Koondrook-Barham Bridge Newspaper
No: 4202 Print Post: 100002834 Thursday, January 28, 2021 Recommended Price $2.00 Inc. GST Pages: 20 Fully independent, local and yours, since 1909 thebridgenews.com.au INTERIM HEARTACHE PAGE 8 CEO PAGE 13 WEED WARRIOR AWARDED By Nicole Fraser media, “The award is for her consis- Mother Nature didn’t dampen spirits tent effort to eradicate caltrop (bin- in Barham as the community came to- dii, three corner jacks) from the road gether to celebrate Australia Day. In- verges of the township of Barham. It’s clement weather forced the event into the town hall, with 120 people enjoy- a pretty wonderful achievement, and ing a breakfast prepared by the Bar- Mum is chuffed to be recognised.” ham-Koondrook Lions Club. It was Janet, a Barham resident for 70 years, a time to gather, reflect, respect, and was openly overwhelmed. “I received celebrate after a year of many chal- a lovely letter from the Shire a couple lenges and feats. of weeks ago. It was a humble thing With a welcome by Lions Club Presi- dent, Alan Millar, the proceedings to do and to be appreciated like that, saw Murray River Councillor, Alan it was tremendous. I have enjoyed this Mathers and Gannawarra Shire Coun- time with family; they have travelled. cillor, Travis Collier, present details It was also a good turnout considering of Australia Day Award recipients the weather,” Janet said. across both councils. Roger Griffiths, Another daughter, Angie, explained Manager of Economic Development at Gannawarra Shire Council, was guest that people from the garden club had speaker and outlined the council’s on- congratulated Janet and that flowers going community commitment, proj- were received from ‘the lady at the lo- ects, and vision for the new year.
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