WEEK 4: CTRL + ALT + M, CTRL + ALT + B, F1 OR CTRL + G, HOME, END, CTRL + ALT + , CTRL + L ...... 2 CTRL + ALT + M (Jump to comment box) ...... 2 CTRL + ALT + B (Preview transcription) ...... 3 F1 or CTRL + G (Go to next bracketed field [ ]) ...... 4 HOME (Move edit to beginning of the line) ...... 5 END (Move edit cursor to the end of the line) ...... 6 CTRL + ALT + \ (Remove Current Section and Contents)...... 7 CTRL + L (Add or Remove Numbered List)...... 8 WEEK 4 - QUIZ ...... 9


SUMMARY Description Shortcut Jump to comment box CTRL + ALT + M Preview transcription with template CTRL + ALT + B Go to next bracketed field [ ] F1 or CTRL + G Move edit cursor to top of document HOME Move edit cursor to bottom of document END Remove current section and contents CTRL + ALT + \ Add or remove numbered lists CTRL + L Legend: White – InScribe Core or Windows Shortcut; Green – Navigation; Blue – Structured Purple – Editing; Tan – Playback

INSTRUCTIONS: Load the Practice Drafts – Structured training program. Load the first “Consult type draft for these exercises.

CTRL + ALT + M (Jump to comment box)

EXERCISE: a. Use CTRL + ALT + M to jump to the comment box. Use ALT + ; to jump back to the body. After each shortcut return your hands to the home row. Repeat this 7 times.

b. Use ALT + I to jump to the Patient ID then use CTRL + ALT + M to jump to the comment.

c. Use ALT + W to jump to the Document Type drop down. Use CTRL + ALT + M to jump to the comment box.

d. Use ALT + C to jump to the demographics. Use CTRL + ALT + M to jump to the comment box. Use ALT + ; to jump to the body. Use ALT + N to jump to the Name text box. Use CTRL + ALT + M to jump back to the comment box.

e. Use ALT + ; to jump to the body. Using the best shortcuts, navigate to the top of the document, add a Chief Complaint section and type this sentence: “The patient is a 32 year-old male who presents with chest pain”. Hint: To put a section before an existing one use CTRL + F6 to rename the current section, type the sentence, then use CTRL + N to insert the first title again.

f. Use CTRL + ALT + M to jump to the comment box. Add the comment “Missing Demos”.

g. Use CTRL + ; to jump back to body, to the Chief Complaint section and type this sentence after the sentence you typed in step e. “The patient was seen by doctor Rosenthall on November 1st and was treated for an ear infection.”

h. Use ALT + N to jump to Patient Name field, use ALT + ; to jump back to body. Use CTRL + ALT + M to jump to the comment box. “Add comment: Bad audio at 1:30”.

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CTRL + ALT + B (Preview transcription)

EXERCISE 1: a. Use CTRL + ALT + B to preview the transcription as the customer wishes to see it formatted. Close the preview window by hitting the . Each time you use CTRL + ALT + B return your hands to the home row.

b. Repeat step “a.” this 4 times.

EXERCISE 2: a. Jump to the patient name field with ALT + N, change the name to “Mary Doe” then preview the transcription with CTRL + AL T+ B, notice how the patient’s name changes in the preview. Close the preview window. Jump to the body. If you get the Search for Patient prompt, click “No”.

b. Use CTRL + ALT + N, search for the patient last name “Segall”. Use CTRL + ALT + B to preview the transcription, notice again how the name changes as well as the demographic information. Close the preview window.

EXERCISE 3: a. Jump to the CC’s field, type the letter “a”, find any CC, add it to the transcription.

b. Preview the transcription with CTRL + ALT + B. Close preview by hitting ALT + F4 key.

EXERCISE 4: a. Add a new section called “Review of Records” after the Past Medical History section. Type “the records review is forthcoming”.

b. Preview the transcription with CTRL + ALT + B. Notice that section appears in the preview. Close preview by hitting ALT + F4 key.

c. Convert Past Medical History section title into plain text using SHIFT + CTRL + \. Preview the transcription with CTRL + ALT L+ B. Notice the section title now formats as plain text as part of the History of Present Illness section.

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F1 or CTRL + G (Go to next bracketed field [ ])

For these exercises, use the 2nd Consult Type draft. Navigate the Social History section, placing the edit cursor at the end of that section. Use SHIFT + CTRL + G to get the dictation template listing. Select the template “Normal PE w blanks” and insert the template. Now continue with Exercise 1.

EXERCISE 1: a. Use F1 to jump to the first bracketed field in the Physical Exam section. Use F1 again to jump to the next bracketed field. Using the best shortcuts, navigate your edit cursor up to the beginning of the REVIEW OF SYSTEMS section.

b. Use CTR + G to jump to the first bracketed field in the Physical Exam section. Use CTRL + G to jump to the next bracketed field. Continue using CTR + G to jump to all the bracketed fields until you’ve gone full circle.

EXERCISE 2: a. Use F1 to jump to the next bracketed field, type the “84” use CTRL + G to jump to the next bracketed field, type “180”, use CTRL + G again for the next field, type “70”. Use F1 to jump to the next bracket and type “No clubbing or edema”

b. Use Either F1 or CTRL + G (you pick) to jump to the next bracket and type “5/5”. Jump to last bracket (you pick the shortcut), and type “5/5”.

EXERCISE 3: a. Move to the Imaging section put your edit cursor after the word “right” and add an open and closing bracket. Using the best shortcut, navigate to the HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS section delete 20 and replace that with a bracket.

b. Use the best shortcut, move to the bottom of the document then use F1 or CTRL + G (you pick) to jump to each bracket field, just added, and type “A” in the first bracket and type “B” in the second bracket.

EXERCISE 4: a. Jump to the CC’s field and search for “smith”, select Rebecca Smith. Use CTRL + ALT + M, to jump to the comment and add “no address”. Jump back to the body. Navigate to the review of systems section, replace the number 12 with an open and closing bracket: [].

b. Using the best shortcut, add a new section after the Review of Systems section titled “Patient Comments”. Type the text “The patient had this comment: []”.

c. Use Either F1 or CTRL + G to jump to the first bracket and type a 27, Use F1 or CTRL + G to jump to the 2nd bracket and type “I feel chilled”.

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HOME (Move edit cursor to beginning of the line)

For these exercises, use the 3rd Consult Type draft.

EXERCISE 1: a. Using best shortcut, navigate the edit cursor to the “Subjective” section. Place your edit cursor after the word “recently”. Use HOME to jump to your edit cursor to the beginning of the line.

b. Return your hands to the home row after each shortcut use. Repeat this 7 times.

EXERCISE 2: a. Using best shortcut, navigate your edit cursor to the word “Sodium” of the Diagnostic Data section. Use HOME to jump your edit cursor to the beginning of that section.

b. Navigate to the “hemoglobin 11.5” and change that to 11.7. Use HOME to jump to the beginning of the line.

EXERCISE 3: a. Navigate to the lungs subsection, using the best shortcut to convert that subsection into plain text. Edit the text so that the words “Symmetric air…” is on the same line as the word “Lungs”. Navigate the edit cursor to the end of the line after the word “bases”. Delete the period and then type “but there are gaps in the main folds.” Use HOME to jump to the beginning of the line.

b. Use TAB to navigate your edit cursor to the Assessment section, change “Estimated GFR was 22” to “53”. Use HOME to jump the edit cursor to the beginning of the line. Add the word “The” in front of the word “patient”. Move the edit cursor to the line that reads “Patient has secondary…”, navigate the edit cursor to the end of the line after the word “on” and add “medications to control her blood pressure. Use HOME to jump to the beginning of the linea and add “the” in front of the word “Patient”.

c. Use ALT + I to jump to the Patient ID field, and change that to 1274. Use CTRL + F to find the 2nd occurrence of the word “Procrit”, then use HOME to jump the edit cursor to the beginning of the line.

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END (Move edit cursor to the end of the line)

For these exercises use the OpReport Type Draft

EXERCISE 1: a. Using the best shortcut, navigate to the Operative Findings section. i. Place the edit cursor after the word “echocardiogram” and hit the END key to move the edit cursor to the end of the line. Use HOME to move the edit cursor to the beginning of the line.

ii. Repeat step “i” 5 times, after each time return your hands to the home row keys.

EXERCISE 2: a. Move the edit cursor into the Indications for Procedure section. Use the Find to move the cursor to the LAD abbreviation. Use End to move the edit cursor to the end of the line. Use Home to move the edit cursor to the beginning of the line. Use the Find to move the edit cursor to the word “Revascularization”. Change that word to catheterization. Use END to move the edit cursor to the end of the line.

b. Use CTRL + ↓ to place the edit cursor at the end of the section. Add a new section titled “Secondary Procedure”. Type “NA” in that section.

c. Using the best shortcut, navigate to the Procedure section. Use END to move the edit cursor to the end of the line. Type the text, “I’m at the end of the line”. Use HOME to Move to the beginning of the line. Use the Find to Move to the word “Sternotomy” change that to a bracketed field []. Use END to move the edit cursor to the end of the line and type “I’m at the end again.”

d. Use CTRL + F6 to change the section title to “Operating Procedure”. Move to the comment field and type, “Procedure changed at 5:15”. Move back to the body. Use CTRL + ↓ to move down to the 5th paragraph. Use END, move to the end of the line. Use Home to move to the beginning of the line. Use End to move to the end of the line. Using the best shortcut, preview the transcription.

EXERCISE 3: a. Use SHIFT + TAB to navigate to the Operative Procedure section. Use END to move the edit cursor to the end of the line. Jump to the patient ID field, and change that to 3500. Using the best shortcut, jump back to the body. Use HOME to move the edit cursor to the beginning of the line.

b. Move the edit cursor to the previous section, use CTRL + SHIFT + \ to convert that section to text. Then open the InScribe Keyboard Shortcuts window. Find the Home and End shortcuts, double click on them to highlight them. Use ALT + F4 to close the window.

c. Navigate to the beginning of the document, in the Surgeon section, using the best shortcut. Use END to move the edit cursor to the end of the line and add “and Dr. Ramona Jones”. Use HOME to move to the beginning of the line.

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CTRL + ALT + \ (Remove Current Section and Contents)

For these exercises use the OpReport Type Draft

EXERCISE 1: a. Using the best shortcut, jump to the patient ID field and change the ID to 1176, select the third appointment from the list. Jump back to the body and navigate to the Assistant section. Add a new section after the Assistant section titled “Nurses”. In that section type the names “Carry Swanson RN, Melissa Miller RN”.

b. Using the best shortcut, navigate back to the Assistant section. Remove that section and it contents with CTRL + ALT + \. Use CTRL + ALT + \ again to remove the Nurses section.

EXERCISE 2: a. Navigate to the Complications section, use CTRL + ALT + \ to remove that section. Search for the CC “Anthony Best” and add that to the transcription.

b. Using the best shortcut, navigate to the Preoperative Diagnosis section, locate the “Postoperative diagnosis” plain text and convert that into a section.

c. Navigate to the Operative Procedure section, convert the text “Endoscopic” into a section. Move the edit cursor to the end of the line and add the text “x2”.

EXERCISE 3: a. Navigate to the Operative Procedure section and rename that to “Interoperative”. Jump to the comment box and add “the Operative Procedure” section was named to “interoperative”.

b. Jump back to the “Interoperative” section and use Shift + CTRL + \ to convert it into plain text. Move to the next section and use CTRL + ALT + \ to delete it.

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CTRL + L (Add or Remove Numbered List)

For these exercises use the Discharge summary type draft.

EXERCISE 1: a. Move to the Diagnoses on Discharge and Plan section. Position the edit cursor on the first bullet and use CTRL + L to remove the bullet. Use CTRL + L to re-add the bullet again.

b. Repeat using CTRL + L to add and remove the bullet of the first section 5 times. After adding the bullet back, return your hands to the home row keys.

EXERCISE 2: a. Highlight all the text in the Diagnoses on Discharge and Plan section. Use CTRL + L to remove all the bullets.

b. Using the best shortcut, navigate to the end of the Hospital Course section. Add a new “Medications” section after. In that section use CTRL + L to add a bulleted list. Add the medications: “Synthroid, metoprolol, vitamins and minerals”. Make sure to hit enter after adding the medication so that each medication has a bullet. Preview the template and notice the bullets are transformed into numbers. Close the preview window.

c. Using the best shortcut, navigate to the Extremities subsection. Use CTRL + , to promote or convert that subsection into a main section. Jump the edit cursor to the end of the section change the word “positive” to “negative”.

d. Navigate to the Laboratory Data section. Use CTRL + L to make each paragraph into a numbered list. Place the edit cursor at the end of the content box and hit ENTER to add this additional numbered information “CT scan showed no artifacts” ENTER. “Chest X-Ray was negative”.

EXERCISE 3: a. Navigate to the Lungs subsection and remove it using CTRL + ALT + \. Move your edit cursor to the end of the heart section. Add a new section called “Pulmonary”. In that section add the words “No study done.” Use CTRL + , to convert that subsection into a main section.

b. Navigate to the Abdomen subsection, use CTRL + L to convert each sentence into a list item. Use Preview Transcription, notice how the bullets in the subsections also get transformed into numbers. Close the preview.

c. Navigate to the Extremities section use CTRL + ALT + \ to remove that section. Navigate to the Laboratory Data section and use CTRL + ALT + \ to remove that section.

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WEEK 4 - QUIZ 1. What shortcut is used to jump to the comment box? a) ALT + M b) CTRL + ALT + M c) CTRL + C d) SHIFT + C

2. True or False? To preview a transcription, as the customer would see it, the shortcut to use is CTRL + ALT + P.

3. What shortcut is NOT used to jump to bracketed fields? a) CTRL + B b) ALT + D + F c) CTRL + G d) F1

4. Which statement true about using the HOME and END shortcuts? a) HOME will jump the edit cursor to the beginning of the document. END will jump the edit cursor to the end of the document. b) HOME and END are not used in structured documents. c) HOME is also used to select a line of text when used with the CTRL key. d) HOME is a quick way to move the edit cursor to the beginning of the line while END is a quick way to move the edit cursor to the end of the line.

5. What shortcut is used to remove a section a) SHIFT + ALT + R b) CTRL + ALT + \ c) CTRL + C d) ALT + X

6. What shortcut is used to add list items a) CTRL + L b) CTRL + F5 c) CTRL + N d) ALT + CTRL + L

7. True or False? To add a numbered list to a structured document you need to manually type out the numbers.

8. True or False? Using CTRL + L will add a list but it will appear as a bullet which is transformed into a number when doing a preview or delivering to the client.

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