THE BYRON SHIRE Volume 25 #41 Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719
[email protected] BONUS SUPPLEMENT
[email protected] Your Sustainable Community 2011 inserted in this week’s Echo 23,000 copies every week ARGUE OR CUDDLE WITH ME – IT’S YOUR CHOICE Harmony celebrated Empty mansions are ‘on-shore tax havens’ Echo Forum hears need for tax reform and local action on aff ordable housing Ray Moynihan to fi nd an aff ordable property close to Lismore. Australia’s leading advocate for aff ord- ‘I didn’t want my child growing up able housing, Professor Julian Disney, in a garage,’ she told Th e Echo. called for major changes to the way Chair of the National Housing houses are taxed at a forum in Byron Affordability Summit, Professor last week attended by over 200 people. Disney urged local councils to cre- Professor Disney told the forum, ate not-for-profi t companies to work ‘excessively generous’ tax concessions with developers to build genuinely meant houses were increasingly seen aff ordable housing, which could of- as speculative investments rather fer people the security of long-term than places to live, with very expen- rental leases, virtually unheard of in sive mansions becoming ‘on-shore tax Australia, though extremely common havens’ which sucked resources away in Europe. from more productive investments. Also at the forum Byron Commu- He called for changes to the nega- nity Centre general manager Paul tive gearing concessions for invest- Spooner launched a new campaign ment properties, reform to land or called ‘One Year, One House’ which capital gains taxes for very high-cost aims to garner community support to houses, and a reduction in stamp build at least one aff ordable house in Isabelle and Fleur from Mullumbimby St John’s primary school get along nicely, unlike some politicians (see below).