20 Features April 19, 2005 THE RETRIEVER Getting stoned in the Queen’s mosh pit from QUEENS, page 16 few audience antics from random punks, front man Josh Homme essentially told them to suck on an appendage of his and then proceeded to stare right at him as he sang “Skin on Skin” from Lullabies. If you don’t think that’s insulting, just look up the lyrics. It doesn’t seem as if the band will be coming back to the northeast; their upcom- ing tour spans Canada, California and Europe. As I write this, it was just revealed that Mark Lanegan will be abandoning the tour due to “exhaustion,” but if you’re trav- eling, you should still check out a Queens show in the area — you won’t be disap- pointed. Amy Segreti is the Features Co-Editor at the Retriever. She can be reached for com- ment at
[email protected]. Matt Stockslager [Retriever Staff] Genuine rock: Queens of the Stone Age brings added power to their live performances. When in late 18th century Features Book Review America, do as the Romans do R. Redding, UMBC alum and for- JOE HOWLEY lyzed early American political imagery, showing mer staff writer for the Retriever, has Retriever Editorial Staff the use of Roman iconography like the goddess recently published a book through a Liberty. small, independent publisher. His book, The conversation over what kind of gov- By modern standards, the Roman On Second South, is a day-to-day mem- ernment America would have that followed the Republic was far from equitable.