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Document Resume Ed 130 167 Cg 001 341 Title DOCUMENT RESUME ED 130 167 CG 001 341 TITLE The Teaching of Values: An Instructional Guide for Kindergarten, Grades 1-14, and Accompanying Bibliography. Los Angeles City Schools, Division of Instructional Services Publication No. GC-15. INSTITUTION Los Angeles City Schools, Calif. Div. of Instructional Planning and Services. PUB DATE 66 NOTE 277p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$15.39 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; *Humanistic Education; Instructional Materials; *Learning Activities; *Moral Development; Religious Education; Staff Role; Teaching Guides; *Values IDENTIFIERS *Los Angeles California Unified School District ABSTRACT This guide is a multiple purpose instructional tool for use in kindergarten through college. For students, it is designed to stimulate learning about the nature of values, helping pupils develop toward moral maturity through experiences inherent to education. For staff, the guide explores ways to promote the development of values in young people, and makes teachers familiar with the laws and legal decisions which affect the teaching of values. The guide contains suggestions for student learning activities and for staff reading and study. An annotated bibliography is provided with entries which include audio-visual material divided into seven areas: integrity, courage, responsibility, justice, reverence, love, and respect for law and order. In its appendix, the guide also provides information about the lays of California as they relate to the teaching of religious material in public schools. (MJ) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) .EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** THE TEACHING OF VALUES An Instructional Guide for Kindergarten, Grades 1-14 U.S. DEPART mENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON DR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOuCATION POSITION OR POLICY Los Angeles City Schools Division of Instructional Services 0 Publication No. GC-15 0 1966 c.) ' Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But, like the seafaring manon the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, awl follow them until you reachyour destiny. Carl Schurz Address, Faneuil Hall Boston, April 18, 1859 This publication has been developed in accordance with the Comprehensive Curriculum Policy adopted by the Los Angeles City Board of Education. APPROVED: ROBERT J. PURDY Associate Superintendent Division of Elementary Education ROBERT E.. KELLY Associate Superintendent Division of Secondary Education T. STANLEY WARBURTON Associate Superintendent Division of College and Adult Education EVERETT CHAFFEE Associate Superintendent Division of Instructional Services LOUISE WOOD SEYLER Deputy Superintendent, Instruction FOREWORD Spokesmen in many disciplines have expressed in vari- ous. ways that "the uitimate disease of our time is value- lessness.' Mass media repeatedly present and discuss questions of moral concern with a sense of despair. How- ever, the staff of the Los Angeles City Schools believes that "the moral order undergoes regeneration as well as decay"' and that individuals and institutions can, if they will, promote the development of moral and spiritual values in young people. The school system therefore bends its efforts toward bringing to realization each indi- vidual's capabilities for that which man has found to be important and good. Teachers emphasize the values that give direction and meaning and purpose to life. They believe that, through every activity, the schools com- municate values and that involvement in character edu- cation cannot be separated from teaching of knowledge and skills. They also believe "The school in all its activi-. ties is a character-building institution" and that "it can- not escape this particular function.' To demonstrate support of these beliefs and how they. can be implemented effectively in the instructional pro- gram, The Teaching of Values has been developed to supersede Moral and Spiritual Values in Education, of which there were two editions, printed in 1944 and 1954. This publication, however, was-itself another in a series of statements which have been .published through the years to emphasize the concern of the Los Angeles City Schools for the fundamental importance of helping all pupils and students to develop constructive and lasting values. Teaching of values in the school system was formalized initially in 1934 with Character Education in Los Angeles. The staffs of. elementary and secondary schools, adult schools, and colleges recognize the home as a primary source of values. Teachers cooperate with home, church, and community in promoting the development of desir- able values and attitudes in young people. A.11. Maslow (ed.), New Knowledge in Human Values. (New York: Ilarper; 1959), p. vii. .2John W. Gardner, -Moral Decay and Renewal,- Saturday Review (December 14, 1963), p. 18. Character Education in Los.Angeles ( Los Angeles City School District: Publication No. 262, 1934), p. 11. III PointofView, in which are expressed the educational purposes, policies, and practices of the Los Angeles City Schools, states: We teach moral and spiritual values, in cooperation with the home, the church, and other community agencies. We include among our basic objectives the development in each individual of an enduring foundation for right thought and action and of the ability to make wise choices between right and wrong, truth and falsity, high and low aspirations. We try to help our pupils to develop a personal phi- losophy of life. Although teachers in a public school system do not teach religion, we do teach respect for religion and the right of each person to worship as he chooses. Moral and spiritual values are im- plant:A as part of the content of all subjects, through guided learning experiences as pupils work together, rather thanasvalues taught through separate courses or units.' Each part of the curriculum is reviewed periodically to determine whether the experiences of teachers or the impact of social and technological changes indicate the need for changes in instructional materials. It was such an evaluation that resulted in the development of this guide. The Teaching of Values reflects a wide range of profes- sional thinking. Teachers, administrators, and supervisors representing all grade levels in the school system served on an advisory committee during its preparation. As a result of a city-wide survey of certificated personnel, teachers' questions, experiences, points of view, skills, and values have been utilized in the development of con tent. Iopefully, this guide will stimulate increased concern, thought, and action on the part of school and college personnel. Thus, it will substantially help pupils and stu- dents to develop sensitivity to moral concerns and to recognize that their every action reflects their personal values. The classroom teacher, in conjunction with other staff members, can make the achievement of the purposes of this guide a reality. Inherent in the teacher s purposes and relationships with young people are abundantoppor- tunities for influencing the development of values and attitudes. IroilitofViriv. (1901 Revision. Los Angeles City School:: Publication No. 470), p. 34. iy CONTENTS FOREWORD iii ACI:NOWLEDGMENTS vii TO THE TEACHER ix PART I THE VALUES WE TEACH I ntroduction 3 The Concept of Integrity 7 The Concept of Courage 11 The Concept of Responsibility 15 The Concept of Justice 19 The Concept of Reverence 23 The Concept of Love 25 The Concept of Respect for Law and Order 27 PART II SHARING THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE TEACHING OF VALUES Introduction 33 The Home Shares the Responsibility 34 The Church, Synagogue, and Temple Share the Responsibility 37 The Community Shares the Responsibility 39 The School Shares the Responsibility 41 The School Staff 42 The Administrator 42 The Teacher 44 PART IIISUGGESTED LEARNING ACTIVITIES Introduction 47 Teaching Values in the Elementary School 48 Teaching Values in the Secondary School 82 .v Teaching Values in the Elementary and Secondary School. 139 Art Education 139 Music Education 142 IIealth Education and Health Services 153 Industrial Education 155 Teaching Values in the Junior College 156 Teaching Values in the Adult School 158 PART IV SUGGESTIONS FOR STAF7 READING AND STUDY Introduction 163 Examples of Individual and Group Projects 164 Opinions of Teachers and Other Staff i'vlembers 173 APPENDIX Excerpts from Point of View 176 Values 176 FIuman Relations 177 Constitutional and Code Provisions, Legal Opinions, and Policies 178' California State Constitution 178 California Education Code, 1963 178 Opinions of Attorney General 179 California Administrative Code, Title 5, Education 179 Administrative Guide,
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