November 01,1867
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* $»' ■> 'Mil Term* Dollar* Eight per am, mu. ir. a fir a n re. PRESS t* carps. TIIK PORTLAND DAILY |*iiMisled biiinnkxs MISCJEliUUfEOirS. WSmANCl. BEnUVALS. (Sumlay excepted,) at No. I Printer** know tin'ic farts ultima had to he v»:ry 'lay, merchants an-1 others overcome to secure Exchange, Exchange Sticet, Porllaud. wlio Ibe adopt!.f DAILY PRESS. have to inform him of the the N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. GEORGE L. anything sell, constitution, picture of the Mates PICKETT, & RANDALL W. F. lem ? A a in a !\ «mm. JORDAN TODD, little reflection on the will : kkhh; -Eight.Dollar' year Life Insurance. subject humbly acknowledging that were not lia* removed to PORTLAND. teach one they and HAVING REMOVED TO TnK any these plain to tl**» Druggist truths. Such Is republican but hoping be made no in CHK MAINE STATE PRESS,in jnibiwliedat Apothecary, 110 the in spite AMD DEALER IR EXCHANGE change matters of business overv Xhiir«d»v morning at year, M. 13. PAGE STREET, produced oi themselves by the national is 8jiiioplace Store No. 145 Middle And our government, in adVtiu*. St., solicits the ja. rename of hla old as VoYtmber 1867. l> y recent war, and „variably English <£ American call customers, Friday Morning, 1, business men absurd. Fancy Goods, ( Kran* Block,) to the attention of tho public, to tho be is now ready i.> attend to delightfully «l features of must govern themselves 1CVTKM OK Ai>VRUTI8I no.—One iiifli Ao. U3 DESIRESpeculiar the tlut Hie Congress, near Street, f« accordingly. It is not in this way Republican l'oitw.iuloao"H.|U»ro. Washington Would re«)»ectftilly Invite the trailo to examine tbeir Wafel1 ltd Jewelry Repairing ioiO'Chol .otumn, the Balmernl. stock of a* a* can skMiiag Qnrca el or the eauae of reform in ibis PORTLAND, ME. North America Life Go. elieap bj done in Portland. Call and see •( party, country, Insurance ■* Rriilaliaa SsSrage by l?*t It oc29d1 m This has been *«ifti.,aw„. is to 5.P' Physicians* Prescriptions caretiiHy com- offers the Greatest Security: lor by a recent yourselves._ an unlucky year lor royal be served. The idea of republican liber ponndetl. Actol the Legislature of the State of New York, this Mr. Editor,—It seems to me that | sepi2ld3m Tailors* families. Hardly a house of you aie ■ tv bits since 17*1. The «’.rk all* r. Trimmings, Company is authorized to make Special Deposits 1{ E M O reigning Europe expanded simple j9i > k Si •>(»; WUvnlH |*or V A Xu. too with the heresies ■■ Rlnrket. with the Superiuteiulant oftuu Iusuiance bat has suiiered some dealing gingerly put truth is ( Im.1,,1 ..I v»< .<••«M'|8|MN G. Selected Eipreswljr Tor lliis Depart- fatality or escaped soiuo that our fathers did not sec this mat- A. SUS&KRAUT, ment, and receive there tor Registered l»ear- week; IlirueliiK-rtiniii-.wIbM. »l-ort. Policies, VICKERY # imminent forward with so much contidence by your ter a* we the of the and a that LIBBY, dauger. Maximilian Carlotta do, lor the same reason that our i. Notices.? I.--S jot square lor the® ret in- IMI'OHTUK, By personal ilteutiou u* business wo to iug sea) DeparLiMtmi. certificate shot, Si'Kt’i' #p* hope removed The f.'oustitu lor each IK a share of the fa secured by of Public Stocks un- recently hi llicir New crazed aud the contributor, ‘•Republican.” more remote if ^ in, a ml ‘.‘b •••jits }"'i square dubapquvnt MANUFACTURER AN1» DKALMK merit public pat rouge. Policy pledge kina Store,Hop- Archduchess Maria ancestors did not see the fuels der a In favor of tbo North HAVt Block, burned, insertion. WILLIAM P. JORDAN. Special Trust created tlon is an instrument which lor its of This are this reminders to tho provides astronomy «ud Advertisement* inserted in the “Main* Scatr Hats and OICO. A. RANDALL. America Life Iusuiance Compauy exclusively. 15:1 middle Hi reel, year's Austrian geology as we do. They ha® a circulation in Fiii*S Caps, Purl March 18.1887. dtf makes every Registered Policy as secure to the holder house own amendment, and to such an in- organized a” (which large every pnr- laud, hero they will olii-r a choice aaaortmen of Dry that its members are mortal. The subject government in accordance Willi Tor insertion1 VUi Middle as a NatioualBank Note, or a United States Bond. ot turn State nor $1.00 1*1 jmuarq lii>t Street, Woods at the lowest market prices. oc&kllw strument to the strain of forced then views and 1 All Policies are now made from Ciar interpreta- ip, *,hJ lOci ntK [H-r squat* r each in*< f- MAJNF. 2d, indisputable barely escaped assassination; the Priuee obligation, an- still bind- i*nWqmo^ POkTJ/A.ND, the time of issue. Furs. Patent Lead-Encased tion I make bold to as undemocratic ujsm us. It we can ttou. gp-i'aslt paid lot Shipping sep20dt> Tin Imperial of Prance and his mother came is, say, ing it is _ near improve it our Pipe, :M Usual Restrictions on Occupation, Residence K E M O and are abolished. V A. lu Incase as it is unnecessary. The animus of this before God and man to ,P IVfnnn tinctured under PuleuIm of the Col- Travei, drowning. this last catastrophe had duty improve it, but It DEAXE TERRILL, 41 b Thirty days grace allowed on any renewal pay- CAHIW. well*, Shaw A H illard Co. JAMES the of the movement is a want of confidence lu the cannot lie Improved BUSINESS Manufacturing ment, and Policy held good. E. MILLER, happened reign Bonapartes (Hear by misuiid*rjln..ri’mg or the Cities ot Charlestown and to act as Canvasser or Local Adopted by Botton, Any peison wishing an the last of the of “ people. In his last article‘‘Republican” says misinterpreting it. They did not consider COUNSELLORS AT can grant family Greats," LAW, Chelsea. A cent lor the above Company apply to COUNSELLOR AT LAW, lor the world has had too “half a century may before amend- their constitution they NATHWEBB, Solicitors in Bankruptcy, WATER PIPE, free from all the m. n. pa fr k9 many Cosars, Alex- elapse perfect; expressly pro. objec- A theeeum Building, over Eastern Express Ofllee, ments ANEWtions to common Lead Pipe. One-Fifth of its General Agent for the Mtate ot Mnftne. anders and tor its modest can be carried in the Federal, or tailing vided tor Its amendment; and it must be No. Ilk Exchange street, Napoleons quota of thickness is Pure Tin, encased in lour tilths of l<ead, gg^Otfice 6.* Exchange St., Portland. sept5-d3ui Hl'W iTRMT, in all al eonveved honest and laborious and of that, the State constitutions.' This is if at in Hie way which roiinsellor am! Alloniey haw, PORTLAND. terming a perfect union. Water through John Smiths) amended, all, they pro- It only comes in contact with the Tin- MOUTJLANi). ME. a confession that the Henry P. Deane. Byron D. Verrlll. oc34dlin_ the fashions would have become mere matters people are not prepared vided. If the Republican party adopts that No. <11 KxoIiiiiikp Ht. September eodtl I* n*» Miron# as lend Pipe of twice the Fire Insurance! for impartial 2,1867. REMOVAL. of history, with a possible revival ot the lat- suffrage, that they do not want legitimate method, it will at least deserve to 8-dtl per foot. July __ weight and __. ter after two The last in this list of no- It, yet “Republican” proposes to three it succeed. If it tails into of Dr. W. R. Coots lesM per foot than l.ead Pipe of days. jesuitical ways * POOfl Johnson, W. D. LITTLE CO., upon them by act of In Ids ~Wwi. <f*IAI»WlCK the *anae*treu#th. W. LARRABEE ble and royal casualties is the rumor that Congress. con- thinking and acting, it will hill iml deserve 11,1 CONBKE8I, NTHI kt, ception the people of the Vuited Also, superior qualities ot White Lead Anj> Zinc, General Insurance some graceless Fenian had shot with unhal- States are to fail. JfTljLirs. HRoWN'S NEW BLOCK DENTIST, and in Oil, Red Lead, Litharge. Lead Agents II AM removed from Central Wharf to Klohard- dry ground a stupid mass ol blockheads who caunot dis- 18-dll Odre Nt. 13 1-il Free Street, Pipe. Tin Pipe, Sheet Lead, Cast Iron Pipe M son’s Wharf Commercial Street, Cot- lowed ride, musket or revolver at England’s May ___ And Underwriters, opposite and &c., &e. Muuutaetured ton Street, where ho will be to see all hie old tinguish good from evil, who do not even VueielieN. Second House flrom H. H. Hay’s Aootheeary Store, Fittings, Pumps, by happy well-salaried widow, the Queen. Butitseeuis C!. .1. SCHIIMACHKR, BOSTON LB Alt CO , No. 49 1-2 Exchange St., 2d cu.stouicis, and to serve twits or new ones Orders fc|r*i;ther administered when desired and thought Story, that in know what they waut, but will“acquietce” hi J. H. CHADWICK & for regard to this calamity, there is MYIMwe. Jy22eodrt CO., Agents, Continue tbe SOUND AND 40 Sc 5't Broad Boston. toreprasont following “ the action of Congress alter it becomes a set- A precious artiste- relic—the of Hee- HM’O P/MITER. HI., RELIABLE COMPANIES, viz: a mistake. The Queen wasn’t shot at.” piaoo JPIt 1' Dimension Lamb 'T, — A. O. Scblotrer- •t. A. DtlKSUH, Aug31-d3m Pine, Spiuos, &«., tled tact. I on the that an tkoveu i * ofieied tor sale its O'ke ni the Dtux Store ol Mtesrs.