , . 129 J. X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry . 129 K. Neutron Activation . 130 L. Other Methods . 131 IX. Radioactive Safety Considerations . 132 x. Collection of Procedures . ,... 134 A. Introduction . ., . ..”. 134 B. Listiniz of Contents . ,. 134 Procefiiire 1. Separation of NF1by lTA Extraction . 138 Procedure 2. Separation of P@ by TTA Extracti(nl . , . 141 Procedure 3. Determination of 23’Np j.n Samples (kritaining LIBPu, and Fission Products . , . 14s Procedure 4. Determination of Np . 1so Procedure 5. Determination of Small Amounts ofNpinPuMetal . 1s5 Procedure 6. Determination of Np in Samples Containing Fission Products, U, and Other Actinides . 1S8 Procedure 7. Detensination of Np in Samples of U and Fission Products . 161 Procedure 8. Extraction Chromatographic Separation of 23%p from Fission ami Activation PTO- ducts in the Determination of Micro and !’@-microgram Quantitie:3 ofU . ,, . 163 Procedure 9. Separation of U, Np, Pu, and Am by Reversed Phase Partition Chromatography . 16S Procedure 10. An Analytical Method for .2;7NP. Using Anicm Exchange . 167 Procedure 11. Separation of U, Np, and Pu Using Anion Exchange . 169 Procedure 12. Separation of Zr, Np, and Nb Using Anion Exchange . 171 -3- . * Procedure 13. Separation 0. Np and Pu by Anion F.change . 173 Procedure 14. Separation of Np andl Pu by Cation Exchange . .’. 175 Procedure 15. Separation and RadiQchemicaI Determination of U and Transuranium Elements Using Barium Sulfate . 176 Procedure 16. The Low-Level Radio:hemica~l Determination of 23’Np in Environmental !hmplos . 179 Procedure 17. Radiochemical Procedure for the Separation of T::ace Amounts of 237Np fn)m Reactor Effluent Mater . ,, . 184 Procedure 18. Determination of ~ in Urine . I 86 Procedure 19. Determination of 2’1:’Npby Ganma Ray Spectrometry ., . 189 Procedure 20. Spectrophotometric [letermi- nationofNp . 193 Procedure 21. Microvoltnetric Coqlexometric Method for Np with EDTA . I 97 Procedure 22. Photo~tric Determination of ,h@as the Peroxide Complex . 199 Procedure 23. Separation of Np for Spectrographic Analysis of Impurities . , . 201 Procedure 24. Photometric Determination c)f Np as the Xylenol Orange Complex. ,. 204 Procedure 25. Analysis for Np by ICmtrolled Potential Coulometry . ,“ 206 References. 209 -4- RADIOCHEMWTRY OF ~dEPTUNllUM* by G. A. Bumq’ and R. M. Harbcmlr Savannah River Laboratory E. 1. du Pent de Ncanurs & Co. Aikan, South Carolina 29801 I. GENERALREVIEWOF THE INORGANIC#J’4DANALYTICALCHEMISTRYOF NEPTUNIIB! 1. J. J. Katz and G. T. Seaborg, The Chemh?tw of the Actinide Eh???IQnt8, Chap. VI, p 204-236, Johm Wiley and Sons, Inc. , New York (1957). 7 e. C. F. Hetz and G. R. Waterbu~y, “The Transuranium Actinide Elements,” in 1. M. Kolthoff and F. J. Elving (Ed.), Treati8e on AnaZyticc~l Chemistry of the Eze?TW?Zt8, Volume 9, Uranium and the Ac!iinide8,, p 194-397, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New Ycl~k (1962). 3. “Neptunium, “ in P. Pascal (Et.), Noxveau Trvri:e C& Chimie Minerale, Vol. XV, Trcnaurankns, p 237-324, Masson et Cie, Paris (1962]. 4. “!leptunium,” in P. Pascal (Et.), No:xtwzu Traite de Chinrie Minerakz, Vcl. XV, Trcnauraniee8 f’Supplement), p 1-91, Masson et Cle, Paris (1962). .5. Il. B. Cunningham and J. C. tlindman, “The Chemistry of Neptunium,” in G. T. Seaborg and J. J. Katz [Ed.), The Actinide Elements, p 456-483, Vol. 14A, Chap. 12, McGraw- Hill Book Co., New York (19$4:). %e information=ontained in this axticle was developed during the course of work under Contract A’1(07-2)-1 with the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. -5- 6. J. C. Hindman, L. B. Magnusson, end T. J. LaChapelle, ‘Chemistry of Neptunium. The Oxidation States of Nuptunium in Aqueous Solution,” in C. T. Seeborg, J. J. Katz, and W. M. Manning (Ed.), The !l”mmeurunin Ekmenta, p 1032-1038, Vol. 14B, McGraw-Hill Eook Co. , New York [1949) . 7. J. C. Hintian, L. B. Magnusson, and T. J. LaChapelle, ‘themistry of Neptunium. Absorption Spectrm Sttiies of Aqueous Ions of Nept~ium, ” in G, T. Senborg, J. J. Katz, and W. H. Manning (Ed.), The f’mneumniaun EZenm~, p 1039-1049, NcGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1949). 8. L. B. Magnussat, J. C. Hindman, and T. J. LaChapelle, “Chemistry of Neptunium. First Prqamtion and Solubi li - ties of Some Neptunium C~mds in Aqueous Solutions, ” in G. T. Seaborg, J. J. Katz, and W. ht. Manning (Ed.), The !l’raetiun EZmente, p 1097-1110, McCrau-Hill Book Co. n New York (1949). 9. S. Fried end N. R. Davidson, ‘me Basic Dry Chaistry of Neptuni~, “ in G. T. Seeborg, J. J. Katz, and W. M. Manning (Ed. ), The ~wn EZ&nants, p 1072-1096, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1949). 10. C. Keller, The Chauiatq of the TM MIUWZ{WI?EZanenti, p 253-332, Verlag, Germany [1971). L1. G.