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Please help us stay hopeful. Help us continue to answer the plea in their eyes, the need in their communities. With your time or money, you can join us and tap into the power of hope.

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More than 100,000 children’s lives have been touched by our volunteers. For 25 years, Operation Smile has been bringing hope to desperate children and their families. For 25 years, our volunteers have been working hard to repair children’s faces and offer them a healthier future. For 25 years, we have been improving equipment, education, infrastructure and relationships around the world to ensure better healthcare for children.

NOW, AFTER 25 YEARS, WE SEE HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED, ARE STILL CHANGING, and that makes us smile. 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:33 PM Page 2

Two new Comprehensive Care Centers opened this year. The Gilberto Mariño Contreras Center for Integral Attention opened in Bogotá, Colombia, and Operation Smile Vietnam opened its center at the Hue Odonto-Stomatological Hospital.

An inaugural medical mission was conducted in Qena, Egypt.

Nearly 50 medical representatives from 25 Operation Smile partner and resource countries, Board of Directors members and staff reconvened for the second Global Standards Meeting to affirm and refine the Global Standards of Care to be fully implemented for World Journey of Smiles.

In preparation for World Journey of Smiles, our Critical Skills Training Program and Biomedical Technician Training Program were implemented to help attain our Global Standards of Care.

Operation Smile gathered 122 of our international leaders in Ireland for our second World Summit. Representatives from more than 30 countries finalized plans that will help us reach our 2007 goal of doubling the number of children we treat. Annual Report Sixty-seven from 25 countries participated in Operation Smile’s 20th annual Overview two-week Physicians’ Training Program (PTP) in Norfolk, . New to the program this year was the participation of nurses and dentists from our partner countries. To date, Operation Smile has trained more than 700 medical professionals through this program. JULY 1, 2006 – JUNE 30, 2007 Corporate Smile Ambassador Children’s Fund committed to three years of support Operation Smile volunteers changed totaling $450,000. The toy company also produced and donated 50,000 Mr. Potato Head plush toys, with a market value of $250,000, to be given to each child who comes for a medical screening the lives of 9,221 children last year at all mission sites during World Journey of Smiles and beyond. during international medical missions and in-country local missions. Student Programs had a banner year, with Student Associations at more than 450 schools fund-raising more than ever before – in excess of $1,000,000. International missions 2,790 Local missions 6,431 Total patients 9,221 The 25th Anniversary Smile Ambassadors program was launched to join current International Youth Ambassador, Jessica Simpson, and includes celebrities , Carmit In 25 years, Operation Smile volunteers Bachar of The Pussy Cat Dolls, Molly Sims, Justin Chatwin, Oscar D'Leon, Roma Downey, Mark Burnett, Billy Bush, Benj Gershman of O.A.R., Dhani Jones, Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump, have provided surgical treatment to as well as noted photographers Nigel Parry and Melanie Dunea. more than 100,000 children. Donated advertising in the Financial Times and National Geographic continued to raise 2 significant awareness internationally for the organization, with a combined value of $2,250,000. 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:33 PM Page 3

Table of Contents

Annual Report Overview 2

Message from the Co-founders 4

Surgical & Medical Programs 6

Training & Education Programs 10

Student Programs 13

2007 Mission Report & Historical Information 14

25 Years, 100,000 Smiles, We’ve Just Begun 17

Operation Smile Around the World Asia Region 21 Europe, Middle East & Africa Region 24 Latin America Region 30

William P. Magee Jr., D.D.S., M.D. Operation Smile would like to Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer* express its sincere thanks to the following team who generously Kathleen S. Magee, M.S.W., M.Ed. contributed their time and talent Co-founder and President* to produce this annual report: Randy Sherman, M.D. Charles Sefton Parr Chief Medical Officer* design Wayne Zinn Ellen McBride Chief Operating Officer copywriting Chief Information Officer Marc Ascher Melanie H. Tyler photo editor Vice President of Finance Teagle & Little printing *Volunteer

Special thanks go to the professional photographers who volunteered their time and talent for this annual report:

Marc Ascher Chet Gordon Nigel Parry Ninfa Z. Bito Jim Heston Jason Towlen Veronica Dana Ken Holt Hal Washington Melanie Dunea Alan Huestis Vasna Wilson Paul Fetters Rohanna Mertens Jeff Zelevansky Brian Nicholson 3 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:33 PM Page 4

We never imagined back in 1982 how dramatically our lives were about to change when we set off to the with a small team to treat a group of children with facial deformities. Our focus was those children; three hundred children were expecting us – to us an unimaginable, overwhelming number. We only had time to help 40 of them, having to turn away more than 250 children and their families. So we made a promise to them, and to ourselves, that we would come back to help them all. Now, 25 years later, Operation Smile has far surpassed what we set out to do on that trip. With thousands of volunteers the world over, trained and credentialed by Operation Smile in the specialized skills of cleft MESSAGE FROM THE surgery, together with our partner countries, we have provided new smiles to more than 100,000 CO-FOUNDERS children. A staggering number. Back then, what we weren’t aware of was the enormous, global problem of childhood facial deformities and the desperate need for donated specialized treatment. In developing countries, an estimated 200,000 children are born each year with a cleft lip or cleft plate. These are the new cases, not to mention the backlog of tens of thousands of cases — children still holding out hope that they will someday receive surgery. We will continue to add new partner countries, and our international roster of volunteers will be increased to match the cleft lip and cleft palate patient populations within our regions. Our Comprehensive Care Centers along with increased international, regional and local medical missions also will continue to expand our programs to reach more and more patients. Our vision now is to match the cleft birthrate with surgical procedures by 2018. This means that in just about ten years, our hope is that every child born with a cleft lip or cleft palate in the countries we serve will have access to our specialized surgical care. We honestly can’t be sure we would have pressed forward in 1982 had we been aware of the magnitude of what Operation Smile needed to accomplish. But proudly, we can now say, thanks to the efforts and commitment of thousands of volunteers and supporters the world over, we can make the promise to help again – this time, to a group of hundreds of thousands of children.

We both extend our sincere appreciation to everyone who has contributed to the success of Operation Smile over the last 25 years. Because of all of you, we can make this new promise to our world’s children. We will help you all. —William P. Magee Jr., D.D.S., M.D. —Kathleen S. Magee, M.S.W., M.Ed. —CO-FOUNDER AND CEO OF OPERATION SMILE —CO-FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF OPERATION SMILE 4 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:33 PM Page 5

25 Years, 25 Countries, We’ve Just Begun….

Twenty-five years ago, when Operation Smile started, we were focused on solving Latin America; Europe, Middle East and Africa; and Asia. The regional offices the critical issue for a child with cleft lip or cleft palate by providing free provide programmatic, fund-raising and business support to the partner countries reconstructive surgery. within their region by advancing training for volunteers, equipment, donor and financial management. Today, we are not the same organization. With more than 100,000 children surgically-treated the world over, we’ve just begun; we continue to evolve as Additionally, at least seven of our partner countries will open Comprehensive we embark on many initiatives to launch our next 25 years of service. Care Centers, providing surgical treatment and post-operative follow-up care for thousands of additional patients each year, especially those in remote areas. Over the past several years, we have been undergoing tremendous organizational Each Center will provide comprehensive multidisciplinary care including any change. No longer is Operation Smile only conducting two-week medical missions or all of the following: dental, orthodontic and otolaryngological treatment, as with teams of medical professionals from around the world. Instead, more than well as vital counseling in speech, , psychosocial, dental, nutrition and two-thirds of our patients are receiving care year-round through local, in-country genetics. The Centers will also help train medical volunteers, strengthen local programs implemented by locally-based teams of medical professionals trained development and fund-raising activities, and provide on-going administrative by Operation Smile. support for in-country activities.

We are evolving our treatment model into one of increased quality, efficiency All these initiatives will continue to strengthen Operation Smile’s overall quality and and capacity. Our partner countries will continue to increase the number of local capacity as well as decrease our cost per patient, demonstrating our competency missions they perform, and we are transitioning our operations from a central resulting from our 25 years experience in treating cleft lips and cleft palates. U.S. office to multiple global offices. Regional offices are now established in:

1982 - Operation Smile is founded in 2007 - Operation Smile is a worldwide children’s medical charity with a global 1982 in Norfolk, Virginia, by Dr. Bill and network of volunteers and offices in more than 30 cities. In addition to contributing Kathy Magee, following a trip to the Philippines free medical treatment for children with facial deformities, Operation Smile is training where they joined a medical group and provided local medical professionals in its 25 partner countries and leaving behind crucial surgery for 40 children, and watched as 250 equipment to lay the groundwork for long-term self-sufficiency. were turned away without hope. 5 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:33 PM Page 6

Operation Smile promotes ongoing multidisciplinary, team care for children with cleft lips and cleft palates.

Operation Smile’s International Medical and Education Programs have evolved into collaborative efforts of volunteers, business leaders, supporters and governments throughout the countries where we work. Together, our goal is to provide total lifetime care to the child.

Our skilled volunteer medical specialists are providing multidisciplinary, team care for children with facial deformities. By promoting child development and the social inclusion of the child, these programs aid the child’s physical ability to integrate into society and also into their own family framework.

The result is complete and comprehensive care for a child with a facial deformity. SURGICAL & MEDICAL PROGRAMS Global Standards of Care

For Operation Smile’s anniversary year, we announced a plan to implement Global Standards of Care as a commitment to ensuring that every patient treated by Operation Smile will benefit from the same sophisticated equipment, procedures, and highly trained and credentialed medical staff, no matter where they receive care around the world. All Operation Smile operating rooms will be equipped with the most up-to-date medical and emergency supplies comparable to the best hospitals in the world, and as certified by the American Heart Association, to support pediatric and advanced cardiac life support.

The Highest Standard of Care. Every Child. Every Time. 6 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:33 PM Page 7

Medical Mission Programs

International Medical Missions 2,790 patients treated last year A standard International Medical Mission is comprised of a team of Operation Smile–credentialed medical professionals from around the world who travel to a partner country to treat children during a two-week period. The majority of volunteers, funding, supplies and equipment are organized by Operation Smile headquarters, with volunteers provided by partner countries or resource chapters. International missions usually include: 2 days of physical examinations, 5 days of surgery, and 4 days of post-operative care, providing surgeries to approximately 125 to 150 patients.

Local Medical Missions Post-operative 6,431 patients treated last year Follow-up Care Program A Local Medical Mission is based on the International Medical Mission model, but is conducted on the local level using Operation Smile–trained volunteers. 3,995 patients evaluated last year The partner country manages all aspects of the medical mission including The Post-operative Follow-up Care Program provides our patients physical examinations, surgery and post-operative care. The country secures with comprehensive care after surgery by evaluating their health, the its own funding, medical supplies and credentialed medical professionals. The progress of their surgical treatment and their speech, and, if necessary, country may be assisted by either Operation Smile headquarters, a resource delivering further medical care. Patients are examined one-week, six country or another partner country. Support received could include medical months, and one year after their Operation Smile surgery. Outcome equipment and supplies, logistical resources, funding, or volunteers. Local studies are performed and patient progress is tracked by Operation missions vary in length, frequency and number of patients treated. Smile’s electronic medical records, digital speech recordings, and digital photography. The Post-operative Program not only facilitates our surgeons’ continual education, but ensures that our patients receive the highest quality of care. Thousands of children received multidisciplinary care during our medical missions this year: Last year, the Post-operative Program initiated six-month post-operative Medical Missions: International Local evaluations in Brazil, Egypt, Honduras, India, Kenya, Laos, Mexico, Surgeries 2,790 6,431 Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Russia, South Africa, and Vietnam. Physical Examinations 6,391 11,521 Each country invited their most recent patients to return, and they were Dental Exams & Treatment 7,608 2,323 evaluated by a multidisciplinary team consisting of plastic surgeons, speech therapists, orthodontists/dentists, and nutritionists. Plus 13,167 children received speech therapy, child life therapy and psychological counseling. 7 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:34 PM Page 8

Dental Care Program 9,537 examined in 21 countries this year Operation Smile partner countries provide dental care programs tailored to the needs of their specific patient populations. Dental care programs range from dental consultation and treatment during international medical missions, to specialized dental missions, to dental and orthodontic medical education conferences, and also to ongoing orthodontic and dental care at Comprehensive Care Centers.

One example is the Operation Smile Dental Mission to Vietnam which improves the country’s oral hygiene by providing medical treatment as well as education and supplies for hygiene maintenance. Since 1996, the program has partnered Operation Smile Vietnam with the University of Maryland, this year expanding to two sites in Hanoi and Hue, treating 2,161 children; the Hue site was the first medical mission conducted from the new Operation Smile Vietnam Comprehensive Care Clinic at the Hue Odonto-Stomatological Hospital.

Another example is the dental programs at the Comprehensive Care Centers in Colombia and Honduras. Patients can receive treatment at the clinic on a year-round basis, including SURGICAL , and post-surgical follow-up care. & MEDICAL PROGRAMS World Care Program

More than 200 children treated to date Research Program Some of the children who come to us for help have much more complicated disfigurements Through Operation Smile’s Research than can be treated during our two-week medical Council, doctors and researchers are missions. Through the generosity of sponsors, collaborating globally to improve the we can arrange to have a child and a guardian future for children born with facial brought to Australia, Europe or the United States deformities. The Operation Smile where the child receives surgery. A caring host Institutional Review Board (IRB), family provides a home for them during the child’s following stipulations of the federal treatment and recovery, typically lasting a month. government, reviews and funds selected Not only are these children’s faces transformed, research projects. The Board works in but their lives are as well. conjunction with the Research Council that is focused on the prevention and treatment of birth defects through education, nutrition, pre-natal care, new medicines and new equipment. 8 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:34 PM Page 9

Fes, Morocco 2006 On a typical International Medical Mission, approximately 125 to 150 patients receive surgery during two days of The Operation Smile physical examinations, five days of surgery, and four days of post-operative care. During the 2006 mission to Fes, International Medical Mission Morocco, 380 children received full medical evaluations and 146 received free reconstructive surgery.

Physical Medical Records Physical Examination - Pediatrician Examination – Screening It’s Jamila’s turn. She will be fully evaluated Anesthesiologist Yassin waits his turn to begin the physical Faiza gets her photo taken for her by the team including a An anesthesiologist examination and screening process. electronic and paper medical charts. pediatrician, a plastic also examines surgeon and a dentist. each surgical candidate.

Physical Examinations – Pre-operative Care – Surgery Schedule Surgery Speech Therapist Child Life Therapist Parents confirm their child’s placement One cleft lip surgery takes as Mohammed’s palate is examined The child life therapist prepares on the five-day surgery schedule. little as 45 minutes. during his consultation with the each child for what will happen speech therapist. during surgery.

One year later. New smiles. New Hope.

Recovery & Post-0perative Care Having been instructed on follow-up care for her child, Mouad’s mom gives him medicine. 9 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:34 PM Page 10

This year, Operation Smile provided more than 42,000 hours of specialized training to more than 3,400 medical professionals in our partner countries.

TRAINING & EDUCATION Physicians’ Training Program PROGRAMS 67 trained from 25 countries this year Nearly 70 physicians and nurses from 25 countries participated in this year's Physicians' Training Program (PTP). Since 1987, this annual conference has been a critical component of our training and education initiatives, benefiting more than 700 medical professionals to date. PTP gives physicians from our partner countries the opportunity to learn new surgical techniques and to expand their knowledge through lectures, lab rotations, and operating room observation. The goal of PTP is to train medical professionals to care for children in their own countries, furthering our mission of helping our partner countries attain self-sufficiency. The program also provides the opportunity for physicians and nurses from around the world to share valuable medical and cultural knowledge and to observe and receive training on difficult craniofacial cases. PTP includes plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians, dentists and nurses.

PTP incorporates training at Operation Smile partner institutions. New to the program this year is the participation of nurses and dentists from our partner countries. Nurses received specialty training at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia; dental participants trained at the University of Maryland Dental School in Baltimore; anesthesia participants traveled to George Washington University in Washington, DC; pediatric participants were trained at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 10 in Pennsylvania; and participants trained at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:34 PM Page 11

Biomedical Technician Training Program 27 trained in 12 countries this year Operation Smile’s Biomedical Technician Training Program is a major step toward reaching Operation Smile's goal of having one person trained in biomedical technology in each of our partner countries. Biomedical technicians learn how to safely operate and maintain Operation Smile medical equipment at set standards. This year, Operation Smile is supplying each of our partner countries with state-of-the-art medical equipment; therefore this program is vital for someone in each mission country to be able to set-up, test and maintain the equipment before, during and after Operation Smile missions. Furthermore, the Biomedical Technician Training Program has increased the number of trained biomedical technicians per country who can participate on Critical Nursing Skills Operation Smile local missions. Training Program 560 trained in 8 countries this year Operation Smile conducts a Critical Nursing Skills Training Program for nurses in all of our partner countries. The program teaches the critical skills needed for treating children who receive cleft lip and cleft palate reconstructive surgery, focusing on the stages of treatment including pre- and post-operative care, and operating room and recovery room nursing. Hundreds of nurses from Operation Smile partner countries participating in World Journey of Smiles will receive this specialized training; it’s another step towards implementing our Global Standards of Care during all medical missions.

American Heart Association PALS, ACLS and BLS Certification 1,703 trained in 19 countries this year In support of our anniversary goal to implement our Global Standards of Care before embarking on World Journey of Smiles, our medical volunteers continue to be credentialed with Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Life Support (BLS) training. Operation Smile is an International Training Organization (ITO) of the American Heart Association program, allowing us to develop training networks and provide PALS, ACLS and BLS certification to medical professionals around the world. Operation Smile is the only organization authorized by the AHA to function as a global and mobile ITO. 11 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:34 PM Page 12

Mission-based Education

Operation Smile also uses international medical missions to provide educational opportunities to in-country healthcare professionals. Ranging from a formal medical conference, to an informal workshop on a specific skill or technique, the programs are designed to meet the needs of the facility and the healthcare workers from within the partner country. This can include donations of education resources including textbooks, medical mannequins, CD-ROMS or videos so that education can continue year-round. Team members from the mission are selected to fulfill this educational role along with their clinical responsibilities. At times, the TRAINING team includes “Guest Educators” who are internationally recognized in their fields. & EDUCATION PROGRAMS University Partnerships

Operation Smile is integrating our partnerships with leading medical teaching institutions into our in-country medical education programs. Our partners in education will be aligned with specific Operation Smile treatment centers within our partner countries. Programs and curriculum are developed to support the treatment of Operation Smile patients within that country’s medical infrastructure. PARTNERS IN EDUCATION American Heart Association Chang Gung Hospital and University Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Duke University George Washington University Harvard University The Hospital for Sick Children/ University of Toronto Old Dominion University Southern Illinois University University of Maryland University of Rome University of Southern California 12 Yale University 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:34 PM Page 13

Operation Smile student volunteers are given opportunities to develop skills that will help them become the future leaders of our world and the future leaders of Operation Smile. More than 450 elementary school, middle school, high school, college, university and medical school student clubs across the world Student are having a tremendous impact on the lives of suffering children. Operation Smile Student Associations Programs are founded on the five pillars of Leadership, Education, Awareness, Service and Fund-raising.

While the medical team provides surgeries, student Even though they do not speak the same Student Participation on Medical Missions volunteers travel to neighboring schools and language, through laughter and play, Every Operation Smile International Medical Mission orphanages to teach oral rehydration therapy, students bond with patients and help team includes at least two high school students and a burn prevention, dental care, proper nutrition calm their nerves before surgery. student sponsor. Students who have met the criteria and and aftercare to families and patients. have been accepted to participate on a medical mission must first attend one of Operation Smile’s bi-annual Mission Training Workshops.

College Program Our College Program provides a way for our student volunteers to continue their involvement beyond high school. College mission teams travel to International Student Leadership Conference Operation Smile partner countries and leave lasting marks on the local Our annual International Student Leadership Conference allows student communities through a variety of service projects, such as healthcare talks volunteers the opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills. In a series at refugee camps in Jordan and a hospital beautification project in Honduras. of interactive workshops and exercises, students develop confidence while learning skills that will help them achieve greater success in high school, 13 college and life. 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:34 PM Page 14

International Medical Missions Between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007, teams of international medical volunteers traveled to 24 sites in 17 countries, providing full physical examinations to 9,864 patients and free surgical treatment to 2,790 children and young adults. Mission Country Site Patients Treated Physical Exams Dental Exams & Treatment Size Team Mission Country Site Patients Treated Physical Exams Dental Exams & Treatment Size Team Mission Country Site Patients Treated Physical Exams Dental Exams & Treatment Size Team BRAZIL September 2006 EGYPT November 2006 MOROCCO March 2007 Fortaleza 129 340 340 70 Qena 108 329 227 39 Oujda 136 473 461 48

SOUTH AFRICA September 2006 CHINA November 2006 BOLIVIA March 2007 Empangeni 59 98 29 54 Nanjing 88 132 132 14 Santa Cruz 128 205 205 48

TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE JORDAN September 2006 INDIA November 2006 VIETNAM March 2007 (Dental Mission) IN A CHILD’S LIFE, GO TO OPERATIONSMILE.ORG Amman 115 363 363 41 Bolpur 149 566 229 54 Hue - - 1760 28 Hanoi - - 401 24 PARAGUAY September 2006 ETHIOPIA November 2006 Asunción 137 422 419 52 Addis Ababa 131 265 265 46 JORDAN April 2007 Jimma 116 177 152 41 Amman 95 118 118 86 CHINA September 2006 Qujing 168 236 217 56 NICARAGUA January 2007 CHINA April 2007 Chinandega 120 235 235 51 Zhengzhou 171 332 316 48 2007 MISSION REPORT MEXICO September 2006 Guadalajara 90 214 214 44 HONDURAS March 2007 CHINA April 2007 Tegucigalpa 97 337 328 74 Hefei 91 135 114 51 KENYA October 2006 Last year, volunteers provided 9,221 Kisumu 130 258 143 49 CAMBODIA March 2007 PERU May 2007 Nairobi 130 265 136 59 Phnom Penh 124 275 188 57 Lima 136 347 347 64 children with new smiles, new lives Nakuru 142 269 269 53 and restored hope. GRAND TOTAL 2,790 6,391 7,608 1,251 Local Medical Missions Based on the Operation Smile international medical mission model, teams of in-country medical volunteers conduct local programs to take care of more of their children year-round. During the 2006-2007 fiscal year, local programs were conducted by volunteers at 75 sites in 21 countries, providing full physical examinations to 11,521 patients and free treatment to 6,431 children. atients Mission Country Sites Patients Treated Physical Exams Dental Exams & Treatment Mission Country Sites P Mission Country Sites Treated Physical Exams Dental Exams & Treatment Patients Treated Physical Exams Dental Exams & Treatment BRAZIL JORDAN PHILIPPINES Belem, Natal, Joinville, Barbalha 88 148 - Amman, Irbid 126 238 187 Bacolod, Batangas, Butuan City, Cabanatuan City, Cebu, CAMBODIA KENYA Dapitan City, Davao, Jagna, Siem Reap 57 93 - Meru, Nairobi, Nyeri 371 686 - La Trinidad City, Mamburao, CHINA LAOS Mandaluyong City, Manila, Guangzhou, Hubei, Kunming, Paske, Vientiane 184 208 - Naga City, Pasay City, Quezon City, Xi'an, Yun Nan 226 360 - Sto. Tomas Batangas, San Jose, MOROCCO Tarlac City 1,788 4,205 684 COLOMBIA Essoira, Kenitra, Tetouan 308 482 - Bogotá, Caucasia, Duitama, RUSSIA Facatativa, La Dorada, Sincelejo 325 477 568 NICARAGUA Vladimir 62 73 - La Mascota, Managua 52 112 - ECUADOR THAILAND Quito 298 612 - PANAMA Amnartcharoen, Chonburi, Penonome, Santiago 147 188 - Mae Sot, Nakornsithamarat, EGYPT Nan, Srisaket, Surin, Ubon 380 491 175 Assiut 63 180 180 PARAGUAY Asunción 10 10 - VENEZUELA HONDURAS Caracas, Monagas, San Cristobal 125 382 135 Choluteca, Santa Rosa de Copan 70 117 394 PERU Arequipa, Lima 169 350 - VIETNAM INDIA Bao Loc, Ha Tinh, Hanoi, Deesa, Kolkata 99 296 - Ho Chi Minh, Nam Dinh, Vung Tau 1,483 1,813 -

GRAND TOTAL 6,431 11,521 2,323 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:34 PM Page 15

Worldwide Locations and International Medical Mission Sites - 1982 to present

1 AUSTRALIA 1999 to present 8 COLOMBIA 1988 to present 16 IRELAND 2004 to present 24 MOROCCO 1998 to present 31 RUSSIA 1993 to present Queensland Bogotá, Cali, Duitama, Ibagué, Manizales Dublin Agadir, Casablanca, Fes, Laayoune, Kazan, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Marrakech, Meknes, Oujda, Rabat, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Taganrog, 2 2006 9 ECUADOR 1995 to present 17 ISRAEL 1992 to 1993 Settat, Tangier Tomsk, Vyatka, Yaroslavl Chittagong Cuenca, Machala, Manta, Quito, East Jerusalem Santo Domingo 25 NICARAGUA 1993 to present 32 SOUTH AFRICA 2006 to present 3 BELARUS 2004 18 ITALY 2000 to present Chinandega, Managua Empangeni Minsk 10 EGYPT 2006 to present Rome Qena 26 PANAMA 1991 to present 33 THAILAND 1997 to present 4 BOLIVIA 1999 to present 19 JORDAN 2000 to present David, La Chorrera, Panama City, Bangkok, Lampang, Mae Sot, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz 11 ETHIOPIA 2005 to present Amman, Irbid Penonom Nakhon Si Thammarat, Surin, Yasothon Addis Ababa, Jimma 5 BRAZIL 1997 to present 20 KENYA 1987 to present 27 PARAGUAY 2005 to present 34 UNITED KINGDOM 2002 to present Belem, Belo Horizonte, Cuiabá, 12 GAZA STRIP/ Eldoret, Kisumu, Mombasa, Asunción London Fortaleza, Goiânia, Natal WEST BANK 1993 to present Nairobi, Nakuru Gaza City, Jenin, Nablus 28 PERU 1999 to present 35 UNITED STATES 1982 to present 6 CAMBODIA 2002 to present 21 LAOS 2006 to present Lima, Trujillo Virginia Phnom Penh 13 GHANA 1989 to 1990 Pakse, Vientiane Accra 29 THE PHILIPPINES 1982 to present 36 VENEZUELA 1993 to present 7 CHINA 1991 to present 22 LIBERIA 1987 to 1989 Bacolod City, Baguio, Cavite, Cebu City, Barinas, Caracas, Puerto La Cruz, Beijing, Dujiang-Yan, Hangzhou, Harbin, 14 HONDURAS 1997 to present Monrovia Davao City, Iligan, Kalibo, Laguna, Puerto Ordaz, San Cristóbal, Valencia Hefei, Hong Kong, Kunming, Lanzhou, Tegucigalpa Legaspi City, Lucena, Manila, Mindanao, Linyi, Meizhou, Nanchang, Nanjing, 23 MEXICO 2005 to present Naga City, Negros Occidental, Quezon City, 37 VIETNAM 1989 to present Qingdao, Shantou, Urumqi, Wu Han City, 15 INDIA 2002 to present Guadalajara Silay City Bac Thai, Bao Loc, Can Tho, Da Nang, Xi’an, Zhaoqing, Zhengzhou, Zhongshan Bolpur, Deesa, Dharamsala, Haiphong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Himachal Pradesh, Kolkata, Manipal 30 ROMANIA 1991 to 2004 Hue City, Ninh Thuan, Quang Binh, Bucharest, Galati, Pitesti Qujing, Tra Vinh, Vung Tau

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1988 Operation Smile receives a Presidential Citation for Private Sector Initiatives from 1993 1982 President Ronald Reagan. Sculptor Frederick E. Hart creates the ------John Connor Humanitarian Service Award Operation Smile was founded in Norfolk, First mission to Colombia. 1991 Virginia, by Dr. Bill and Kathy Magee CBS’ 48 Hours chronicles the stories in tribute to John Connor, a Vietnam War following a trip to the Philippines 1986 1989 of patients Jose Villegas and Veteran who orchestrated Operation where they joined another medical group, Christos Thivos in an episode saluting Smile’s involvement there by merging the A letter of commendation is received The General Federation of Women’s Clubs provided surgery for 40 children, volunteers in the United States. humanitarian needs he saw in Vietnam from Mother Teresa. adopts Operation Smile as its national ------with the mission of Operation Smile. turning 250 away. ------service project. Rotary International’s World Community ------First Chapter is formed in Washington, D.C. ------Service Project raises more than $70,000 Operation Smile presents its first John 1983-1985 First missions to Ghana and Vietnam. to help fund the first Panama mission. Connor Humanitarian Service Award Two additional missions follow in Naga 1987 ------to Zachary Fisher for his commitment City, treating an additional 400 children. The first honorary Board of Directors 1990 PEOPLE Magazine features Operation Smile to the families of those serving in the includes Ron Allen, Mel Blount, Pat Operation Smile receives a in an issue titled “Amazing Americans.” U.S. military and his volunteer work Boone, Ben Kinchlow, Mrs. Douglas President’s Volunteer Action Award ------1985 with the New York Chapter. First broadcast about Operation Smile by MacArthur, Gavin MacLeod, Ambassador from President George H. W. Bush. First missions to China, Panama and Romania. ------O ------Christian Broadcasting Network. Emanuel Palaez, Dr. Cory Ser Vaas, and Operation Smile is featured on Dateline NBC. ------Beginning of the collaboration with Dr. Paul Tessier. 1992 ------The Student Program is launched when ------Dr. Jeff Murray and Dr. Ron Munger The Fellowship Program begins with Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Danny Rosin and Charlie Kollmansperger The Physicians’ Training Program to study the roles nutritional, Dr. Juan Sanchez, of the Philippines, training course begins in the Philippines start the first Happy Club at Norfolk is launched in Norfolk with environmental, and genetic factors completing a one-year craniofacial with more than 40 students participating Academy in Virginia. participating physicians from play in the incidence of clefting. and microvascular surgery in the 110-hour program. ------Operation Smile mission countries. fellowship in Norfolk. ------The World Care Program begins with ------First International Youth Conference ------First missions to Gaza Strip/West Bank, its first patient from the Philippines. First missions to Kenya and Liberia. brings 40 students to Norfolk. First mission to Israel. Nicaragua, Russia, and Venezuela. 5531 OpSmile_Center 12/3/07 4:34 PM Page 3

2000 Operation Smile is featured in the Guinness Book of World Records 2000 Millennium Edition for its World Journey of Hope ‘99. 1999 ------World Journey of Hope ’99, the Operation Smile receives the Kaanib ng largest ever surgical mission, travels to Bayan Award, the year 2000 Presidential 18 countries in nine weeks, providing free Award for Filipino organizations overseas. 1994 ------The first Chapter Conference is held reconstructive surgery to 5,300 children. ------Operation Smile presents the Universal rd in Virginia Beach, Virginia. During World Journey of Hope ’99, Smile Award to actress Goldie Hawn at ar a team of volunteers have an audience the Universe of Smiles Gala in 1995 with His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, Washington, D.C. he The Domestic Medical Program is who meets with them and acknowledges ------2002 launched in conjunction with high Operation Smile’s efforts to help Founding of Operation Smile Italy. The Gilberto Mariño-Contreras Center schools in New York. 1997 children around the world. ------for Integral Attention in Bogotá, ------First mission to Jordan. Bill and Kathy Magee receive the ------Colombia, is opened to provide ongoing CBS’ Touched by An Angel airs an Servants of Peace Award from the Kathy Magee receives the Kellogg’s multidisciplinary, team care for Colombian episode based on Operation Smile. Vatican’s Path to Peace Foundation. Hannah Neil World of Children Award. 2001 children with cleft lips and cleft palates. ------Operation Smile receives the ------First mission to Ecuador. The annual mission to the Philippines Operation Smile presents the first Antonio Feltrinelli Prize for Exceptional Launch of collaboration between is the largest ever, treating 1,122. Universal Smile Award to Senator John Endeavors of Outstanding Moral Operation Smile and the American Heart ------1996 Glenn at the World Journey of Hope ’99 and Humanitarian Value from the Association to teach Pediatric Advanced First missions to Brazil, Operation Smile Panama becomes the first Gala in Washington, D.C. Academia Nazionale de Lincei Life Support (PALS). Honduras and Thailand. C. country to achieve self-sufficiency. ------(National Academy of Science in Italy). ------Founding of Operation Smile Australia. ------Founding of Operation Smile U.K. Operation Smile receives the first 1998 ------Operation Smile receives a 2001 Common ------s Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize. Operation Smile establishes its World First Annual Los Angeles Gala hosted by Wealth Award for Distinguished Service. World Summit 2002 takes place at Adare g ------Headquarters in a 60,000 square foot Goldie Hawn at her home with guests ------Manor Hotel & Golf Resort in Adare First dental mission is conducted warehouse and office facility at Kurt Russell, Robin Williams, Kevin The first Dr. Gilberto Mariño-Contreras County, Limerick, Ireland, which donated in Vietnam through a partnership with 6435 Tidewater Drive in Norfolk. Costner, Diane Keaton, and George Lucas. International Medical Volunteer Award all of the facilities for the event. the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, ------is presented to plastic surgeon ------part of the University of Maryland. First mission to Morocco. First missions to Bolivia and Peru. Dr. Ivo Pitanguy, of Brazil. First missions to Cambodia and India. 5531 OpSmile_Center 12/3/07 4:34 PM Page 4

2006 2004 Nearly 40 Operation Smile Hosted by actress Roma Downey, the volunteers teamed up with the USNS Operation Smile direct response television Mercy for its medical mission to program begins airing nationwide. Chittagong, Bangladesh. ------Operation Smile was the featured charity Bill and Kathy Magee along with 2007 partner when an audience of 40.5 million Congressman Trent Franks meet Operation Smile Vietnam formed watched the first season finale of NBC’s with President George W. Bush in a partnership with the Hue The Apprentice featuring an appearance the Oval Office to introduce Odonto-Stomatological Hospital to by singer and actress Jessica Simpson. him to Operation Smile. treat Vietnamese children suffering ------from cleft lips or cleft palates year First-ever World Care patient from Iraq, Singer and actress Jessica Simpson round in a new clinic housed on Eman, received the first of several joined an Operation Smile delegation two floors of the hospital. surgeries at The Children’s Hospital of briefing Congressional members ------The King’s Daughters in Virginia. and staff on Capitol Hill. Nearly 50 plastic surgeons and 2003 ------anesthesiologists from 25 countries Operation Smile Vietnam completes Founding of Operation Smile Ireland. Partnership begins with AriZona Beverage meet in Norfolk for the Global the first-ever medical mission conducted ------Company with a cause-related campaign Standards II meeting and final The 2007 Physicians’ Training Program independently by a partner country to First mission to Belarus. where Operation Smile receives 5% of the preparations for the upcoming is the largest to date and this year, a neighboring country, treating 47 net sales of specially-packaged beverages. World Journey of Smiles. adds nursing and dental components. children in Laos and training Laotian 2005 ------Operation Smile is approved as an Operation Smile Honduras opens its ------physicians and nurses in a formal Secretary Michael Leavitt, Department Model and actress Molly Sims, International Training Organization of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Clinic to cleft surgery conference. of Health and Human Services, visits actor Justin Chatwin, and bassist ------the American Heart Association. provide continual comprehensive care the Honduras mission site, touring the Benj Gershman from O.A.R., join As an outcome of World Summit 2002, ------for the children of Honduras. new Center opened a year earlier. the Operation Smile medical the International Medical Council is Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) joined ------mission in Lima, Peru. created to provide international the Operation Smile team in Amman, First Global Standards meeting held in Hasbro Children’s Fund selects Operation ------Jordan, for a mission he was instrumental Norfolk to begin the process of establishing perspective on medical policies. Smile to receive a $450,000 grant over Operation Smile once again partners with ------in securing funding for from the U.S. an international standard of care for all three years and also produced 50,000 the US Navy, this time on the USNS The University Partnership Program is Department of State, Bureau of Operation Smile programs. Operation Smile Mr. Potato Head plush Comfort, providing medical volunteers for developed, which provides free access to Educational and Cultural Affairs. ------toys for use at all mission sites. three of the 12 Latin America stops. on-line university medical libraries for ------More than 1,000 students from more than medical volunteers. Jessica Simpson, International Youth 30 Utah schools conducted a state-wide ------Ambassador, joined the medical mission fundraiser, “Be Someone – Utah Student Operation Smile launches its 25th Anniversary with The inaugural Wallis Annenberg Public in Nakuru, Kenya, observing surgery and Tribute,” raising $200,000. Service Award is given to Elizabeth Daley, comforting waiting children. ------the announcement of a year-long series of initiatives ------First missions to South Africa, Dean of USC’s School of Cinema-Television, to commemorate 25 years and 100,000 smiles. at the Los Angeles Gala. First missions to Ethiopia and Paraguay. Mexico and Egypt. 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:35 PM Page 21

Operation Smile Philippines

Operation Smile Philippines conducted an unprecedented 17 local missions, and this would not have been possible without the loyal support of its volunteers and the strong relationships it has developed with private corporations, local governments, hospitals, charity foundations and individuals. Operation Smile Philippines raised a record amount of funds and in-kind donations totaling more than $320,000. To fulfill its goal of treating more patients, raising more funds and awareness and implementing Operations Smile’s Global Standards of Care during its 25th anniversary year, the Foundation has signed a record number of “Memorandas of Agreement” with different entities such as: Arellano University Nursing Department, which will expose student nurses to Operation Smile's Global Standards of Care by observing during local missions; Operating Room Nurses Association of the Philippines, which will ensure the participation of competent and qualified nurses on local missions; the Makati City and Quezon City Governments, which will each sponsor an annual medical mission; the Press Photographers of the Philippines, to ensure high quality imagery for Operation Smile Philippines to “Until you, my parents never document its activities; Abbott Laboratories, for the donation of anesthetic medicines; and Managed Care Clinics, thought I’d have a future.” for the sponsorship of year-round medical missions.

“Operation Smile allowed us to open the hearts and minds of our friends to donating for the reconstructive surgery of children. The response to our call was overwhelming. It is remarkable that with a P14,000.00 donation, one can change the life of a child with such positive results. ASIA REGION We are proud to be a partner of Operation Smile and we hope to contribute more in the years to come. The cause is truly admirable and the efforts of those involved in this organization are laudable. We wish Operation Smile continued success!” —Irene Martel-Francisco, Publisher, Philippine “Tatler”

Operation Smile Vietnam

Operation Smile Vietnam opened its first Comprehensive Care Center in March in collaboration with the Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology of Hue and the Health Service Department of Thua Thien Hue. The center provides year-round comprehensive care by locally-based teams of Operation Smile–trained and credentialed medical MEDICAL MISSION COUNTRIES professionals in the fields of plastic surgery, dentistry, and speech pathology, and also provides 1982 Philippines psychosocial services to patients and their families. The center also will enable Operation Smile Vietnam to 1989 Vietnam continue to develop its craniofacial and micro-surgery programs and will provide education and training to 1991 China medical professionals in Thua Thien Hue and neighboring provinces. This is the first of three centers planned 1997 Thailand for Vietnam; the others will be located in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Now in its sixth year, Operation Smile 2002 India Vietnam’s fund-raising event, the Auction of Contemporary Vietnamese Art, raised enough funds to provide 2002 Cambodia approximately 800 children with cleft lip or cleft palate surgery. Sponsored by Unilever Vietnam, and co-sponsored by Phoenix Voyages and GlobalSantaFe Engineering, the evening was a resounding success. RESOURCE COUNTRIES The event has become one of the signature black-tie evenings on Ho Chi Minh City's social calendar. 1991 China (Hong Kong) 1999 Australia “We are delighted to see what was only a dream three years ago turned into reality with our first center in Hue. This center and future ones will enable us to move to our desired comprehensive REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Richard Vander Burg, R.N., B.N. care model and provide continuous surgery rather than operating under the current mission model.” —Kenneth M. Atkinson, Chairman, Operation Smile Vietnam 21 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:35 PM Page 22

Operation Smile Thailand

Operation Smile Thailand and Operation Smile Vietnam conducted a joint mission to Laos in March at the Maria Teresa Hospital in Vientiane Province. The volunteer medical team, led by Dr. Apichai Angspatt, provided physical examinations to 61 Laotian children and 56 children received surgery. The four-day medical mission consisted of three days of surgery and one day of sharing skills and knowledge with their Laotian counterparts. Operation Smile Thailand’s partnership with the Khon Kaen University Speech Therapy Department has had impressive results. The organizations have produced the first Thai speech therapy video. Using this video and the Thai language speech therapy manual developed last year, the Foundation conducted three “speech camps” in Amnartcharoen, Roi-et and Chiangrai provinces benefiting 80 children throughout the Kingdom of Thailand. Operation Smile Thailand also produced its first institutional video. In Thai with English subtitles, the video focuses on the November medical mission in Mae Sot, near the Burmese border. Operation Smile Thailand’s "You came to me and helped student programs have also been successful. Students at the International School Bangkok raised $25,000 for me have a better future." the Foundation’s programs.

“As a doctor from Bangkok I never realized what it takes for a family who earns only $5 a day to bring their child with a cleft lip or cleft palate to Bangkok to try to see a doctor. That’s why it’s so great to have an Operation Smile team travel to rural areas. We are not only changing ASIA REGION a child’s life, but we are giving the whole family new hope. That is the least we can do.” —Apichai Angspatt, M.D, plastic surgeon volunteer

Operation Smile India

Operation Smile India began discussions with the Student Health Home of Kolkata with the goal of working towards a cleft free state of West Bengal. The plans included identifying the site for a MEDICAL MISSION COUNTRIES Comprehensive Care Centre. The clinic would provide year-round treatment and follow-up care for 1982 Philippines children throughout West Bengal. Operation Smile India continues to focus on building its volunteer 1989 Vietnam medical team and providing medical education training opportunities through Operation Smile's 1991 China Critical Nursing Skills Training Program and Biomedical Technician Training Programs, as well as 1997 Thailand Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support courses. 2002 India The Foundation has organized its Board of Directors and strengthened its infrastructure. 2002 Cambodia "This has been a year of introspection and reorganization based on a very focused RESOURCE COUNTRIES strategy, supported by a new and dynamic leadership team, leading to an increase 1991 China (Hong Kong) 1999 Australia in the scope of our activities and working towards a cleft free India." —Ranjit Barthakur, Chairman of the Board, Operation Smile India REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Richard Vander Burg, R.N., B.N. 22 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:35 PM Page 23

Operation Smile Cambodia

Operation Smile Cambodia continues to focus on building its volunteer medical team and providing them with medical education training opportunities through Operation Smile’s Critical Nursing Skills Training Program and Biomedical Technician Training Programs as well as Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support courses. With the help of Operation Smile volunteers from China and support from Operation Smile headquarters, the Foundation conducted its first medical mission outside the capital city of Phnom Penh in the city of Siem Reap. Of the 93 patients who received free physical examinations, 57 received life-changing surgery. This successful collaborative medical mission is an example of programs that further regional relationships and help the growth of younger Foundations like Operation Smile Cambodia. The Foundation also had a successful year of fund-raising. It was one of the beneficiaries of the high-profile Glitz & Glamour Fashion Show featuring Cambodia’s top designers. All committee members, designers, choreographers, hairdressers, make-up artists and models donated their time and talent to raise money for charitable causes that improve the lives of Cambodian children.

"Our Cambodian-Chinese Friendship Mission in Siem Reap in October was very meaningful in that this was our first mission outside Phnom Penh. While we all derived great satisfaction in providing a better future to 57 children, it was a memorable mission as many local and international volunteers became buddies at the end of the mission. The volunteers also had a great time visiting the world famous Angkor temples.” —Chan Kok Choy, Chairman, Operation Smile Cambodia

Operation Smile China Medical Mission, Ltd. Operation Smile China Medical Mission, Ltd.’s successful, high profile fund-raising Operation Smile event in May, at the exclusive Armani Bar in Hong Kong, celebrated the launch of its new website, www.operationsmile.org.hk. The “Hip & Trendy Party” raised more Australia Limited than HK$150,000 on the spot. In June, the Chapter held its Operation Smile Silver Operation Smile Australia conducted its first craniofacial and education Jubilee Charity Gala to celebrate Operation Smile’s 25th Anniversary. With more mission in October to Central Military Hospital 108 in Hanoi, Vietnam. A than 300 participants in attendance, the Second Shanghai International Plastic team of 15 Australian medical volunteers medically evaluated 25 patients Surgery Conference co-sponsored by Operation Smile and the Shanghai Ninth and nine were selected for surgery. Quan Nguyen, a 15-year-old Vietnamese People’s Hospital was a success. Lectures were given by 45 speakers from Australia, boy suffering from neurofibromatosis, a condition commonly referred to China, Europe, Japan, Korea, Singapore and the United States. An internationally as “elephant man’s disease,” was brought to Brisbane for surgery. In a supported medical mission took place in Cambodia partnering Operation Smile major fund-raising success, Operation Smile Australia was named as one medical volunteers from mainland China with Operation Smile Cambodia volunteers. of five inaugural beneficiaries to receive support and sponsorship from Lead by plastic surgery team leader, Han Kai, M.D., and team Virgin Blue’s newly formed Red Jet Foundation. Managing Director leader, Hu Zhiyong, M.D., the success of the mission set a precedent for future Mr. Brett Godfrey presented $100,000 to Operation Smile Australia in collaborations between these Operation Smile countries. October. Monies donated to the five charities were raised at the Virgin Blue Gala Ball in August.

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Operation Smile Mission in Kenya

Operation Smile Mission in Kenya began its 20th Anniversary year celebrations by conducting a local mission in Meru, its fourth at this site in five years. The all-Kenyan medical volunteer team, led by team leaders Dr. Kimani Wangeri and Dr. Alex Kinyua, and clinical coordinator, Doris Musyoka, provided life-changing surgeries to 99 children during three days of surgery. The 20th Anniversary celebrations have also been marked by a re-structuring of the Foundation’s Board, and plans for fund-raising and awareness events, as well as the opening of a new site in central Kenya’s provincial capital, Nyeri, close to snow-capped Mt. Kenya. Operation Smile Mission in Kenya medical volunteers have participated on international medical missions to Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Morocco and South Africa. At the conclusion of Operation Smile’s international medical mission to Nairobi, Nakuru and Kisumu in October 2006, Julia Kibe, a long time Kenyan nurse volunteer, was presented with the Lucy Navivasha Kabii International “Someday, all kids like me in Nursing Award of Excellence. This Operation Smile award is in recognition of international nurses who my country will be smiling.” stand out and set new standards for their colleagues.

“This year is a milestone in the history of Operation Smile Mission in Kenya (OSMIK) with the marking of our 20th Anniversary, with a new mission site with all-Kenyan EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST medical volunteers. Indeed, OSMIK is proud to have a volunteer base with such high & AFRICA REGION standards. It is a credit to us as a country, and the Board is extremely proud of Julia's recognition. Thanks to our medical teams, over 7,000 patients in Kenya have benefited from Operation Smile in the past two decades.” —Yolanda Engell Andersen, Chairman, Operation Smile Mission in Kenya

MEDICAL MISSION COUNTRIES 1987 Kenya 1993 Gaza Strip/West Bank 1993 Russia 1998 Morocco Operation Smile 2000 Jordan 2005 Egypt Palestine 2005 Ethiopia In collaboration with Operation 2006 South Africa Smile Morocco, Operation Smile Palestine sent two surgeons and RESOURCE COUNTRIES 2000 Italy two nurses to Morocco to learn 2002 United Kingdom about burn surgeries and treatment. 2004 Ireland The one-month training took place at the University of Casablanca REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT under the leadership of Professor Gianluca Biavati Hassan Boukind.

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Operation Smile Russia

Operation Smile Russia launched a new education program in life support training this year. By purchasing a full set of six Basic Life Support (BLS) mannequins and Automated External Defibrillator Trainers, Operation Smile Russia can now provide continuous training to the medical personnel of its partner hospitals. In Novosibirsk, the Foundation successfully trained 24 healthcare professionals in BLS and 12 volunteers in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). In May, the Foundation provided another BLS and PALS training course in Vladimir, followed by its first local mission staffed solely with Operation Smile Russia volunteers.

“These training programs are vital for keeping the medical personnel abreast of the very latest developments in life support procedures and for ensuring that not only Operation Smile patients, but all children who come to our hospital, receive the highest standard of care.” —Igor Voitsekhovsky, M.D., Medical Director, Operation Smile Russia

Operation Smile Morocco

Operation Smile Morocco began a dental program that provides basic follow-up care for its cleft lip and cleft palate patients as well as other Moroccans who need care in the Casablanca area. This translates into orthodontic care for 75 cleft lip and cleft palate patients as well as basic dental care for 3,000 patients annually. Operation Smile Morocco has partnered with Operation Smile United Kingdom to establish the first cleft lip and cleft palate care center in northern Africa. The Casablanca-based facility will enable Operation Smile Morocco to provide comprehensive treatment and post-operative care to hundreds of additional children suffering from facial deformities each year. Fouzia Mahmoudi, Co-founder and Vice President of Operation Smile Morocco, was awarded the Grace McGregor Gonzalez International Volunteer Award. This Operation Smile award honors an outstanding international volunteer who has demonstrated kindness, compassion and exemplary service to others.

“We were honored to host four Palestinian healthcare professionals at the University of Casablanca to study burn management and treatment. We hope that the skills they learned here will help Palestinian children.” —Boukind Hassan, M.D., plastic surgeon volunteer, Operation Smile Morocco

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Operation Smile Jordan

Operation Smile Jordan’s dedicated volunteers make it possible for this Foundation to organize and host many Operation Smile programs. This Foundation boasts the largest student program in the region. Operation Smile Jordan, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, conducted a local mission to Liwa Bani Kinana at the Yarmook Hospital. The all-Jordanian medical team provided 150 physical examinations and operated on 39 patients, thanks to funding by the Fine Company. The Foundation offered its second Pediatric Advanced Life Support and Advanced Life Support workshops free of charge to 60 Jordanian healthcare professionals. The Foundation also organized and hosted three medical missions, where both Jordanian and Iraqi patients received life-changing surgeries. These missions were logistically challenging due to the complexities of transporting patients from Iraq to Jordan along with providing food and lodging for the families; Operation Smile Jordan also hosted an Iraqi medical team traveling with the Iraqi patients. These missions would not be possible without the efforts of the International Organization of Migration (IOM) in Iraq. Both Operation Smile Jordan and IOM worked tirelessly to “Operation Smile has changed coordinate the safe arrivals and departures of all the Iraqis. the future for me, like it has for doctors in my country.” “With as many as 25 patients to operate on in a single day, the missions are both exhausting EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST and extremely rewarding. Operation Smile succeeds because of the amazing teamwork on & AFRICA REGION the part of the surgeons, specialists, nurses and medical students who take part; everyone who is involved is a key component of the organization. A mission is a learning experience for all those involved in which new skills are acquired and learned, helping the program to grow and enabling it to help more children.” —Mahmoud Bataineh, M.D., Medical Director, Operation Smile Jordan

MEDICAL MISSION COUNTRIES 1987 Kenya Operation Smile Egypt 1993 Gaza Strip/West Bank 1993 Russia In November, Operation Smile Egypt, in collaboration with Operation Smile and Qena General Hospital, 1998 Morocco conducted its first international medical mission in Qena. Free physical examinations were provided to 329 2000 Jordan children and young adults and 108 received reconstructive surgery. This spring, the Foundation focused on 2005 Egypt providing medical education programs and recruiting in-country medical volunteers. At Benha University, 2005 Ethiopia 26 healthcare professionals received Pediatric Advanced Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support 2006 South Africa training. In Assuit, Operation Smile Egypt conducted its second mission this fiscal year where 63 children RESOURCE COUNTRIES were treated and 30 Egyptian medical professionals received training in cleft lip and cleft palate care, 2000 Italy building the Foundation’s local volunteer base. Operation Smile Egypt medical volunteers have participated 2002 United Kingdom on international missions to Jordan and Morocco. 2004 Ireland “We are looking forward to building upon the successes of this year to build our REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Foundation so that we can safely take care of the 40,000 children in Egypt with cleft Gianluca Biavati lips and cleft palates.” —Mohammed El Shazly, M.D., Chairman of the Board and Medical Director, Operation Smile Egypt 26 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:35 PM Page 27

Operation Smile in Ethiopia

Operation Smile in Ethiopia conducted its second nursing education program in August at the Black Lion Hospital where 22 nurses attended the three-day program. To prepare for its international medical missions, the Foundation, in collaboration with the Addis Ababa Health Bureau, the Menelik II Clinical Nurses Training School and Operation Smile, conducted a Basic Life Support course in November at the school’s Dormitory Hall. More than 100 healthcare professionals from public and private hospitals participated in the five-day training course. In addition, a one-table, four-day surgical education course took place at the Jimma University Specialized Hospital. With funding from Operation Smile United Kingdom and EthiopiAid, Operation Smile in Ethiopia was able to host two simultaneous missions in Jimma and Addis Ababa in December. For the second year in a row, this partner country conducted education programs during the international medical mission at both the Addis Ababa and Jimma sites. These programs, with more than 150 participants, were organized with the goal of working with in-country surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses to develop their knowledge and skills in treating cleft lip and cleft palate patients.

“I did not know how depressing it is to have cleft lip and palate until I talked to a boy with the defect during Operation Smile’s mission at Black Lion Hospital. The boy I talked to had difficulty getting along with his peers at school because of his facial defect and his speech. Operation Smile was able to make a lot of kids smile in a short period, and the surgeons were so kind.” —Yoseph Challew, M.D., General Practitioner, Black Lion Hospital

Operation Smile South Africa

Operation Smile South Africa was established as a Foundation in early 2006, and in September, the organization conducted its inaugural international medical mission to Empangeni in collaboration with the National and KwaZulu-Natal Departments of Health and Johannesburg based Smile Foundation (formerly the Star Smile Fund.) In its first year, this Foundation has enjoyed national recognition and success thanks to its dedicated donors, supporters and volunteers. In August, two South African extreme athletes began an epic journey to complete the unique feat of traveling the entire length of the Great Wall of China, on foot, in one attempt. David Grier and Braam Malherbe completed this challenge in December and raised more than $75,000 for the Cipla Medpro Miles for Smiles Foundation, of which Operation Smile South Africa was the sole beneficiary. Since its inception, Operation Smile South Africa has sent its volunteers on more than 30 international medical missions and conferences. The organization also sponsored Basic Life Support training for 47 South African healthcare professionals and Pediatric Advanced Life Support training for 16 South African medical volunteers.

“We South Africans understand the miracle of transformation, and here it is on a deeply personal level. To seek out the afflicted, whoever they are and wherever they may be, to heal them and then to coach them to joy and fulfillment is humanity at its very best. I am incredibly proud just to be able to stand in the shadow of these volunteers.” —Eric Frank, Operation Smile South Africa Board Member and Managing Director, Africa Network for Saatchi & Saatchi 27 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:35 PM Page 28

“They’re not just fixing my face, they’re giving me complete healthcare.”


In November, following a request from the Italian State Department, Operation Smile Italy flew 38 Iraqi children with their parents or guardians, as well as 11 Iraqi doctors to Rome, Italy. Working at Villa San Pietro and Villa Flaminia Hospitals, Operation Smile Italy medical volunteers provided free reconstructive surgery to the children. In addition, they taught a MEDICAL MISSION COUNTRIES Craniofacial Malformation and Traumatology course, which was attended by the Iraqi doctors 1987 Kenya and Italian doctors from surrounding universities. In May, Operation Smile Italy organized a 1993 Gaza Strip/West Bank conference in Rome for all medical directors from Operation Smile’s partner countries in 1993 Russia Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The sessions focused on inter-foundation and chapter 1998 Morocco collaborations in medicine and scientific training that will lead to improved and sustained 2000 Jordan healthcare for children suffering from facial deformities in this region. And finally, Operation 2005 Egypt Smile Italy welcomed its new Chairman of the Board, Santo Versace, president of Gianni 2005 Ethiopia Versace S.p.A., based in Milan, Italy. 2006 South Africa

RESOURCE COUNTRIES “I want to spend more time helping people and transferring my knowledge 2000 Italy to foster the creation of real values. Operation Smile does that through the 2002 United Kingdom face of children and the teaching they provide to doctors and the awareness 2004 Ireland they build around the world for this vital work. When my good friend Dr. Scopelliti invited to me to chair the Italy Chapter Board, I knew there was a REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Gianluca Biavati match in our vision and how we could help these disadvantaged children.” —Santo Versace, Chairman, Operation Smile Italy 28 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:35 PM Page 29

Operation Smile United Kingdom

Operation Smile United Kingdom pledged its financial and volunteer support towards international and local medical missions in India, Kenya, Morocco and Ethiopia that provided life changing surgery to nearly 1,000 children. Additionally, the foundation funded a nursing education program, a Basic Life Support course and a surgical education program in Ethiopia that provided local medical professionals with valuable skills and training that they continue to use each and every day. Operation Smile United Kingdom has also partnered with Operation Smile Morocco in the creation of the first Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Care Center in Northern Africa. This Care Centre, set to open in November 2007, will enable expert Moroccan medical professionals to provide free comprehensive treatment to hundreds of additional Moroccan children each year. Operation Smile United Kingdom raises funds and awareness through a range of innovative fund-raising initiatives including the Hedge Fund Fight Nite and Operation Smile Poker Championship.

“On my recent visit to the Operation Smile medical mission in Oujda, Morocco, I was once again amazed by the talent, commitment and passion of our local and international medical volunteers. Operation Smile United Kingdom is proud to support our local foundations around the world as they continue change the lives of children in need.” —Jeremy Greenhalgh, Chairman, Operation Smile United Kingdom

Operation Smile Ireland In October, Operation Smile Ireland partnered with Operation Smile, Inc. to host the World Summit 2006 at Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort in Adare County, Limerick. Representatives gathered to discuss the organization’s upcoming 25th Anniversary and develop strategies to equip Operation Smile partner countries with the tools needed to increase the number of children treated each year. Operation Smile Ireland, in partnership with the Children’s University Hospital of Dublin, provided free reconstructive surgery for Abdul Kerroumi, a World Care patient from Morocco. This was the first time the Chapter had sponsored a World Care patient. Operation Smile Ireland also launched its website, www.operationsmile.ie

“The surgery, although complex, went well and Abdul’s bravery was incredible. After his surgery, Abdul was visited by the President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, and the Moroccan Ambassador to Ireland, Madame Amina Tounsi.” —Michael Earley, M.D., plastic surgeon volunteer and Operation Smile Ireland Chairman of the Board 29 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:35 PM Page 30

Operation Smile Colombia

Operation Smile Colombia inaugurated its new Center for Integral Attention in Bogotá – the Gilberto Mariño Centro de Atención Integral – with an opening ceremony in April. While the Foundation has "It's not just my mouth, but my been running integral care centers in Bogotá and Duitama for many years, this one includes an operating future that will be changed." and recovery room and provides patients with expanded complementary care services. With a focus on team care, Operation Smile Colombia volunteers provided more than 10,000 interdisciplinary consultations needed for the full development of a child with cleft lip and cleft palate: plastic surgery, anesthesia, pediatrics, nursing, speech therapy, orthodontics, genetics, nutrition, ENT, audiology, psychology and social work. The Foundation is proud of the psychology programs it has developed for its patients, as LATIN AMERICA REGION well as parent support workshops that help ensure the full social inclusion of these children. Operation Smile Colombia ensures that its work is linked with the global norms and protocols on clefts, disabilities and healthcare. It tracks all of its patient services according to the World Health Organizations’ (WHO) International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), and the Foundation is now starting to classify interventions based on the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Using these international guidelines has not only helped Operation Smile Colombia understand and measure the health outcomes of its patients, but also has strengthened its reporting to the National Ministry of Health and now has effective measuring tools to use while advocating for the nationally–recognized greater care and protection for all children living in Colombia with clefts. MEDICAL MISSION COUNTRIES 1988 Colombia “Since we found you, Lina has been in your merciful hands. She is our little Princess, 1991 Panama and we think of her as a blessing who has taught us great life lessons and inspired us 1993 Venezuela to do many things. As parents, we treat her in the same way as our other kids. We are 1993 Nicaragua convinced that love conquers all, and it is this belief that has guided us through this 1995 Ecuador process. We think of children as a precious gift, and our goal for Lina is that she has 1997 Brazil enough family support to live a happy life. Lina is of an age where she is becoming 1997 Honduras more self-aware. We worry that as she begins to grow, other children may not be as 1999 Bolivia understanding of her experience. Children often make fun of differences, and we 1999 Peru already see how Lina tends to become shy and retreat from the world in which she 2005 Paraguay needs to thrive. Operation Smile Colombia has given us hope for Lina through medical 2005 Mexico treatment, surgery, psychology, dentistry, speech therapy, genetics and the special REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT warmness of a wonderful family. What else can we ask, what else can we say. Thank Ellen Agler, M.Sc., M.P.H. you, thank you and a thousand times thank you.” —Yolanda and Juan, Parents of Lina who was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate 30 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:36 PM Page 31

Operation Smile Panama

Operation Smile Panama has partnered with the University of Panama, allowing the Foundation to take its team-care approach to a new level and to continually grow its medical volunteer base. Operation Smile Panama has access to the University’s facilities, and graduate students in the fields of health sciences have the opportunity to train and work with the Foundation’s medical volunteers during medical missions. The Foundation has provided medical education to Panamanian healthcare professionals through Operation Smile’s Critical Nursing Skills Training Program, Biomedical Technician Training Program, as well as Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support courses. Last year, 125 nurses throughout the country were certified in Basic Life Support. In August, Dr. Alberto Moreno was invited to join Mexican superstar, Paulina Rubio, as guests on the popular television show “Don Francisco Presenta,” to highlight the extraordinary work that Operation Smile Latin American volunteers are doing throughout the region.

“I want to thank Operation Smile, Inc. for having chosen me to represent our organization in a show watched by more than 200 million people. There was a lot of applause, and the feeling we projected toward caring for children was very well accepted. It is well known the splendid spirit Latin-American people have for donations when a child’s health is involved.” —Alberto Moreno, M.D., plastic surgeon volunteer and member of the Operation Smile Panama Medical Council

Operation Smile Venezuela

Six biomedical technicians from Venezuela participated in Operation Smile’s Regional Biomedical Technician Training Program which took place in Honduras in January. As a result, the Foundation now has an active biomedical program; biomedical technicians regularly participate on local medical missions and are responsible for setting-up, testing and maintaining the equipment before, during and after Operation Smile Venezuela’s medical missions. Oscar D'León, the internationally recognized Venezuelan salsa singer, is Operation Smile’s first Latin American celebrity to join as a 25th Anniversary Smile Ambassador. D'León recorded a televised public service announcement for Operation Smile Venezuela. In June, D’Leon performed for more than 500 people at the “Let’s Smile with Oscar D'León” concert, raising more than $30,000 for the Foundation.

"I have so much passion for this organization, this cause and these children. I will continue to do everything possible to help bring these children from the darkness to the light. This is my moment as an artist to give back what I have so abundantly received in my career." —Oscar D'León, Venezuelan Singer and 25th Anniversary Smile Ambassador

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Operation Smile Nicaragua

The inaugural international medical mission in Chinandega in January was the first-ever mission to take place outside of Managua. Sponsored by Coen Foundation, located in Chinandega, the Operation Smile medical mission team, along with Operation Smile Nicaragua medical volunteers at the Hospital España, performed 235 physical examinations and provided new smiles to 120 patients. In May, Operation Smile Nicaragua moved into a new office and clinic. This clinic will house consultation rooms and services to provide enhanced follow-up care for patients in the areas of speech therapy "With a new clinic here where I live, I know I'll be taken care of." and orthodontic care. The Foundation now has more than 40 medical volunteers, many of whom have been volunteering for the organization for more than ten years. LATIN AMERICA REGION

Operation Smile Ecuador

The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, was honorary witness in the signing of an agreement between Operation Smile Ecuador and the Institute for the Eco-Development in the Amazon (ECORAE) with the purpose of increasing support for Ecuadorian children living in the Amazon region. Operation Smile Ecuador medical volunteers participated on international MEDICAL MISSION COUNTRIES medical missions to Bolivia, Colombia, Jordan, Paraguay and Peru. Operation Smile Ecuador’s 1988 Colombia 1991 Panama renowned art auction, “Arte a Dos Manos,” took place in June. The event brings together the 1993 Venezuela most important Ecuadorian painters and sculptors with business leaders to raise funds and 1993 Nicaragua awareness for Operation Smile patients and programs in Ecuador. More than 50 articles in 1995 Ecuador print, radio and television were released about Operation Smile Ecuador and were monitored 1997 Brazil by sponsor CREA Communication. One of the most widely read magazines of Ecuador, 1997 Honduras “Revista Vistazo,” included two articles about the event and a profile of Executive Director 1999 Bolivia Pancho Punina. Operation Smile Ecuador was given an award for outstanding Social 1999 Peru Responsibility by the Banco del Pichincha. 2005 Paraguay 2005 Mexico “This is a labor of love, where the work of all of us is united.” REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT —Profesor L. Luís Fernando Suárez, spokesperson for Operation Smile Ecuador Ellen Agler, M.Sc., M.P.H. and Ecuadorian National Soccer Team trainer

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Operation Smile Brazil

Operation Smile Brazil’s focus on growing its programs and volunteer base has resulted in increasing numbers of Brazilian children receiving life-changing surgeries. With four local medical missions, combined with education programs in Natal, Belem, Joinville and Barbalha, Brazilian volunteers have treated more than 140 patients. Operation Smile Brazil launched its highly successful first six-month Post-operative Follow-up Care Program in Fortaleza, where patients who were treated during the international medical mission received follow-up exams by specialists in the fields of plastic surgery, speech patholgy, nutrition, dentistry and social services. The Foundation has formalized its new Medical Council and launched a partnership with the University of São Paulo for a genetics research study on clefting. In December, Operation Smile Brazil also helped sponsor the second annual Brazil Cleft Lip and Palate Congress in São Paulo. Nivaldo Alonso, plastic surgeon and medical director of Operation Smile Brazil, was awarded the Dr. Gilberto Mariño-Contreras International Medical Volunteer Award. This Operation Smile award honors an outstanding medical professional who has demonstrated exemplary service to others and devoted their personal and professional lives to fostering the values of leadership, education and volunteerism.

“Those who participate in an Operation Smile medical mission will never be the same. At the end of each mission we are more receptive, friendlier, kinder and more fulfilled. Operation Smile is HOPE and teaches us to reflect about what we are and not about what we have. We re-evaluate ourselves.” —Francisco Alves Teixeira, M.D., plastic surgeon volunteer and Operation Smile Brazil Medical Council Member

Operation Smile Honduras

Operation Smile Honduras opened its Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Integral Care Clinic in 2006 and thanks to its dedicated volunteers, the Clinic has had a successful first year. Currently, more than 300 patients come on a regular basis for free medical care and psycho-social services the clinic offers in the fields of plastic surgery, pediatrics, speech pathology, orthodontics, nutrition and psychology. More than 1,000 consultations have been conducted by the Foundation’s medical volunteers since the clinic opened. One of Operation Smile Honduras’ most committed speech therapists, Eloisa Membreño, who volunteered at the clinic several times a week, passed away this year. Her patients adored her and miss her.

“Operation Smile arrived in Honduras 10 years ago with a team of foreign volunteers to help our children. As we became involved, we realized that it was our role to meet the needs of our children. Upon inaugurating the clinic’s operating rooms, we are on the right path towards self-sufficiency via excellence, a dream that we have nurtured for a long time and have achieved thanks to the unconditional support of Operation Smile and of kind sponsors and local volunteers. Together we will continue moving forward and creating new smiles together.” —Oscar Sarmiento, M.D., Medical Director, Operation Smile Honduras 33 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:36 PM Page 34

Operation Smile Bolivia

The Banco de Credito partnership continues to be the strongest fund-raising and corporate partnership for Operation Smile Bolivia. For the second year, employees of the Banco de Credito, the largest bank in Bolivia, raised money for the Foundation and organized a nationwide public awareness campaign by placing posters and money collection kits in its banks. In addition, the amount of money its employees raised was matched by the bank. The “Night of Laughter and Smiles,” held annually in Santa Cruz, involves comedians doing stand-up comedy acts and skits to raise money for Operation Smile Bolivia’s programs. Now in its eighth year, the Foundation is planning its first local medical mission.

“I think I can speak on behalf of everyone who participates in these missions when I say that it is impossible to describe the happiness we feel in our hearts; all weariness "Now you can see the smile disappears when we receive something as simple as a child's smile or the hug of a in my heart for you." thankful mother.” —Cecilia Vaca Gómez, Executive Director, Operation Smile Bolivia


Operation Smile Peru

Operation Smile Peru launched a new mission site in Arequipa in October, with funding provided by several mining companies. The site opens up the Foundation’s services to children living in the southern part of the country. Operation Smile Peru continues its collaboration with World Vision Peru to conduct missions in Trujillo. In December, the Foundation held its annual art auction, “Arte por una Sonrisa,” or MEDICAL MISSION COUNTRIES 1988 Colombia “Art for a Smile” raising more than $28,000. This is the sixth year Operation Smile Peru has held a 1991 Panama successful fund-raising event during which Peruvian artists work side-by-side with youth volunteers 1993 Venezuela and Operation Smile patients to create original works of art. Operation Smile Peru has redesigned its 1993 Nicaragua website, www.operacionsonrisa.org.pe 1995 Ecuador 1997 Brazil “To the Operation Smile Team: Through you, God shows that he never forgets. You 1997 Honduras are a battalion of angels determined to change the lives of others through a smile of 1999 Bolivia faith and hope. In the name of the children with clefts, their parents and their families 1999 Peru 2005 Paraguay thank you for your dedication. May God bless you.” 2005 Mexico —Juan Carlos Casamayor T., Operation Smile patient, international medical mission, Lima, Peru, May 2007


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Operation Smile Paraguay

Operation Smile Paraguay has focused its attention on volunteer recruitment and planning its future cleft lip and cleft palate integral care center. The Foundation received permission to build the clinic, and construction for the site began this summer. The Foundation has provided medical education to Paraguayan healthcare professionals through Operation Smile’s Critical Nursing Skills Training Program, Biomedical Technician Training and Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support courses. Operation Smile Paraguay launched its new website www.operacionsonrisa.org.py

“A cleft in a child is a pathology that touches our hearts very deeply. I think that every one of us has an altruistic ideal in life, that for various reasons – work, studies, family, etc. – we forget about sometimes. Operation Smile makes you revisit that ideal, which makes all of us sensible to the needs of our children.” —Carlos Bacchetta, M.D., Medical Director, Operation Smile Paraguay

Operation Smile Mexico, A.C. Operation Smile Mexico, A.C. conducted its first full-scale international medical mission in September at the Instituto Jalisciense de Cirugía Reconstructiva José Guerrerosantos in Guadalajara, where 214 children received free physical examinations and 90 received free surgeries. Seven months later the organization held its first Post-operative Follow-up Care Program; patients who had received care during the inaugural medical mission met with specialists in the fields of plastic surgery, pediatrics, orthodontics, social work, psychology and speech pathology. This spring, Operation Smile Mexico, A.C. provided its volunteers with the opportunity to participate in Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support courses that were organized by Operation Smile and the faculty of the American Heart Association in Mexico. Operation Smile Mexico, A.C. is grateful to the Instituto Jalisciense de Cirugía Reconstructiva José Guerrerosantos, which continues to be a generous host and home base for all the organization’s mission and education programs in Mexico. Operation Smile Mexico, A.C. has received the funding to outfit an upgraded Intensive Care Unit, and as part of the 2007 mission in Guadalajara, a ceremony will take place to launch this new “Operation Smile ICU.”

“Approximately eight years ago in the meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgery, Dr. William Magee and I started a friendly conversation focused on helping children with facial deformities. It was the beginning of a bond between colleagues based on respect and mutual admiration that resulted in what is now the coordination between Jalisco´s Plastic Surgery Institute and Operation Smile. Our teams have benefited from the technical and scientific exchange and have become even more skillful in the care of our patients. With the addition of a new Intensive Care Unit made possible by Operation Smile, children with more complex craniofacial cases will also receive care. Thanks to Dr. Magee and Operation Smile for partnering with us in the care of our children.” —José Guerrerosantos, M.D., Medical Director, Operation Smile Mexico, A.C. 35 5531 OpSmile_Text 10/18/07 3:36 PM Page 36 5531 OpSmile_cvr 10/3/07 4:36 PM Page 1

Please help us stay hopeful. Help us continue to answer the plea in their eyes, the need in their communities. With your time or money, you can join us and tap into the power of hope.

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Please help us stay hopeful. Help us continue to answer the plea in their eyes, the need in their communities. With your time or money, you can join us and tap into the power of hope.
