12528 Hon. Adam Smith Hon. John B. Larson Hon. Henry
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12528 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 9 July 29, 2011 focused on spurring innovation, conserving en- clergy sexual abuse. In September of 2010, founded the Seguin Bi-racial Committee during ergy, protecting the environment and creating he presided at a Mass to mark the 13th anni- the 1960s. Thanks to his hard work and dedi- jobs, I strongly oppose H.R. 2417, and urge versary of the death of Blessed Mother Te- cation, schools like Texas Lutheran University, my colleagues to do likewise. resa, which coincided with the U.S. Postal now have a Mexican-American Studies pro- f Service’s issuance of a commemorative stamp gram for the benefit of the students. He also in her honor. assisted in founding the Seguin Boys Club, as PERSONAL EXPLANATION Archbishop Sambi received numerous trib- well as establishing the Health Unit Project, utes and honors over the years, especially for the Walnut Creek Flood Project, and a new HON. ADAM SMITH his ecumenical activities and efforts to in- Seguin Post Office. Along with forming these OF WASHINGTON crease and secure access to religious sites in vital programs and initiatives, Mr. Flores IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Holy Land. served as a member of the Seguin City Coun- Like many of my colleagues, I had the Friday, July 29, 2011 cil from 1965–2000. honor of knowing Archbishop Sambi through Mr. Flores’ tremendous commitment to the Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, on my friend Luca Ferrari, the former Minister Seguin education system and the overall com- Friday, July 22, and Monday, July 25, 2011, I Counselor for Public and Legislative Affairs at munity was honored by having part of High- was unable to be present for recorded votes the Embassy of the Republic of Italy here in way 46 in Texas dedicated to him. He was due to a family commitment. I request the Washington. The Archbishop was always will- also recognized on the floor of the Texas RECORD show that had I been present, I would ing to gently inform us on theology as well the House of Representatives with a resolution in have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall vote No. 629 (on critical international issues of the day. He was his honor presented by Edmund Kuempel in passage of H.R. 2551), ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote an amiable conversationalist and a good 2001. No. 630 (on agreeing to the resolution H. Res. friend, and will be greatly missed by so many Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have had the 363), and ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall vote No. 631 (on of us here in Washington, DC, as well by fam- time to recognize the dedication, accomplish- approving the journal). ily, friends and colleagues around the world. ments, and commitment of the late Samuel f Mr. Speaker, I would like to conclude by Flores. urging all of our colleagues to join me in pay- TRIBUTE TO PIETRO SAMBI, ing tribute to Archbishop Pietro Sambi’s serv- APOSTOLIC NUNCIOTO TO THE U.S. f ice to international relations and under- standing, and to express our condolences to PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. JOHN B. LARSON his family for their loss. Thank you. OF CONNECTICUT f HON. MICK MULVANEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING SAMUEL FLORES OF SOUTH CAROLINA Friday, July 29, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, it HON. HENRY CUELLAR Friday, July 29, 2011 is with a heavy heart that I rise today to inform OF TEXAS Mr. MULVANEY. Mr. Speaker, I missed roll- my colleagues of the recent passing of The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Most Reverend Pietro Sambi, who was the Tit- call 463 on June 22, 2011. Had I been ular Archbishop of Bellicastrum and the Apos- Friday, July 29, 2011 present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ tolic Nuncio to the United States, on July 27 Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He recognize the late Samuel Flores for his dedi- f was 73 years old. cation and contributions to the city of Seguin HONORING U.S. ARMY SGT. Archbishop Sambi was born in Sogliano at and south Texas. JEREMY R. SUMMERS Rubicone (Forli-Cesena), Italy on the 27th day Mr. Flores was born in San Marcos, Texas of June, 1938. He was a respected scholar as the middle child of seven and raised during who had doctorates in both theology and the difficult years of the Great Depression. HON. GEOFF DAVIS canon law and spoke Italian, English, French During his early years, he lived the arduous OF KENTUCKY and Spanish. He was ordained to the priest- life of a migrant worker traveling from Cali- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hood for the Roman Catholic Diocese of San fornia to Minnesota as the seasons changed. Friday, July 29, 2011 Marino-Montefeltro on March 14, 1964, and At the age of seventeen, he dropped out of began his distinguished career in the diplo- school to serve his country and joined the Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I rise matic service of the Vatican’s Secretariat of United States Marine Corps. After six years of today to recognize U.S. Army Sgt. Jeremy R. State in 1969. service, he returned to school. Flores earned Summers from Bracken County, Kentucky, His overseas assignments included sen- a degree in education from Southwest Texas who lost his life on July 14, 2011 in Paktika sitive postings to Cameroon, Cuba, Algeria, State University, as well as a Master’s degree Province, Afghanistan in support of Operation Nicaragua, Belgium, India, Indonesia and Cy- in school administration. After marrying Velia Enduring Freedom. His unit was attacked by prus. In 2000, Archbishop Sambi led discus- Flores and moving to her hometown of enemy forces while he was on duty as a for- sions with Israeli religious and political leaders Seguin, Texas, he started working for ward scout observer. orchestrating Pope John Paul II’s historic visit Harlandale Independent School District where Sgt. Summers joined the Army after grad- to Jerusalem. As the Papal representative to he resided for an accomplished 35 years of uating from Bracken County High School in Israel in 2002, Archbishop Sambi reportedly service. 2002. He was assigned to Headquarters Com- helped end a 39-day standoff between Israeli Throughout his career in education, he pany, 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, troops and Palestinian militants, who had taught mainstream and special education to 101st Airborne Division, out of Fort Campbell, holed up inside the Church of the Nativity in elementary and secondary school students. Kentucky. He served tours of duty in Korea Bethlehem. He distinguished himself as the first Hispanic and Iraq in addition to his service in Afghani- Pope Benedict XVI named Archbishop Principal for Harlandale Independent School stan. Sgt. Summers was a dedicated soldier Sambi as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United District. He became Director for Special Edu- and demonstrated great character in his serv- States on December 17, 2005, and he was in- cation for six school districts and later on ice. His dedication to defending our Republic stalled in early 2006. Shortly after his appoint- worked for the Seguin school district as the was proven again when he recently reenlisted ment, he toured the damage left by Hurricane Attendance Officer. Even after his retirement in the United States Army. Katrina. He was deeply involved in efforts to in 2000, he continued to serve his community Sgt. Summers’ life is yet another reminder introduce Pope Benedict to American Catho- by becoming chairman of the Walnut Branch of the high cost of freedom. Today, as we re- lics and he accompanied the Pope during his Restoration Project. member the life and accomplishments of this April 2008 visit to the U.S. and hosted him at Aside from his teaching vocation, Flores extraordinary Kentuckian, my thoughts and the Apostolic Nunciature, where the Pope held dedicated a great part of his life to fighting prayers are with Sgt. Summers’ family and a historic private meeting with five victims of against discrimination in public places. He friends. VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:57 Aug 13, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E29JY1.000 E29JY1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.