Lynch Family
LYNCH FAMILY OF EKGLAND AND TTIEL1\KD Iii Page 3, OCCGS Llbrary Additions, October, 1983 OBITUARIES Conti.nued San Diego County, CA Barbara A. Fant, Reg. 11 Oct. 198.3 KDthryri Stone Black I, TH E · LYN C H COAT-OF-ARM S HIS COAT-OF-ARMS was copied from the Records of H eraldry. G alway, Ireland, by Mr. M . L. Lynch. of T yler, Texas. Chief Engineer of the St. Louis & Sou th western R ailway System, who vouches for its authenticity. Mr. Lynch, a most estimable and honorable gentleman, is a civil en- , ,' gineer of exceptional reputation and ability, and made this copy with the strictest attention to det:1il. The reproduction on this sheet is pronounced by Mr. Lynch to be a perfect fae-simile, faithful alike in contour and color to the original copy on file in the of the City of Galway. OSCAR LYNCH. •:• miser able extremi ty of subsisting on the common ••• h Historical Sketch of the Lynch Family. ·!· erbage of the field, he was fi nally victorious. His •i• prince, amongst other rewards of his valor, presented ::: him with the Trefoil on ... a F ield of Azure for his FROM HARDEMAN'$ HISTORY GALWAY :~: arms and the Lynx, the sharpest sighted of all PAGE 17, DATE 1820. :~: animals, for his crest; the former in a llusion to the "Tradition and documents in possession of the •:• extremity to which he was drawn for subsistence family, which go to prove it, states that they wer e ::: during the siege, and the latter to his foresight and originally from the City of Lint.fl, the capital of + vigilance; and, as a testimon ial of his fidelity, he upper Austria, from which they suppose the name ::: also received the motto, SEMPER FIDELIS, which to have been derived; and that they are descended :~: arms, crest and motto are borne by the Lynch from Charlemagne, the youngest son of the emperor •.• family to this day.
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