The Wisdom of the Cross in a pluralistic World International Theological Congress ROME, PONTIFICAL LATERAN UNIVERSITY FROM SEPTEMBER 21 TO 24, 2021 PROGRAM
[email protected] 02 THEOLOGICAL CONGRESS PROGRAM The Wisdom of the Cross in a pluralistic World The topic of the Wisdom of the Cross will be examined by numerous scholars from many cultural and academic fields according to four trajectories: the challenges of various cultures; the development of humanism and interreligious dialogue; the new scenarios of evangelization; and the charism of Saint Paul of the Cross for the present and future of the world. The Congress will be divided into plenary sessions and language sections. The Congress, sponsored by the Gloria Crucis Chair of the Pontifical Lateran University, is one of the initiatives of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (Passionists) to celebrate the Third Centenary of its foundation. September 4, 2021: Opening of 2 Exhibitions in the Centro di Arte Contemporanea, Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni, 10: 1. Sala 1: Stauros Exhibition “Gloria Passionis” on contemporary Sa- cred Art on the Passion of Jesus, directed by Giuseppe Bacci. 2. Sala Gildea: Photographic Exhi- bition by Stefano Guidani on the charitable Activities of Fr. Richard Frechette, Passionist Priest and Medical Doctor in Haiti (Fondazio- ne Francesca Rava). 2021 September 16, 4.30 pm.: Press conference for the presentation of the Congress at the Centro In- ternazionale Arte Contemporanea (Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni, 10). 03 Tuesday 21 10:45 Lecture: The Wisdom of the September 2021 Cross and the Challenges of Cultures: The Wisdom 10:45 Biblical Aspect: Prof.