University Health Network Emergency Medicine Conference 2019 Don’t Eat These Greens!

Dr. Emily Austin St. Michael’s Hospital, Ontario Poison Centre November 12, 2019 Disclosures

None Most exposures lead to minimal toxicity.

Pediatrics: Adults: Larger exposures Smaller, exploratory ingestions Intentional, foraging toxicology is complex.

Different parts of the Multiple toxic ≠ Toxicity plant can be toxic. compounds in a given plant Yew (Taxus spp.) Taxines in the Yew plant block the Sodium Channel

Red aril Leaves, stems, roots contain toxin. does not contain toxins.

Taxine A Taxine B Taxine I

Seizures Arrhythmias Cardiovascular Death Collapse Yew (Taxus spp.)

The vast majority of plant exposures are asymptomatic. There are exceptions…

Janssen CMAJ 2016. Case 1

67 year old female

Nausea & vomiting, generalized weakness, abdominal cramping

Heart Rate 53 BPM

Janssen CMAJ 2016. Wide complex Ventricular Tachycardia

Awaiting ICD placement…

Janssen CMAJ 2016. …. Day 3, her husband presents to the ED

Nausea & vomiting, visual complaints

Heart Rate 30 BPM 1’ AV Block on ECG

Janssen CMAJ 2016. A salad of harvested “kale” from the garden…

Foxglove ()

Janssen CMAJ 2016. Foxglove contains Digitoxin, a A salad of harvested “kale” from the garden…

Serum level Serum Digoxin level 0.3 nmol/L 0.4 nmol/L

DigiFab Antibody DigiFab Antibody 12 vials total 12 vials total

Discharged home. Many contain cardiac glycoside molecules

Yellow Oleander Milkweed ( ) (Asclepias syriaca) Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) Identical to digoxin toxicity

Cardiac arrythmias Lethargy Delirium Visual changes Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Abdominal pain The diagnosis is mainly clinical

Serum Digoxin Concentration:

Test may cross react with the digitoxin molecule

Useful for qualitative reasons Not useful to guide treatment (i.e. can’t determine # DigiFab vials) DigiFab is effective for treatment.*

Empirically dose based on clinical assessment. Many plants contain cardiac glycosides!

GI symptoms + cardiac conduction abnormalities + CNS changes

Digoxin serum level for qualitative diagnosis

Treatment with Antidote Digifab effective Case 2

48 year old female

Ate a salad made of foraged vegetables.

+++ Vomiting

GCS 3 at 11 AM “Wild Leeks” “Dandelions” “Green mushroom-like plant” Afebrile HR 76 BP 126/70 RR 12 SpO2 96%

Pupils- 3mm, sluggish GCS 3 No icterus Unresponsive to voice, touch Supple neck

Skin: dry, well perfused, warm Heart, lungs, abdomen: Benign exam

No clonus, no tremor ?Bilaterally up-going Babinski Intubation

ICU admission

ECG, CXR, CT head, MRI, EEG, Bloodwork

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Hgb 14.3 12.9 .. 9.4 9.1 WBC 15.2 11.9 … 0.3 0.2 Platelets 149 51 … 11 9

Bone marrow biopsy: ”severe trilineage hypoplasia” “Wild Leeks” “Dandelions” “Green mushroom-like plant”

Day 5: Multi-organ failure

Care is withdrawn. Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) Mayapple contains Podophyllotoxin

Spindle formation Potent microtubule poison

Axonal transport

Structural integrity Symptoms of podophyllotoxin poisoning

GI irritant: Nausea, Vomiting Neurotoxicity Hematologic toxicity Renal toxicity Hepatotoxicity

Support Care. ?G-CSF Overall Summary

Plant toxicology is complex.

Most exposures are not concerning.

Correct identification of plant is important.

Yew Foxglove Mayapple (Taxus spp.) (Digitalis purpurea) (Podophyllum peltatum)