Popular Measurement 1
Objective Analysis Of Golf Patrick Fisher, M.A. With the emphasis on who is truly but he finished regulation play in a tie the best increasingly debated, outcomes with Mike Donald. Irwin won in a sub- measurement has finally made its way sequent sudden-death playoff, after fin- to sports performance. Many potential ishing in another tie following an 18- applications of outcomes analysis are hole playoff round. available: baseball players, college sports Table 2 shows the days in order of polls, competitive figure skating, and difficulty to achieve a good score from almost anything related to sports that the hardest, Sunday, to the easiest, Fri currently is evaluated. Some ofthe more day. In theory, the difficulty order of the complicated problems may take years of days would be Sunday, then Saturday, research to arrive at a complete answer, Friday, and Thursday as the easiest. Sun- while others, much less difficult, can be day should be the most difficult day be- analyzed quite simply. cause psychological pressure is most in- Of all sports measurement prob- tense on' the final day of scoring, when lems, those presented by the game ofgolf tournament ends and the championship are probably the easiest to solve due to is decided. This analysis shows that its scoring method. This FACETS theory to be essentially correct. Thurs- analysis is ofthe hole-by-hole scoring of day and Friday were misordered, but only the 1990 United States Open at Medinah Country Club, slightly, as their mea- Table 2 - Day Measurement Report --------------------------- Medinah, IL in August, as reported by the United States Golf sures were only .03 I Measure Error I DAY / Association (USGA) .
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