Karoo Mammals and

One of four seen at Karoo Gariep © Tertius Gous 2020 Tour Report by Michael Mills Photos by Terti us Gous and Don Macgillivray Tour Summary

Our inaugural Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour During the day our main focus was on birds, and was an overwhelming success with several rarely- we enjoyed some great sightings, logging 175 seen nocturnal mammals observed well and a good . Highlights included Eastern Clapper Lark, selection of Karoo birds watched at close range. The Spike-heeled Lark, Melodious Lark, Blue Korhaan, food, accommodation and company matched our time Karoo Korhaan, Northern Black Korhaan, Ludwig’s in the field. , Kori Bustard, Namaqua Warbler, Rufous- eared Warbler, Greater Painted-Snipe, hundreds of The four night drives on the back of an open vehicle Blue Crane, Crimson-breasted Shrike, Violet-eared were the most memorable component of the trip and Waxbill, Buffy Pipit, Nicholson’s Pipit, Rufous-cheeked produced some terrific mammals: four Aardvark, five Nightjar, African Rail, Double-banded Courser, South African Hedgehogs, two sightings of Hewitt’s Verreaux’s Eagle, White-backed Mousebird, Cape Red Rock Rabbit, three sightings of Striped Polecat, Penduline Tit, Greater Kestrel, Fairy Flycatcher, Fawn- four Aardwolf, one Brown Hyaena, more than 15 Bat- coloured Lark, Sabota Lark, Pearl-breasted Swallow, eared Fox, several African Wild Cat, one Cape Fox, no Bradfield’s Swift, Cloud Cisticola, Orange River White- less than 25 South African Porcupine, two Long-eared eye, Sickle-winged Chat and White-throated Canary. Mice and a couple of African Pygmy Mice.

One of four Aardwolf seen during the tour © Tertius Gous

Blue Korhaan at Karoo Gariep © Tertius Gous Itinerary

30 Oct Met at Marrick Game Reserve in the mid 2 Nov Pre-breakfast outing (07h00-09h30) followed afternoon and settled into comfortable by breakfast (09h30-10h45). Then drove accommodation. Early dinner (18h30) to Karoo Gariep via Orania on the Orange followed by first night drive (20h00-23h00). River, arriving 17h00 after seeing Ludwig’s Highlights included Aardwolf, Striped Bustard at locust swarm. Dinner (18h30) Polecat, Hewitt’s Red Rock Rabbit and Long- followed by third night drive (20h00-23h30) eared Mouse. with two Aardvark , two South African 31 Oct Pre-breakfast outing (07h00-09h30) to Hedgehog, Striped Polecat and 13 Porcupine! plains followed by breakfast (09h30-10h45) 3 Nov Pre-breakfast outing (07h00-09h30) with and late morning outing to (10h45-13h00). Melodious Lark and Blue Korhaan, followed Highlights included Eastern Clapper Lark, by breakfast (09h30-10h45). Late morning Secretarybird, Cape Penduline Tit, Double- (10h45-13h00) and afternoon outings banded Courser and Rufous-eared Warbler. (16h00-18h45) to wetlands, with Namaqua Afternoon outing (15h00-18h30) followed by Warbler. Dinner (19h00) followed by fourth dinner. Night drive postponed due to rain. night drive with two more Aardvark, three 1 Nov Pre-breakfast outing (07h00-09h30) to plains Hedgehog and best Aardwolf views. followed by breakfast (09h30-10h45) and late 4 Nov Pre-breakfast outing (07h00-09h30) to rocky morning outing (10h45-13h00). Highlights areas with Layard’s Tit-Babbler and Fairy included Spotted Eagle Owl and Kori Flycatcher, followed by breakfast (09h30- Bustard. Afternoon outing (15h30-18h30), 10h45). Afternoon outing (15h30-18h45) followed by dinner and second night drive with Karoo Korhaan. Dinner (19h00) with Brown Hyaena and Bat-eared Fox. followed by night drive produced best views of African Wild Cat and only Cape Fox. 5 Nov Departure after 07h00 breakfast.

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA List of birds Recorded

Struthionidae Cape Teal Anas capensis – About 20 at Karoo Gariep

Common Ostrich Struthio camelus – Common at Red-billed Teal Anas erythrorhyncha – Quite a few at Marrick Karoo Gariep and one at Marrick

Numididae Caprimulgidae

Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris – Common Rufous-cheeked Nightjar Caprimulgus rufigena – at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Very good views of a few at Marrick

Anatidae Apodidae Apodidae –

White-faced Whistling Dendrocygna viduata – African Palm Swift Cypsiurus parvus – Seen at A flock at Karoo Gariep Marrick

Spur-winged Plectropterus gambensis – Seen at Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba – Several seen well Marrick and Karoo Gariep at Marrick

Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca – Seen at Bradfield’s Swift Apus bradfieldi – Very good views at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Marrick

South African Tadorna cana – Numerous at Little Swift Apus affinis – Seen at Marrick and Karoo Rufous-cheeked Nightjar at Marrick © Tertius Gous Karoo Gariep Gariep Otididae Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata – Seen at Cape Shoveler Spatula smithii – A few at Karoo Horus Swift Apus horus – A couple seen well at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Gariep Marrick Kori Bustard kori – Two seen at Marrick Cape Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola – Seen at Ludwig’s Bustard ludwigii – One seen at Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata – Common at White-rumped Swift Apus caffer – Seen at Marrick Marrick and Karoo Gariep Karoo Gariep and Karoo Gariep Marrick, and two at a locust swarm as we neared Karoo Gariep Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis – Seen at Karoo Korhaan was seen alongside Blue Korhaan at Karoo Gariep © Tertius Gous Marrick Blue Korhaan caerulescens – Terrific views of several at Karoo Gariep Namaqua Dove Oena capensis – Seen at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Karoo Korhaan Eupodotis vigorsii – Excellent views of a pair at Karoo Gariep Rallidae

Northern Black Korhaan afraoides – Common African Rail Rallus caerulescens – Seen at Karoo at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Gariep

Cuculidae Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus – Seen at Karoo Gariep Diederik Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius – Seen at Marrick Gruidae

Pteroclidae Blue Crane Grus paradisea – More than 100 seen at Karoo Gariep Namaqua Sandgrouse Pterocles namaqua – One seen in flight near Karoo Gariep Podicipedidae

Columbidae Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis – A few at Karoo Gariep Rock Dove or Feral Pigeon Columba livia – Seen Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis – Two seen at Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea – Seen at Marrick Karoo Gariep and Karoo Gariep

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA Phalacrocoracidae Accipitridae

Reed Cormorant Microcarbo africanus – One at Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus – Seen at Karoo Karoo Gariep Gariep

White-breasted Cormorant Phalacrocorax lucidus – White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus – Several at Many at Karoo Gariep Marrick

Threskiornithidae Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax – One at Marrick

African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus –Seen at Verreaux’s Eagle Aquila verreauxii – Great views of Karoo Gariep one near Karoo Gariep

Hadada Ibis Bostrychia hagedash – Seen at Marrick Pale Chanting Goshawk Melierax canorus – Seen at and Karoo Gariep Marrick and en route to Karoo Gariep

Ardeidae African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer – Seen at Karoo Gariep Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides – One at Karoo Gariep Tytonidae

Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis – Seen at Marrick Western Barn Owl Tyto alba – Great views at Marrick

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea – Seen at Karoo Gariep Strigidae

Black-headed Heron Ardea melanocephala – Seen at Spotted Eagle-Owl Bubo africanus – Great views at The diminutive Cape Penduline Tit was seen well at Marrick © Tertius Gous Marrick Marrick Phoenicopteridae Rostratulidae African Great Egret Ardea [alba] melanorhynchos – Coliidae Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus – A few at Greater Painted-snipe Rostratula benghalensis – One Seen at Karoo Gariep White-backed Mousebird Colius colius – Seen at Karoo Gariep male seen well at Karoo Gariep Sagittariidae Karoo Gariep Burhinidae Scolopacidae Secretarybird Sagittarius serpentarius – Great views at Red-faced Mousebird Urocolius indicus – Seen at Spotted Thick-knee Burhinus capensis – Seen at Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea – A few at Marrick Marrick Marrick and Karoo Gariep Karoo Gariep Eastern Clapper Lark was seen regularly during the tour © Tertius Gous Recurvirostridae Sanderling Calidris alba – Two at Karoo Gariep

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus – Seen at Little Stint Calidris minuta – Several at Karoo Gariep Karoo Gariep African Snipe Gallinago nigripennis – Quite a few at Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta – Seen at Karoo Karoo Gariep Gariep Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola – One at Karoo Charadriidae Gariep

Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus – Seen at Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia – Common at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Karoo Gariep

Crowned Lapwing Vanellus coronatus – Seen at Glareolidae Marrick and Karoo Gariep Double-banded Courser Rhinoptilus africanus – Kittlitz’s Plover Charadrius pecuarius – Quite a few at Fantastic views at Marrick Karoo Gariep Laridae Three-banded Plover Charadrius tricollaris – Seen at Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida – About 20 seen Marrick and Karoo Gariep in breeding plumage at Karoo Gariep

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA Laniidae Remizidae

Southern Fiscal Lanius collaris – Seen a few times Cape Penduline Tit Anthoscopus minutus – Fantastic views at Marrick Dicruridae Alaudidae Southern Fork-tailed Drongo Dicrurus [adsimilis] adsimilis – Seen at Marrick Spike-heeled Lark Chersomanes albofasciata – Many good sightings Rhipiduridae Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark Eremopterix verticalis – A African Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone viridis – few seen briefly at Karoo Gariep Seen at Karoo Gariep Sabota Lark Calendulauda sabota – Seen at Marrick Corvidae and Karoo Gariep Pied Crow Corvus albus – Common Fawn-coloured Lark Calendulauda africanoides – Stenostiridae Good views at Marrick

Fairy Flycatcher Stenostira scita – Seen at Karoo Eastern Clapper Lark Mirafra fasciolata – Many great Gariep sightings

Paridae Rufous-naped Lark Mirafra africana – Seen at Marrick Orange River White-eye along the Orange River © Don Macgillivray Ashy Tit Melaniparus cinerascens – Heard to Marrick

Upupidae Picidae Spike-heeled Lark was seen every day © Tertius Gous

African Hoopoe Upupa africana – Seen at Marrick Golden-tailed Woodpecker Campethera abingoni – and Karoo Gariep Seen well at Marrick

Phoeniculidae Falconidae

Common Scimitarbill Rhinopomastus cyanomelas – Rock Kestrel Falco rupicolus – One seen mobbing the Seen at Marrick Verreaux’s Eagle near Karoo Gariep

Alcedinidae Greater Kestrel Falco rupicoloides – Seen at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus – Heard at Karoo Gariep Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus – Seen en route to Karoo Gariep Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis – Seen at Karoo Gariep Platysteiridae Meropidae Pririt Batis Batis pririt – Seen very well at Marrick Swallow-tailed Bee-eater Merops hirundineus – Great views at Marrick Malaconotidae

White-fronted Bee-eater Merops bullockoides – One Bokmakierie Telophorus zeylonus – Seen at Marrick seen along the Orange River between Marrick and and around the homestead at Karoo Gariep Karoo Gariep Brown-crowned Tchagra Tchagra australis – Seen at European Bee-eater Merops apiaster – Many at Marrick Marrick and a few at Karoo Gariep Crimson-breasted Shrike Laniarius atrococcineus – Lybiidae Seen at Marrick

Acacia Pied Barbet Tricholaema leucomelas – Seen at Brubru Nilaus afer – Seen at Marrick Marrick and Karoo Gariep

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA Black-chested Prinia Prinia flavicans – Many at Zosteropidae Marrick Orange River White-eye Zosterops pallidus – Seen Karoo Prinia Prinia maculosa – Seen at Karoo Gariep along the Orange River and at Karoo Gariep

Namaqua Warbler Phragmacia substriata – Great Sturnidae views at Karoo Gariep Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris – Seen along the Rufous-eared Warbler Malcorus pectoralis – Orange River Incredible views at Marrick and also seen at Karoo Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea – Seen at Karoo Gariep Gariep Yellow-bellied Eremomela Eremomela icteropygialis – Cape Starling Lamprotornis nitens – Seen at Marrick; Good views at Marrick; heard at Karoo Gariep one at Karoo Gariep Sylviidae Pied Starling Lamprotornis bicolor – Many at Karoo Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler Sylvia subcoerulea – Gariep Good views at Marrick

Layard’s Tit-Babbler Sylvia layardi – Seen at Karoo Gariep

Melodious Lark was common at Karoo Gariep © Tertius Gous Kalahari Scrub Robin at Marrick © Tertius Gous

Melodious Lark Mirafra cheniana – Terrific views at Greater Striped Swallow Cecropis cucullata – Seen at Karoo Gariep Marrick and Karoo Gariep

Pink-billed Lark Spizocorys conirostris – Brief views at South African Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon spilodera – Marrick and Karoo Gariep Seen at Marrick and Karoo Gariep

Large-billed Lark Galerida magnirostris – Seen briefly Acrocephalidae at Karoo Gariep Lesser Swamp Warbler Acrocephalus gracilirostris – Southern Red-capped Lark Calandrella [cinerea] Heard at Karoo Gariep cinerea – Seen at Marrick and Karoo Gariep African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus – Great Pycnonotidae views at Karoo Gariep

African Red-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus nigricans – Seen Cisticolidae at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Grey-backed Cisticola Cisticola subruficapilla – Seen Hirundinidae at Marrick and heard at Karoo Gariep

Brown-throated Martin Riparia paludicola – Many at Levaillant’s Cisticola Cisticola tinniens – Seen at Karoo Gariep Karoo Gariep

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica – Common Neddicky Cisticola fulvicapilla – Seen at Marrick

White-throated Swallow Hirundo albigularis – Seen Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis – Seen at Marrick at Karoo Gariep Desert Cisticola Cisticola aridulus – Seen at Marrick Pearl-breasted Swallow Hirundo dimidiata – Seen at and Karoo Gariep Marrick and Karoo Gariep Cloud Cisticola Cisticola textrix – Seen at Marrick Large Rock Martin Ptyonoprogne [fuligula] fuligula – and Karoo Gariep Seen at Marrick

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA Turdidae Ploceidae Plain-backed Pipit Anthus leucophrys – One seen at Emberizidae Karoo Gariep Karoo Thrush Turdus smithi – Seen at Karoo Gariep White-browed Sparrow-Weaver Plocepasser mahali – Lark-like Bunting Emberiza impetuani – A few at Common at Marrick Fringillidae Karoo Gariep Muscicapidae Scaly-feathered Finch Sporopipes squamifrons – Black-throated Canary Crithagra atrogularis – Many Cinnamon-breasted Bunting Emberiza tahapisi – A Karoo Scrub Robin Cercotrichas coryphoeus – Seen at Common at Marrick at Marrick couple at Marrick Marrick and Karoo Gariep Southern Masked Weaver Ploceus velatus – Seen at Yellow Canary Crithagra flaviventris – Common at Cape Bunting Emberiza capensis – Seen at Karoo Kalahari Scrub Robin Cercotrichas paena – Many at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Marrick Gariep Marrick Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea – Seen at Karoo White-throated Canary Crithagra albogularis – Golden-breasted Bunting Emberiza flaviventris – Chat Flycatcher Melaenornis infuscatus – Several at Gariep Several at Karoo Gariep Seen at Marrick Marrick Southern Red Bishop Euplectes orix – Seen at Karoo Rufous-eared Warbler is one of the top Karoo birds © Tertius Gous Marico Flycatcher Melaenornis mariquensis – Seen at Gariep Marrick Estrildidae Fiscal Flycatcher Melaenornis silens – Seen at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Green-winged Pytilia Pytilia melba – Seen by Tertius at Marrick Cape Robin-Chat Cossypha caffra – Seen at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Red-headed Finch Amadina erythrocephala – Many at Marrick and a few at Karoo Gariep African Stonechat Saxicola torquatus – Seen at Karoo Gariep Violet-eared Waxbill Uraeginthus granatinus – Several at Marrick Sickle-winged Chat Emarginata sinuata – Seen at Karoo Gariep Common Waxbill Estrilda astrild – Seen at Karoo Gariep Southern Ant-eating Chat Myrmecocichla formicivora – Common Black-faced Waxbill Estrilda erythronotos – Good views at Marrick Mountain Wheatear Myrmecocichla monticola – Seen at Karoo Gariep African Quailfinch Ortygospiza atricollis – Flight views at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Capped Wheatear Oenanthe pileata – Seen at Karoo Gariep Viduidae

Familiar Chat Oenanthe familiaris – Seen at Marrick Pin-tailed Whydah Vidua macroura – Heard at Karoo and Karoo Gariep Gariep

Nectariniidae Motacillidae

White-bellied Sunbird Cinnyris talatala – Seen at Cape Wagtail Motacilla capensis – Seen at Marrick Marrick and Karoo Gariep

Passeridae Cape Longclaw Macronyx capensis – One at Karoo Gariep House Sparrow Passer domesticus – Seen African Pipit Anthus cinnamomeus – Common at Cape Sparrow Passer melanurus – Common Marrick and Karoo Gariep Southern Grey-headed Sparrow Passer diffusus – Nicholson’s Pipit Anthus [similis] nicholsoni – Seen at Marrick Excellent views at Marrick and heard at Karoo Gariep

Buffy Pipit Anthus vaalensis – Excellent views at Marrick

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA List of Mammals Recorded

Aardvark Orycteropus afer – four seen at Karoo South African Porcupine Hystrix Gariep africaeaustralis – many seen, including 13 in one night at Karoo Gariep Vervet Monkey Chlorocebus pygerythrus – seen along the Orange River Cape Hare Lepus capensis and/or African Savanna Hare Lepus victoriae/microtis and/or South African Ground Squirrel Xerus inauris Scrub Hare Lepus saxatilis – numerous hares – common at Marrick seen on night drives at Marrick and Karoo Long-eared Mouse Malacothrix typica – two Gariep could not be identified. seen well at Marrick at night Hewitt’s Red Rock Hare Pronolagus Xeric Four-striped Mouse Rhabdomys pumilio saundersiae – seen well twice at Marrick – seen during the day at Marrick South African Hedgehog Atelerix frontalis – Pygmy Mouse Mus sp. – two seen at Marrick five seen well at Karoo Gariep were most likely, based on range, Orange Wild Cat Felis silvestris – several seen at Pygmy Mice M. orangiae Marrick and Karoo Gariep Southern African Multimammate Mouse Common or Small-spotted Genet Genetta Mastomys coucha – seen at Karoo Gariep genetta – one seen on our final night drive at during our final night drive Karoo Gariep South African Springhare Pedetes capensis – many seen

Southern African Multimammate Mouse at Karoo Gariep © Tertius Gous

One of five South African Hedgehog seen at Karoo Gariep © Tertius Gous

Brown Hyaena Hyaena brunnea – one seen at night at Striped Polecat Ictonyx striatus – four sightings of five Marrick where the hyaena man called it in for closer individuals views Yellow Mongoose Cynictis penicillata – many seen Aardwolf Proteles cristata – four sightings in total, at Bush Duiker Sylvicapra grimmia - seen at Marrick both Marrick and Karoo Gariep Steenbok Raphicerus campestris - many at Karoo Black-backed Jackal Canis mesomelas – heard at Gariep Marrick We also saw a wide range of introduced and bred Bat-eared Fox Otocyon megalotis – seen in good game, including Roan, Red Hartebeest, Sable, Blue numbers at Marrick and Karoo Gariep Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest, Plains Zebra, Impala, Cape Fox Vulpes chama – one seen on our final night Blesbok, Springbok, Gemsbok, Hippopotamus, etc. drive at Karoo Gariep

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA Bradfield’s Swift was seen well over Marrick © Tertius Gous Double-banded Courser showed well at Marrick © Tertius Gous

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA Namaqua Warbler © Tertius Gous Fawn-coloured Lark was common at Marrick © Tertius Gous

BIRDING AFRICA Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 Karoo Mammals and Birds Tour Report 2020 BIRDING AFRICA