HYDE PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN The Royal Parks 2006 - 2016 Updated project register 2014 HYDE PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN Prepared for The Royal Parks By Land Use Consultants DRAFT JANUARY 2006 43 Chalton Street London NW1 1JD Tel: 020 7383 5784 Original draft March 2003 Fax: 020 7383 4798 Revision B December 2005
[email protected] CONTENTS PART 1. CONTEXT AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1 1. INTRODUCTION 3 Structure of the Management Plan 5 2.GENERAL AND MANAGEMENT CONTEXT 7 Location 7 Park Management Structure 7 Main Leases, Licences and Warrants 8 Public Access 9 3. STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 11 National Policies and Designations 11 Strategic Planning Advice 13 4. HISTORICAL CONTEXT 15 Significance of Park Evolution 17 PART 2. DESCRIPTION, USE AND CHARACTER 31 5. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 33 6. NATURAL FABRIC 35 Trees 35 Grassland 37 Horticultural Display Areas 38 Ecology and Wildlife 39 7. BUILDINGS AND HARD LANDSCAPE FABRIC 43 Buildings and Structures 43 Boundary Treatments and Entrances 44 Road and Path Network 45 Park Furniture and Signage 46 Other Artefacts, Sculpture and Monuments 47 8. PUBLIC USE 51 Public Access 51 Visitor Profile 51 Events 52 Visitor Amenities 52 Organised Sport and Facilities 55 Informal and Semi-Formal Activities 56 Visitor Satisfaction 56 9. LANDSCAPE CHARACTER 59 Views 59 Hyde Park Management Plan v Description of Character Areas and their Management 63 Policy PUB6: Roads and Traffic 109 External Areas 78 Policy PUB7: Car Parking 110 Policy PUB8: Facilities 110 Policy PUB9: Sport 111 PART 3. LANDSCAPE STRATEGY 81 Policy PUB10: Events and Entertainment 111 Policy PUB11: Orientation AND SIGNAGE 112 10.