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2-29-1984 The hC anticleer, 1984-02-29 Coastal Carolina University

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Recommended Citation Coastal Carolina University, "The hC anticleer, 1984-02-29" (1984). The Chanticleer Student Newspaper. 150. https://digitalcommons.coastal.edu/chanticleer/150

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Lassen Appointed Executive Assistan To The C r

Paula Richardson Staff Writer Lassen began hIS studies a Coas at In the 1979-80 school year and gradua ed in 1983 wi h a B.S. '" bIology. As a Philip R. Lassen, a Coastal Carolina undergraduate he served as '981~2 alumnus, has been appointed by Student Government ASSOCIatIon wce­ Chancellor Fred Hicks as Executive president and preSIdent in 1982-83. He Assistant to the Chancellor, effective holds the Rogers Service Award a According to F~bruary 13, 1984. Coastal and is a member of he Socle y 01 Chancellor Hicks, "Philip Lassen is an outstanding individual wi h exceptional the Undersea World (SUW) and he abilities. I am delighted to have him as a SIerra ClUb. Since graduation lassen ha close associate." held a pOSItIOn as superVIsor at Untted Immediately after graduation from high Parcel Service. school Lassen spent 4 months at the In August, 1982 Mr. lassen marned University of Alaska in Anchorage. Six Kevin Munn of Sumter, S.C .• a Coastal years in the U.S. Navy followed this: 3 student. The couple met a a prevlou years active duty in California and 3 years CI 0 DAY. Smce December the Las ens reserve duty in Charleston, S.C. Lassen's father was in the Air Force, so have lived In Forestbroo TheIr he Isn't really a "native" of anywhere; he household consists of 8 cats 1 dog a has traveled in 13 countnes and 50 states. bIrd and an aquarium tul of f s

a •

Coastal Carolina College has just be neflt a foreign student from an ISE~ become a member of the International tn stitutlon who comes here to study. Studen Exchange Program ISEP. This is \",hile you get what someone else a very easy way to complement your prOVIded abroad. There are many ways 0 education at Coastal WIth a sophomore or arrange your input. Besides using your junior year abroad. You pay what you financial aid, you may offer your home to would pay for your tuition, room, and satIsfy the room and board part provided board here, using all financial aid that that it is within reasonable commuting you are elIgible for--but get the benefit of distance. If you are a very good student all these things at one of the three to four an International Program travel agent dozen institutions all over the globe wh may also be available. are ISEP members. You can study at English language institutions abroad or Even if you cannot go abroad this year instance Development Policy at the you can start planning for the next. University of Oar-es-Salaam in Tansania, 'nstitutlons in French, German, and or Shakespeare at the University of Spanish speaking countries will expect Alberta in Canada. You can study you to have knowledge of the respective German literature in Germany or fashion language sufficiently so that you can design in France, provided you have follow their classes. To qualify. you may enough language ability to follow a class. wish to put some emphasis on foreign You can take Chinese at the Chinese language skIlls in planning your University of Hong Kong, but you must coursework for this coming year. take Spanish at Coastal first before going to the Universidad de los Andes in For details on how to apply. where to go, Colombia. the transfer of credits, and all other questions, see Dr. Bruno Gujer at AC Your payment to Coastal will actually 103-A. Coa by Sherri Johnson Featur Editor

• Every year I every day, every min u e, and every second. our society exper­ Managing Editor •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Karen L. (Bugs) Hill iences changes. We can see these Copy Editor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , Ann Sanders changes as the future unfolds before our very eyes. We need to mdivldually as Features Editor •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sherri Johnson ourselves, "What am I dOing to prepare Sports Editor •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Teresa Richardson myself for the future?" Most of us co lege Photographer •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Katie Kelly students would answer thIS question by Staff Writers •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lisa Kline saying. "I am gOing to college to prepar

Dawn Flowers myself for the future. It But are e really Production Assistant ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Roxy Sullivan domg this? Most of us ould fall short of Advisor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "-Inaa Schwartz the true answer to thiS question. But Coastal's students may soon answer thi pro po sa question with truth and urance. peets. Cultural Arts Activities March 11 - 3:00 pm - Pianist - Eugene Barban 5-9 - SPRING BREAK 10 - Sat. - Last of the Red Hot Lovers - GST 10-18 - Can-Am' Days 12 - Choir Sing Myrtle Square - 6:30 pm Sometimes I wish that I could explain to home crying. They me down and 16-17-18 - Camelot other students what I've been through asked to see my arms. What could I do? 22 - Thurs. - Sara Johnson, violinist - Wheelwright over the past few years The use of I felt trapped, so I showed them. They 25 - 3:00 pm - Studen Recital marijuana and harsh narcotics have were deeply hurt, but more concerned 29 - Thurs. - 10:30-11 :30 - Faculty Recital scarred me for life. I can only hope that in with helping me. 30 - Fri. - 9:30 - Susie's Show - Wheelwright the future students will avoid what I refer 30 - Fri. - 12:30 - Choir Sing for Arts - Wheelwright to as "the highway to hell." Maybe the Soon I began visiting a pyschiatrist. She 28-31 - SPRING ARTS FESTIVAL knowledge of my past will enable helped me a great deal. I don't really students to avoid the use of drugs think I would have ever stopped using April entirely. drugs if it had not been for my shrink. 8 - Brookgreen - 3:00 - 25-30 Brass and String Choir Sing She made me realize that I did indeed 11 - Wed. - 8:00 - Glenn Miller Orch. Convention Center My involvement with drugs started have a seriOUS problem . Often she made 14 - Sat. - Colliegiate Choral Festival - Furman • when I was fifteen years old, and only me so angry, but actually I was mad at 13-15 - Godspell because someone said , "try some, you'll myself. After six months I stopped doing 10 - 8:00 - Faculty Recital - Methodist Curch • love it." After all, marijuana is not that drugs and finally started making 18 - 1 :30 - Maybe student recital strong a drug. It doesn't even compare to progress. I learned to like myself and feel 19 - last Class Day the use of pills. Though many people had security in reality. lowe a lot to my 23 - Exam Week previously told me that one thing leads to psychiatrist. There's no way I can ever 28 - Sat . - Smell of the Greasepaint - GST another. like any other naive teenager, I repay her for the devotion I received. thought this could never happen to me. May But it did and it can happen to you. Drug abuse affected my in many ways. 5 -m GRADUATION - 10:00 - Choir Sing Before using drugs, I was a straight" A " 14-20 - Theatre trips to New York After marijuana t~r 1ed taking student . Now, I have to work three limes Quaaludes, Valiums, DemerJl. mor­ as hard to be average in school. When I pnine, and herorn. Why? I guess because read something, I always have to go back I felt secure in my world of drugs. Al first and reread it in order to comprehend the I fel t really great, maybe even proud, meaning. As a result of drug abuse, I still about my drug use. But the daily routine hallucinate and it scares me to death . But of getting up to search for money got old by far , the worst thing is my loss of fast. Stealing, fighting, scheming, memory. Three years of my life is a total whatever it took, I did it. Suddenly I blank. What did I do? Where did I go? started getting depressed. After severe Only God can answer those questions. £lmerican ~ollcgiatc taorts ~ntbolog!' periods of depression there were many times I thought of suicide. Luckily they Today I feel very good about myself, but ~~ were only thoughts. Next, I even lost my like a smoker craving for cigarettes. I sense of value and belonging. I often know I could easily backslide and take International Publications wondered what purpose I served through that first drug. I owe my life to many is sponsoring a my existence on earth. However this was people and there's no way I could ever only the beginning of my problems. begin to repay them. I know I'm not the only student at Coastal Carolina that's ~ationaI

Baseball Schedule .~~;t~ .. Fabu lous!" -Mon. Feb 27 No Carolina Wesleyan co 2 -Tues Feb. 28 Campbell UniversIty (DH) CO o N.Y. Times "Sat. Mar. 3 Ers me Due Wes 200 .. Outrageous!" "Sun. Mar. 4 USC-AI en A en 200 Cue Magazme Mon. Mar. 5 Phila Col. of P&S Salfanna o 2 "Hilarious!" Tues. Mar. 6 Phlla Col. of P S Savan ah 1030 Wed. Mar 7 L.A. Herald-Examiner Armstrong Sta e 230 Thur. Mar.8 Armstrong State Savanna 2 "Brilliant !" "Fri. Mar. 9 Savannah State Savannah 00 Detroit Free Press ·Sun. Mar. 11 Voorhees Denmar 300 .. Uproarious!" -"Wed. Mar. 14 Wofford Spar anburg 00 L.A. Times -Fn. Mar. 16 Voorhees CO WAY 200 -Sat. Mar. 17 North Adams State CO WAY 30 "Ingenious!" -Sun. Mar. 18 or h Adams Sate CO WA 200 Hollywood Reporter Youngsto n Sta e CO AY 2 0 "Lung collapsing -Mon. Mar. 19 LelV10yne College 330 laughter!" -Tues. Mar. 20 LeMoyne College CO WAY Atlanta Journal -Wed. Mar. 21 Hiram College CO WAY Francis Manon CONWAY "FTJ. Mar. 23 Allen UnJversl Y -·Sat. Mar 24 Un IV. of Southern Maine F orence "Sun. Mar. 25 ewberry CO AY -Moo. Mar. 26 UnJV of Sou hern Mame -Tues. Mar 27 The CI adel -·Sa Mar 31 Morns College Filmed Sun. Apr. 1 The Citadel IJVEI ·"Mon. Apr 2 lOthrop -·Wed. Apr. 4 The Citadel "Fri. Apr 6 - ·Tues Apr. 10 ·Fn Apr 3 Sun Apr 5 ··Tuec Apr. 7 - -Thu A 9 -"Sa A Sun Ap Mon Apr. 30 Ers I Fn Sa Sun Georgia Sou'h rn a 4-5-6 Georg a ou h

Feb. 27, 28, & 29 Rm. 205 SC


Aerobics Nautilus Life Cyc Socl Classes for all ages Muscle Conditioning Fitness Testing Evaluation Lounge. utrmon & and levels Strength Training Cardiovascular Testing & Training DIet Programs Stretching Classes Flexability Strength & Endurance Programming PartIeS Call today abou o r 1984 HOWTODOAN Talent AUDITION VIDEO TAPE

1. Use a V2 inch '/HS or Sony BETAMAX Search home video recorder and camera set-up. 2. If the VHS recorder runs at two speeds Director Stanley Kubrick, whose films use the faster of the two speeds. include "2001: A Space Odyssey", "A Wear a T-Shirt and Pants. Clockwork Orange", " Dr. Strangelove", 4. Start the video recording with about a 3 and "The Shining", is conducting a minute acting scene. Do any scene you nation-wide talent search for new faces to think appropriate and with which you feel play parts of young Marines in his new comfortable. film "FULL METAL JACKET", based on 5. Next, do about a minute or so tetting the novel "The Short-Timers" by Gustav something about yourself and your Hasford who served as a Marine in interests. Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. 6. Next, hold up a piece of paper on which Filming will begin in the Autumn of you have clearly printed your name, 1984. address, phone number, age, and date of The story follows 18 year-Old Marine birth. While you are dOing this say the recruit, Private Joker, from his carnage­ same information out loud. and-machoism initiation rites at the 7. Last of all, do a close-up and a full Marine Corp Parris Island training camp, length of yourself on the video, from where his drill instructor brags about the a front view and a left and right profile. marksmanship of ex-marines Lee Harvey 8. Stick a label onto the cassette with your Oswald and Charles Whitman, to his name, address, telephone number, and climactic involvement in the heavy age clearly printed on it. Unfortunately, fighting in Vietnam during the 1968 Tet we cannot return any of the video tapes. offensive. 9. A ir Mail the cassette in a padded bag Anyone interested in doing an audition to Stanley Kubrick, Warner Bros., 135 video tape for a part in this film should Wardour Street, London, W1V 4AP, follow the instructions below. England. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ *

~ CORRECTION-The Chanticleer would The by-line for the movie review of Gor~ What Do You Wa t like to correct a mistake made in the last Park was not included with that article, issue of the paper. and we would like to apologize. That review was by Rick Bedser. our From Collegel contributing entertainment writer. ..J Management Training? Dr. Barnett: A Professor Plus Add It To Your Schedule. Paula Richardson Staff Writer You're career oriented. Dr. Terry Barnett , a Biochemist by after instructing a SCSSL-sponsored You're interested in training, is an Associate Professor of workshop on parliamentary procedure.) management. Chemistry here at Coastal. He is Chief Advisor to Alpha Phi Omega, You're an individual Dr. Barnett received his Bachelor's a service faternity; he has been involved Degree, Master' s Degree, he spent 6 with APO since February, 1982. Dr. seeking experience in years in the Army: 2 years instructing in Barnett will be traveling to Florida as problem analysis, requir­ military schools as an . He taught faculty advisor with the Society of the ing decision-making at the Army Chemical Center and School Undersea World. on a scuba diving trip, results. You want manage­ and at Fort Bliss; here, he served as part during spring break. ment training and leader­ of the committee that taught basic Soccer is also an interest of Dr. trainees. This is where he learned to Barnett's. He is the Conway Area ship experience. Exper­ speak (very loudly) as well as he does. Coordinator for the Grand Stram. Soccer ience that will be an asset After military service he returned to New League. He has coached for 5 years in a management career - Mexico State University to earn his (youth league), and both of his sons or any career you may Jeffrey and Jason , play. Dr. Barnett Masters and Ph . D . ( His car...:er as and choose. Army Officer, one of his main ambitions hopes that since Coastal's soccer you are this individual, in life, wa~ cut _ho rt by the ending of the program will be reinstated next fall , the If .) college will get some local talent in the you can get all of this In 1978 Dr. Barnett came to Coastal , future because of the training that the experience through the where he is fulfilling a second ambition . youth are now receiVing . adventure of Army ROTC. Here, he teaches Chemistry courses and Playing bridg is a favori e pastime of labs - - takinQ a special Interest in Dr. Barnett' s. He represented New Biochemistry. According to Dr. Barnett. Mexico State University in 3 intercol­ he enjoys teaching - - period! legiate bridge tournaments. He also The most rewarding part of his enjoys bird watching and going fishing. profeSSion, says Dr. Barnett, is "seeing The Barnett family is actively involved ARMY ROTC students that have gone on come back to in SI. Philip' s Lutheran Church , Myrtle say that it meant something to them ." Beach. Both he and his wife, Cheryl, sing 'LEARNWHAT Dr. Barnett doesn' t like to see anyone fail in the chOIr. His wife is also in the IT TAKES TO LEAD - - he does everything he can to prevent handbell chOIr. Dr. Barnett IS on Church this. " I don 't give F's - students earn CounCil , is Chairman of the Social For More I nformatlon Contact F' s.· ' He is always available to students Ministry Committee, IS on the Worship CAPTAIN JIM HIBBS wh') need help; all they have to do is ask. and MUSIC COmlT'lttee, and IS a Jay Dr. Barnett chose to come to Coastal reader Both children are active in Yoult) 347-3161 {Ext. 289} because he felt that this school wanted Group. Jeffrey is to be contirmed thiS instructors who wanted to really teach the year; Jason 's confirmation will be In 2 students and who were also Interested in years. Jason IS in the Junior Choir. Both them . Jason and Jeffrey are working on 3 1,t2 Dr. Barnett has certain ly shown how years of perfect Sunday School atten- interestt:d he IS and how much tl e likes dance. . working WIth students. He is the advisor For Dr. Barnett. an active and vivaCIOUs to Student Legislature at individual, there are not enough hours 111 Coastal. (He became involved in SCSSL the dayl H,s is a professor plus! Career Crier Up Clo e al

-Bankers Trust, Myrtle Beach, 4-6 full time teller positions for the summer. Begin religious belief I Or. Terres feels that the training in April, full time hours begin in May. If interested contact the Career Planning greatest influences m her life have come and Placement Office 206-G Student Center. by Ann Sanders from her family. "My aun was my rol model and she had a 25 year career n - Permanent Sales Clerk, Cromers P-Nuts, 4710 S. Kings Hwy., Myrtle Beach. Will wait As I walked into the office of the business and then at age 40 go arr ed on customers and prepare orders. Must be friendly, work well with tourists. Salary is Chanticleer and saw my new deadline and had a baby at 43. I've never had an $3.50 per hour, with increase to $3.75 per hour after 60 days. Will work ap~roximately 25 and the story which I was to have by the age hing With marr age,' Terres said I hours a week on a 4-day-in and 4-day-off shift. Morning (8:00-2:45) or evening (2:15-8:30) 23rd my heart skipped a beat, they always heard It was for grown-up s and I hours available. Contact John Bethea, 238-0669. Available immediately. wanted a story on Dr. Terres. don't thm I'm there et' I have no ru ed I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I a famll, elm no - Sales of computer handwriting analysis, Gay Dolphin Gift Cove. Must be talkative, able couldn't have asked for any be t 3r to draw crowds, and sell. Salary is on commis~ion. Hours are negotiable. Available May assignment. 15. Contact Dayna EI Deeb, basement level, Gay Dolphin, Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach. As my thoughts raced to the questions to ask, the mformation I needed I couldn' - Church Pianist for Sunday mornings and evenings, and Wednesday evenings. Contact help but think back to my first day m Rev. or Mrs. Falks, 238-1492. Available immediately. college and wai ing into Dr. Cynthia Terres 101 psychology class. Her fIrst - Spring Cleaners, Dixie Motel, Myrtle Beach. May develop into a part time summer job profound thought set course for that in motel office. Hours and salary are negotiable. Contact Ronna or Fred Hanold class. ,. Labels are for Jelly-jars not for 448-7371. Available in March. people." At last, I thought, a challenge! Upon arri ing for thiS Interview I was - Furniture movers, Resort Designs. Must be able to lift and move furniture. Salary is greeted with he usual Cynthia Terres $3.75 per hours. Begins March 1 and will last 4-5 months. Contact Lana Cobb at Resort smile and a bag of cheeto's. She said to As you listen to t I ort Caro Ina DeSign 448-3162. help myself, t did and the interview native spea I becomes a so ob IOU began. tha her understanding goes fa be and - Memorial Sales Survey, Hillcrest Cemetery, Conway .. Will take door to door survey with "I don't pOSSibly Know what you could the normal eacherls udent re atlons Ip. leads furnished. Must have own transportation. Will pay per positive lead. Afternoon want to know about me," she said. "You .. Admitting to yourself hat you need hours. Contact Steve Golfinch, 347-4909 or 293-4898. Available immediately. could probably write this article from help is not negatIVe but positive,' erre what you already know," she added WI h said, "just talking abou hmgs ca e p a ann. I want the studen s to realIze ha he p s Getting Or. Terres to talk is easy, yet here and that i 's free. They don't have a finding out about the woman herself IS go 100 ing for outSide help - It s herel not quite so easy. Turning to the woman, The phone suddenly nng and our the personal side of a very profeSSional conversatIon. which was just ta 109 off I lady, I found myself overwhelmed. suddenly cu -short. Du Y calls I depar "Oescribe myself? Well, I would say returning a now emp bag tha wa one that I am very achievement oriented, ' full of cheeto's. 0 erres laughs and we Terres said solemnly. "I have always say our good-bye's. enjoyed school, reading and knowledge. As I wal a ay feel good abo There is so much to learn In this world Coas al Carol na and the Psyc a og and I want to learn it all. I try to learn one Department. T ey bo h have a nne In new thmg a day." Dr Cynthia Terres and tha means a I the A gentle woman WIth a very strong students are he real lOne I

APO's Spring Fling III

Alpha Phi Omega WIJl be sponsoring their Spring Fling III Studebake s benefl on Tuesday, March 13th. This year s theme is 'And the 8eat Goes On," With all proceeds gOing to t e American Heart Association. member

1M, General Excellence A ards

• Comm ttee The next time you stop by for the Best Eatin', M bring along this money-savin' coupon. ------~ I BI. 1:UI11.D- IJ IJIBEJUIC E$ 1.21 I Please present this coupon before ordering. One coupon per customer, P?r I Visit, please. Customer must pay any sales tax due This coupon not good In Grad a e o ra combination with a(ly other offers. Offer good during regular breakfast hours only.' at participating Hardee:s Restaurants , I Sherri Johnson I through May 31, 1984. . . Features Editor

Coastal Carolina Co lege s ver~ or'una e to have a graduate program lE:;;ii;~~'~sUD;;;ci;;'~ The program has been m effect s nce r 1974 Since hat I FlIEI BlUM IIJ.FT Ol/IIK 11.19 e panded treme Please present thiS coupon before ordenng One coupon per customer, per Master s Degree viSIt. please. Cus omer mu t pay any sales tax due. This coupon not good In emphaSIS i Eng I combination with any 0 her offers Offer good after 10:30 AM. only at Art A Master 5 Degree participating Harde 's Restaurants through lIbrarian p May 31, 1984. Acco ding 0 Ms Helen Hood t e m I I unction of • c 1983 Hardees Food S ~tems Inc leadmg to : ~ ------ors*****Teresa Richardson Sports Editor * *******

Tennis Coach ReSigns

Dr. Marshall E. Parker, Men's Tennis Parker said, "I have continued 0 put Coach at Coastal Carolina College, pressure on myself as I sought 0 build announced his reSignation today. 'The­ and maintain a winning tradition in tennis reSignation will be effectIve at the end of at Coastal Carolina College. From the the present tennis season. He will time that I began coaching in 1977, I continue teaching in the fields of created some challenges for myself and Education and Recreation at Coastal tor each team. Each year, together, we Carolina. have set realistic goals which could be Parker's teams have represented the reached. We have been successful in the distrtct in the National NAIA Tournament tennis program because the young men in Kansas Clty for three of his six years. who played (or Coastal dared to accept and have placed in the top three in the the challenge. They became \,\ inners by district for each year. At the national being successful in attaining goals set for level the tennis team has been ranked in' them and by them." the top twenty in the nation for four of the Parker noted that, '" have really last six years. Parker's teams have won enjoyed working with the young men and 91 matches while lOSing 39. seeing them develop, Improve, and The Coastal Carolina College Men's mature as individuals and as players. My Tennis Program now has a winning main reason for leaving the tennis tradition. In the last six years (since program is the lack of funds to do what Parker has been coaching), they have needs to be done to have a first class had a winning season each year while tennis program." playing the teams in the district along "I will continue to have an active with several NCAA teams, Including interest in future tennis team!; and in the Coastal Picks Athletes Clemson, Carolina, Furman. and the overall athletic progr~.n at Coastal Carolina College." of The Month Citadel. that period. His best game of the month Dr. Longball is Back as Coa ta Opens ea on Seniors Mar:k D' Antoni and Sherry came In a 82-58 win over Mor ris where he Vere n have been tabbed Coastal scored 12 POints (4 of 5 fron.. the field, 4 At Home with N,C, Weslyan Carolina College's Athletes of the of 6 from the line) had seven assists, Mon h for their ettor s on the bask tball three steals and collected 8 rebounds. court 'p January Vereel"' f" 5-8 quard from North Myrtle D'Antonl, a 5 11 guard from MUllins Beach, S.C ar d IS the lone returning Dr Longba I t,as resumed practice wtth West VIrginIa stepped Into the startlnQ starter from ast years team Vereen Cuastal CarolIna s baseball team. La t season As istant Basketbd I coac I role at the sCart of the semester and has averaged 14.8 points per game during I req J r gUided ttl ChantIcleer ffense from the January along with five rebounds per Dennis Casey coined the phrase as ling orr:! ~r point guard position. DUring January game in 11 COl es s Vereen handed out homeruns fie OJ ff he .... hant cleer bats at ethodlst c Jach Tom At tin (0 pll- D'Antonl averaged 4.3 points per game 20 assists and had 15 steals dUring the a rate of 1 8 r r qa , 'AI I ~ 109 t omers m mented h~ Coastal barrage, calling I' while shooting an excellent 58 percent month. Her best game came In a loss to tile 46-12-1 season "1 e mas awsome display of po 'or I've from pe field. 0' Antoni also dished out a Win hrop on January 9 when she scored Ho· ever. h Or ever een by a c liege ba eball team Igh 28 assists (3 1 per game) in 22 POints and gathered 10 rebounds Coas al coach Larry Carr • The Hit I" nq I ') prol.~SSlor,al man.' qUipped The wI u hit the Coastal Basketball Intram ural Style ho e punch vas 5coreMara i') bac r ~ gnts ti week suppusedly gone with the sel..lJnd round "'The ring aft may be tid nght pIck Mickey Brantle 's'1Q 'ater' olng to now, but tne talenl IS deep Ih re," Carr By Mark D'Antoni the Mariners, third ruur u Jo n RI~ o~ , said.' l'Je varslt -I staff ~ II be selee er school record 22 homer gOing to 1e on the ball-strtke ratio Intramural basketball at Coastal Caro­ Cardir,als, sixth pick Gary Trerrbley s 8 a ot to beat u a'1d ref Nas tol he lina College is in full swing. After the fl"3t individual scoring performance. It ranks going to the Red Sox and 2011 youn ,Er 8 er day that tI.e one' who throw strikes two games, there are still two undefeated right below the Flash's Bob Bruce's 29 Frank Talotta's 14 Joming the Astro . will pitCh,' he concluded. teams. The Hoopsters have posted a 2-0 points. Add leadoff hitter Ricky Grtce's 9, gone Coastal opens it's season at home on record in division I, and Treachery 5 did The intramural basketball ~ ogram to graduation, and it adds up to 72 Monday, February 27 against NCAA likewise in division II. consists of ten teams with five teams in long balls misSing from the Coastal Division III power North Carolina The Hoopsters are a very exciting, high each of the division. Seven games have offense. Wesleyan at 2:90 p.m. On February 28 scoring team. This was evieJ nt In their already been played with sixteen to go. But the "Dr. Longball" fans morale was the Chants host NCAA Division I 95-78 thrashing of the Flash. Wayne You can watch all the action at Coastal's boosted in Coastal's first pre-season Campbell University at 1 :00 p.m. Davis is one of the Hoopster's main Kimbel Gymnasium every Monday, scortng threats. Wayne's 28 pOints Wednesday and Friday starting at 1 :30 against the Flash is the second high~st pm. Men's Tennis Team Opens With Win Over FMC Golf Team Fifth After an 8-1 dismantleing of Francis Marion in their first match of the season, No. 1 Rob Bennyworth lost to Jim W ith sophomore Gregg Funderburk Coastal Carolina's tennis team . is Dempsey (FMC) 3-6 6-4 7-5 lead ing the way, Coastal Carolina's golf prepping for a big match versus Limestone. team managed a third place finish in the Noj Tommy Goldman beat Alan Powell 18 team Hilton Head Intercollegiate Coastal will " host Limestone Friday (FMC) 6-2 6-3 Tournament on Feb. 17-19. February 24 in what could be an early season showdown in the NAIA's District NO.3 Richard Hughes beat Bob Roycroft Other Coastal players scoring well Six. Limestone upset powerful Lander (FMC) 6-2 6-0 were Donald Clement with a 231 and College last week. Lander had been Dave Cheatham with a 237. ranked second in the nation. NO.4 Luiz Penna beat Eric Hoigt (FMC) Clemson won the tourney while U NC "The guys played great, we got behind 6-0 6-2 was second, Guilford third. The Chants in number five single and number three next tourney is the Fripp Island doubles, but pulled it out," .said Coastal No.5 Alkis Papamichael beat Tim Nichols Intercollegiate, at Fripp Island, S.C. on coach Marshall Parker. (FMC) 6-7 6-2 6-2 March 2-3. Funderburk finished third in the DOUBLES: individual competition with a three day No.6 Sujit Fernando beat Chris Leonard (FMC) 6-4 6-2 total of 218. Dillard Pruitt of Clemson 1 and 3 beat FMC 1 and 2 7-5 6-1 (2 11) and John Inman (217) of North 2 and 4 beat FMC 4 and 5 6-2 6-3 Carolina were the only players w ith better 5 an d 6 beat F M C 6 and Jaimie Todd 4-6 scores. 6-0 6-3 Working Overseas C

Work Abroad Programs in France, Britlan, Ireland, New Zealand, and now Germany

"My summer work in London was the Now in its fourteenth year, the Work restaurants, stores and hotels-but The jobs are prtmarily uns tlled--an most satisfying experience of my life. Abroad program is the only one of its kind salanes should more than cover the cost Immersed as a part of the society, among available in the US. It cuts through the of room and board. Some participants Employment found by par c pan I the work force, facing the same problems red tape to help thousands of students save enough money out of theIr earnings the past Includes wor as chambermaids of inflation and bureaucracy, one cannot obtain temporarv work in Great Britian. to treat themselves to a vacation once or por ers in London s Wes End as a ho help but come to understand how a Ireland, France, New Zealand, and for they stop workina. air balloon crewmember In Burgundy and culture, a people can differ--in attitudes, the first time in 19~4, uermany. With the student and youth fares available through as a wool presser In e Zea a d outlooks and assumptions. ,. assistance of the Council's cooperating the Council. student organizations In each country, This was the assessment of one student participants discover that finding a job ..... work abroad IS a tremendous who n::irti('in::ilp.rl in thp Work Abroad abroarl i~ no more difficult than at home. learning experience' one is ennched wi • program sponsored by the Council on Apar from a modes fee of $60 ($80 for rei a ionshlps With fellow wor ers and he International Educational Exchange Germany). the only Significant cost to the adventure of support Ing oneself' e Yo (CIEE), the largest student travel student is the airfare--and even that reported another student who WOf ed In a or 312 u FranCISco CA 94108 organization In the United Sta es. expense may be reduced by special Pans bou Ique.

Nominations For Distinguished Teacher Award for 1984 Congratulations to the Top a a Kay Chance Chairperson to Committee Ten Professors Nominated Beginning February 2 1984 and every Distinguished Teacher for 1984 1.James Eason Business Thrusday hereaf er from 00 p.m - 2. Sandy Baird SOClai Beha 0 la 2.30 p.m intramu als I e of enng a varie y of act IVit ies In he g fT'. St uden ThiS year we tried something new, SCiences faculty and staff are inVited 0 balloting in the classes. It was an attempt 3 Claudia 9,eary Humanities partiCipate. ACtlVI les Include Vol eyball to obtain more participation from more 4. Paul Stanton Socall & Behavioral Badminton Basketball and Table students in the selection of the recipient Sciences TennIS These actlvI le5 a e offered a of thIS award. 5. Ed Cerny Business 6. Cynthia Terres Social & BehaVioral "free play' with no teams or officials. Intramurals wants to give you the The result of the balloting is as follows: SCiences opportunity to do your own thing so take 90 classes were given ballC'ts .... 52 classes 7. Gene CoUins Math a break from your everyday routine and participated. 2400 is the approximate 8. Jerry Boyles Business come have some fun. If on any of hese enrollment for our campus ...... 943 9. Dan SelwaSoclal & Behavioral Sciences 10. Roy Talbert Social & BehaVIOral "fun days" some group desires to students yoted. (38 00) Sciences challenge another 10 a particular activi y the shoule contact the in ramural Out of 116 faculty ...... 93 were yoted for coordinator In WSS 116 or call ex . 137 at least once. The top five have been notified and given the option to submit a Vita, choose a Departmental Breakdown: student advocate and compete for this Humanities 25 honor. If any of the top five decline they Socail & Behavioral 18 will be replaced by the next highest in the top ten. Business 16 Science 12 The Deans appoint student represen­ Math 8 tatives to serve on the committee that Physical Education 7 reviews the Vita's, and interviews the Education 6 student advocate and the professor ROTC before chOOSing the 1984 winner. The honored professor is given an award at Honors Convocation In April and travels Mar 7 - Edl ng TeA Grad to Columbia to compete with the other Conduc ed b Prof LIOda Sc ar z four year campuses of the University of' The English laboratory Will be sponsor­ Mar 14 Golf Schedule South Carolina System. The System Ing mini-workshops IS semester The winner receives a cash prize. workshops are deSigned 0 prOVIde instructIOnal aSSistance In area!; where Jan. 28-30 My thanks to all the professors that many students demons rate weaknesses. Hall of Fame Classic - Tampa, FL cooperated wHh the balloting procedure. All workshops are Scheduled on Ma 21 - Ooeume Wednesday at 1:30 pm In KL 235 Conducted b Prof Feb. 17-19 S udents and faculty are encouraged to Hilton Head Island Learning Center •••••••••••••••••••• attend Those interested should sign up Intercollegiate - Hilton Head Island, SC • In • • the English Lab, KL 235. one wee • • pnor to each workshop Mar. 2-3 • • Fripp Island Intercollegiate - Fripp • • Feb 29 - . 'Reading for Understanding Apr 11 Get Ing S a ed T Island, SC • Conducted by Prof Zoe Ann Cerney Begmnmg of a Mas erplece Co due d • by Dr Randall Wells Mar. 5-7 • Spyder-Pacer Intercollegiate - Aiken, SC • • • • Apr. 2-3 , • Baptisi Gorlege' ~nterco"egiate - Charles- • ton, SC . • • • • Arp. 13-14 • • Citadel Intercollegiate - Charleston, SC • • • May 3-5 • NAIA District 6 Playoff - Quail Creek, • • Conway, SC • Feb. 27, 28, & 29 • Rm. 205 SC • • • •4 ••••••••••••••• Scholarships Available

For the 1983-84 academic year Coastal Carolina College of the University of South Carolina awarded 66 academic scholarships totaling $47,400. The following scholarships are available to students attending Coastal Carolina College. Applications may be obtained from the Office of College Advancement in the EMS Building for most of these scholarships.

Edward E. Euchler Memorial Scholarship Fund This scholarship is awarded to a member of the USC Coastal Carolina Baseball team. This student must be a sophomore, junior or senior with a GPR of at least 2.20.

John D. Gilland III Scholarship Loan Fund This fund was established to give emergency assistance to students attending Coastal and to be paid back before the end of the semester.

Abraham F. Issac Memorial Scholarship Fund This scholarship is awarded to a freshman entering the Business Administration area. Special preferen'ce is made to students from the City of Georgetown or Georgetown area. The Dean of the SCllool of Business Administration is chairman of this fund.

...... by William A. and L. Maud Kimbel Scholarship Fund SPEQAL EVENT ENTERTAINMENT This scholarship is awarded to any student enrolled at USC Coastal Carolina College CONC£AT Al8Ulil AItAIlA8l.£ ON showing need and merit. The recipient must maintain a 3.0 GPR and the awards are made IWMNlR MOS MCON)S AND TAP£S I by semesters. e 1171 SPECIAl €VENT £NT£RTAIMIIENl; AU IIIIGtfTS MSUN£D Parking Lot To Be Closed Kleber Scholarship Fund The purpose of this fund is to encourage maximum talent in the fine arts by making Feb. 27, 28 & 29 financial assistance available to outstanding students in the following fields: painting, Rm 205 SC music, sculpture, and creative writing. Awards are made by semeste·r. The parking lot beside the Williams-Brice Russell L. Moore Scholarship Fund Gymansium will be closed as of March The purpose of this fund is to promote academic excellence among students at Coastal 15. The closure is due to the Carolina College in the field of biology by providing financial ~ssistance, recognition, and groundbreaking for the new gym reward. addition. The school apologizes for the inconvenience. New parking will be Nelson Scholarship Fund available March 30. Angelou to Speak Awards are made to students on a semester basis to those in the area of marine science and the arts. Special preference is given to students of Myrtle Beach and recipients must Don't Forget maintain a 3.0 GPR. . Maya Ailgelou will be appearing tonight Rudy Manck Here D.L. Scurry Scholarship Fund in Wheelwright Auditorium. Her prasen- This fund was created for students attending Coastal who need financial help in order to 1ation will begin at 8 pm and adrnlssion is tree. Rudy Mancke, curator of natural history obtain an education. Awards are made by semester. for the S.C. State Museum, will be the featured speaker at the Thursday, March Bill Smith Mathematics Award 1 meeting of the Waccamaw Audubon This scholarship is awarded to a freshman math student from the Socastee High School. Society. Mancke, well-known in the This award is for one academic year only. . for his SC-ETV program Advisor's Clinic "Naturescene," will give a slide Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Conway Scholarship On Wednesday, March 28, 1984, presentation and talk on the natural Preference is made to Pepsi-Cola employees and their children from Horry and Marion history of South Carolina. The meeting Counties and the Lake View area of the Grand Strar.1 area to the Winyah Bay area for this advisors from USC-Columbia will be on campus to meet with students who are will be at 7:30 pm in Room 205 of the scholarship. R~cipients are required to maintain a 3.0 GPR. Interested In transferring from Coastal to Student Center Building. Students and Columbia or with anyone wanting the general public are invited to attend. Neil Graham Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to a student attending Coastal from Horry County based information about the main campus. This advisement should be of particular For more information about Waccamaw upon merit and need. This award may be renewed upon maintaining a 3.0 GPR. interest to students in the following Audubon, the local chapter of the areas: Criminal Justice, Engineering, National Audubon Society, contact Mary Grand Strand Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship Journalism, Four-Year Nursing, Phar­ Bull, Library. Criteria for this scholarship inch.. de being enrolled in the School of Nursing at Coastal, carry 12 semester hours, have a GPR of 3.0, and submit proof of inability to qualify for any macy, and Computer Science. other financial aid at Coastal. These applicants should apply in the Office of the Dean of the School of NurSing. Appointments are necessary and are Tennis Tourney now being scheduled in the Office of Springs Bachelor of Arts Scholarship Academic Affairs, EMS 113. The This scholarship was created to provide financial assistance to outstanding students Appointment deadline is 5:00 pm March enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts Degree Program at Coastal. Awards are made for the 7. Myrtle Beach will be the site of the 1984 academic year and students must maintain a 3.0 GPR. Southern Professional Tennis Assoc­ iation's Workshop/Convention to be held Spring Bachelor of Science Scholarship at the Myrtle Beach Sheraton Inn. This scholarship was created to provide financial assistance to outstanding students Guest speakers will include some of the enrolled in a Bachelor of Science Degree Program at Coastal. Awards are made for ~he top names in the tennis teaching industry academic year and students must maintain a 3.0 GPR. and business field and will include a number of social and workshop type Sands Inveltment Scholarship Do you have a term paper due this activities. This scholarship gives special preference to employees and their dependents of Sands semester?' Do you have a class Ed Cerney, Associate Professor of Investment. A 3.0 GPR Is required and awards are made for the academic year. assignment that involves library re­ Marketing, at the Coastal Carolina search? If so, Kimbel Library has special College, will be a guest speaker on Ocean View Memori.1 Scholarship help for you with its "Research Clinics." Friday, February 10 from 11 :00 - 12:00. This scholarship requires that all recipients be from the Grand Strand. Students must fill He will be discussing the topic of out a OVMF scholarship application form and submit three letters of recommendtions and Students who want individualized "Marketing of a Tennis Pro". Mr. an IRS form to the scholarship committee of OVMF. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPR assistance in conducting library research Cerney has been a guest speaker in and submit a grade report to the committee to renew their scholarshlp. sign up for 30-minute appOintments various sales motivation, goal setting March 12-16 or March 19-23. A librarian seminars and has been resently selected Horry County Higher EdUcation Commission -will meet with you to show you how to for the Visiting Professor Program of the This scholarship is awarded to a top ranking high school senior from each of the Horry find the information you need to write you American Advertising Association. County high schools. A 3.0 GPR must be maintained for this scholarship. paper or complete your aSSignment. Each Those interested in attending, please apPOintment will be geared to the contact convention coordinator, Ralph To obtain a scholarship application from the Office of College Advancement in the EMS individual needs of the student. Sign up TeSSier, at the Myrtle Beach Racquet Building at Coastal Carolina College. Three letters of recommendation are requested with in the Library's Reference Office at least Club at 449-4031. the completed application form by April 1, 1984. three days in adance.