On 18 September, the new Egyptian Ambassador to the , H.E. Mrs. Nevine Simaika Halim Abdalla, presented her credentials to Pope John Paul II. This provided The Holy Father with the opportunity to emphasize that negotiations were the only way out of the conflict in the region. Here are a some extracts from his address:

“... As the Holy See never ceases to recall in these troubled times, there can be no lasting peace in international relations unless the desire for dialogue gets the better of the logic of confrontation ...... I once again remind the International Community of its responsibility to encourage the return to reason and negotiation, the only possible way out of conflicts between human beings, because all peoples have the right to live in serenity and peace ... Religions have an important role to play in achieving the construction of peace. This mission is essential for humanity‘s future ...... Egypt‘s prestigious al-Azhar University, which I have had the opportunity to visit, fulfils an essential function in the Muslim world and provides an opportunity for interreligious dialogue, especially between Christians and Muslims, to be continued and intensified ...... With greater mutual esteem, Christians and Muslims will be better able to work together to serve the cause of peace and a better future for humanity.” 2 News Letter NR. VI · JANUARY 2005

Interview with Cardinal Furno in “La Stampa” – 19 July 2004 – Vatican City “It would be a weakness to eradicate our Christian roots”

Cardinal Furno: “the lay nature of the States has not been discussed”

o eradicate our Christian not to forget the continent’s reli- put down the debate on religions roots from the new Consti- gious roots. What does his message in the EU Charter as nothing but Ttution would be a glaring mean? an “outdated squabble”. On the oversight and proof of Europe’s contrary, anyone with common weakness. It’s like turning a blind “The Pontiff has repeatedly sense can see that position is eye and denying a fact that is ob- spoken out, saying that a Europe untenable. It’s a misguided view. vious to the whole world”. This with 25 member States must not Recognising an undeniable histo- reiteration of the Holy See’s op- eliminate – but must rediscover – ric fact doesn’t mean refusing to position to a European Charter her own spiritual origins in order recognise today’s need for a fair that fails to mention Christianity to be capable of confronting the kind of laicism in the States and comes from -born Cardinal enormous challenges of the third thus in Europe.” Carlo Furno, an authoritative millennium: peace, dialogue bet- voice in the Sacred College and ween cultures and religions, safe- Not even if it were to present an career diplomat, who has served guarding humankind. The peop- obstacle to future partners? as Papal in the Middle les of the Old Continent cannot East, South America and be united only by economics and “Cathedrals and convents and is now Grand Master of the politics. The lifeblood of the Gos- are not a sign of exclusion and Order of the Holy Sepulchre of pels is needed to ensure that Eu- Europe’s Christian origin cannot . rope will develop in a way consis- be kept quiet for geopolitical tent with her identity, that is to motives. It is obvious that Chris- Following his meeting on Mon- say, in freedom, solidarity, justice tianity has been the religion that day with Premier Luis Zapatero, and peace. Unfortunately, howe- helped to shape the institutions the Pope, in addressing the new ver, laicism has been widely misin- of Europe. There are facts no one Spanish Ambassador to the Vati- terpreted. Take French President can alter, for instance that it was can, again appealed to Europeans Jacques Chirac, for example, who monks who originally founded 3 News Letter NR. VI · JÄNNER 2005

many of the schools and univer- neglected at exactly the moment great majority of the European sities. Therefore it is profoundly when a new political system is co- peoples that are at stake. If a unreasonable and erroneous to ming into being in the old Euro- Europe of States and peoples is do away with our own history on pe. The leaders of the European to exist it would be a serious mat- the pretext of wanting to leave Union have an enormous respon- ter if there were to be no room in the door open to potential new sibility. They are dealing with the Charter for principles, ideals member countries. The more so the cultural and religious humus and values. That is why the Pope as mentioning Christianity in the that gave birth to the continent. does not cease his exhortations introduction to the Charter cer- At the time when an enlarged to Europe, crying out to her in a tainly does not constitute a bar- Europe is acquiring new political voice full of love to remember her rier to the entry of other nations instruments, we cannot oblitera- rich and fruitful Christian roots: such as Turkey, Israel or the Pa- te the foundations which, down Europe be yourself, find yourself lestinian State. The past cannot through the centuries, developed once more, revive your roots”. be reinterpreted. Referring to the humanism of which we are all these roots is the same as exp- proud and a noble concept of the laining the values that underlie human being. They are a decisi- the construction of Europe and ve factor in integration and uni- describing her cultural and reli- versality. This is not a minor pro- gious character. The Pope has al- blem, something symbolic or just ways spoken of a Europe faithful a matter of flag-waving; it is a de- to her Christian roots, not closed cisive question in giving the EU a in on herself but open to dialogue spirit of its own. Reference to the and co-operation with the other Christian roots of the [member] peoples of the earth. A Europe States does not mean renouncing aware of her calling to act as the their laicism. It is the history, the beacon of civilisation and a sti- roots and traditions of the very mulus to progress for the world.”

What risks do you see?

“The risks of a Europe that The Order’s new Internet Site is looking to the future with an The Vatican has recently assimilated our Order into its website. altered perspective of her Chris- All the current information previously contained in the Order’s tian identity; in other words, the website (history, Grand Magisterium, Lieutenancies, organisation, cement she needs to be and to re- Constitution, headquarters, activities in the Holy Land, main truly united. Either Europe publications and events) now appear at the following address: is Christian or she is not. As John Paul II pointed out, the values on oessh/subindex.html which the countries of Europe This website is in Italian. are founded that constitute their As well as the professional maintenance of the Internet presentation, being included in its official site is a public spirit, it is these values that pro- demonstration of the value that the Vatican places on our Order. vide creativity and solidity at ti- We invite all members of the Order to visit this new website. mes of difficulty and in adversity. It is an error to allow them to be 4 News Letter NR. VI · JANUARY 2005

From the Holy Land: How the projects stand in 2004

The sum the Grand Magisterium prudently set aside for projects was approximately $480,000 thanks, on the one hand, to the needs of humani- tarian aid and the schools and, on the other, to the face that funding for the school at Jaffa (Nazareth) was not completely covered. The Grand Magisterium guaranteed that it would not leave the Latin Patriarchate in the lurch if Jaffa could not be fully funded. Insgesamt handelte es ich 2004 um acht Projekte.

1. Jaffa (Nazareth): The priest’s house had not been 7. Nazareth: The project consists of two new restored for 40 years. The results pastoral centre. kindergarten units and some 6 are most satisfactory. This project has resulted in new elementary classrooms to replace (Project completed) facilities for the young people, those that failed to meet the de- for the ecclesiastic tribunal and mands of the Israeli Ministry of 4. Kerak: the schools, as well as new guest Education. Work on the elementa- restoration of the sisters’ rooms for the vicariate and a lar- ry school is finished and the other residence. ger room for parish meetings. work will be completed by the (Project completed) end of the year. 8. Ajloun: Results are satisfactory and the 5. Salt: parish hall. number of pupils is rising percep- elevator. The work is at the half- Work has only just begun. Plans tibly. way stage. The external structure have had to be redrawn in order is presently being completed and to stay within the budget of 2. Deir Rafat: the installation itself has already $210,000. renovation of the foundations. been ordered. Consolidation of the foundations The elevator will serve the priest of the Youth Centre mean that it and the nuns who live on the Our thanks go to the Grand Magis- no longer has to be demolished, 4th floor. terium, the Lieutenancies and the but only needs refurbishment. Holy Land Commission for their This project has saved a building 6. Jifna: : continual co-operation which worth $900,000. restoration of the nuns’ residence. makes these projects possible. (Project completed) The sisters are satisfied. Thanks to site alterations, the number 3. Hosson: of stairs has also been reduced. restoration of the presbytery. (Project completed) 5 News Letter NR. VI · JÄNNER 2005

J e r u s a l e m Interview with the Nuncio Monsignor Sambi Christians in the Holy Land Builders of Peace

“Jerusalem is the city chosen by God to bring peace to mankind, but mankind is betraying this gift”. Nonetheless, there are signs of a new presence.

by Giorgio Paolucci

ill Christians disap- solved. On the terrace of the Pa- tant than their own point of view pear from the land in pal Nunciature looking out onto and each side plays its part with Wwhich Christianity was the Mount of Olives the Nuncio, an awareness of its own responsi- born? It is not a pointless questi- Monsignor Pietro Sambi, sighs, bilities. on if one considers demographic “Jerusalem is the city chosen by trends and the political situati- God to bring peace to mankind, on of the region. According to a but mankind is betraying this Tourism halted study by Bethlehem University, gift. The key to coexistence for since the 1967 war a third of the the believers of three religions The unstable political situation, Christian population has left the lies here, the key that can be- terrorist attacks and construc- Holy Land and Christians now come a sign of reconciliation for tion of the wall, which has blo- account for only about 2% of the whole world: that is why the cked attacks by suicide bombers the country: 150,000 people al- Pope calls on us unceasingly to but at the same time complicated together. The Israeli-Palestinian pray and asks the international daily life for hundreds of thou- conflict claims victims from both community to intervene to con- sands of people, have lately slo- sides and makes the situation of front the problems that the two wed down the economy in the Pa- this small community that has parties at odds cannot resolve. lestinian Territories. But for the followed in the footsteps of Jesus There will be no peace whilst little Christian population things for 2000 years ever more preca- each of the opposing parties are still worse: the second Inti- rious. The Pope keeps on repea- claims to be always right and fada, which began in September ting (though no one listens to puts all the blame on the other. 2000, with its spiral of attacks him) that there will be no peace Peace begins when truth emer- and military reprisals, has provo- in the Middle East until the knot- ges, when people recognise that ked a steep drop in pilgrimages ty problem of the Holy Land is there is something more impor- to the Holy Land, its former main 6 News Letter NR. VI · JANUARY 2005

source of income. Hotels closed, in building bridges (rather than rings. “Like what happened to restaurants half empty, no work walls) by spreading a perception Fatima”, she says, “whose mo- for the craftsmen in Bethlehem of reconciliation that could help ther ill-treated her for years be- who specialise in producing re- to put an end to the spiral of mu- fore abandoning her on the street ligious artefacts, and the hund- tual retaliation. If they are weak and who has been living her only reds of souvenir shops in Jerusa- it is a net loss to everyone”. a few months. A while ago she lem and Nazareth facing a crisis. came with us to the church of the “Fear has halted religious tou- Nativity in Bethlehem and said rism, but in the seven years I have The gift of pardon she wanted to ask Jesus for a pre- been here I have never heard of a sent. When we came out she told pilgrim becoming a victim of the Supporting the Christian pres- me, ‘I asked him to forgive my violence”, explains Monsignor ence means contributing to the mother’”. Inside the House of La- Sambi. “For several months now peace process and Monsignor zarus a new coexistence between there have been signs that things Sambi expressed his congratula- Arabs and Israelis is putting out are starting up again, but it is not tions on the inauguration of the shoots. In Bethany, two thousand enough. The presence of pilgrims headquarters of the Compagnia years after the resurrection of supports the economy of the areas delle Opere a Gerusalemme (from Lazarus, miracles are still happe- where there is a concentration which he received a delegation ning. of Christians and is a check on in September). This organisation emigration. It helps them to feel has laid the foundations of a pre- part of a big family that has no sence noted above all for its fi- geographical limits – the Church nancial co-operation with Israeli – and to preserve its roots in the and Palestinian businesses and land where Jesus was born. Un- its support for educational en- fortunately, after the beginning terprises. For instance the House of the second Intifada, whilst the of Lazarus in Bethany, the only international Jewish world dis- orphanage for girls in the Terri- played great solidarity towards tories administered by Arafat, the Jews in Israel and the Isla- where 32 young Muslim girls are mic world did the same towards cared for by Samar Sahhar, one the Muslims who live here, the of the town’s few Christian wo- Christians, who previously came men. The girls (who have no pa- in large numbers to visit the Holy rents or whose parents have ab- Places, disappeared into thin air. used or ill-treated them) think of It is not a question of defending her as their real mother and she, the particular interests of one of a member of the Memores Domi- the three parties involved, but of ni, treats them like daughters. helping to support an element es- “Virginity is the fruitfulness of sential to coexistence: the Chris- God”, she smiles, quoting her tians have vital relationships founder Don Giussani. Samar’s with the other two religious com- example is catching, as she helps munities and demonstrate a view her “daughters” to face life with of life that places human dignity a positive outlook, even when it at its centre, so they can assist brings them unspeakable suffe- 7 News Letter NR. VI · JANUARY 2005 Vice-Governor General George T. Ryan submits his resignation

At a meeting in of the Grand Magisterium of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, on 19 October 2004 H.E. George T. Ryan, noting the end of his term as Vice-Governor General and member of the Grand Magisterium, submitted his resignation.

r He expressed his gratitu- H.E. George Ryan, who served de to His Eminence Carlo as Lieutenant of the Northeas- ECardinal Furno for his ap- tern Lieutenancy, was an advo- pointment and the opportunity cate for the establishment of together with all the members of the Justice and Peace effort of the Grand Magisterium to help the U.S. Lieutenants in 1998 maximize the potential of the mis- and was responsible in 2001 for sion of the Order. His Excellency the establishment of the Annual expressed his pleasure at having Meetings of the North American worked with H.E. Knight of the Lieutenants. The North Ameri- Collar Ludovico Carducci Arteni- can Lieutenants are now in acti- sio and H.E. Pier Luigi Parola, as ve communication regarding pro- IMPRESSUM Governors General, with His Be- grams and progress. The Lieute- atitude and Monsignor Shomali nancies have their own websites GRAND MAGISTERIUM and all the members of the Grand and are linked to a central site. OF THE Magisterium. H.E. George Ryan promoted the EQUESTRIAN ORDER program now in place for annual OF THE His Eminence Cardinal Furno financial audits for the Rome of- HOLY SEPULCHRE thanked H.E. George T. Ryan for fice and for the North American OF JERUSALEM his service to the Order and an- Lieutenancies. He also has been 00120 Vatican City nounced that he would appoint a strong promoter of additional Editor: him Vice-Governor General of sources of revenue to more fully AGOSTINO BORROMEO Honour support the schools and the works Co-Editor: of the Order in the Holy Land. OTTO KASPAR 8 News Letter NR. VI · JANUARY 2005 North American Lieutenants meet in Chicago

The Lieutenants from North America held their fifth annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois, on May 12 – 14, 2004. Presiding at the meeting was H.E. George T. Ryan, Vice-Governor General. Also attending was H.E. James T. Miscoll a member of the Grand Magisterium from San Francisco, California.

ight of the nine United Sta- The Agenda of the meeting fol- opportunities for the North Ame- tes Lieutenants attended: lowed the agenda of the 2003 rican Lieutenants to share ideas, EH.E. John C. Piunno (Midd- Consulta held in Rome and the perceptions and concerns with le Atlantic), H.E. Dennis J. Looney, recent Conclusive Document issu- each other and representatives Jr., (Northeastern), H.E. Vincent ed by the Cardinal Grand Master of the Grand Magisterium. Two E. Shaw (Northern), H.E. Thomas provided important guidelines of Lieutenants, Jean-Marc Allard J. McCabe (North Central), H.E. the discussion. The meeting also (Montreal) and John McGuckin, John H. McGuckin, Jr. (Northwes- had the opportunity to review the Jr. (Northwestern) reported on tern), H.E. Robert B. Acomb, Jr. recent Report from the Order’s recent pilgrimages to the Holy (Southeastern), H.E. Michael R. Schools Committee, presented to Land, during which the pilgrims Earthman (Southwestern) and the Grand Magisterium in April, visited several projects supported H.E. Patrick D. Powers (Western). and the current list of approved by donations from members of the The Order in Canada was repre- projects. According to Vice-Go- Equestrian Order. sented by Magistral Delegate J. vernor General Ryan, “The Order One of the major topics on the Stewart LeForte (Atlantic), H.E. knows where our mission is – in Lieutenants’ agenda related to Jean-Marc Allard (Montreal) and the Holy Land schools. We’re do- the coordination of educational H.E. Declan P. Lawlor (Vancou- ing all we can to support them.” efforts within the United States ver). Reverend Monsignor Archi- regarding the current situation of mandrite Robert L. Stern, Secre- The participants discussed many the Christian Community in the tary General of the Catholic Near topics relating to membership, Holy Land. The group decided to East Welfare Association, provi- spirituality, event planning, fund- ask a small committee, under the ded invaluable insights during the raising, Justice & Peace efforts, leadership of Lieutenant Powers Lieutenants’ discussions and cele- planning and reporting and com- of the Western Lieutenancy, to brated Mass for the participants munications. These annual mee- propose a plan for joint action in on Friday morning. tings have become important the future. 9 News Letter NR. VI · JANUARY 2005 Responsibility taken for school fees of Christian pupils in the Holy Land

n 29 July this year, the Go- the Holy Land via the Grand Ma- are members of the Order must ask vernor General set up a gisterium, the amount calculated for understanding. It is certainly Onew scheme to strengthen as needed to support the schools not for us to say whether these ad- ties between individual Lieutenan- will be set aside straight away. As ditional needs should be rated as cies and the Holy Land: the dedica- part of the scheme, each school so important in an overall concept tion (of part) of the contributions will receive a plaque bearing the as they may seem then and there. of each Lieutenancy to a specified name of the Lieutenancy or group The overview and assessment must school or schools. The aim is to of Lieutenancies that support it be left to the Patriarchate, which enable all Christian schoolchild- through their contributions. then agrees with the Holy Land ren to attend a patriarchal school, Commission of the Grand Magis- even when their families cannot My contribution terium as to how urgent needs and afford to pay the fees. In the pre- funding are prioritised. Hence the sent circumstances, this initiative has a “face” request to the Lieutenancies not to means turning away from the Pro- Anyone who knows where his mo- begin any separate, direct action is jects which, in the main, consist ney goes and what it is used for understandable. of physical construction or repair will not only feel good but will However, the Holy Land Commis- (and most would subsequently give certainly be more personally in- sion encourages and indeed welco- rise to high maintenance costs) in volved and interested in how “his” mes any observations and sugges- order to give preference to taking or “her” aid project is progressing. tions. responsibility for part of the run- Then, when groups of pilgrims ning costs of the schools. This solu- from a Lieutenancy visit the tar- Further personal contact tion relates only to schools in Pa- geted school, their aid acquire a lestine and Jordan, as in Israel the “real, personal face” and may be- Let us make another suggestion: State also assists private Christian come even more aware of the enor- written contact between the Li- schools, so the schools do not incur mity of need in the Holy Land and eutenancies and the schools has deficits. that we must do far more by way additional positive effects. It lets of support. the Christians in this area of the New, targeted support Holy Land know that there are No separate projects other Christians in the world who Let us stress immediately: this think about and pray for them. does not mean that additional ex- In any case, on such visits one is Along with sufficient financial as- act sums are to be produced for in- inclined to wonder whether the sistance, let us also give them the dividual schools on the basis of stu- school has any other requirements. deep, personal support of feeling dent numbers. It means that from What school doesn’t? But it is on themselves part of the community the existing contributions sent to this very point that all of us who of the great . 10 News Letter NR. VI · JANUARY 2005

The Bible derives from three original languages. The languages of the Bible

The Old Testament was written predominantly in Hebrew. Until Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in 587 BC, Hebrew was the common language used by the Jewish people of Palestine for everyday speech and writing.

ike Aramaic and Arabic, Kings and Prophets. The Linguis- Today the Bible has been trans- Hebrew is also a main tics Academy in Jerusalem is al- lated into around 2,300 langua- Lbranch of the Semitic group ways trying to create new, logical, ges, making it the most frequently of languages. During the exile, useable words and phrases based translated book of all time Aramaic, spoken in the North East on the language of the Old Testa- of Canaan, increasingly displaced ment. More and more people all over Hebrew as the common language. the world can read the Bible in Eventually Hebrew was only used The New Testament was written their own language. In the past for religious services. So, in the in Greek, not the classical Greek year more than 50 new translati- Old Testament (Dan. 2:4b - 7:28 of the philosophers, but a later ons have been made. Published in and Ezr. 4:8 – 6:18; 7:12-26) we dialect, known as Koine. Follo- around 2,300 languages, the Bible find Aramaic alongside Hebrew. wing the conquest by Alexander is the most frequently translated the Great, Koine developed as book of all time. Aramaic was the mother tongue the language used by all nations The whole Bible exists in more of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Even in for trade and everyday communi- than 410 languages, the New Tes- His time only a few isolated peo- cation, with rights equal to those tament in over 1000, and individu- ple were left whose mother ton- of the former regional vernacular al books of the Bible in more than gue was Hebrew; the language tongues. 870 languages. Most of the new was used only in religious books One of the Old Testament lan- translations have been circulated and prayers. Even in the Synago- guages may also have been used recently in Africa. gues, the “reading” of the Hebrew to compose a Gospel. On the ba- text before the homily was trans- sis of a note by Papias (d. 160 lated into Aramaic. AD), it can be assumed that the Gospel according to Matthew was Modern Hebrew (known as Iv- written originally in Aramaic and rit) has met with a few changes later translated into Greek; howe- and, above all, developments but ver, we have to this day no direct is still fundamentally the langu- evidence of the original Aramaic age spoken by the Old Testament text.