EX-POW BULLETIN the official voice of the American Ex-Prisoners of War Volume 71 www .axpo w .or g Number 1/2 January/February 2014 We exist to help those who cannot help themselves The Bracelets - Part II AMERICAN EX PRISONERS OF WAR WOOL & LEATHER JACKET Classic “Varsity” look top quality jacket Heavy melton black wool body; black leather sleeves & pocket welts Quilted lining, full snap front, quality rib knit collar, cuffs, bottom hem Unisex sizes S—3x S-XL $215.00 (Call 660-627-0753 for pricing larger orders) Add $1.50 per line for added lettering such as “State Commander” or “Next of Kin” (14 characters/spaces per line) Plus $2.00 for each size above XL $8.95 shipping each within Continental U.S. Shipments to Missouri add 5.6% sales tax A portion of the price is returned to American Ex-Prisoners of War Desired lettering under logo ($1.50/line; 14 characters/spaces per line)___________________ Check enclosed or VISA/MasterCard/AmEx______________________________________ Card security code(4 digits on front of AmEX card, three digits on back of others)___________ Expiration Date_____________Signature (CC only)_______________________________ Ship to: Name___________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________State__________________Zip____________ Mail to Lone Pine Embroidery, 32245 Lone Pine Way, Greentop, MO 63546 Or E-mail to
[email protected] Or call us at 660-627-0753 table of contents January/February 2014 officers/directors 4 commander 5 USS Pueblo (AGER-2) is an American ELINT and SIGINT Ban- nso 6 ner-class technical research ship which was boarded and cap- medsearch 7 tured by North Korean forces on 23 January 1968, in what is andersonville 11 known as the Pueblo affair.