National Park Service Phone Directory.Pdf

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National Park Service Phone Directory.Pdf NPS Site Type Code Region Supt. Address Phone Fax ABRAHAM LINCOLN BIRTHPLACE NHP ABLI SER Bill Justice 2995 Lincoln Farm Road (270) 358-3137 (270) 358-3874 Hodgenville, KY 42748 ACADIA NP ACAD NER Sheridan Steele Eagle Lake Road (207) 288-3338 (207) 288-8709 Box 177 Bar Harbor, ME 04609-0177 ADAMS NHP ADAM NER Marianne Peak 135 Adams Street (617) 773-1177 (617) 471-9683 Quincy, MA 02169-1749 AFRICAN BURIAL GROUND NM AFBG NER Shirley McKinney 290 Broadway (212) 637-2019 (212) 227-2026 New York, NY 10007 AGATE FOSSIL BEDS NM AGFO MWR James Hill 301 River Road (308) 668-2211 (308) 668-2318 Harrison, NE 69346-2743 ALAGNAK WR ALAG AKR Ralph Moore c/o Katmai NP&P (907) 246-3305 (907) 246-2116 P.O. Box 7 King Salmon, AK 99613 ALIBATES FLINT QUARRIES NM ALFL IMR Robert Maguire c/o Lake Merideth NRA (806) 857-3151 (806) 857-2319 P.O. Box 1460 Fritch, TX 79036 ALLEGHENY PORTAGE RAILROAD NHS ALPO NER Stephen Clark 110 Federal Park Road (814) 886-6150 (814) 886-6109 Gallitzin, PA 16641 AMERICAN MEMORIAL PARK Affiliated AMME PWR Barbara Alberti P.O. Box 5198 CHRB (670) 234-7207 (670) 234-6698 Area Saipan, MP 96950 AMISTAD NRA AMIS IMR Alan Cox 4121 Highway 90 West (830) 775-7491 8307757299 Del Rio, TX 78840-9350 ANDERSONVILLE NHS ANDE SER Charles Sellars 496 Cemetery Road (229) 924-0343 (229)928-9640 Andersonville, GA 31711 x101 ANDREW JOHNSON NHS ANJO SER Lizzie Watts 121 Monument Avenue (423) 639-3711 (423) 798-0754 Greeneville, TN 37743-5552 ANIAKCHAK NM ANIA AKR Diane Chung c/o Katmai NP&P (907) 246-3305 (907) 246-2116 P.O. Box 7 King Salmon, AK 99613 ANIAKCHAK NPRES ANIA AKR Diane Chung c/o Katmai NP&P (907) 246-3305 (907) 246-2116 P.O. Box 7 King Salmon, AK 99613 ANTIETAM NB ANTI NCR Susan Trail P.O. Box 158 (301) 432-5124 (301) 342-4590 Sharpsburg, MD 21782 APOSTLE ISLANDS NL APIS MWR Bob Krumenaker 415 Washington Street (715) 779-3397 (715) 779-3049 Bayfield, WI 54814-9599 APPALACHIAN NST APPA *NER, Wendy Janssen c/o Harpers Ferry Center (304) 535 6278 (304) 535-6270 (CT, GA, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY NC, SER P.O. Box 50 PA, TN, VT, VA, WV ) Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 APPOMATTOX COURT HOUSE NHP APCO NER Reed Johnson P.O. Box 218 (434) 352-8987 (434) 352-8330 Route 24 Appomattox, VA 24522 ARCHES NP ARCH IMR Kate Cannon P.O. Box 907 (435) 719-2100 (435) 719-2305 Moab, UT 84532 ARKANSAS POST NMEM ARPO MWR Ed Wood 1741 Old Post Road (870) 548-2207 (870) 548-2431 Gillett, AR 72055-9707 ARLINGTON HOUSE - ROBERT E. LEE NMEM ARHO NCR Alex Romero c/o George Washington (703) 289-2500 (703) 235-1546 MEMORIAL Brandon Bies (site Memorial Parkway manager) Turkey Run Park McLean, VA 22101 ASSATEAGUE ISLAND NS NS ASIS NER Deborah Darden P.O. Box 611 (410) 629-6090 (410) 641-1099 7206 National Seashore Lane Berlin, MD 21811 AZTEC RUINS NM AZRU IMR Larry Turk 725 Ruins Road (505) 334-6174 (505) 334-6372 Aztec, NM 87410 BADLANDS NP BADL MWR vacant P.O. Box 6 (605) 433-5361 (605) 433-5404 25216 Ben Reifel Road Interior, SD 57750-0006 BANDELIER NM BAND IMR Jason Lott 15 Entrance Road (505) 672-3861 (505) 672-9714 Los Alamos, NM 87544-9508 BENT'S OLD FORT NHS BEOL IMR Alexa Roberts 35110 Hwy 194 East (719) 383-5010 (719) 383-2129 La Junta, CO 81050-9523 BERING LAND BRIDGE NPRES BELA AKR Jeanette Pomrenke P.O. Box 220 (907) 443-2522 (907) 443-6139 Nome, AK 99762 BIG BEND NP BIBE IMR Cindy Ott-Jones P.O. Box 129 (432) 477-2251 (432) 477-1172 Big Bend, TX 79834-0129 (432) 477-2810 BIG CYPRESS NP&PRES BICY SER J D Lee (acting) 33100 Tamiami Trail East (239) 695-2000 (239) 695-0416 Ochopee, FL 34141-9710 BIG HOLE NB BIHO PWR vacant P.O. Box 237 (406) 689-3155 (406) 689-3151 16425 Highway 43 West Wisdom, MT 59761-0137 BIG SOUTH FORK NR&RA BISO SER Niki Nicholas 4564 Leatherwood Road (423) 569-9778 (423) 569-5505 Oneida, TN 37841 BIG THICKET NP&PRES BITH IMR Wayne Prokopetz 6044 FM 420 (409) 951-6800 (409) 951-6714 Kountze, TX 77625 BIGHORN CANYON NRA BICA IMR John Bundy P.O. Box 7458 (406) 666-2412 (406) 666-2415 5 Avenue B Ft. Smith, MT 59035 BISCAYNE NP BISC SER Brian Carlstrom 9700 SW 328th Street (305) 230-1144 (305) 230-1190 Homestead, FL 33033-5634 BLACK CANYON OF THE GUNNISON NP BLCA IMR Bruce Noble 102 Elk Creek (970) 641-2337 9706413127 Gunnison, CO 81230 BLACKSTONE RIVER VALLEY NHP BLAC NER Meghan Kish One Depot Square (508) 996-4095 Woonsocket, RI 02985 x6100 BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY PW BLRI SER Mark Woods 199 Hemphill Knob Road (828) 271-4779 (828) 271-4117 Asheville, NC 28803 BLUESTONE NSR BLUE NER Trish Kicklighter P.O. Box 246 (304) 465-0508 (304) 465-5463 Glen Jean, WV 25846-0246 BOOKER T. WASHINGTON NM NM BOWA NER Carla Whitfield 12130 Booker T. Washington (540) 721-2094 5407218311 Highway Hardy, VA 24101 BOSTON NHP BOST NER Michael Creasy Charlestown Navy Yard (617) 242-5644 6172426006 Boston, MA 02129-4543 BOSTON AFRICAN AMERICAN NHS BOAF NER Michael Creasy 14 Beacon St., Suite 503 (617) 742-5415 6172426006 Boston, MA 02108 BOSTON HARBOR ISLANDS NRA BOHA NER Michael Creasy 408 Atlantic Avenue (617) 223-8666 6172238671 Suite 228 Boston, MA 02210-3350 BRICES CROSS ROADS NATIONAL OTHER BRCR SER Mary Risser 2680 Natchez Trace Parkway (662) 680-4025 (662) 680-4033 BATTLEFIELD SITE Tupelo, MS 38804 BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION NHS BRVB MWR Sherda K. Williams 1515 SE Monroe Street (785) 354-4273 7853547213 Topeka, KS 66612-1143 BRYCE CANYON NP BRCA IMR Lisa Eckert P.O. Box 640201 (435) 834-5322 4358344107 Bryce Canyon, UT 84764 BUCK ISLAND REEF NM BUIS SER Joel Tutein Danish Custom House, (340) 773-1460 (340) 773-5995 Kings Wharf 2100 Church Street #100 Christiansted, VI 00820-4611 BUFFALO NR BUFF MWR Kevin Cheri 402 North Walnut (870) 365-2700 8707417286 Suite 136 Harrison, AR 72601-1173 CABRILLO NM CABR PWR Tom Workman 1800 Cabrillo Memorial Drive 6195575450 6195575469 San Diego, CA 92106-3601 CANAVERAL NS CANA SER Myrna Palfrey 212 S. Washington Avenue (321) 267-1110 (321) 264-2906 Titusville, FL 32796 CANE RIVER CREOLE NATIONAL OTHER CARI SER Laura Gates 400 Rapides Drive (318) 352-0383 (318) 352-4549 HISTORICAL PARK & HERITAGE AREA Natchitoches, LA 71457 CANYON DE CHELLY NM CACH IMR Lloyd Masayumptewa P.O. Box 588 9286745500 9286745507 Chinle, AZ 86503 CANYONLANDS NP CANY IMR Kate Cannon 2282 S. West Resource Blvd (435) 719-2100 4357192300 Moab, UT 84532 CAPE COD NS CACO NER George Price 99 Marconi Station Site Road (508) 771-2144 5083499052 Wellfleet, MA 02667 CAPE HATTERAS NS CAHA SER Dave Hallac 1401 National Park Road (252) 475-9034 (252) 473-2595 Manteo, NC 27954 CAPE KRUSENSTERN NM CAKR AKR Frank Hays c/o Western Arctic Parklands 9074423890 9074428316 P.O. 1029 Kotzebue, AK 99752 CAPE LOOKOUT NS CALO SER Pat (Patrick) Kenney 131 Charles Street (252)728-2250 (252) 728-2160 Harkers Island, NC 28531 CAPITOL REEF NP CARE IMR Leah McGinnis HC 70, Box 15 (435) 425-3791 (435) 425-3026 Torrey, UT 84775-9602 CAPULIN VOLCANO NM CAVO IMR Peter Armato P.O. Box 40 (575) 278-2201 (575) 278-2211 Des Moines, NM 88418 CARL SANDBURG HOME NHS CARL SER Tyrone Brandyburg 81 Carl Sandburg Lane (828) 693-4178 (829) 693-4179 Flat Rock, NC 28731-9766 CARLSBAD CAVERNS NP CAVE IMR Douglas Neighbor 3225 National Parks Hwy (575) 885-8884 (575) 885-4557 Carlsbad, NM 88220 CARTER G. WOODSON HOME NHS CAWO NCR Robert Parker, Site c/o Mary McLeod Bethune (202) 673-2402 Manager Council House 1318 Vermont Ave., NW Washington, DC 20005 CASA GRANDE RUINS NM CAGR IMR Karl Pierce 1100 West Ruins Drive (520) 723-3172 (520) 723-7209 Coolidge, AZ 85128 CASTILLO de SAN MARCOS NM CASA SER Gordon Wilson 1South Castillo Drive (904) 829-6506 (904) 823-9388 St. Augustine, FL 32084 CASTLE CLINTON NM CACL NER Shirley McKinney c/o Manhattan Sites 2123443266 2126682564 US Customs House 1 Bowling Green New York, NY 10005 CATOCTIN MOUNTAIN PARK CAMO NCR Mel Poole 6602 Foxville Road (301) 663-9388 3012712764 Thurmont, MD 21788-1598 CEDAR BREAKS NM CEBR IMR Paul Roelandt 2390 W. Hwy 56, #11 4355869451 4355863813 Cedar City, UT 84720 CEDAR CREEK & BELLE GROVE NHP CEBE NER Amy Bracewell 7718 1/2 Main Street 5408689176 5408694527 P.O. Box 700 Middletown, VA 22645 CESAR E. CHAVEZ NM CECH PWR Ruben Andrade 29700 Woodford Tehachapi (661) 823-6134 Road Keene CA 93531 CHACO CULTURE NHP CHCU IMR Larry Turk P.O. Box 220 (505) 786-7014 (505) 786-7061 Nageezi, NM 87037 CHAMIZAL NMEM CHAM IMR Gus Sanchez 800 South San Marcial St 9155327273 9155327240 El Paso, TX 79905-4123 CHANNEL ISLANDS NP CHIS PWR Russell Galipeau 1901 Spinnaker Drive 8056585700 8056585799 Ventura, CA 93001 CHARLES PINCKNEY NHS CHPI SER Bob Dodson 1214 Middle Street (843) 881-5516 (843) 881-7070 Sullivan's Island, SC 29482 CHARLES YOUNG BUFFALO NM CHYO MWR Joy Kinard 1120 US Route 42 E (513) 607-0315 SOLDIERS Xenia, Ohio 45385 CHATTAHOOCHEE NRA CHAT SER Bill Cox 1978 Island Ford Parkway (678)-538-1210 (770) 392-7045 Atlanta, GA 30350-3400 CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL NHP CHOH NCR Kevin Brandt 1850 Dual Highway 3017142201 3017396179 Suite 100 Hagerstown, MD 21740 CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA NMP CHCH SER Brad Bennett P.O.

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