Homework Revelation 19

The 19th Chapter of Revelation opens with the praises of God for the judgements on the great harlot (whore) in Chapters 17 and 18. Please read through Revelation 19, making note of anything that speaks to you or you have questions on. You can then answer the questions below and we will cover this chapter at our next study.

1. As you read this chapter, write down the verses where the word “Hallelujah” (Alleluia) appears. This word, which means “Praise the Lord”, only appears here in the . This word appears in the Old Testament in the following verses: Psalm 104:35, 105:45, 106:1, 111:1, 112:1, 113:1, 117:1, 135:1, 146:1.





2. This chapter can be divided into the tale of two different suppers. Write down the verses of these two separate suppers.



3. What is the occasion of the irst supper in Revelation 19? Where does the irst supper take place?


______4. What is the occasion of the second supper? Where does the second supper take place?



5. Go back over this chapter and look closely to the names mentioned of (Vs 6, 11, 13, 16). What do each say about who God is and what He does?




6. The praise of both the heavenly realm and the redeemed saints is warranted. God has returned from delivering His people in the previous chapters. He has dealt out his judgements and at the same time crushed man’s rebellion. Within the context of God’s sovereignty, He returns to commune with His people! What do all these praising voices say belongs to God in verses 1-3?




7. What is the focus of all the praising voices in verses 4-6 of Chapter 19?



______8. The bride has made herself ready in verse 7. The term “bride” refers to the church. What do the following verses say about the preparation and presentation of the bride? Ephesians 1:4, Hebrews 13:20, 21, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:22-27





9. Surprisingly, there are a series of wars that we have already studied in this book! In the following verses write down what kind of war is taking place:

Revelation 11:7 ______

Revelation 12:7 ______

Revelation 12:17 ______

Revelation 13:4 ______

Revelation 13:7 ______

Revelation 17:14 ______

Revelation 19:11 ______

Revelation 19:19 ______

10. If you’re wondering if there are animals in heaven, we know for sure that there is at least one! What animals (vs 11, 14, 21) transport Christ and the armies that follow this battle King?

______11. What is the title mentioned of Jesus in Revelation 19:13? ______

What title does John use of Jesus in John 1:1? ______

What is the sword mentioned in Ephesians 6:17 called? ______

What is the weapon that proceeds out of Christ’s mouth (Revelation 19:15)?


12. This war that appears here in verses 17-21 seems to be short-lived! Actually, King Jesus makes quick work of this war with the weapon proceeding out of His mouth (verses 13, 15, 21). The spoken Word, that proceeds out of this warrior King provides quick and powerful judgement! What do the saints following in verse 14 do?



13. We have a relationship with God through the process outlined in Romans 8:29-30 resulting in gloriication. Gloriication is the state of inally being with God! On the way to heaven, we are currently in the process of sanctiication. That process involves God’s work in us to become that spotless bride we read about in Revelation 19:7. It is our job to submit ourselves to God and His righteousness. What does I Thessalonians 5:23, Philippians 3:13-14, Ephesians 4:11-16 say our work is while we await Christ’s return?





Occupy until Christ returns being found faithful! Luke 19:13