Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code, Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report
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PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE ACT 2004 SEABURN MASTERPLAN AND DESIGN CODE, SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL AND HABITATS REGULATIONS ASSESSMENT SCREENING REPORT PUBLIC CONSULATION 19 OCTOBER – 29 NOVEMBER 2010 CONSULTATION STATEMENT 1.0 Introduction 1.1 This Consultation Statement has been prepared to accord with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 (hereafter referred to as the regulations). The regulations require Sunderland City Council to produce a consultation statement as part of the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) process. 1.2 The statement sets out details of the formal consultation process that was undertaken by the City Council from Tuesday 19th October until Monday 29th November 2010 for the draft Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document. 1.3 In accordance with Regulation 17 (2) (b) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, this statement sets out consultation methods, a summary of the main issues highlighted and how they were addressed in the SPD. The names of stakeholders and interest groups consulted are included in Appendix 1 of this statement. 1.4 This SPD will form part of the Sunderland City Council Local Development Framework (LDF) in due course and supports and supplements the requirements of policies NA26 (Coastal and Seafront Zone) and EC8 (Tourist Facilities) of Sunderland City Council’s Unitary Development Plan 1998 (UDP). 1.6 To ensure the SPD is a realistic and deliverable document it has been produced in liaison with stakeholders, as required by Planning Policy Statement 12 (Local Development Frameworks). Additionally the consultation process is consistent with the City Council’s overall commitment to community participation set out in its Community Consultation Strategy and Hard to Reach Framework. The principles of inclusive and appropriate communication set out in the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) have been adhered to. 2.0 Background 2.1 A Seafront Regeneration Strategy, informed by an extensive city-wide consultation in spring 2009, was adopted in February 2010 and provides an overarching vision for the future development both Roker and Seaburn. 2.2 In order to deliver the vision of the strategy, a Masterplan for Marine Walk was produced to provide specific design guidance for this area of Roker. The Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code has been prepared for the Ocean Park and Seaburn promenade areas. In accordance with the vision for Seaburn, the document promotes the development of a family-friendly resort to provide high quality indoor and outdoor facilities for both residents and visitors available all year round. A design code has been prepared to accompany the spatial masterplan for Seaburn to ensure the quality of proposals will reflect the Council’s ambition for the site. The code will offer greater detail on the urban design principles guiding the masterplan. 3.0 Previous consultations undertaken in the preparation of the draft Masterplan and Design Code Public consultation 3.1 The preparation of the Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code has been preceded by extensive consultation on the future of Sunderland’s Seafront. 3.2 Sunderland City Council undertook a city-wide consultation between 16 February and 3 April 2009. The purpose of the consultation was to find out what the people who live in, work in and visit Sunderland feel should be the vision for the future of the seafront. People were asked whether the vision should be a seafront to go to for a quiet walk, family fun, watersports, great events or any other suggestions they may have. 3.3 Data was collected using two methods - a survey (seafront consultation form) and workshops. 3.4 The survey formed part of the Community Spirit Spring Survey 2009 and was also made available at: all libraries across the city the Resort Office on Marine Walk exhibitions in the Sunderland Aquatic Centre, Civic Centre main reception and Central Library drop in sessions held on the Mobile Customer Service Centre at Marine Walk and Market Square during the consultation period The survey could be completed online at 3.5 A copy of the survey was posted to all businesses and residents within the study area and it was printed in the Sunderland Echo on Wednesday 25 March 2009. 3.6 In total this consultation process gathered 2,455 respondents. 3.7 The survey results infomed a draft Seafront Regeneration Strategy for Sunderland in August 2009 which, following a period of consultation, was adopted in February 2010. A summary of the findings of this consultation process can be found in the Seafront Findings report at 3.8 The proposals within the Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code have been informed by the vision and development principles for Seaburn set out in the Seafront Regeneration Strategy Internal Consultation 3.9 Two workshops were organised in order to inform the development of a draft Masterplan for Seaburn. The first workshop included over 30 Council officers from a variety of different sections. The second workshop involved the Seafront Members Steering Group comprising a number of elected councillors representing the residents and businesses in the local area. 3.10 A further two week internal consultation period enabled internal stakeholders and councillors to comment on an initial first draft of the Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code. These comments were, where appropriate, incorporated into the finalised document. Previous consultation on the Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening for the need for an Appropriate Assessment 3.11 English Heritage, Natural England and the Environment Agency were consulted in respect of the above and their comments were reflected in the production of the Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report: 4.0 Formal Public Consultation October – November 2010 4.1 In order to take the Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code forward as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), the City Council was required to carry out a formal public consultation on a draft version of the document. 4.2 The council are required to issue an interim SPD for formal public consultation for a period of four to six weeks, in line with Regulations 17 and 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. The consultation period for the draft Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code was between 19 October and 29 November 2010. 4.3 The formal consultation consisted of the following: A letter sent to formal consultees and key stakeholders inviting feedback on the draft Masterplan and Design Code. The letter informed recipients how they could view and submit comments on the draft Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code and accompanying documentation. A letter, summary booklet and consultation postcard was sent to residential and business addresses within and around the site. Information on the consultation was provided and recipients invited to submit comments. A letter, summary booklet and consultation postcard was also sent to any known interested groups/individuals including those who responded to previous consultations on the seafront. Information on the consultation was provided and recipients were invited to submit comments. The council published a press release in the Sunderland Echo encouraging the public and other interested parties to submit their views and comments on the draft Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code. The press release included information on how to get involved in the consultation. A similar promotional article appeared in Sunrise Magazine, the City Council’s monthly magazine, distributed to all households across Sunderland. Information on the consultation and how to take part featured in the regular newsletters sent to specific target groups across the City. Copies of the draft document were made available during normal opening times at Sunderland Civic Centre and all libraries within the city. A series of public exhibitions showcasing the draft Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code Framework and accompanying documentation was displayed during the consultation period. They were located at the Seaburn Centre, Aquatic Centre, the Civic Centre, Sunderland Central Library, the Hetton Centre and Washington Leisure Centre (further details are set out below). Staff from the City Council’s Office of the Chief Executive attended exhibitions at specified times to answer any questions from members of the public (details are set out below). The Summary Booklets were made available at all local libraries and at all the exhibitions and could be taken away by members of the public. The booklet contained a comment postcard allowing comments to be left in boxes at the exhibitions or returned to the Civic Centre by freepost. A dedicated web page was created, which was accessed via the friendly URL: The page included the draft documents and an on-line response form The Web Site 4.4 The following documents relating to the consultation were available to view at throughout the public consultation period: Draft Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code Draft Seaburn Masterplan Sustainability Appraisal and draft Appropriate Assessment Screening Report Statement of SPD Matters Consultation Statement The online comments form enabled users to submit their views directly via the website. Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code Public Exhibitions 4.5 Exhibitions on the draft Seaburn Masterplan and Design Code were displayed at the following locations: Civic Centre Floor 3 of the Civic Centre, Burdon Road Sunderland from 19 October 2010 to 29 November 2010. The Civic Centre opening hours are: Monday – Thursday: 8:30am to 5:15pm Friday: 8:30am to 4:45pm Seaburn Leisure Centre Whitburn Road, Seaburn, Sunderland, from 19 October to 29 November 2010. The Seaburn Centre’s opening hours are: Monday to Friday 9am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 9am - 5pm Sunderland Aquatic Centre Stadium Village, Sunderland, from 19 October to 29 November 2010.