Revelation Notes.Pdf
Revelation Notes Studies completed with Joe Focht, Chuck Smith, Jon Courson, John Walvoord, Henry Morris, Matthew Henry, Warren Wiersbe, William Newell, Tim LaHaye, and NIV Study Bible. Recommended reading: Joseph Seiss (seeing the separation of the Church and Israel although it was written over 100 years ago), John Walvoord (ex-president of Dallas Theological Seminary – The Revelation of Jesus Christ), and Henry Morris (The Revelation Record). Introduction: “Revelation isn’t hard to understand. It’s hard to believe.” – Henry Morris Rules for our study through Revelation – 1. Interpret as literally as possible. Metaphorical keys are “like” and “as.” 2. Follow the outline. (1:19) 3. Stay in sequence. “then…then…then.” 4. Look for Jesus – it’s really all about Him. Despite the abnormal attraction of Americans to the strange and paranormal (ie. Supermarket check- out lines news magazines), there is a great lack of Revelation being taught in the Church. The importance of Biblical prophecy: 1. Pressing the importance of living for Jesus today expectantly looking for the soon return of Christ. 2. Keeping the material/temporal world in perspective, in light of eternity. 3. Pushing us to live lives of purity. 4. Developing faith in us. - “Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He.” (John 13:19) - Isaiah 41:4, 21-24, 26; 42:8-9; & 44:6-7 – God makes Himself known be telling of things that will come to pass. Written by John, who was likely the youngest apostle. (“The apostle whom Jesus loved.”) - The only apostle not to die a martyr’s death…“the martyrdom of a long life.” Tradition tells us (Iraneus, Jerome, Clement of Alexandria, Eusubius and others agree) that during the Christian persecution of 95-96 AD, Emperor Domitian tried to kill John in a vat of boiling oil.
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