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:^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM fhe LiTsrary of Agricultural Economics Cornell University Library J931 .K3 Index 3 1924 030 436 236 olin The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. VICTORIA^ &^S.JiX. ;?«oJL<w^ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. IIN^DEX TO THE PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS, REPORTS OF SELECT COMMITTEES, AND RETURNS TO ORDERS, BILLS, ETC. 1851-1909. Compiled by J. M. WORTHINGTON, Cleek of the PArEES. Ordered by the Printing Committee to be printed, 25th February, 1S09. §S ^uthorjtis: J. KEMP, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MBI,®a.f5pB. 3)«- 12,849. i^QUmU DEDICATED TO THE HONOBABLE FRANK MADDEN, M.P., SPEAKER or THB LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OP VICTORIA. BXPLANATOEX NOTES. This General Index embraces Parliamentary Papers, Reports of Select Committees and Royal Commissions, Returns to Orders of the House, and Reports from the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Bills, Resolutions, Motions. Railways J also numerous and Messages from His Excellency the Governor are not Indexed, except in a few instances. Petitions presented during recent years and ordered to be printed are Indexed, and in some other instances where it was thought a refer- ence relating to certain subjects would be useful, the reference is given. All Petitions presented to the Legislative Assembly, whether printed or not, £ie to be found in the Indices to the " Votes and Proceedings" each year under the heading "Petitions." The pages quoted in the Index refer to the " Votes and Proceed- ings," not to Hansard. — — — ii>^i>Ex:.
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