Ofioliti, 2005, 30 (2), 75-84 75 GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF THE KOZIAKAS OPHIOLITIC COMPLEX (WESTERN THESSALY, GREECE) Panagiotis Pomonis*, Basilios Tsikouras and Konstantin Hatzipanagiotou University of Patras, Department of Geology, Section of Earth Materials, Patras, GR-265 00, Greece. * Corresponding author, e-mail:
[email protected]. Keywords: ophiolite, mélange, peridotite, serpentinite. Koziakas, Thessaly. ABSTRACT The Koziakas ophiolitic complex is located in Western Thessaly and is interpreted as a dismembered ophiolite sequence, which overthrust the Western Thessaly Unit (WTU). The Koziakas basal Unit consists of sedimentary rocks and occupies the stratigraphically lowermost members of the WTU. The Ophi- olitic Unit overthrust the WTU and consists, from bottom to top, of a well-developed ophiolitic mélange, a sub-ophiolitic metamorphic sole, serpentinites, ser- pentinized peridotites, peridotites (harzburgite, lherzolite, plagioclase lherzolite), massive dolerites, massive basalts and pillow lavas interlayered with Mn- rich radiolarites. The ophiolitic mélange comprises a chaotic multicoloured complex of various rock fragments. A sparse network of gabbroic (locally rodingi- tized), plagiogranitic and doleritic dykes intrudes the mantle tectonites along two main cross-cutting directions: the first strikes NE-SW and dips 50o-70o to the NW, the second strikes N-S to NNW-SSE with a dip of about 65o-80o to the west. The dominant tectonic fabrics such as shear zones, fold axes, foliation planes and mineral streching lineations, imprinted mainly on the Koziakas mantle tectonites trend NW to NE and are consistent with a NE-SW emplacement direction. The similar radiometric ages and the comparable geological characteristics of the Koziakas ophiolitic complex with its adjacent ophiolite suites of Pindos, Vourinos and Othris imply that they probably developed in the same marginal basin represented by the Pindos ocean basin.